21st January 2024

It's official I have taken the plunge into creative writing. Check out my new evolving story I am working on called "The Surrender Chronicles: A Week of Unleashed Desires". Leave me comments and tell me what you think. Let me know if you want more stories such as that (once that is finished of course). How about stories from our slaves or our other Dom(mes)?


We have officially teamed up with the staff over at SubmissiveTasks.com and will be combining our sites. Submissive Tasks content will slowly be brought over to this site. Please be patient as we grow!

Welcome to the House of Victoria also known as the Cathedral of No Mercy, here at the Cathedral our focus is on training male submissives, female submissives, and empowering future FemDoms. We have several instructors who have devoted time and energy in to honing their craft, and now share that knowledge with you.

Some of the Cathedral's house slaves, sissies, and other submissives will also be sharing their knowledge with you.

Combined there is over 100 years of FemDom knowledge at the Cathedral, and over 70 years of submissive knowledge.

Delve in and begin your journey, whatever that journey may be.