I have designed this guide for women. If you desire control of a man, or wish to understand the nature of submissive men, this program will help you to achieve your goals.
The main program acknowledges that many women get into FemDom because their man likes it. I can assure you that he will be only too eager for you to get into the main sections. After all, he may well have purchased the program for you. But before you get started, take a little time to consider yourself. Read my introductions and see how much fun it can be for us women, once we get started.
He may think you are doing it to please him. But you may well find, as I have, that dominating your man is addictive and sensual. What is even better is that they are so eager to fall at our feet and let us rule the roost. After you have been using my program for a few months, he will no longer be sure just who is getting the most out of it...
him or You.
[[A Womans Guide ]] I recommend starting with the home with hubby, just remember hubby could be anyone that is your subordinate
[[Home With hubby (Mistress Christine's Introduction. Part One)]]
[[Work And Play (In The Car, At The Restaurant, In The Pub).]]
[[Controlling his Masturbation, Chastity, Humiliation, Punishment.]]
[[Sexual Use. Ways To Take Your Pleasure And Maintain The Fantasy.]]
[[Some Final Thoughts - Return to Welcome.]]This is the primary menu for the "Home with hubby" section. I recommend working through them one at a time, but feel free to choose them in any order.
[[Mistress Christine's Introduction. Part One]]
[[Breakfast And Starting The Day Right. ]]
[[Mornings And Roles To Switch The Mood. ]]
[[Daytime And Easing him Into Submission. ]]
[[Evenings And Keeping him Waiting]]
Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.In this guide to FemDom I have spent much time looking at FemDom from both the perspective of the man and of the Woman.
But in these personal sections I am going to concentrate on the benefits of FemDom for the Woman, from my own personal experience.
The whole concept frightened and shocked me at first, because the books David showed me had whip wielding women in long boots.
Beatings, chains and chastity belts hardly seemed a normal way to behave.
But FemDom need not be anything like that.
If you want the whips and chains, then feel free to indulge.
But if those things turn you off, you can have a lot of fun with FemDom in ways that will seem much more normal to you.
In fact you can make FemDom do for you, anything you want it to.
Would you like to be comfortable in the knowledge that your man is completely devoted to you?
Would you like an attentive and romantic husband?
Would you prefer he decorated the spare room and seemed happy about doing it?
FemDom can be as simple as getting the things you want.
Would you like breakfast in bed without asking?
Maybe you would like him to get up earlier on Sunday mornings.
When was the last time he took you out or brought you flowers?
I am not advocating that women use their sexual guile to dominate unwilling male victims.
Just willing ones!
My goal is to help women enjoy themselves once they discover their dominance.
It was all strange to me once, but I have found so much in FemDom that gives me pleasure, and I want you to be able to relax and enjoy it as I do.
If you want to dominate your man, you will feel more comfortable after you have acquired the skills to do so.
As a couple you will be able to adjust and fine tune your relationship in ways that are mutually pleasing to both of you.
Many men are slaves to the equipment that hangs between their legs. Does this fact bring you pleasure or irritation?
Are you using this information to make your man just what you want him to be?
As you play with this program, do not feel you have to do everything. The ideas are presented so that you can select those that appeal to you.
Use the ideas and tricks you read about to your advantage and he will be the happier for it. Strange, but true!
Here is a simple example of how you can use sex to manipulate your man, show your dominance, get things done, and make him happier in the process.
You have been dropping hints about the garden for weeks and he has seemingly not noticed. It is Sunday morning and he is asleep in bed. You have been up a while and you are considering waking him with a cup of tea.
Don't bother.
Go into the bedroom. Climb up on to the bed, pull back the covers and sit on his chest.
Start playing with his penis until he gets excited.
Shift back and smother him beneath your bottom.
Bring him up until he is excited and on the verge of ejaculation. Then climb off and leave the room.
As you get to the bedroom door simply announce before leaving:
"No more sex for you until the front lawn is mowed."
He will most likely be up and about in no time flat.
But what about after the lawn is mowed? I hear you ask. Will I have to have sex with him, even if I'm not in the mood?
Of course not!
You can simply tell him you are not in the mood and give him something else to do. Perhaps have him take you shopping.
"You can wait until I'm in the mood, can't you dear?"
If he is cheeky and says he cannot wait, then dismiss him angrily.
"If you can't play by my rules, then go and toss off somewhere. I want nothing to do with you unless you are prepared to please Me!"
It is my certain knowledge that there are a great many men who would enjoy the emotional release of giving control and power to a Woman.
Just as there are many women who would, given the knowledge and ability, enjoy having that power.
Unfortunately our society forces these desires into secret and hidden recesses of our minds. We are taught that such ideas are socially unacceptable.
This leaves men unable to yield control and power, and women unable to express it.
If you try some of my techniques on a man, and he responds well, then you have released him from a prison society placed him in.
In so doing, you too will gain from being released from similar constrictions.
If he is a good boy and does what you tell him, you might reward him when you feel like it. If you don't feel like rewarding him, tell him so.
"You've been very good and pleased me today. Maybe tomorrow I'll give you a treat."
I think it likely that many women who use my techniques will do so at the instigation of a male who has by so doing signalled his acceptance of her control.
If he responds then he is either willing, or loves you so deeply that he wishes to please you.
Who could object to a relationship that expresses that reality?
You may find it strange that he would respond to such domination.
You may think I wouldn't let a person treat me like that, why is he letting me do this to him?
Do not let this bother you. It doesn't make him strange or weak willed.
You will find he is as strong, if not stronger in his business or workaday life after you start dominating him.
One of the major problems in his life has just been resolved for him.
He no longer has to worry about sex, because you are taking the lead in this area.
He knows where he stands. The rules are clearer.
This is often hard for a woman who is not ruled from between her legs to understand.
But try it and see how he improves in other areas of life, just simply by being told firmly what he can have and when.
It is possible that you currently have no suitable partner, and that you desire a submissive one. I say to you quite simply, if he doesn't like what you do to him he is free to leave!
Please feel free to indulge yourself, you will only be rectifying a societal imbalance. There are more submissive men than dominant women. So enjoy yourself!
If you love him, but want to make him obedient and loyal, then you owe it to yourself to make your relationship an honest reflection of that fact.
Why live a lie? Why be trapped into a mould that society has defined?
If you do not love him, but want simply to enjoy your power over the male sex, then why not?
That power is a fact of life, he wants you and you can dictate your terms.
Is it a sin for a woman to enjoy herself and her sexuality? No of course not, for again I say quite simply, if he doesn't like it, he wouldn't be there!
If you decide to be a dominant woman, you can make at least one man very happy. But you can also gain in many ways yourself.
As a dominant woman you will benefit from the reality which we women have suffered from for too long.
We are brought up to shy away from the dominant and forceful side of our characters.
Men are reared in such a way that puts pressure on them to take the dominant role in all things.
This all helps to create a situation in which there is an enormous population of secret male submissives, looking for a way to escape from the role life has forced them into, and very few women prepared to openly accept the role of dominant.
You will have the law of supply and demand on your side. All you have to do is show that you are dominant and soon you could have a queue of men at your heels wishing you to run their (sex) lives for them.
It is not simple, however, to make it known to all and sundry that you are into Fem Dom, just as it is not easy for men to make it known that they are submissives.
The very societal pressures that create the situation are there to hinder you from being too open.
There are a few badges that you can use: seamed black stockings; stiletto heeled shoes; long black boots; leather clothes of any description in black.
Wearing these will always suggest to the submissive that you might just be the Lady of his dreams, and Oh!... How he wishes it were so.
The rest of society will just see you as one very sexy Lady.
Hang a bull whip over your mantelpiece as decoration.
Leave a riding switch on the back shelf of your car.
Both are meaningless to the ignorant, but to the submissive they hint at a possibility he has been searching for all his life: A woman who understands him and his desires.
Would You Like To Continue
With The Second Part Of
Mistress Christine's Introduction?
[[Yes, I Would]]
[[Home With hubby (Mistress Christine's Introduction. Part One)]] **Breakfast And Starting The Day Right**
It being leisure time, we might assume that one of you will stay in bed for a cup of tea. The other will be up and about first.
The major disadvantage of playing roles such as Mistress and slave is the lack of flexibility in the roles. This can lead to boring repetition of unreal situations.
Real life can be more fun!
For instance, by not automatically assuming that the Dominant Woman will always be in bed and the victim up and about first, we can immediately create a limited degree of variety.
Equally there are many choices you can make which will affect the ideas presented to you and increase the amount of variety.
Who Wakes up first
[[I Wake Up First]]
[[He Wakes Up First]]**Mornings And Roles To Switch The Mood**
If your outfit suggests dominance like rubber or black pvc, then he may feel intimidated and not make a sexual approach himself.
In these circumstances it is best to make your wishes clear, interrupt whatever he is doing and order:
"Go to the bedroom, strip off and stand in the corner facing the wall. I want a naked sex slave today."
Orders like, Get your cock hard! are tricky, as this might provoke performance anxiety and the worry will stop him getting an erection. Better to order:
"Don't get an erection without permission, remember you are a sex slave not my lover!"
It doesn't matter that such an order will probably provoke the erection anyway, for if you notice one you simply say:
"That's six strokes you've earned so far, don't disobey me again."
The punishment can be administered on another day, when you are not in the mood for sex yourself.
Forbidding erections can also be used to deny him subsequent orgasm.
"No, you can't come because you got an erection without permission. When you learn to only get hard upon my orders you will be a perfect sex slave. In the meantime going without will teach you a lesson."
As you are in the mood for sex, you may not want to be fully dressed.
Certain accessories suggest dominance; long black gloves, steel studded wrist bands, a black choker all worn with black lingerie, high heels and black seamed stockings.
Such an outfit might provoke a sexual approach, depending on who is the mover in your relationship.
But submissive men prefer there to be no doubt in these matters, they prefer to be powerless. So a pair of handcuffs is an ideal way to put his mind at rest.
You arrive in his presence dressed for sex and without comment you simply click the handcuffs in place on one wrist, then pulling his hands behind his back you lock his arms together.
Then lead him to the bedroom by grabbing his belt and pulling him behind you or perhaps unzipping him and leading him by his penis.
The silence throughout your action serves to emphasise that no explanation is necessary, he is just a possession to be used.
If you plan to play doggy games you might put a dog's lead around his neck and lead him to your room that way.
If you are to make him provide sex as a doggy it is best to only use his tongue.
Let's face it no woman would let a doggy paw her, nor would she countenance using it's dick, but she might let doggy lick her feet until she was in the mood.
Then Mistress might say:
"I want Fido to lick my arsehole, doggies like arseholes, don't they?"
[[Show Me More Doggie Ideas->Doggy Gets None]]
[[No Doggie Ideas Right Now->his dressed]]**Daytime And Easing him Into Submission**
In this section we will assume that neither of you has anything so urgent to do that you cannot put it off until tomorrow.
It is possible that you have already started playing and while he is being kept busy somewhere you have entered the program for ideas to introduce a little variation into your role play.
Alternatively nothing is happening right now and you want to look at possible ways to (t)ease him into a submissive role.
[[Game, Is Not Under Way]]
[[Fun Ideas->More Fun Ideas]] Double-click this passage to edit it.Tease and Train
It is essential to keep the male in a heightened state of sexual frustration and attraction to you.
For this reason it is important that you go out of your way to remain erotic, sensual and stimulating.
The key to keeping control lies in the sex drive, you must do your best to understand his physiological condition.
If you were training dogs or horses you would study the physiology as well as the psychology, so it is with men.
You must get the measure of his sex drive, how much activity does he seem to need, when does he get excited: mornings, evenings or both.
When a man's body presents him with the physiological condition to perform he lets his mind wander onto his desires and fantasies.
Sometimes he will indulge himself in masturbation, sometimes he will make a pass at a woman.
Your task is to outpace his sexuality, to train him to only respond to you and not to let his mind wander into fantasy, or God forbid, eyeing another Woman.
When a man is physiologically rampant then you must try to make sure that the first thought that occurs to him is to look in your direction and to desire you, not to indulge himself or fantasise about other women or other activities.
At least until you are fully satisfied that he is trained, then of course he will only ever fantasise about you and always about being allowed a little more than you allow him.
Initially this means very hard work on your part, keeping ahead of the game.
Later I deal with how to make this easier on you, when he is under control.
Nothing is more attractive to the male than an aroused Woman.
It is after all why we wear make up, invented by powerful women who knew how to keep control.
As Mistresses we must make sure that the male is made to feel as inferior as he wants you to pretend or believe he is.
Clothes play a key role in this respect; little makes a man feel more inferior than being naked and controlled by a fully dressed Woman.
Be provocative and sexy, use the technique of Can you wait until later for your treat?
Go to him and grip his penis, firmly in your right hand as though it is a handle or lead.
As you face him holding the key to your power, look him in the eyes and say:
"Will you wait for it, to please Me?"
What real choice has he? Rape? Unlikely! An argument? No! He will not want to spoil the promise of a treat later!
If he refuses to play it your way then suggest he does it while you watch.
Either way you have taken another step towards learning how to manipulate the male.
If, as is likely, he plays it your way then you have ensured that if he does later succumb to temptation and indulge himself, it will be you he is thinking of.
Say something like:
"I'll be getting hot all day, thinking of you excited and waiting, just to please me".
Watch him get dressed and as he zips in what should be an erect prick you could say:
"Don't spoil it for me by coming before I'm ready for you, will you?"
Your first tentative step towards control over his masturbation.
A private and secluded garden, or physical work like decorating indoors, is perfect for this scheme as you could have him work naked all day, just to turn me on you say.
You of course would be well dressed and doing little chores and supervising while watching him.
If it is well played he is getting turned on by thinking he is turning you on.
Maybe it will.
The changes in you will have been appreciated by him. He may not like them wholly but he will be appreciating the increased sexual activity. Even if not all of it is to his taste.
You are gradually turning him on to submissive sex.
Whenever I am naked or scantily dressed I make sure that the male is in an inferior position, kneeling, standing in a corner, or being used as a footrest.
Unless of course he has yet to recognise his submission to me, then I am provocative in the extreme, until I have him rampant and therefore controllable.
Always encourage a man to sit on the floor by your feet or opposite you. If your feet are tired ask him to massage them for you.
When you have manipulated a man into the situation of sexual arousal then do not waste the opportunity. Come on strong until he is panting; then demand something unusual.
In these early stages it is important that you avoid actual intercourse.
You should prefer methods of stimulation that involve a great deal of personal and selfless attention by the male.
At this stage you may not be ready to actually deny him orgasm. However you should be able to control the way it is achieved.
You should be able to advocate delay of his pleasure in order to make it better for both of you.
If he is given an orgasm it is always after yours.
The only exception to this is in situations where you deliberately manipulate a failure on his part.
Situations that involve him coming too soon can be used to manipulate future changes in his behaviour.
A perfect opportunity for moulding the psychology of the male occurs with regular frequency.
It is nearly always missed by the average woman.
The male is often rampant many times in a day. He sometimes has a higher sex drive than the woman he lives with.
When he makes a pass for a woman he desires, she sometimes rejects his advances because she is not in the mood.
As previously discussed she could tease him into waiting until later.
There is, however, one obvious alternative.
Take the man's advances and manipulate a situation that involves his coming too soon.
Be passionate, indulge in lots of stimulation of his genitalia. Heavy petting and fervent kissing with your hand inside his trousers can often achieve his ejaculation in his pants.
Something which causes you to lose the mood.
He has failed. A humiliation for the male. Future weaponry for you.
When giving a male an orgasm, it is often useful to pretend to be turned on by seeing it achieved in a particular way.
Watching him wank.
Enjoying watching his bum movements as he fucks a pillow.
Sitting on his face while you watch him masturbate.
If you go out of your way to excite your man when you are not in the mood yourself, then a good plan is to let him think you are really very turned on.
Sitting on his face while you stimulate him can be used as foreplay, sixty nine is a common foreplay position.
It is an excellent position in which to manipulate the man into coming too soon, which leads to your apparent subsequent disappointment.
You can then remain there silently until he is restless to make a move.
You then say:
"I'm not in the mood now"
Remaining where you are and leaving a significant pause, waiting for his apology.
Whether or not he apologises you could say:
"You are in the perfect position to say you're sorry".
[[Continue to next section]]**Stick and Carrot**
All you have to do is stimulate him and restrict or control his methods of fulfillment and you can guarantee that your man will accept any regime you dictate.
Be sure to inform him if any other man has shown an interest in you, maybe invent a few to increase his jealousy and keep him aware of how lucky he is to be kept around.
At some stage you may want to introduce the Stick but never forget that the Carrot is as important as the stick and a system of rewards for good behaviour can be almost as much fun as punishment.
Introducing a man to the Carrot is a prerequisite to introducing the Stick.
You have to find a way to make the man eventually acknowledge openly, your power and authority.
He has to be brought to the stage where he takes orders and obeys them before you bring in a punishment regime.
You must stay at the stage of manipulating the male with sex for as long as it takes for the man to get used to all the kinky ways you have introduced him to.
He must already be deferring to your authority about when and what you do. If he isn't then you are not getting control of the sex drive.
Keep at it until the only sex that takes place, is that which you have either instigated or control, in an obviously superior manner.
Intercourse when he makes a pass is something you can reintroduce later if it pleases you.
But for now it should be a thing of the past.
Only after his will has been broken to the stick, is it safe to permit such treats.
The key to training him to take orders is obviously the withdrawal of all or part of what he has now become used to, whenever he does not obey an instruction.
Also the offer of intercourse, if he shows an intense desire for it, can be used as a promised reward for obedience.
Softly at first, get him worshipping your feet or anus. Then say:
"I like the way we have become, do you?"
An affirmative answer is likely.
If not then you will have to withdraw from sexual activity with him and return to locking him out of your room while you masturbate, refusing his advances, titillating and teasing but giving nothing.
Taking your own pleasure loudly, or pretending to, until he accepts it is your way, or nothing.
The next step is saying:
"I would like us to go much further, would you?"
A confused response is likely, if you get an affirmative then you should have no problems.
"Don't stop worshipping... I want you to worship and listen to me... I want you to worship while you think about how you are going to reply when I finish talking".
You will then explain that you have noticed that whenever he does what you ask of him, you get turned on.
However, occasionally he is less than cooperative and that puts you off sex with him.
"So from now on I want you to obey any instructions I give you.... Will you?"
That is the big question, and once over that hurdle you can gradually step up the level of orders.
Initially though the orders must be simple and easy to accept, his reply will probably be to question rather than a yes or no.
You say:
"Well, for instance the dishes are dirty. Go and wash them up and then come back here".
If he is reluctant then say:
"There that's what I mean. You're putting me in a bad mood. I want you to willingly rush off to do what I ask."
Initially if he cooperates, reward each occasion of obedience.
Start on the first occasion with an orgasm for him.
Later on, a word or two in his ear while you rub him through his trousers is enough to promise future reward for obedience.
"That's a good boy. I'll have a treat for you later".
My slave is now at the stage that when he is working hard and obeying orders, I notice it and say something like:
"Kneel, I have a reward for you."
Standing in front of the kneeling slave I lift my dress and drop it down over his head.
I hold his head against my vulva while I stand for a few minutes, sometimes for as long as I can stand still.
Then I lift my dress over him and patting him on the head I say:
"That's a good boy, carry on with your work, maybe later... Eh slave".
Gradually you will move him to the stage where he rushes to do your bidding almost all of the time.
Sometimes you will have to say when he has been disobedient.:
"No, go away, you've put me in a bad mood"
Sometimes you will have to revert to the locked door and the moaning noises when he doesn't deserve a reward.
Eventually just being allowed to assist in your pleasure is a reward in itself.
During the whole of this period you, must keep up the level of sexual attraction, activity and excitement in accordance with the principles already outlined.
He must be able to compare the present with the past and decide for himself that he prefers the present, even if it is not wholly likeable to him to obey a Woman.
Once you have established the Carrot as the primary motivating factor you can introduce the Stick.
Just as you reward him when he is good, you must punish him when he is bad.
He needs an excuse to accept the stick and now you have given him that excuse in the form of the Carrot, he will be much happier if you now beat him when he is bad.
Would You Like To Continue
With The Third Part Of
Mistress Christine's Introduction?
[[Yes, Take me to 3rd part of the introduction]]
[[Not, at this time ->Home With hubby (Mistress Christine's Introduction. Part One)]]
**Ms. Christine says have fun: Regulated and Controlled**
When you are ready, experienced, skilled and powerful enough; you may wish to introduce a new regime including punishment.
At first you may feel some guilt, especially if you find you get some strange pleasure from punishing a man.
This guilt is natural and healthy, it means you are not an abusive person.
But please remember that he is enjoying it too. So it is thoroughly healthy to enjoy yourself, despite the fact that it may seem sadistic.
This is consensual role play. Discipline applied because you love him, and he wants it.
If he did not want it, he wouldn't be there!
It is perfectly natural to feel the thrill of exerting such power and indulging in cruelty.
What distinguishes us from the real sadists of the world is the fact that we only let ourselves enjoy it when our partner wants it.
He wants your control. So it is not a sin to take pleasure in it!
Deliver a lecture upon the introduction of a punishment regime and answer any questions that arise quite calmly and matter of factly.
Explain your reasons for introducing a new regime, explain the faults you are attempting to correct. Be sure the slave understands the objectives that you wish to achieve.
If your objective is, for instance, total male chastity, then explain why you believe such a state is desirable.
Never make the goals impossible, but make them very hard so as to keep him busy and on his toes.
Whenever I lecture a slave I make sure he is in a position likely to excite him. I usually give him his orders for the day first thing after I rise in the morning.
I walk into the kitchen and if he isn't already falling to his knees to kiss the hem of my skirt, in accordance with my instructions, then I snap my fingers which is the signal to kiss my stiletto heels.
When I tire of this ritualised showing of respect then I kick him into a lying position on his back and stand astride his head with my heels gripping his neck.
I do not look down at him as eye to eye contact is likely to ruin the atmosphere of coolness and distance already created by my attitude.
I lecture him about any recent behaviour defects I have noticed, allocate tasks for the day, question him about his recent behaviour, and inform him of any punishment points against him.
Sometimes I inform him that a particular person fancies me, or maybe invent a few, to increase his jealousy and keep him aware of how lucky he is I keep him around.
Then I about face and look down at his erection, it is certain to be there as he has been put in a position where he can hardly avoid looking up my skirt, something which seldom fails to excite a man.
Dropping to my knees and sitting on his face I get his prick out of his trousers, if he's been allowed to wear any, and slap it about, informing him of the extra punishment he has earned by not paying attention to his instructions, lusting, ogling, et cetera.
Such treatment is an excellent way to start a day and keep the male aware of his inferior position, not to mention frustrated and humiliated, and generally not knowing his arse from his elbow.
I give here an example of a punishment system specifically geared towards the manipulation of male sexuality. You will notice that the system punishes offences even when permission was given.
There are several reasons for this; the first is that with a fully trained slave life can get boring. He becomes so obedient that all your excuses to punish, torment and manipulate gradually disappear.
The second is that the points are not really to decide what punishment to give, although he is led to believe they are.
The real reason for the points is that you can appear to be strict but fair.
The appearance of fairness, while being cruel, can be highly amusing to the dominant, which increases the humiliation of the slave.
In the doggy game you use a limited communication system to help you manipulate whilst pretending to be totally fair.
In my punishment system I use points to achieve the same objective.
First, I explain to the slave why and how it is for his own good that I control him.
I then unveil to him in a lecture, the new regime and extract his agreement that it is fair and just.
Sometimes it is necessary to use a limited communication system during the lecture to ensure that he agrees.
One of the real pleasures of Domination is, for me, extracting the submissive's cooperation through discussion.
It gives me great pleasure to sit and have a normal intellectual conversation with a man and wrest an admission of the justice of my domination from him.
True domination is achieved by using your sexual power to psychologically change and manipulate a man's opinions.
The third and perhaps most important reason, is also the reason for having a system at all. It is that Female Dominants and submissives must grow in the same way that other couples do.
Any relationship that does not grow becomes boring, even stagnant.
By having a system, one can tinker with it, change it and rearrange it. Always taking account of and controlling the growth.
An unchanging relationship cannot be a growing one.
[[Next Section: Punishment System -> The Punishment System]]
[[Subordinate Masturbation]]
[[Home With hubby (Mistress Christine's Introduction. Part One)]] **The Punishment System**
Lust, Ogling and/or Erections when detected are each penalised by two punishment points. Unless permission has been granted, then the penalty is one point.
Wanking without an express order is penalised by four punishment points per minute. With permission the penalty is reduced to one point per minute.
Ejaculation is penalised by thirteen punishment points. If no specific instruction to ejaculate was given then the penalty is fifty points.
Failure to show proper respect, bad manners, wrong attitude, un-gentlemanly behaviour, laziness, untidiness, complaining et cetera, are all punished in accordance with the Mistress' current whim, often on the spot.
A record of points against the slave must be kept and the slave advised, where possible, the points awarded against him and the running total.
When punishment or humiliation is administered the total is reduced in accordance with the following scale.
Some punishment ideas:
[[Hand spanking]]
[[Severe Whipping & Beatings]]
[[Toilet Treatment]]
[[Next Section - Penis Torture & Chastity]]
[[Work And Play (In The Car, At The Restaurant, In The Pub).]] **Hand spanking**
A punishment best given on the spot for attitude defects, one point for each six slaps.
Hand spanking is best given over the knee with the trousers around the ankles.
It should be made further humiliating by lecturing the disrobed male before, during and after punishment in the manner of talking to a little boy.
"You are a rude ill mannered little boy and deserve a good hiding."
Theatricality is one of your best tools in the humiliation and psychological manipulation of the male.
[[Severe Whipping & Beatings]]
[[Toilet Treatment]]
[[Next Section - Penis Torture & Chastity]]
[[Work And Play (In The Car, At The Restaurant, In The Pub).]] **Caning**
Best given in the form of six of the best.
One does not need to demonstrate anger. Simple firmness, and the phraseology one might use with a schoolboy is best.
If he is wearing them, the male is made to drop his trousers and underpants to his ankles. He is then ordered into a suitable position, perhaps over a chair.
But if he is up to it I prefer:-
"Touch your toes lad and no whimpering I'm going to give you six of the best."
Deduct one point per stroke, if more strokes are desired increase the punishment in units of six.
Always refer to him as boy, laddie, my lad, or any other similar phrase chosen to emphasise his inferior status.
"You move again laddie and I'll have to give you another six."
The phraseology is always designed to emphasise the fact that you are obliged to punish him because of the offence. It's not that you want to apply another six. It is simply the rules, and the rules must be obeyed.
Immediately after punishment you have the perfect opportunity to extract an admission of the justice of your regime.
He is compliant at that time, and will say anything to avoid bending for more. Ask him:-
"Now my lad. Do you feel better now that you've been punished for your mistakes?"
An affirmative response is virtually guaranteed, but if not received, then more punishment is obviously needed.
After one hears him admit that he feels better one simply asks:-
"So. You agree then that punishment is good for you?"
Once again, with his trousers still around his ankles and his head bowed as you browbeat him, he will be sure to agree.
This formal punishment best suits formal type offences like failing to show proper respect.
For example: I make my slave kiss the hem of my skirt whenever I enter a room he is in.
I find it quite delicious to make a male admit that his punishment was both deserved, and therapeutical, when the offence was as trivial as forgetting such a mere formality.
[[Hand spanking]]
[[Severe Whipping & Beatings]]
[[Toilet Treatment]]
[[Next Section - Penis Torture & Chastity]]
[[Work And Play (In The Car, At The Restaurant, In The Pub).]] **Severe Whippings and Beatings**
Best suited to cure laziness and slovenliness, and always administered after securing the slave so that he can offer no resistance.
The last thing you want is to do is ruin all the progress you have made by having him resist a severe punishment.
Men are such whimpering cowards when it comes to a little pain.
When the punishment is over the slave is not so likely to disobey and can be released, hopefully chastened and resolved to improve his behaviour.
"Now. I trust that has taught you a lesson you will remember?"
His response will once again be in the affirmative.
During the punishment he may break down and do something he would later regret if you do not tie him down.
The Crop, Tawse, and Bull whip are all enjoyable implements to use.
The Cat is however my personal favourite and being so painful I deduct two points for each stroke.
It is important that one is even handed and appears fair if one is to maintain credibility in the role of dominant.
I usually gag the slave for a severe punishment, if not at the start then as soon as the pleas for mercy have ceased to amuse me.
[[Hand spanking]]
[[Toilet Treatment]]
[[Next Section - Penis Torture & Chastity]]
[[Work And Play (In The Car, At The Restaurant, In The Pub).]] **Toilet Treatment**
When there has been a tendency towards bad manners, or getting ideas above his station it is best to bring the slave down a peg or two by a demonstration of contempt.
Probably my favourite humiliation technique, is pissing on a man, and the bath is quite handy for this purpose.
Lay the man with his head in the most accessible corner, put a peg on his nose to ensure he has to open his mouth to breathe, and seat yourself over the edge of the bath directly over his face and let yourself go.
One of the best times to introduce a man to this particular humiliation is when you catch him in the act of wanking.
They are so embarrassed and confused that they seldom know what you are up to until it's too late to offer any meaningful resistance.
Try telling him that if he insists on indulging himself in public toilet behaviour then you'll treat him like a public toilet.
Such comments make them feel so ashamed of themselves. I generally deduct about thirty punishment points for this treatment.
When the slave has built up a lot of punishment points it is fun to offer them a choice of a severe beating with the implement they like least, or let them off lightly with the Toilet Treatment.
They hate choosing to undergo it, but being such cowards they often opt for it rather than undergo a painful whipping.
Of course if they have built up an excessive number of points, a situation which I find it quite easy to manipulate, then one can have the fun of administering the beating and the Toilet Treatment.
Another fun way of using this treatment is to offer the slave a reward for good behaviour. Let him know that you've decided to be generous and allow him an orgasm if he is well behaved all day.
When the time comes, ask him if he would like to give you pleasure, while he orgasms!
Mostly they are excessively eager because they think that you are offering to let them make love to you.
Insist on a Yes or No answer.
Then explain that the way that you would most enjoy is to see him come in the bath.
They can't win, either they get their orgasm by amusing you or they displease you by not wanting to please you and you change your mind and don't give them the orgasm.
There is nothing funnier than, just as he starts to ejaculate, letting yourself go all over his face.
The points system is, I find, the most flexible punishment regime.
It allows you to have fun declaring different offences worth different scores, declaring different punishments and humiliations similarly worth different amounts.
You can have great fun totting up totals for punishments and trying to make them match the points against him. Mathematics was never so much fun.
I find it amusing, when he is begging to make love to me, to consider it and say:
"Yes, but only if you'll pay one hundred punishment points for it".
It always works. They jump at the chance, little realising that the next night you can put them in the bath all evening and piss on them three times and still claim to have been totally fair.
With a new boy, the line I would like to handcuff you first when he asks to make love to you, is a great starting point.
Strapping on a dildo after he is secured you proceed to show him what you meant by making love!
This also works well after he has just paid a hundred punishment points to make love to you.
Now with regard to my earlier promise of a way to take the work out of staying ahead of his sex drive, which is, as previously discussed, essential if he is to be kept motivated to obey and serve.
It should by now be obvious that if you design the regime in such a way as to frustrate, excite, stimulate and can match it with his physiological limitations and your own physical needs, then you have designed a perfect Fem Dom lifestyle.
Firstly, decide how much sleep the male you have nearly trained actually needs, not how much time he lies around in bed.
Secondly, decide what time you wish to rise in the morning, i.e. how much time you wish to sleep and lie around in bed for.
With these two pieces of information you can decide at what time the slave is to be allowed to sleep.
With some slaves you may find yourself sending him to bed before you. As he may need a lot of sleep and you may like very little, as is the case with Adults & children.
Mostly though, you will find that you wish to rise at, say, ten after sleeping at midnight, whereas you wish your slave to rise at nine or nine thirty which may mean instructing him not to retire before say two in the morning.
Now, since idle hands are not a good idea unless you have decided to put temptation in the slave's way, then you should set a task to be completed before he retires which you approximate will take just over two hours.
Check on him in the morning during lecture time, and ask whether the task was achieved and whether temptation was succumbed to, and you have achieved total regulation and control.
Allocate punishment points according to your discoveries and you have assured the future well running of the system.
You can take your slave to bed to use him as you please, reward or not as you see fit, and then order him to run to the next town and back before he sleeps.
You can tinker with the fine tuning of the regime to achieve certain objectives.
An over tired slave might be sent to bed early.
A slave you wish to frustrate, by a display of partially undressing before you slip into bed in your lingerie, to masturbate, or to sleep, may also be sent to bed ten minutes before you intend to retire.
You can take him to your bed and use him at 6 PM in the afternoon for an hour or two. Then instruct him to sleep now. Whilst you get up for an evening of your chosen enjoyment, or entertainment.
A slave you want to try and catch in the act of wanking might be sent to bed frustrated at 8:30 PM and disturbed at 9:00 PM for a session of toilet treatment.
The power of control and manipulation is in your hands. Use it well and enjoy.
[[Hand spanking]]
[[Severe Whipping & Beatings]]
[[Next Section - Penis Torture & Chastity]]
[[Work And Play (In The Car, At The Restaurant, In The Pub).]]
**Penis Torture & Chastity**
There is one subject that is conspicuously missing from my overview so far, Chastity Belts.
This is not because I do not use them, it is because I use them mainly as a method of torturing, frustrating, humiliating and to a great extent punishment.
I do not use them as a method of effectively controlling wanking without additional supervision, as I have yet to purchase for myself any system that totally prevents self abuse, yet allows the freedom to use the toilet and to work.
The only method I have found that prevents self abuse totally is bondage, that is to say, apply a chastity device and tie him down as well.
All the other forms of chastity device that I have tried allow self abuse to take place, some to a greater or lesser extent. Some make it uncomfortable, painful or difficult, but none make it impossible.
This may depend on the man. My own slave is such a horny beast that he would attempt to fiddle with himself through six inch armour plate.
Obviously if you can secure a degree of cooperation, and place him on his honour not to pick the lock, then many of the devices in this program are suitable.
But unfortunately many of the small locks that come with these devices are not that secure.
To make good use of chastity devices one needs to combine them with questioning and punishment. They are not the quick and easy way to Fem-Dom that many would be Mistresses believe them to be.
You must oversee their use. Sadly, one cannot be a lazy Mistress and just lock him up and forget him.
I would enjoy bringing my slave to the state where he is obliged to beg for any stimulation, solely by the application of a device.
A device that would require no honour code, no supervision, no rules.
A device that would quite simply make the gaining of any pleasurable sensation impossible without the key in my possession.
But given the Houdini that my slave is. It is not to be.
If anyone finds a device that defies my above description, then I ask you to let me know. I will be forever in your debt, as such a device would make training so much quicker and effective.
Given that a Mistress must oversee their use, I see little point in chasing the rainbow.
If one is to oversee it's use, one might just as well use an inexpensive or homemade device.
As I say, genital torture, and chastity has a role to play, and the devices I use are fitted to the slave by me personally with a view to emphasising my power by the action of actually supervising the fitting.
I sometimes use a device after discovering my slave has been abusing himself. Then it is for the purpose of further emphasising my disapproval and further punishing him by it's discomfort.
As the device is fitted to emphasise my power, then it follows that some ritual of asking me to remove it is also essential.
Usually this takes the form of abasing himself totally and kissing my stiletto heels, begging:
"Please Mistress will you remove it?"
Every small ablution or act of personal hygiene he wishes to perform, is strictly under my control at these times.
I change the device myself, frequently, each time he begs for it's removal, and order him to report back to me after his ablutions.
I then inspect the condition of his genitalia and a apply a new device or treatment.
I rarely leave the same device on for more than a few hours, as it's effectiveness has a reduced psychological impact, especially if it is on so long that it's presence is almost unfelt.
In addition prolonged use of one device often produces rubbing or chafing which can be avoided by changing the device.
I similarly supervise the use of other penis tortures, and their removal, such as Rubber Rings, Rubber Bands, Small Straps, Arab Straps, Sticky-Tape, Nettles, Deep Heat Sprays and Creams, et cetera.
All of these can be used as a constant reminder to the slave that he is an inferior being, and that you are firmly in control of him.
I find that the most effective time to use a full chastity belt is when a slave is performing some very personal service, such as Anal Worship, or is Pleasing Me.
I let my slave know that I do not like to see evidence of a slave's lust or self interest when he is supposed to be devoted to my personal needs.
Often, as I live in a very warm climate, I spend an evening or day in just my Lingerie, or a Bikini.
On these occasions I often have to apply the Box type of Chastity Belt to suppress the male erection, if detected.
For without the use of the device they are forever ogling and lusting.
I like to be comfortable and attractive at all times but I like my slave to feel it is ill mannered of a slave to spend any time eyeing my body, whilst lusting and thinking of his own self pleasure.
If I have decided to keep a male naked while he works, then I frequently detect an erection when supervising him.
On these occasions I apply a front apron which locks into position and keeps the evidence of lust out of my sight.
And it is not restricting enough to hinder his pace of work.
All erections, even if put out of sight, are never out of mind, or out of my punishment book.
[[ The Punishment System]]
[[Rituals of FemDom]]
[[Work And Play (In The Car, At The Restaurant, In The Pub).]]
**Rituals of FemDom**
The sophisticated Dominant often has a well trained slave with whom she can no longer enjoy the actual training process.
It would be a shame to cast the slave aside and obtain a new one in order to continue with the stimulation of Domination.
Thus, humiliation is employed.
The Dominant finds herself inventing new ways to gain the stimulation and excitement that being cruel gives her.
Often other Dominants' ideas are new and exciting.
Dominants swap ideas amongst themselves, much as good cooks may swap good recipes.
The non person: When I am not in the mood for actual physical contact with a slave, but still wish to enjoy to the full the sexual pleasure of cruelty, I make him a non person.
The object being to enjoy my masturbation and enjoy being cruel, in one complete experience.
Hence when I am about to masturbate I summon the slave by whatever non person role he is to fill.
"I want a Light Switch in my bedroom."
Means he is to stand facing the wall by the light switch and with both hands at light switch height, await the command to turn off the light.
The instruction finally occurs when I am eventually ready for sleep.
At which point it is to retire itself. A light switch does not have any sexuality so it is not allowed to display arousal or indulge in any sexual activity.
For this reason a chastity belt will often be applied before he is made to adopt this role.
"To your kennel, Doggy."
Means he is to go to his kennel, a cupboard kept for this purpose, in my bedroom.
Of course male doggies do have a sexuality, as any dog owners will verify.
So this non-person role is the best of both worlds. His male personality is completely removed, but his sexual excitement still displays itself and can require chastisement and suppression.
"Mistress wants her doggy in his kennel, as she wants some privacy."
.......are cruel words that start a game which really turns me on.
I usually lock doggy's front paws to his collar as doggies do not stimulate themselves with their front paws.
I usually shut him in, although sometimes I might accidentally leave the door ajar a fraction, especially if I want something to punish him for later.
An instruction that gets used a lot on cold winter nights is:-
"Bed Pan - to My Bed".
He is sent to bed 20 minutes before me.
He is to lay in the bed and warm it. He is allowed masturbation, but not orgasm, in order to generate heat.
When I arrive I usually say:
"Hot water bottle"
And he adopts a position at the foot of the bed, presenting his genitalia for me to warm my feet on.
Masturbation is so much nicer when you have warm feet.
Can be an amusing Summer version of the Hot Water Bottle. Have him keep trousers and pants on unless you intend washing your hair!
Whenever I use a non person role, I either have another man I use for my pleasure, or I moan another man's name as I please myself.
This is a cruel slap after an evening spent with your slave in the company of others.
After he has been desiring you and wanting you all night. Cruel too is...
"You can be my Chauffeur."
Run your hands all over your own body moaning another man's name while the slave drives you home.
Pat or fondle his genitalia as you arrive and say:
"You won't be needing that tonight. Doggy is going to his kennel."
I do seem to keep coming back to the doggy, don't I? Perhaps my own preferences for games are showing through too much?
Well I do have other preferences, among them the game that starts with....
"You can pretend to be my Lover."
Some Mistresses enjoy an occasional straightforward session of intercourse. If you are tempted to use your slave for this, a couple of problems may occur:
Premature ejaculation due to over excitement at being allowed such a privilege; or he may get ideas above his station.
I find the best method of avoiding both these difficulties is as follows:
First, manipulate a premature ejaculation through heavy petting.
Criticise, berate and belittle the slave for his failure.
Punish the failure, then start again with a bag or hood over his head.
Name him by the name of someone who he knows you find attractive.
Now make love with your fantasy lover and enjoy.
During intercourse with your fantasy lover discuss the slave in a derogatory fashion.
"Oh, that's good, you're so much better than that wanker I live with."
[[ The Punishment System]]
[[Work And Play (In The Car, At The Restaurant, In The Pub).]] **Worship.**
Worshipping is used in many different ways, not to be confused with sexual acts which are done for your stimulation and as foreplay.
Worshipping is the ritualised abasement of the male before the Female.
It is used to emphasise the difference in your roles and to humiliate the male. Something that may end with your being stimulated, even if that was not the original intention.
All forms of worship can be used in the following ways:
To beg for a favour, such as a few puffs at the end of your cigarette. I rarely allow a slave a cigarette of his own.
To show respect. In the form of standing orders, such as to kiss the hem of your skirt whenever he wishes permission to speak. (A simple way to dominate a conversation or discussion.)
Or to kiss your stiletto heels each time you stand up; to kiss the floor beneath your feet each time you enter a room, et cetera. (plenty of excuses for adding punishment points).
To plead for sexual favours. Sometimes you may be undecided; whether to give a slave an orgasm for health reasons, or simply for your own amusement. On such occasions you might say:
"Come to my room and worship Me".
You then present yourself to him for anal worship. Orgasm should not be given without an extreme abasement.
You might say:
"You may plead for an orgasm. If your begging amuses me I will give you a 50-50 chance of coming, by tossing a coin. If your begging fails to amuse me, you will forego orgasm."
To plead for mercy.
"You have earned 50 strokes according to my reckoning. You may plead for mercy."
A merciful Mistress might reduce the strokes and substitute Toilet Treatment.
A cruel Mistress might just postpone the punishment until the following day and administer Toilet Treatment as a temporary measure, lest he forget.
As an apology. When a slave has broken a rule. Then some form of abasement while he apologises is necessary.
"You may worship me while you apologise," you say, as you push his head into the relevant position.
Simply as amusement for you, or as a way to occupy the slave's mind usefully while you read or watch television.
[[ The Punishment System]]
[[Work And Play (In The Car, At The Restaurant, In The Pub).]] **Games**
Conventional games such as cards, chess, Monopoly, Scrabble, et cetera, are all interesting diversions that while away the long winter evenings.
I always adapt the rules.
Here are some examples of ways to adapt.
If he wins the game then he will be pissed on to bring him down a peg or two.
If he loses then you multiply his current punishment points by the difference between your two scores.
It is amusing to watch a slave try to manipulate a draw.
Strip poker. He starts naked and every erection he gets is punished by slapping it with the ruler.
Add up the value of his cards to determine the strokes.
Since he runs out of clothes before you do he must pay a forfeit each time he loses a hand.
Monopoly. Every time he passes Go he has to beg for his cash.
Scrabble: His words have to have specific connotations.
For example they must suggest femininity. Any hint of masculinity carries a specific punishment or punishment point.
ie: stockings is allowable, but trousers is not.
It is amusing to listen to a slave intellectualise in order to justify why a word such as sex is particularly feminine.
His moves are timed and noted by you, yours are not timed at all.
If he loses he is used as your toilet. If he wins then the total seconds elapsed by his moves are given as a hand spanking.
(If you don't want a sore hand then I suggest you wear a rubber glove for this one!).
Keep him busy while taking your time to ponder your own moves by making him wank, or kiss your feet, or by making him place his head under your skirt et cetera.
He is allowed thirty seconds for his own moves.
Before he takes a piece of yours he must kiss your feet and beg for permission to do so.
(This of course allows you to either change your last move or deny such permission if you feel like cheating.)
Each of your pieces carries a specific punishment for taking them.
Queen 50 with the cat.
Bishop 20 with the tawse.
Losing the game carries a punishment session involving all of the punishments.
In this way he is forced to try and win without taking too many pieces.
(Unfortunately perhaps you may find this improves his chess game).
Whoops, I was getting carried away with Chess, perhaps because it is one my favourite games.
Nevertheless I am sure you get the idea and can invent many more for your own favourites.
If not you will find many more of these games ideas at appropriate places in the program.
Would You Like To Check Out More Games Ideas?
[[Yes, Show me More Games]]
[[No More Games Right Now->Whatever Turns You On]]
[[Chastity Belts]]
[[Kali's Teeth (KTB)]]
[[Back ->Yes, Take me to 3rd part of the introduction]] **Does your subordinate masturbation?**
[[Yes -> He masturbates]] | [[No -> He Does not masturbate]]
[[Subordinate Masturbation]] **Have You Lost Interest In Sex With him?**
There may be times in your life when you lose interest in sex, but nevertheless want to find a way to please your man.
If you have lost interest, you might like to skip a lot of the ideas about supervised wanking the first time you read this section by answering Yes.
If you find the ideas expressed in the latter half of the section useful, you can always re-enter this section and answer No, I haven't on a subsequent occasion.
Have You Lost Interest In Sex With him?
[[Yes I Have -> lost intrest in sex]] | [[No I have not -> havent lost intrest in sex]]
[[Subordinate Masturbation]] **Humiliating The male**
This is something that some girls learn to do when young. Some girls do it unthinkingly or uncaringly, others seem to take pleasure in it.
When girls grow up to be women they learn to be caring and sensitive to men's feelings. If they say No they are more careful to reject him kindly.
The most exciting form of humiliation for many men is for you to behave like a girl again! Only this time a very bad and nasty girl, a real prickteasing bitch!
During adolescence many boys suffer rejection, and hence humiliation, at the hands of girls. At the simple level this might be asking a girl to dance, and when she turns up her nose with obvious distaste and says No, he feels like a worm who had just crawled out from beneath a stone. As he slinks away, he hears the girl giggling with her friend.
This kind of rejection becomes intertwined with his sexuality at this crucial stage of his life. Girls become something to fear. Yet he is trapped by his nature, he must continue to chase them and risk further humiliation and frustration.
If and when he does succeed in getting a date, he finds that the girl still has power. She can permit and refuse him sexual liberties, and if he is to get what he wants he often has to play by her rules. To please her!
This might be something simple like buying a bunch of flowers. But on occasion girls test their power over him.
Some girls actually seem to enjoy his passionate approaches, they kiss and pet but in the end they still say No.
Some men reject this kind of behaviour and seek out the girls who behave in a more civilised manner. But the submissive man incorporates an acceptance of this feminine power into his personality.
It may take many years, but gradually he finds ways to actually enjoy being treated this way, at least in his fantasies. By so doing he can excuse his own weakness, his inability to resist her control.
So to please your man, you need to recreate this girlish element of your personality. But now you are going to make it much worse, because it is combined with the knowledge of an adult woman.
Remember that for him worse is now better.
In the girl this use of power may have been innocent and unthinking experimentation. But in the woman it becomes deliberate and calculated humiliation.
A true story from the late sixties to demonstrate the point...
Would you like to read the true story?
[[Yes -> Read True Story (Humiliation)]]
[[Subordinate Masturbation]] Chastity Devices & Genital Restraints
Before reading about types of devices and their uses it is best to read the section entitled
Fantasy and Reality.
If this is your first time using the Chastity Section of the program please answer Yes to the next question.
Would You Like To Read Fantasy and Reality?
[[Yes->Fantasy & Reality]]
[[Devices and Uses]]<center>
<font color=#FF0000>male Chastity Belts</font>
<h3>Information courtesy of
<a href="http://www.tpe.com/~altarboy/">
Altairboy's Chastity Site</a></h3>
<img src="http://mistresstraining.com/femdom/mchain.gif">
<img src="http://mistresstraining.com/femdom/belt1.jpg" hspace="5" align=left>
<i>The male chastity belt has been the subject of much of my fantasies. I've been intrigued with the sexual power implications of having my husband's genitals to toy with, yet out of his reach and under my lock and key. The thought of having his penis locked up by a secure device, and his not being able to touch himself or masturbate is highly erotic.</i>
<font color=#FF0000><CENTER>Mistress Christine Stevenson.</CENTER></font>
Chastity Belts are commonly thought of in literature as a method of locking up females. But nowadays their use on our husbands is becoming more common. A properly designed and fitted male chastity device will prevent manipulation of the penis, and definitely prevent sex.
When you own and make him wear a chastity belt. When you have control of the key to his chastity belt, his outlook on life will never be the same again.
<hr width=50%>
<a name="william"></a>
<h2>William Jones Chastity Belt</h2></center>
<img src="http://mistresstraining.com/femdom/belt.jpg" hspace="5" align=left>
This design has been called the Rolls Royce of chastity belts. The one shown here is a copy of the <a href="tolly.htm">Tollyboy</a> chastity belt, and is made in the USA. A flexible stainless steel band wraps around the waist, with neoprene rubber strips to help protect from chafing. Shown is the optional shield extension which must be removed to defecate. This extension also has a slot for installing a nylon butt plug.
His penis is completely enclosed, pointing downward, pressing on his ball sac. Erections are quite impossible, and urination must be done sitting down. The belt is designed to be worn under street clothing,24 hours a day
<hr width=50%>
<a name="belgian"></a>
<h2>Belgian Chastity Belt</h2></center>
<img src="http://mistresstraining.com/femdom/gord01.jpg" hspace="5" align=left>
This stainless steel chastity belt comes from a relatively new maker in Belgium. Note the penis tube is a different design than the Tollyboy or William Jones version, yet still pointing down so he must sit to urinate. The testicles are exposed. Designed for 24 hour 7 day use, this belt is adjustable for weight changes, unlike the Tollyboy design.
<hr width=50%>
<a name="northbound"></a>
<h2>Northbound Cock Cage</h2></center>
<a href="nb11.htm"><img src="http://mistresstraining.com/femdom/nb05.jpg" hspace="5" align=left><img src="nb04.jpg" align=right></a>
An adjustable leather waist band locks at four points: two at the waist, on the crotch strap, and at the hinged cage. The stainless steel penis cage is hinged at the bottom. When locked closed, the cage contains the penis in the vertical position. A Full erection is possible, allowing touch, but no stroking. It is possible to wear this under street clothes but it creates a very obvious and funny looking lump.
<hr width=50%>
<a name="leathers"></a>
<h2>Mr. S. Leathers Cock Cuff</h2></center>
From Mr. S Leather in San Francisco. It has a curved stainless steel tube which is welded to a Smith and Wesson police issue handcuff. The leather waist belt locks in the rear, and features the Fetters locking post. This looks like it would be heavy, it seems like it would cause an obvious bulge under street clothes.
<hr width=50%>
<a name="cage"></a>
<h2>Mr. S. Leathers Cock Cage</h2></center>
<img src="http://mistresstraining.com/femdom/c08.jpg" hspace="5" align=left>
Another Mr. S. Leather creation, this clever item is new to their line of quality merchandise. It features a steel cage that completely encloses the cock and scrotum, locked in two places to a leather waist and crotch belt.
<hr width=50%>
<a name="other"></a>
<h2>Other Reading</h2></center>
[[Essay on why one man wears a chastity belt]]
[[Letter from a chastity belt user]]
[[Report on Water Hole belt]]
[[Frequently Asked Questions]]<center><h3>**Kali's Teeth Bracelet**</h3>
<img src="http://mistresstraining.com/femdom/ktb.jpg"/>
[[Instructions For Making A Homemade KTB]]
[[Owner's Guide to the KTB]]
[[Commercial KTB]]
[[A Cock For Kali]]
[[Chastity Belts]]
[[Kali's Teeth (KTB)]]
[[Chastity Belts]]
[[Kali's Teeth (KTB)]]
[[Chastity Belts]]
[[Kali's Teeth (KTB)]]
[[Chastity Belts]]
[[Kali's Teeth (KTB)]]Double-click this passage to edit it.**Playing Games**
Conventional games such as cards, chess, Monopoly, Scrabble, et cetera, are all interesting diversions that while away the long winter afternoons and evenings.
By adapting the rules you can turn them into much more exciting games for him.
Here are some examples of ways to adapt. It is usually important to have a penalty for if he loses the game, often it needs to be dire in order that he has the incentive to play to win and suffer the minor penalties along the way.
If it is a long game, or you only intend to play it once that day, you could tell him that if he wins the game then you will use him as your toilet to bring him down a peg or two. But if he loses then he gets a punishment that will be based on the difference between your two scores.
It can be amusing to watch a slave try to manipulate a draw, or try to lose by a small margin. If the difference is small he might think he has got off lightly, it can be equally amusing to watch his face as you say:
"Let's see now, the difference is two, that means twenty strokes."
He will try harder for a draw the next time!
As with all FemDom, it is best to force him to play the game. If the rules have been adapted he will want to put up a show of resistance. He will want to complain that it isn't fair.
Usually you will only need to laugh and say:
"I know, that's why I enjoy it."
You might threaten:
"But if you don't play the game, I'll give you the losers punishment anyway, then afterwards I'll give you the winners punishment as well. So you see it is in your own interest to play!"
Or you could offer:
"If you play the game my way it will amuse me, and it will put me in a good mood. You do prefer me when I'm in a good mood, don't you?"
If you play a game at which he is acknowledged as being better, then your justification for the new rules can be simply:
To even things up.
Of course, there is one game that most men will be eager to play. Strip Poker!
Suggest this game, and perhaps tell him you've prepared a list of forfeits for both of you to spice the game up. He may well offer less resistance to playing if he thinks that you have to pay forfeits too.
Of course it may well be that he is already naked, as many slaves are, or he might only have one garment. If he points this out, you say:
"I know, that's why I have changed the rules a little."
Choose a Game to Learn New Rules:
[[Strip Poker]]
[[More Fun Ideas]]
Here are four different ways to liven up chess.
If you wish you can try to incorporate them all into one unified system.
Or alternatively play four games, each with a new set of rules.
His moves are timed and noted by you, yours are not timed at all.
If he loses he is used as your toilet. If he wins then the total seconds elapsed by his moves are given as a hand spanking.
(If you don't want a sore hand then I suggest you wear a rubber glove for this one!).
Keep him busy while pondering your own moves by making him wank, kiss your feet, have his head under your skirt et cetera.
He is allowed thirty seconds for his own moves.
If he is good at chess, and you are not, this should even things up.
Before he takes a piece of yours he must kiss your feet and beg for permission to do so.
(This of course allows you to either change your last move or deny such permission if you feel like cheating.)
Each of your pieces carries a specific punishment for taking them.
Queen 50 with the ruler on his penis with you in the Queening position.
Bishop 20 with the tawse.
Castle 20 with the cane.
Knight 20 as a hand spanking.
Every pawn gets one rubber band or clothes peg put on his penis.
Losing the game carries a punishment session involving all of the punishments. In this way he is forced to try and win without taking too many pieces.
(Unfortunately, perhaps, you may find this improves his chess game in the longer term).
In any game where dice are used, you can make his dice throw carry an additional meaning.
He may desperately want a double six to start the game, but he also knows that it will mean twelve strokes of the cane.
You can have a forfeit list for what each dice throw means, or simply apply punishment strokes every turn.
His dice throws could mean an implement of his selection, whereas for your throws you get to use your favourite implement on him.
You can even claim a certain degree of fairness in this system.
Playing snap can be amusing, if every time he says snap, you slap his face.
If he loses the game altogether he gets a thrashing. If he wins he gets a Queening.
Whether simply cutting cards to determine forfeits, or playing a particular card game like Beat Jack out of Doors, certain cards can carry certain meanings.
Ace = one or ten,
2 = two or twenty,
Jack = Jack Off,
Queen = Queening,
King = he can play King and order anything he likes.
Joker = Fuck the floor.
Once again you can remove or change the incentive of the King if it is not to your taste.
The Queening can be without an orgasm for him if you like.
The Jacking Off can be in a way that is humiliating.
In any pack of fifty four playing cards, including the jokers, there are only four Kings.
So if you are simply cutting cards and you make the King the only one that he has a chance of an orgasm from, the odds are roughly 25 to 1.
So whatever game you are playing, you can keep a deck of cards beside you to determine forfeits at key moments.
Like when he takes a piece in Draughts.
If the Ace is counted as a number card, there are 40 number cards. They could carry penalties of 1 to 10 strokes, or if you prefer 10 to 100 strokes.
You can see that the odds are 54 to 40 or roughly 1.35 to 1 against him getting away without punishment.
Or put another way: In every 14 cuts of the cards, roughly ten will mean punishment, three will mean fun (albeit humiliating), and only one an orgasm.
The above system could be used daily to decide whether he gets an orgasm that day or not. This should keep him down to about once a fortnight on average.
If he points this out, you can say:
"That's more than enough, what are you complaining about."
Whatever game you are playing you can have standard rules. He remains naked and is punished for any erections you notice.
When he wins a game or has broken a rule, then some form of abasement while he apologises is necessary.
"You may worship me while you apologise," you say as you push his head into the relevant position.
If you win he has to grovel and congratulate you:
"You are so clever Mistress!"
Choose a Game to Learn New Rules:
[[Strip Poker]]
[[More Fun Ideas]]**Monopoly**
Every time he passes Go he has to beg for his £200. You are the banker of course!
When he goes to jail he finds he has to suffer a beating by the female prison warder, or the governor's wife.
His fines are always paid in cash and punishment strokes, whereas yours are simply cash.
With games like Monopoly, where money is involved you have a certain advantage. For if he is getting wealthier than you are, you can always even it out by selling certain favours.
I wonder how much he would pay for a strip tease show?
As in the real world, men can often be induced to pay for their excitement and pleasure. Women rarely find the need to.
When he wants to collect rent from you, I wonder what it would take to induce him to forego the rent this time.
You might make the game more interesting by play acting:
"Oh sir, I can't afford the rent, is there some arrangement we can come to?"
You might even find it amusing to keep a game like Monopoly going for days, or weeks. He never gets any sex at all unless he pays for it!
Playing acting the prostitute is not very Mistress-like, but you might find it adds an exciting new dimension to your sex life.
If you start him at a disadvantage, then the simplest of favours can be quite expensive. If he is in a chastity belt, how much will he pay for the key?
If he normally sleeps on a rug at the foot of your bed, how much will he pay for the privilege of sleeping in your bed?
How much will he pay to see you wearing just your lingerie and a negligee?
The man denied any sex can be prompted to part with his funds for something a simple as permission to play with himself.
"You can have a wank while you look up my skirt for £1000, but if you want me to Queen you it will cost £5000"
Equally, if you find yourself wealthier than him you could play the kinky rich woman. Maybe you pay men to submit to your sadistic pleasures.
If he is hard up and has to pay a fine or go bankrupt, he can be induced to submit to a thrashing for a pittance.
With such side bets, the game will probably never have a winner or loser, as there is always some arrangement you can come to.
If you like to switch roles, keeping a game going permanently can be the excuse or reason you need. If the rules you have agreed to are that the loser is slave for a week and has to submit to anything at all, there is inducement to submit to something less onerous to keep the game going.
After all, if he will pay £5000 for a submissive slut for the evening, the next night the lack of those funds might lose him the game.
You might decide to take £5000 for one night of slavery, knowing it will probably increase your chances of winning the week as his Mistress later.
Choose a Game to Learn New Rules:
[[Strip Poker]]
[[More Fun Ideas]]**Scrabble**
His words have to have specific connotations. For example they must suggest Femininity.
Any hint of masculinity carries a specific punishment or punishment point.
For example: Stockings is allowable, but trousers is not.
It is amusing to listen to a slave intellectualise in order to justify why a word such as sex is particularly Feminine.
Whether he wins or loses, the difference between your points is what he gets as a punishment.
If he wins you will milk him after his punishment. If he loses he takes the punishment wearing a chastity belt, and stays in it until the morning.
He pays forfeits when he uses a bonus square.
Triple word = Three clothes pegs on his balls.
Double word = Two nipple clamps.
Triple letter = Three pegs on his foreskin/or shaft.
Whatever the forfeit, it remains applied until the next time you use a bonus square.
To keep him from thinking of clever words, you can make him masturbate, or put his head under your skirt. Especially if you plan to take your time over your next word, it will occupy his mind while you think about your next turn.
Choose a Game to Learn New Rules:
[[Strip Poker]]
[[More Fun Ideas]]**Strip Poker**
He starts naked and every erection he gets is punished by slapping it with the ruler.
Add up the value of his cards to determine the strokes. In this way it doesn't matter if he wins a hand, because the chances are that making you disrobe will provoke an erection.
Since he has no clothes to bet with, he must pay a forfeit each time he loses a hand.
You can think up each forfeit as you go along, but much more exciting is to have a list of forfeits.
The list starts with something not too bad, and gets worse as he loses each subsequent hand. For example here is a sample forfeit list:
Look up your skirt for five minutes without getting an erection. (obviously you punish him if he gets erect).
Masturbate (obviously without coming), using his left hand.
Kiss your feet as he fucks the floor.
Worship you (kiss your arse) without getting an erection.
Stand on his head and masturbate in the corner.
Do fifty press-ups wearing nipple clamps.
Rub deep heat cream into his penis.
Rub aftershave into his balls.
Attach three clothes pegs to his balls.
Remove the three clothes pegs and put them on his penis.
Insert a butt plug in his anus.
Handcuff his balls to his feet.
The list can be as long as your imagination allows.
If you run out of ideas you can always make him start at the top of the list all over again.
To make the game seem fair, which is always more fun, you can also draw up a forfeit list for you if you wish.
Decide which items of clothing you are prepared to remove and head the list with them.
You probably wouldn't put your jewellery near the top of the list, as you'll probably look sexier if you remain scantily dressed while retaining your jewellery and high heels. For example:
Remove hair band.
He can sit next to you on the sofa for a kiss.
Remove jacket.
You sit on his lap for a kiss and he is allowed to run his hands over your body.
Remove blouse.
You sit on his lap for a kiss and he is allowed to run his hands under your skirt as far as your stocking tops.
Remove belt of skirt.
You sit on his lap for a kiss and he is allowed to run his hands under your skirt as far as your knickers.
Remove skirt.
You sit on his lap for a kiss and he is allowed to run his hands over your body but not inside your bra or knickers.
Remove petticoat/slip.
He can neck with you, and you will pet with him. But only your fingertips will play with his genitals.
He can order you to do anything he likes for him providing he has not gone beyond number six in his own forfeit list.
Thirteen, they say, is lucky for some. You don't have to put this last item in your list, but if you do it will certainly give him an incentive to play the game.
The idea of limiting it regarding number six in his list, is that you obviously don't want to find yourself ordered to suck a cock covered in deep heat cream!
Equally, his chances of getting that lucky at poker might be slim. You'll have to decide how good he is at poker.
He has a sporting chance of getting to thirteen in your list before he gets to six in his, so the game is fair!
Ask him: "Don't you agree?"
Choose a Game to Learn New Rules:
[[More Fun Ideas]]**Trivia**
Every time he gets a question wrong, he has to pay a forfeit.
The forfeit can be decided by cutting the cards.
If you want a more varied system than the one described elsewhere in the program, take out the jokers, and write a list of thirteen forfeits. Each of the cards carries a forfeit.
If you want to make it appear fair, you can write a list of thirteen forfeits for yourself too.
Since you are writing the lists, you obviously won't include anything in your list that you are not prepared to do.
If you don't mind switching roles, you can let him write your list of forfeits. You can always change any on the list you don't like the look of!
You might prefer to play games for longer term forfeits. On a simple level, the winner of the game gets to be dominant for a set period, a day, a week, a month for instance.
Choose a Game to Learn New Rules:
[[Strip Poker]]
[[More Fun Ideas]]**More Ideas**
Once the game is under way, his motivation for obeying has already been established. All you now want to do is introduce new ideas. Basically the ideas here fall in to nine groups.
[[Playing Games]]
[[Long Term Forfeits And Roles]]
[[Sexual Ways To Play With The slave. A plaything!]]
[[Sexually Using The slave For Your Own Pleasure]]
[[Humiliating him And/Or Punishing him]]
[[Playing With Your Video Camera Or Acting Out Roles]]
[[Exercises. Supervision And/Or Teasing]]
[[Period]]Choose a Game to Learn New Rules:
[[Strip Poker]]
Go To Next Topic:
[[Long Term Forfeits And Roles]] **Long Term Forfeits And Roles**
You might prefer to play games for longer term forfeits.
On a simple level, the winner of the game gets to be dominant for a set period; a day, a week, or even a month for example.
I am sure you get the idea and can either invent more for your own favourite games, or adapt the ideas to suit the game you are playing.
There are some fairly simple ones:
He has to wear Ladies knickers under his work clothes.
Wearing a chastity belt every evening for a week.
He has to get a tattoo "Property of..."
He has to wear a small butt plug all the time.
You have to wear love eggs.
One of you has to wear stockings 24 hours a day.
He has to wear Ladies clothing in the evenings.
One of you has to dress as a maid for all chores.
Or more complex ones:
One of you has to masturbate for half an hour at work and then ring the other for permission to come, three times a day!
He has to get you a date with someone else, (male or female) or take 50 strokes a night until the date is arranged.
Variations of this idea could start with ten strokes and work upwards in increments of ten indefinitely. However after a month of punishment you might consider giving up the idea if the date still hasn't been arranged.
By then his bottom would be sore, and at 300 strokes a night your arm would be getting tired!
He has to book you both into a self catering style hotel or resort with lots of entertainment for you. He has to stay in the room and be your pet doggy. He is not allowed to talk for the duration of your stay, a weekend or a week for example.
Obviously you will spend lots of time out, and doggy will be eager to see you when you return with a doggy bag perhaps.
He will never know, unless you happen to say something to doggy, what you have been up to. His imagination will run riot if you are at the disco or night club every evening.
You both book into a hotel. You are his paid escort/companion for the holiday. Your contract is for your keep only, with a bonus at the end if you have pleased him.
So you have to try your utmost to dress to please, to initiate sex, to be completely compliant with all his wishes.
He has to buy or make a slave toilet by the following weekend. Then he will be your toilet for a day.
Or he has to make a wanking cupboard and go in it whenever you say over a period of a month. Read Humiliation for more on these ideas.
You have to buy a uniform or overall of his choice from a high street establishment. You have to wear the uniform and act out the role of his choice for a day.
Most cities have tailors and outfitters supplying uniforms for waitresses, nurses, military uniforms, hotel maids, or simply an overall that a housekeeper or hairdresser might wear.
Obviously this one can be reversed if you fancy him in a particular outfit.
One of you plays prostitute or paid escort for the following evening. The other gets to decide what you will do, where you will go, and how you will play.
One of you plays School-Mistress or School-Master for the day and has to acquire a suitable outfit. The submissive gets to describe how their ideal Head Teacher is dressed and has to obtain the pupil's outfit that the Dominant prefers.
Some Masters like the St. Trinians look. Others like a more sedate and genuine looking schoolgirl complete with long white socks and regulation knickers.
As in life it is unfair, but the Women's outfits are always so much more sexy and there is more variety.
If it is a boarding school the games can leave the classroom and move on to Headmistress's study and dormitory.
One of you plays Mummy or Daddy, Aunty or Uncle, Stepmother or Stepfather. The other plays baby, son or daughter, or pubescent child for the day or weekend.
Toss a coin to decide whether the submissive or the Dominant decides the age of the child. See Humiliation for more on these games.
One of you moves into the spare bedroom for a month and plays the role of employee. The other decides what the employees role is. Handyman, Gardener or Chauffeur. The Lady is often Secretary or Personal Assistant, Maid, Au pair or Housekeeper.
Usually the employee is the submissive one and has to do as they are told for fear of losing their job. But you can play it with the employee taking command at some stage.
Many men fantasise about their secretary turning the tables after sexual harassment and making them suffer punishment regularly. The Au pair can threaten to tell Madam when she returns from abroad et cetera.
One of you checks into a local Bed & Breakfast for a week. The other stays at home. If he is the one away, he phones you up for a date. The first date could be a meal out followed by a few dances.
Whether you go all the way on the first date is up to you, possibly you keep him at bay in the car as he says goodnight. Subsequent dates can follow similar patterns, he can invite you for a day out in the country.
Perhaps eventually you let him come in for a coffee one evening. Maybe one evening you invite him over for a meal.
Reverse it if you prefer, and he is always trying to get you back to his place. He cannot go to yours because of the tyrant of a landlady.
This often works best if it is a working week for at least one of you. Turning down a date on one or two evenings because you have other plans can stimulate all kinds of jealous wondering and fantasies.
A variation on the last idea is for one of you to rent a house for a month or more and actually live apart. If you are the Dominant partner, you play hard to get. It can be amusing on the nights you decline a date to wonder if he is sitting in the car outside spying on you. Perhaps he has a pair of binoculars and is watching you undress because you left the curtains open.
What if there is a strange car in the drive? Is a Girlfriend staying over with you? Have you met someone else? Is it a rental car? What will he see if he sneaks up to the house and tries to peek through the curtains?
Maybe the curtains are tightly closed and he sees nothing. Maybe he hears you laughing and joking with someone. Perhaps music is playing, dance music or something soft and romantic.
Maybe you are out and he sees you arrive home late in a taxi. Perhaps the curtains are open a crack and he sees you masturbating.
Playing courting games like the ones just described can allow you to re-define the basis of your relationship as though you were starting over. This can lead to long term game playing as though your roles were real and not invented after long hours of communication.
Perhaps you are a prickteasing bitch who will only let him have a date on your terms. You'll see him again, but only if he promises to never masturbate without ringing you for permission.
You'll let him stay over one night, but only if he promises to behave, or wears a chastity belt. You'll only consider marrying him if he is prepared to sign your marriage contract.
Once you have moved him out as a forfeit, you can only let him back again slowly, and on your terms.
Next Section:
[[Sexual Ways To Play With The slave. A plaything!]] **Sexual Ways To Play With The slave.**
A plaything!
You will find many examples of ways to let your slave ejaculate in Humiliation.
That is because his ejaculation is best accompanied by gross humiliation. When a slave ejaculates he often loses interest in the game and is disappointed, often he feels that the game was just an act to give him pleasure.
If his ejaculation is accompanied by humiliation for the amusement of his Mistress, he is helped to believe that the game was not for his pleasure, but for hers.
But if he is played with and used, constantly aroused and never permitted orgasm, he knows that the game is for your pleasure.
So in this section we deal with teasing and genital torture, usually without giving him permission to come.
The ideal is to give the impression that playing games with his genitals gives you pleasure. Causing an aroused man to suffer pain at the centre of his arousal amuses you. You like to make men your toys They are just big teddy bears for a bad girl to play with.
When you grow bored with his genitals you use him as a seat, or a footrest. When he is kneeling with his buttocks as your footrest it sometimes amuses you to prod his balls with your stiletto heel, or kick his cock with the pointed toe of your shoe.
Then the idea of actually using his genitals to rest your feet upon occurs to you. You let your stiletto heels dig into the shaft of his penis and the flesh of his balls. Or if he is lucky maybe the sole of your shoe will rub him or rest on his shaft.
Whether he gets pleasure or suffers pain is of no interest to you. He is simply a plaything.
If nettles grow in your area, you should have him pick you a fresh vase of nettles daily. You could tell him it is good for the air in the bedroom. Or you could, if he is already well under control be more open:
"I've heard they stimulate blood flow, so I'm going to use them on your cock."
The common nettle from the British Isles is reputed to be perfectly safe, and many say that it is actually good for the circulation. Certainly I have used it on David regularly. One day someone will send me some seeds and I can try to grow them again here in Portugal.
Try preparing a cane with a nettle taped to the end of it, then when he is tied down on the bed you can walk around him. You can prod and stroke his genitals and nipples with it. If he complains, you can laugh and say:
"But I thought you liked me touching you?"
If nettles are not available, or you live in parts of America where nettles are highly poisonous, then rub in itching powder purchased from a joke store. Try rubbing in deep heat cream or aftershave.
"What's the matter baby," you ask.
"Does it hurt?"
The more it hurts, the more you laugh and giggle with glee. Try plucking his hairs, and then rub in alcohol to clean him up.
Obviously, if you shave his pubic region completely, you are obliged to apply aftershave afterwards. The pores have to be closed!
"Don't be such a big baby," you can tell him in your best motherly tones.
"Mummy knows best what to do with your little willy. Mummy rub it better?"
Teasing at it's most erotic can simply involves lots of necking and petting. Perhaps on the sofa together.
His hands run under your skirts, but are always pushed away when he tries to enter your knickers.
Your fingertips linger on the outside of his trousers but go no further. You get hot and passionate and rub him vigorously, and then you stop when he starts to moan. Your hands then wander back up and linger in his hair.
If he attempts to undo his trousers, or force his hand beyond your limits, or push your hand inside his trousers, you stop altogether.
"Push your trousers and pants down," you say, your tone calm and unemotional.
Perhaps you start to undo his trousers for him, or you wait, and watch, until he obeys.
He will usually do so in the hope that you are going to touch him.
Then you get up and go to the fridge in the kitchen. You prepare a plastic bag full of ice cubes. Then quickly you return and push the cold ice onto his genitals:
"Don't ever try to force me again," you warn.
"If you can't control yourself I'll do it for you."
Once you have had to restrain him in this way once, you have the perfect excuse to introduce the idea of him wearing a chastity belt while you kiss and cuddle. Either straight away or on the next occasion he joins you on the sofa.
"It's the only way I can be sure you'll behave yourself, remember the last time, you tried to force your attentions on me."
Once you tire of prickteasing him, you will then impose your conditions. He is aroused and wants to make love to you. Maybe he says the words:
"I want you."
You can answer:
"Oh good! But what about what I want?"
Then you only let him out of his chastity belt if he promises to give you what you want.
"I'll unlock you now, but only if you promise to do what I say. I want to play with it my way!"
Then you make him kneel in front of you with his knees spread wide to expose his genitals. If you have a cane with a nettle tied to the end, it is a perfect time to use it. If not then a very long, very thin, riding whip can be used.
You can relax in your armchair and whip, tease and prod his genitals, for your pleasure.
"This is how I like to play," you tell him.
When you tire of hitting and prodding it, fetch a pile of clothes pegs.
"I want to watch you attach them to your balls," you say.
"If you can get twenty on your balls, I'll touch your penis for you with my fingers. Would you like that?"
If he succeeds, you can return to kissing and petting on the sofa as you give him his reward. Only this time if his passion rises too high, you remove a clothes peg and he will moan in pain.
You then giggle:
"There you see, now it's under control. I like it under my control!"
A necking session can last a long while, with twenty pegs to remove. The only danger is that if you wait until he is too close to coming, just removing a peg might make him spurt.
If he ever comes accidentally you should be angry:
"You've spoilt my game, go and stand in the corner. Face the wall and don't come back until you've made my toy hard again."
If you manage to remove all the pegs without him coming, and you haven't tired of the game you can always say:
"Now I want to try for thirty, kneel down there and start again."
If he runs out of space on his balls, all the better.
"Well it has to be thirty," you say in your best spoilt little girl voice......
"Or no more treats. See if you can get the rest on your penis. I want to see a line of them up your shaft."
You can repeat the process, necking and tormenting again and again. If you want an excuse to stop this game, you keep increasing the amount until he fails.
"Well if you can't get fifty on it, I don't want to play any more. Get dressed and put it away."
"Well, that's spoilt that game. Go and stand in the corner. I'll think of something else to amuse me."
Equally, his lack of control when you are prickteasing him, can be the excuse for tying his hands to the bedstead. Once secured in this way his genitals are yours to torture and torment for as long as you like.
You can watch television if you wish, and simply use him for entertainment during the advert breaks.
You can go shopping, or even do the housework.
An amusing way to take your elevenses is sat on his face and slapping his penis with a ruler between sips of coffee and nibbles of biscuits.
If his slavery is well established, you can if you wish, dispense with the prickteasing and move straight to tying him down, or ordering and controlling his torment.
However it is more erotic for many men, if they are reminded of the reason for their submission.
They like to believe that you used sex to manipulate them into submitting. So a little conventional necking, prior to becoming the bitch again is well worth indulging in.
If a slave is at the stage that he works hard and obeys orders, you may notice it during the day and say something like:
"Kneel, I have a reward for you."
Standing in front of the kneeling slave you lift your dress and drop it down over his head. You hold his head against your vulva while you stand for a few minutes, sometimes for as long as you can stand still.
Then you lift your dress back over him and pat him on the head. You might say:
"That's a good boy, carry on with your work, maybe later, eh slave".
If you are wearing an ankle length dress you can tell him:
"I'm going to let you play with yourself for a while, since you've been a good boy today. But I don't want to see the disgusting business, so get under my skirts while you do it, you'll be out of my sight there. But don't come, you haven't been that good."
Invite him to your bedroom in the daytime, let him think he is going to make love to you. Join him on the bed and tie his hands when he continually puts them where he shouldn't.
Then get up and tie his feet, perhaps let him think you are going to ride him for your pleasure.
Undo his trousers and get his equipment out. Then slap it:
"Naughty boy, has been getting ideas above his station."
Slap it some more.
"You thought you were going to put this in me, didn't you?"
Then fetch a bunch of nettles or a ruler......
"Well I'm going to teach it a lesson."
Once he is tied down the lesson can take all day if you like.
If you want to tease him into to letting you tie him into an armchair, put on an outfit that suggests you might be sexually available.
Sit on his lap and kiss and cuddle. When his hands wander tell him:
"If you want any more, I'll have to tie your hands to stop them wandering."
Once he is tied down you can walk off saying:
"You men are such easy game. Now I've got you where I want you, it's time for my fun."
When you return, you'll bring with you a stiff bristled hairbrush. You sit on his lap and kiss him. You offer:
"Want me to play with it for you?"
If he declines you might say:
"Don't be a meany, don't you want me to have my fun?"
Then you unzip him and get it out, and rub him with the bristles.
If you don't want him tied down, and he is a smoker, you can make him pay for each cigarette with a clothes peg on his penis and/or balls. Simply take his cigarettes and lighter away from him and say:
"Cigarettes are going to cost you today, come and ask me when you want one."
If you want to encourage him to cut down on his smoking, the price of a cigarette could be several pegs. Make him leave the peg(s) in place until the cigarette is finished, and then return for you to take it (them) off again.
Or if you like you can make him pay for every drink; tea, coffee, or whatever by putting rubber bands on his genitals.
Ordinary rubber bands will do, but even better are the strong black rings you can purchase in many hardware stores. They are used in many plumbing joints.
Whenever you are out shopping, scan the shelves of the hardware departments for something new to attach to his genitals.
You will be surprised what ideas you can get in the hypermarket. If you then surprise him with your purchase, and try it on him, he will have the evidence that you really enjoy this aspect of the game. Why else would you keep buying and trying new things?
Buy some candles and a packet of condoms. Try cutting the candles to size and shaping them in warm water to make butt plugs of different sizes to experiment with.
Cover them in a condom. Tie string to the end of the condom to stop the butt plug getting lost inside him, then tie the string around his balls.
Try different thicknesses and lengths, make him report if they ever drop out. Try again with a thicker one. He is your toy, and it amuses you to experiment with him.
Making him report hourly can be effective whether he wants a drink, a cigarette, or not.
At 12pm. 2pm. 4pm. 6pm. and 8pm for instance you could make him put his head under your skirt and wank for ten minutes.
Then send him away to report again in another hour.
At 1pm. 3pm. 5pm. 7pm. and 9pm, you could make him fuck a toilet bowl, the floor or a wall.
After each session you could apply strokes of a penis whip or ruler to make the erection go down again.
3pm=15 strokes, the 24 hour clock is the favoured system by most Mistresses.
You can dispense with the previous games and just make him report hourly for penis punishment if you prefer.
In truth you will find that punishing the erection rarely makes it go away, it usually just makes it that much stiffer. But of course you pretend not to know this, and expect your system to work!
If it stubbornly refuses to go down you can always wrap it in 2 inch adhesive tape, it is a good chastity device, and it will stop him playing with it too much until he reports again.
Of course, once it has been taped up, you may decide to just have him put his head under your skirt for ten minutes without wanking. Or you might let him try to masturbate through the tape.
Making him remove the tape every hour, will soon him leave him pretty bald down there, but that too is a good torture. Almost as effective as waxing.
Hot candle wax is an excellent penis torture. It works best if you make him lay on the floor and then sit on his face, ostensibly to hold him down, although if done properly it doesn't really hurt.
Hold the lighted candle about a foot above his genitals and let the wax drop on his balls. If he doesn't cry out in pain, the wax is too cold when it hits him, so lower the candle down until he moans and you have found the right height.
The cries are more fear based than real pain.
Strangely the more hot wax you drop on the end of his penis, the harder it seems to get. When the head is completely covered, you can declare:
"There, that should stop any nasty mess leaking out while I have my fun."
Run your fingertips lightly along his shaft, then under his balls to arouse him. Grip the base of his shaft between the finger and thumb of your right hand and push downwards in a masturbating motion. Hold it down, pinching hard until it twitches, then try to calm him down with more hot wax in the same places.
Once he has been trained to accept the wax treatment without struggling, you can have him lay on the floor while you stand astride his head.
Then bending at the waist you lean down with your candle to drop the wax on his genitals.
He will be torn between watching the wax land and looking up your skirt. Don't forget to drop a little on his nipples as well, just to see what kind of response this produces.
Reporting hourly for penis punishment can be a fun game without allowing the wanking. He could be made to report on the hour for pegs to be added to his genitals.
If the strictures of hourly reporting are too regimented for your tastes. Try just telling him to masturbate at odd times and in odd ways throughout the day. Then apply penis punishment and torture in an attempt to calm him down.
If he ever complains about not being allowed to orgasm, tell him:
"Of course not, I like trying to make it go down with punishment. It would ruin my fun if it went soft because you came. This is for my pleasure, you get yours when I decide."
Rubber bands around the genitals tend to maintain erections once there. Combine them with a butt plug and the erection is regularly stimulated by the sensation in his anus. Make him wear a butt plug and rubber bands for working, and he will find it difficult to keep his mind on his work and not be thinking of his Mistress constantly.
If you buy slave irons in a size that turns out to be too small, you may find that you can use a wrist cuff as a genital ring.
Of course this depends on how well endowed he is. Wearing such an iron ring around the base of both cock and balls will keep his mind focused on you.
When making him wear rings on his genitals be sure to tell him that ringing slaves and animals is an ancient tradition. It marks him as your property, and helps him remember that.
Under everyday clothing string makes a useful genital torment. Undress him and tie string from his balls to both big toes before you let him get dressed again.
As he moves around the string tugs constantly. Even sitting down will tighten the pull. The tighter his trousers are the better it works.
If you want to surprise him by buying something exciting to use upon him, you can hardly do better than faradic equipment. These are devices to give high voltage but low amperage electric shocks to the genitals.
Providing he doesn't wear a pacemaker or have a weak heart they are perfectly safe on the nipples too.
If he does wear a pacemaker, then do not indulge in electric shock games at all!
If you have any doubts, limit the use of the connectors to the genital area.
The shock passes in and out of his body without affecting any other area, because you attach both terminals to the genital region.
These devices are usually powered by a simple PP3 9 volt battery. The current is converted into a very high voltage, similar to that used in electrolysis machines to remove hair. You will find advertisements from suppliers of this type of equipment in magazines like Skin Two.
If you want to make a home made device, you need to purchase one of the electric weight loss machines. If you like, order him to purchase one of these machines and convert it.
These devices have pads that normally are attached above the waistline. They deliver tiny tingling shocks spread over a large area.
To convert this equipment you simply have two terminals and pump all the output through one of those. The simplest type of terminal is the crocodile clips found on battery chargers.
(Under no circumstances use a battery charger for these games! The amperage is lethal!)
You might like to loosen the grip of the crocodile clips, if you wish the electrical sensations to be the primary ones felt. Then you simply experiment to see the kinds of sensations you can cause.
The pleasure/pain effect is said to be out of this world. Often more pleasure than pain.
Many suppliers of this equipment supply terminals that can be inserted in the anus or vagina. Try putting one terminal on the penis and another on the balls. Or one in the anus and one on the penis. One on the top of the penis, the other at the base.
If you dress up in something strict like a rubber dress, or military costume; he will have wonderful fantasies as you tie him up and torture his genitals for hours on end!
A simple crisp white blouse and pencil skirt will do.
It is unlikely that you will be able to induce sufficient pain with these devices to make the erection go away. But many men fantasise about a woman doing just that.
So if your words suggest this is your intention as you change the location of the clips, and strengthen the current he will enjoy it all the more.
"Tell me when it hurts," you say.
"I want to have full control over your erections."
If you strike lucky and find you can suppress his erection electrically you should sound pleased:
"Oh good, that worked. Now I have perfect control. I'll try it again."
Then you can sit on his face and play with him until you produce another stiffy, and try again.
Tell him you want to see if you can make him come without touching him.
"Then I'll have a way to milk you without giving you too much pleasure."
You can laugh as you say:
"An electric milking machine!"
It is unlikely you will succeed at first. But you know what they say, if it at first you don't succeed...
One of the simplest forms of teasing is to sit on a man's face for several hours. Unfortunately his face won't make a very comfortable seat.
There are ways round that, like having him kneel with his head under your skirt, but this too is hardly comfortable for either of you.
Yet again the pages of Skin Two will have names of people that can solve this problem. There you will find BDSM furniture manufacturers.
You can have a chaise longue made, he is placed inside it so that his head emerges between your legs as you lay down.
Or you can buy an armchair where his head is surrounded by the cushioned seat.
If the cushioning is strong, when it takes your full weight his nose and mouth will just be in contact with your backside.
He lays on his back with his body emerging behind you, out of sight and mind. When you sit on it you would hardly know he is under you.
You could convert a spare room to an alternate lounge that visitors never see. If he is a handyman have him make the conversion. If not, then get one of these companies to quote for converting a room for you, or supplying a couple of chairs to your requirements.
Each time you get up to make a cup of tea, or freshen your drink, you can check out his genitals. Play with them to get them aroused, apply whatever you fancy; maybe rubber rings or clothes pegs and nipple clamps. Then you return to your seat and forget him again.
As with all Fem-Dom, it is the idea that you would want to turn a man's face into a seat that is arousing. The longer he can lay there, the more convinced he can become of this truth about you.
Even if he is not a handyman you can have him make a simple version of the chaise longue, by cutting a hole in a sun lounger.
He is placed underneath and pushes his head up through the hole. You handcuff his hands to the legs to keep him out of mischief, or put him a chastity belt.
Then you recline and read a good book.
If you are wearing a long dress you pull it up at the back before you lay down, then drop the material down over him and forget all about him.
If you want to surprise him with these ideas, experiment with pillows on your sofa or floor. Make him lay down with his face in position for sitting on. Pile pillows and cushions around him and try your seat out.
Keep experimenting until you find a comfortable way to sit on his face. Even if you never find a way to get perfectly comfortable, the fact that you want to sit upon his face for a long period will arouse him. So even trying, and eventually failing is a success.
If you can find a way to turn his face into a seat that can be used all day, he will be in psychological heaven.
A version of the armchair can be made by cutting a hole in the back of an old armchair so that his head and shoulders can pass through. Then you place a coffee table behind the armchair.
He lays on his back on the coffee table and pushes his head through the hole.
Place a pillow under his chin between him and the back of the armchair. Place two more either side of his head, and one at the front of your chair. Sit down, and if this is not comfortable fetch four more pillows. Place one over his forehead, one over his chin, and one on each cheek. Now just his nose and mouth are showing in the hole in the middle. Try your seat again.
Before throwing out your old furniture it is well worth experimenting until you find a system that works. Because most submissives are at their happiest if they can be permanently used as your seat.
Even if you don't intend to torture his genitals, but simply want to spend the afternoon and evening watching television, he would prefer to spend his time under you than watch the box.
This is especially the case if his favourite program is on, because once again the fact that he is under you and not watching it, means that the game is for your pleasure.
The idea that women read and enjoy pornography is exciting to many men. Once he is in such a position beneath your skirts try reading a stack of his magazines, or back issues of Forum.
Simply making a man masturbate for long periods without allowing him orgasm is a sexual torment.
Try sitting him on a footstool in the corner with instructions to play with himself, then you read the stack of magazines for new ideas to torment him with.
You can simply ignore him, and every smile on your lips will be interpreted by him as a new idea that will one day be tried on him. If he gets over excited simply tell him to stop:
"You can kneel here for a while and look at my legs. No more playing with yourself until I say so."
If he seems to be losing interest, take off your knickers and give them to him.
"Sniff the crotch and dream on wanker," you order.
You can if you wish handcuff his balls to a pair of footcuffs to keep him crouching on the floor while you read, or watch blue movies.
Sometimes you may be undecided on whether to give a slave an orgasm for health reasons or simply for your own amusement. On such occasions you might say:
"Come to my room and worship me".
You then present yourself to him for anal worship, usually by kneeling on the foot of the bed. Orgasm should not be given without an extreme abasement. So you might say:
"You may plead for an orgasm. If your begging amuses me I will give you a 50-50 chance of coming, by tossing a coin. If you fail to amuse, you will forego your pleasure."
Since it is better not to let him come, it is best to declare that his worshipping lacked something. Perhaps he didn't look enthusiastic enough at the beginning, or his begging didn't sound sincere.
"I'll let you try again tomorrow," you declare.
"Perhaps you'll do it properly then, I like the tip of your tongue to enter me!"
A Polaroid camera or a video recorder can be a useful asset in teasing and tormenting. Put him in a chastity device that causes pain when he gets an erection, then make him take risque pictures of you in your most exciting outfits.
You might even write complete plots to be filmed while he is restrained, just to keep his mind focused on the work in hand.
It can be particularly amusing to film a plot with him in the dominant role, while underneath his clothes he is suffering intense pain from his arousal at the situation.
You could be playing sexy little housemaid. His role could be the Master of the house. He makes you stand beside him while he touches you under your skirts. If his face shows the pain caused by the device you can tell him:
"There that serves you right, you were enjoying it too much. Now we'll have to film it all over again."
Whenever he is in a really painful device, you only have to sit upon his face for a few moments to cause him intense pain when he gets the inevitable erection. Then you can send him away:
"Serves you right, if you didn't lust it wouldn't hurt."
If he doesn't get an erection, talking about other men while his head is under your skirts will often produce the required effect.
"Now if you were a real man like Kevin Costner, it wouldn't be your head under there."
Once you have him in a painful device, you can cause genital suffering by dressing up in your most unusual outfits. Try dressing up as an available slut and making a sexual approach until he moans in pain.
"Poor boy," you commiserate.
"I guess you're not in the mood right now."
Dressing up games can be fun, if you tie him up first. Change into different outfits, and experiment to see how aroused each outfit gets him. Then of course you have to punish his penis to make the erection go away, before you can try the next outfit.
Making him play doggy can be the perfect excuse for indulging in penis torture. Because you want a good doggy, you have to put these things on his penis to make the nasty stiffy go away.
Poor doggy can find himself being tortured and punished all day long, for making a nasty display of himself. The strange thing is, the more you punish it, the harder it seems to get!.
Would You Like To Read More About Doggy Games?
[[Yes, Tell me about Doggy Games]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.**The slave Working While You Relax Or Supervise**
Once he is committed to playing Mistress and slave, all you now want to do is make your role so bitchy that he will wonder if you really like it this way.
Prepare a list of chores to be done by your slave and at the bottom of the list put something intriguing.
For example:
Vacuum the house from top to bottom.
Load the washing machine from the laundry basket.
Hand-wash the lingerie in my bedroom.
Wash the windows, outside.
Clean the bathroom.
Scrub the kitchen floor.
Wash windows inside.
Bring me my hairbrush from my dressing table.
The item at the bottom of the list will intrigue him, but it will become plain as the day progresses that you intended to manipulate him into gross disobedience.
Men love to think women manipulate them.
Hand him the list and say something like:
"Here are your chores for today, I want that list completed by four o'clock. You can take fifteen minutes for lunch when I summon you at one o'clock to prepare mine."
Your manner is cold and completely arrogant!
Then relax and put your feet up on the sofa. Watch television, or read a book.
Summon him by shouting "slave" whenever you want a drink, a cigarette or even the channel changed on the TV.
Be careless of how much thigh you show when he serves you, and dismiss him curtly to return to his chores.
If and when he starts to hoover the room you are in, tell him he is making too much noise, and to do this room with a dustpan and brush.
When he brings you something to your taste for lunch, dismiss him curtly with the instructions:
"Your lunch is to be as much dry bread as you can eat, and as much water as you can drink. Back to work in fifteen minutes."
If he makes any protest you look up angrily:
"How dare you question me. You can bring me that hairbrush now."
Another way to tempt him into misbehaviour is to arouse him sexually.
For example:
When he starts washing the windows. Wait until he gets to your bedroom or the room you are in.
Enter the room and start undressing. The idea is to put on a show that will divert him from his work.
A few possible shows are:
Masturbate laying on the rug or the bed.
Pretending you are masturbating.
Exercising in a provocative way.
Dancing erotically rubbing your hands over your body.
Trying on various outfits, and posing before the mirror.
Whatever kind of show you put on, pretend you have not noticed he is there. Here is a short story to demonstrate this idea....
[[Read Short Story]]**Rules Not Clearly Established**
If your roles are not clearly established as Mistress and slave, then perhaps you are Dominant by virtue of prickteasing him.
Firstly you establish that if he wants sex, he is dependent upon your whim. Then you tell him that you want to play a game to put you in the mood.
Alternatively his slavery to you could be a forfeit as a result of a bet, or losing a game of cards.
Maybe he can be induced to give you a period of slavery as a birthday present. Or as a gift for your wedding anniversary.
If you control the purse strings to some extent, you can ask for a period of slavery in exchange for something he wants. Perhaps he wants to buy a new motorcycle, or a boat. Maybe he wants to trade in the car for a new model. Perhaps he wants a new gismo for the computer.
So you might say:
"I'll let you have that as a treat, providing you give me something first. It's only fair that I have a treat too!"
Tell him that you fancy being a slave owner for the day, or perhaps a week. He is to call you Mistress or Madam. You will call him slave, or give him a slave name.
Make it plain that it would really please you if this game was as realistic as possible.
Draw a scenario for him and tell him that he is to act it out convincingly. Or else he goes without until he plays your game!
If his treat is something expensive like a car, then your treat could be very costly.
"You can have a new car, but the price for using it will be two days of slavery per week."
After all, it is only fair! He gets five days of pleasure every week from having a new car. So what is wrong with paying for it with two days as your slave?
Sometimes it easier to play Mistress and slave if one invents two fictional characters that will enact a particular scenario. You might find it easier to write down a scenario and hand it to him.
"Here you are, read this and then report to me pretending that you are the slave in the story."
Possible scenarios are many but here are a few ideas.
He is a convicted criminal sentenced to five years. He has served one year. His second year is to be in unpaid service to any community member that requires work. At the end of the second year he will be eligible for parole if his guardian writes a praising report. If not, he serves the rest of his sentence. You are that guardian, this is his first day. It is already plain that you intend to work him like a slave.
The world has changed. Women are in charge and men are kept in labour camps unless selected by a woman as personal slave or even a husband. If and when a woman rejects a slave for poor service he is sent back to hard labour with no chance of future selection. You have selected him, this is his first day.
He was an employee in one of your businesses. He was caught with his hand in the till. He was given an ultimatum, serve as your slave for a year or go to prison. He chose slavery and signed contracts and confessions to guarantee his compliance.
Tell him the idea of acting a woman with so much power interests you, and you intend to enjoy your weekend, day, week, or whatever to the full.
[[The slave Working While You Relax Or Supervise -> Rules are Established]]
**The slave Working While You...**
David was outside and cleaning the window of the spare bedroom, when Carol came into the room.
His mouth dropped open, astonished. For she was wearing nothing but her lingerie. Black lingerie, her breasts thrusting now over a half cup bra. The black silky material mounded over her dark pubic hairs. Taught suspender straps tightly pulling black silky stockings over her thighs.
Carol turned her back to him and began touching her toes and David could not help but imagine entering her from behind.
Then facing him she raised her arms and stretched upwards. Tightening and flexing her upper torso, then breast toning exercises that only served to display her erotically to him.
David's inclination was to respect her privacy and move on to another window, yet he was entranced. The blood was coursing through his veins, he felt his manhood rise. He moved slightly to one side so that he wouldn't be so obvious in his voyeurism.
He stayed, peering round the edge of the window, his palms damp with perspiration, eagerly devouring her with his eyes.
Peculiarly, Carol appeared not to notice him. Not once did she look his way. Maybe she hadn't seen him. Or maybe, he thought suddenly, she wants me to watch her.
Carol knelt on the bed and began pushing her buttocks back and arching her back down. This was meant to strengthen the back muscles, David knew.
Her mound was thrust back towards him, bulging out, even between her closed thighs; the black silk panties barely able to contain her.
The view seemed to invite him to mount her, but for the window which lay between them.
David wasn't sure if he was imagining it, but the fabric seemed to cling more as she became damp with perspiration, making her sex lips more visible to him. Her stocking tops below underlined the view and further emphasised it, forcing him to focus his eyes between her legs.
Not knowing whether to rush into the house and try to join her on the bed, or stay and watch the show, David could wait no longer.
His hand pushed itself under the waist belt of his trousers and into his hot damp underwear. He gripped himself and almost burst instantly, so urgent was his arousal.
Carol stretched to lay on her tummy. Then sliding back along the bed, she was up on her knees again. Up, down, up, down, regularly and rhythmically backwards and forwards.
David imagined himself pumping into her from behind. And then David was forced to remove his hand from his trousers, for fear he would explode.
Carol turned over and her stiletto heels dug into the blanket. As her legs bent, her torso was pushed upwards, and then down in a cruel mimicry of intercourse.
David unconsciously recognised this as an exercise to strengthen the tummy muscles, but the effect was still the same. Every movement only served to emphasise her mound as she thrust upwards, and virtually exposed herself to him between parted thighs.
Up and down went the torso. The muscles in the thighs and stomach tightening and thrusting her black, silk covered pussy towards him.
David lusted wildly, her breasts were barely restrained by the tiny half cupped brassiere, he wanted to maul them as he pumped within her.
Any thought of work was long since forgotten. He was completely focused on Carol and his lust for her!
Carol's lithe body rolled swiftly off the bed. Landing on her feet she strode purposefully to the window. David was tempted to run, but was frozen to the spot.
She opened the window and leaned out, looking round the corner at him. She sneered as she took in the manflesh bulging obscenely in his trousers.
Trembling, half with lust, half with fear, he waited for her inevitable tirade.
Carol smiled almost sweetly and said:
"I think it's time you brought me my hairbrush, don't you David?"
Indoors David climbed the stairs to her bedroom. There on her dressing table he found the hairbrush that was the last item on his list of chores for today.
"Bring me my hairbrush from my dressing table," was the puzzling item at the bottom of the sheet of paper.
She wasn't upstairs in either of the bedrooms, so she must be waiting for him downstairs.
It seemed most unlikely that Carol wanted him to brush her hair, after what had just happened.
"Through here," he heard her say as he reached the bottom of the stairs.
David entered the sitting room hesitantly.
Carol glared at him icily:
"You are an animal, a filthy sex mad beast, quite disgusting!"
She mouthed the words contemptuously.
"How is it possible for a so called man to indulge himself in such an abominable manner?"
"I'm sorry Madam," he managed to utter.
"Sorry!" Carol was indignant.
"Is that all you have to say for yourself?"
David tried to excuse himself:
"It's just that I thought..."
Carol angrily interrupted him:
"What did you think? That a mere servant could dare to indulge himself, to intrude on my privacy, to slobber and salivate over my body like a drooling animal. You had your chores to finish, yet you stood there touching yourself in an outrageous manner. How dare you take advantage of me in that way, it is intolerable behaviour. It is quite beyond description, what could you be thinking of?"
David was speechless, completely crushed. It was embarrassing to have been caught peeking in a window like that, even if it was his own wife he had been watching.
She had led him on.
She had trapped him into doing what he did.
Yet she made it sound so despicable that he almost believed that he was at fault.
He tried to worm his way out of his predicament.
"I didn't understand Madam, I'm sorry."
Carol looked at him disdainfully as if he had just crawled out of a cess pit.
"How dare you say that, you filthy creature."
She snarled.
"You leave me no choice in the matter. Why do you think I asked you to bring me this hairbrush?"
"I don't know Madam," David lied, for he surely knew now what she had intended all along, and the heartless injustice of it burned through to his soul.
"Well I'll tell you David," she crowed.
"For your obscene and licentious conduct today, I am going to give you the spanking you deserve. I am going to make you truly sorry!"
"You can't be serious Madam," he retorted, but still respectfully addressing her as Madam.
"I'm deadly serious, David" she said.
Carol sneered at him.
"So, when I tell you to drop your trousers and pants, I will expect you to obey me and pronto!"
"Please Carol..." he wanted to beg her to think again.
"Shut up David," said Carol coldly.
"And take your punishment like a man. Now drop your trousers and pants, and bend over."
David realised that she had left him no way out. She was resolute, that was beyond doubt.
She was taking control, emasculating him, and yet still he hungered for her as she stood there; Her body adorned in black lingerie, tapping the back of the hairbrush in her palm, waiting for his submission.
"But it's not fair Carol, please I beg you."
"I've told you before, it is Madam to you David! Now do as you're told!"
David's mind sought an escape.
The dishonour of having to submit one's will to a woman shamed him.
This prickteasing bitch had him under her thumb, and she knew it.
That hairbrush had been on his list of chores all along. She had obviously planned to trap him from the start. How could he have been so foolish.
"O.K. then," he bristled.
"If this is what you want."
He undid his belt:
"Have it your way."
He dropped his trousers.
"In the buff is the way I want it," demanded Carol.
"But I'll be giving you extra for your impertinence, you dirty swine. Now drop your pants as well and bend over!"
David pushed his briefs down over his thighs, bending slightly he pushed them to the floor. He was now naked but for his shirt.
"You don't have to treat me like this Madam," he pleaded, desperate for her to stop this charade and treat him like the man he was.
Carol grinned sadistically.
"You still haven't realised, have you wanker?"
She sneered.
"You are a filthy little jerk off, and I've decided to take you under control. It turns me on to make you serve and obey me!"
Carol's features were set as she proceeded to give him what for, it was as though a cell door were slamming shut upon him.
"Listen carefully wanker, for I'll not repeat anything twice. From now on I give the orders, and you obey them, got it!
I'm going to get one hundred percent respect, servility and total compliance with my instructions. Do you completely understand me?"
David had never seen this side of Carol, it was as though she were possessed.
It must be an act, he decided.
She was going way over the top, and it was the most convincing act he'd ever witnessed.
But it was clear that she was enjoying her fantasy and he'd better play along if he knew what was good for him.
"Yes Madam," he whispered.
"Get it straight in your mind, David," insisted his wife.
"I'm going all the way this time because I enjoy it. Nothing in the world makes me as happy as seeing a man grovel. I love to make men suffer for their sins, and to have them beg for mercy.
You dared to ogle my body and lust after me, and for that I'm going to beat you into submission, so you'll truly know your place."
There is no escape, David realised. He was in every way in her power. So he lifted his shirt and bent over. He would show her he was a man. It was only a hairbrush!
"Pull your shirt right down over your head David, I don't want to have to look at your lusting features. Get right over with your head between your knees. Understand?"
"Yes Madam."
David summoned his courage. He would take it, and then she'd know he was a man.
"For your disgusting display earlier I am going to give you twenty, and after that I'll be giving you five more for your insolence just now. Do you understand wanker?"
David tensed his body. That made twenty five in all. It was more than plenty.
"Yes Madam," he answered from beneath the shirt, trying not to let his fear show in his voice.
"You will stay in position while I give you the thrashing you deserve," continued Carol.
"And you will count each stroke as it lands. If you miss a stroke, or miscount, I will be obliged to repeat it or start again. Do you fully understand?"
"Yes Madam," David felt his exposed backside constrict with terror.
He gripped his ankles and told himself to be strong.
"Good," Carol said complacently.
"Then here goes!"
Wallop! Even with the warning, the sting of the first stroke shocked David.
Obviously he presumed it would be painful. But the hard wooden surface delivered with such force took his breath away. It seared into his rump like a blowtorch. He yelped in surprise and nearly toppled over.
Wallop! The second stroke landed on the other cheek.
Just as agonising.
David clenched his teeth together and determined to show no weakness. He suppressed his cry and remained standing.
Wallop! This one on top of the first.
It seared into his flesh and he yelped, inwardly cursing himself for showing his frailty.
Wallop! That was the fourth stroke... Still twenty one to go.
Then he remembered and quickly he called out:
"No," Carol chortled.
"That was only number one. I warned you!"
Ignoring his begging she continued to lay on the strokes until he had missed several more counts. Then when he realised, he tried to resume counting where he thought she had got to.
She corrected him.
"You lost count. We start again David, at one!"
"Oh, One."
"Yes," she smiled.
"You're getting the idea now David!"
"Oh, two, please stop, please Madam I can't take any more."
"Shut up! You deserve everything you get, pig!"
And remorselessly she continued. Until finally he took twenty five strokes without once breaking count.
David must have received in excess of a hundred strokes before it was over.
He heard Carol asking sweetly above him:
"There, that wasn't so bad, was it? How many did you have?"
"Twenty five Madam," David gasped, clasping his burning backside as he squirmed on the floor before her.
"Twenty five is nothing David, a real man can take twice that without a whimper."
David groaned and rolled around on the floor, holding his buttocks. Humiliated by the realisation of how weak he was. Why couldn't he take it like a man?
"But you will toughen up, believe me. You'll have to!"
Of course! This was only the start. She planned to continue!
"Get up, you snivelling worm! Or I'll really give you something to cry about!"
"No. Please!" David compelled himself to stand.
He looked at her hoping to see some remorse, or at least some sign of consideration or sympathy for his suffering.
Instead, he saw her looking supreme, radiant, and she was panting with her exertion.
She looked satiated, as though she had just taken sexual pleasure, and it occurred to him that she might have.
She looked gloriously powerful. Stockinged thighs astride, her arms akimbo, her breasts rising and falling as she breathed.
She positively glowed. Regardless of what she'd done to him, he still wanted her desperately.
Carol was completely unrepentant.
"Now I hope you've learnt your lesson. If there is any sign of a repeat of your odious behaviour....."
She said.
"......It will be my thick leather tawse not just a measly little hairbrush. I won't tolerate......"
She sneered as though even the words were beneath her.
"........that kind of thing from men. So, you know where you stand now David. From now on you'll be doing my chores, on my terms whenever I say so. Understand?"
"Yes Madam."
There was to be no let up then?
[[Continue With Work]]
[[Fun Ideas Menu]]
**The slave Working While You Relax Or Supervise**
Once you have played this game once, the list game becomes more exciting each time you play it.
On a subsequent occasion the last item might read
Fetch me the leather belt from my top drawer.
Bring me 12 clothes pegs. (For his genitals!)
He will expect to be caught out in the same way, or punished for not completing your list on time, but you know differently. Halfway down his list you enter his presence.
"Stop that," you order as he is halfway through scrubbing the floor,
"and follow me."
You turn arrogantly and walk out, knowing he will follow.
You then give him a totally useless chore to perform, but you give him a time limit to complete it in that will be most difficult to achieve.
If possible make him work totally naked and certainly without a watch.
"Strip off, I want you working buck naked. I don't want those clothes soiled."
The phraseology 'buck naked' is as usual deliberately derisory.
Examples of useless chores:
Move a pile of firewood from one place to another.
Dig a hole 4ft x 4ft x 4ft deep in thirty minutes.
Move everything in the attic from one side to another.
Strip all the beds and fold the bedclothes in 15 minutes.
The idea is to suggest something preposterous, and make him protest, at which time you sound angry:
"How dare you question your Mistress, fetch that belt now."
If he does as ordered without protest, hopefully he will report to you outside of his time limit. At which time you say something like:
"I said within the hour, it is now three minutes past. I won't have disobedience from you, fetch that belt now!"
After you have punished him you order:
"Fill the hole in and dig me another on the opposite side of the garden, this time work more quickly, because you only have twenty seven minutes left. If you disobey me this time you'll get a double dose."
Or if it is the pile of firewood you might say:
"You are ten minutes over time, and I won't have laziness. Fetch the belt now and we'll soon buck your ideas up."
Then after the punishment you order:
"Move the logs back where you found them you slack bastard, and quickly this time."
Useless work is much more effective at communicating your pleasure in making him sweat. If the task served some purpose it would seem less Mistress like and more normal.
If he was within his time limit you might congratulate him:
"Good, that's the kind of effort I like to see. Now make all the beds again within fifteen minutes."
One wrong look, one sigh of exasperation from the slave and you look daggers at him.
"Something on your mind you bastard?"
Calling him names is the way you communicate the concept that you are a man hater.
There is something perversely sexual about a woman that hates men, especially if she is dressed to attract them.
He will find the concept highly arousing.
It is after all the essence of the dominatrix. She dresses in sexy clothes, but she never deigns to allow sexual contact. She punishes and is mean.
He is almost certain to protest or utter some word of complaint at some time during the game. With you reclined looking supremely relaxed, with perhaps your thighs on display as one leg rests on a footstool, the comparison of Mistress and slave will be too much for him each time he reports back.
Eventually, even if he does not protest, reducing the time limit and increasing the work will mean that he fails. At which time you order:
"How dare you disobey me you slack bastard, I said ten minutes, fetch the belt now!"
Watching him while he works with a cane or crop in hand is another way to push him beyond his limits. If he slows even slightly in his appointed task you order:
"Get over here and bend over, perhaps six of the best will inspire more effort."
You can play the list game in lots of different ways. Try putting the item midway down the list:
'1.00 pm. Bring me my cane.'
When he brings it to you on time check if he has done all the items preceding, if not you can punish him.
"How dare you skip an item, I won't have such arrogance from a man."
If he has done them all but reports late you would punish him. If he has managed to complete all the tasks and report on time You can punish him anyway:
"That's the kind of effort I like to see, now bend over. A dozen with this should inspire you to finish the rest of the list on time."
If you feel he is well on schedule with a list, you can always interrupt him with a useless chore to put him back behind schedule.
It will soon become obvious to him that you are deliberately manipulating no win situations. The idea that you are doing so will excite him, because it gives the impression that you want to punish him.
If he has just mopped a floor, walk over it and inspect his work. Then comment:
"Very good, but there are marks on the floor, do it again."
Making him repeat tasks can soon have him well behind schedule. If you find he has not cleaned a toilet properly you can order:
"Fetch a pen and paper and write five hundred lines: i must clean toilets perfectly for my Mistress. After I've checked your lines you can clean it again."
If you keep on top of him there is no way he can get to the end of his list on time, and he may well have suffered several punishments in the meantime for a wrong word or look.
It is quite easy to provoke such outbursts, try tearing his lines up without looking at them and ordering:
"Write more neatly, do them again properly!"
If you are provocatively attired or displaying plenty of thigh as you lounge around, try making him work naked. He is sure to report at least once with an erection. You can then order:
"How dare you report in that state. Fetch that cane now!"
Always the implement is the one that is on his list for later. Always he will realise that you are manipulating him.
If you give him a task to do on hands and knees like scrubbing a floor or sweeping a carpet with dustpan and brush, try standing over him as he does it while you are wearing a very short skirt.
The temptation to glance up will be overwhelming for him. You slash your crop down on his rump as you say:
"Filthy creep, you are supposed to be working not looking up my skirt. I think you had better fetch the belt now!"
As he gets to the point on his list of making your bed, enter the bedroom and change your clothing. Behave as though he simply isn't there, until you notice one wrong glance:
"What do you think you are looking at, how dare you? Fetch the cane, I'm going to have to teach you some manners."
He will love the hypocrisy of statements like
You leave me no choice.
I have no alternative but to cane such insolence.
Especially when he knows that you deliberately manipulated the offence.
Because he doesn't want to have to misbehave to get the punishment he desires, he wants you to be such a bitch that he gets it anyway.
Household chores have never been such fun. For him anyway!
[[Fun Ideas Menu]] [[New Ideas]]
[[Playing Games]]
[[Long Term Forfeits And Roles]]
[[Sexual Ways To Play With The slave. A plaything!]]
[[Sexually Using The slave For Your Own Pleasure]]
[[Humiliating him And/Or Punishing him]]
[[Playing With Your Video Camera Or Acting Out Roles]]
[[Exercises. Supervision And/Or Teasing]]Yes menstruation can be a depressing reality; for you, and for him. But even this can be turned around if you want to.
Some women find themselves randy during menstruation, others find it a total turn off.
Perhaps you see your period as a welcome once a month break in the game playing. If so, leave it that way.
Often menstruation is seen by him as meaning you have no interest in sex. Sometimes it is seen by you as meaning he has no interest in you. Neither need be true.
OK, maybe on the first day you just want to curl up in a ball and sleep, and of course you should do so.
The next day you could dress up and get back to your image of the sexy Dominatrix. You arrive in his room, put a clothes peg on his prick and say:
"If I have to suffer, so will you. Leave that on today. If it falls off I'll cane you."
It could be increased daily as your period progresses, 2 pegs, 3 elastic bands, etc. This has the added advantage of signalling when it is over, which may help to get things back in the right mood a little sooner.
Many sex acts can be indulged in during menstruation. If affairs are under your control, you can pick the time to allow a hand under your skirt, and the time not to.
With a tampon in place, at a time you decide, most sex games can be played.
Many women like to be penetrated anally during their period, with his tongue, finger or penis.
If you are not in the mood for sexual pleasure yourself it does not take away the fact that you can still be, and are, a sexually attractive person.
You can give a little, tease him into arousal, and punish, just as easily when you have your period as when you don't.
In fact it could be argued, that since you may not be diverted by your own needs and desires, it is easier for you to concentrate on controlling him.
If you are in the mood for sex, the period need not get in the way. How many times do women say:
"No, I can't I've got my period."
For the woman with a submissive male, it would be so easy to turn that phrase into:
"I've got my period so you can't have any, but I'll be needing your mouth. You can worship my arse while I masturbate."
Make him worship even when you're not in the mood.
There are many submissive men who would see serving your pussy with their tongue during menstruation as a supreme act of devotion. If for some reason you find this distasteful then wear a tampon and have a wash first.
Try telling him:
"Once a month you get the chance to prove you are only interested in my pleasure. You can serve me sexually in the knowledge that you can't have any yourself."
He will find it incredibly erotic if you say something like:
"Now you can prove you are truly subservient to my needs, during my period I'll be the only one getting any sex. You can wait until after."
If you only occasionally have sex during your period, it is nevertheless enough to let him know that it is always a possibility. This makes playing the prickteaser game easier.
For a woman to be a successful teaser, she first needs to communicate that sex is likely, and then deny him.
Kiss and cuddle with him and fondle each other. If you are wearing a tampon, why not let his hand enter your knickers?
You can still indulge in mutual masturbation.
If you are wearing a sanitary towel, what difference does it make? He will still be able to penetrate you, if you were to let him.
So he knows that sex is still a possibility, even probable at this stage.
Play with his penis until he is on the verge of coming, then stop.
"No more tonight," you say.
"I've got my period."
Now this phrase has become exciting!
He may well suggest that you could do it for him. You could laugh and say:
"What's in it for me?"
At this point you may like to read more about playing the prickteaser game in the most erotic ways. Even with your period most of the ideas there are suitable.
Would You Like To Read About Erotic Prickteasing?
[[Yes->More Prickteasing]]
[[No->Male Milking]]If the roles you are in are clearly established as Mistress and slave,
then you can skip to work ideas.
Do you wish to skip straight to work ideas?
[[The slave Working While You Relax Or Supervise -> Rules are Established]]
[[Rules Not Established]]**Doggy Gets None**
If you are in the mood for a slow build up, it's fun to make the frustrated or excited man play your pet dog as a way of earning a possible TREAT.
"You will please me, if you play my dog, and if you put me in a good mood I might have a special little treat for you later".
Forbid him speech, make him bark, once for Yes twice for No, make him run and fetch a ball, make him eat his food from a bowl on the floor.
Stand with one foot on his neck, pushing his face into the food until he has eaten it all.
If there is no time for food, push his face into a dish containing your urine and make him lap it all up.
A secluded garden is handy to take doggy out for a widdle and make him cock his leg.
When you have played the game long enough to leave him with the impression that you enjoy treating him that way, give him his treat.
Take him to your bedroom as your pet dog and put him on a rug beneath your bed. Tie his lead in place around the bed leg, and then lay on the bed and indulge yourself above him.
Peer over the edge of the bed occasionally and tease him with your questions:
"Does doggy want to come up on the bed?"
Obviously doggy will have to bark, or he has no chance!
And your remarks:
"Then doggy will have to be good and stop touching his thing, unless you can lick it like a proper doggy".
A short while later, when you are ready for him:
"Has doggy been good?"
Then pull him up by his lead.
"Come on Fido, up and sniff at your Mistress like a proper doggy."
Make him sniff and lick your anus while you kneel holding his lead with one hand to keep him in close.
Bring yourself to orgasm with the other hand.
Then when you've finished, give his lead a little slack and ask:
"There isn't your Mistress kind to her doggy, letting him sniff her?"
If at any stage he speaks then send him away. If he woofs twice then teasingly ask:
"Two woofs... Do you mean your Mistress isn't kind?"
Now he's totally confused. If he gives one woof then you might send him away for saying you are not kind, so he woofs twice to say No.
"Two woofs doggy, whatever do you mean, is there something you want?"
He is in a no win situation. You have had your pleasure, and now he wants his. If he speaks you will send him away, or punish him.
How can he communicate his need?
One woof.
"Well what is it, do you want to go in the garden?"
Two woofs.
"Oh, you want another of my special drinks, you do like your special drinks, don't you Fido?"
He is confused again, two woofs now might make you angry, one woof and he would have to drink it!
He opts to be clever and gives three excited woofs followed by four excited woofs, and you reply:
"Oh good did Mistress guess right?"
Then you get up and pat his head, you pull him by his lead towards the bathroom, where you keep his special bowl, beside the toilet.
You can play that game for hours after you have taken your own pleasure, and he never knows if you are going to be kind and eventually get around to asking the question he wants.
He has no choice. A wrongly spoken word and the best he could hope for is stolen self pleasure.
If however, he does everything according to your whim there is a chance he will get one of his greatest desires: you might actually bring him off with your hand.
He is not sure which way you will jump, or whether you will do something else he does not like.
Watching him squirm as you amuse yourself may cause many giggles.
You may have noticed in the doggy game, that the system of limiting the slave's ability to communicate puts him in a classic Catch 22 situation.
Always remember, that whatever game you play, a limited communication system for him, can mean hours of amusement for you!
Gagging him can also achieve the same objective. Both Mistress and slave can see and enjoy the manipulation taking place.
Unlike speech, his lack of full communication, leaves him powerless to resist your planned conclusion.
If he breaks the communication rules, your punishment is precisely that which you intended to lead him to anyway, even if he plays the game by the rules.
A common male fantasy is of a Mistress who makes him act like a dog. Clearly being or acting as a dog is hardly sexually arousing.
What is exciting is that a woman would get pleasure out of demeaning a man in this way.
A powerful way to start game playing is to dress in a sexy outfit and create the impression that you might be available.
Then when he makes an approach you tell him:
"No I'm not in the mood yet! I want to play Mistress and doggy today, will you be a good boy and play doggy for Me?"
Obviously if he refuses he gets nothing from you.
If you have never played the game before then you might have to explain the rules to him.
Fido has to answer to his name when Mistress calls him.
He must not speak, and must only bark whine and yelp. He can whine near the door if he needs to use the toilet. He can bark once for Yes and twice for No when Mistress asks him a question.
You clear out a suitable cupboard and tell doggy that it is his kennel.
You show doggy his rug by your armchair, another beside your bed, and one more under the dining table.
Then when the game begins you train him to respond like a proper doggy.
Mistress carries a dog's lead which she thwacks across doggy's rump whenever doggy fails to please her.
Mistress puts on her best Bad doggy mock tones of anger at such times.
Doggy has to yelp excitedly whenever Mistress offers to throw a ball for him to fetch.
Doggy has to wag his arse whenever Mistress enters a room.
Doggy can be fitted with a tail by tying an old football sock to a dildo or vibrator and inserting it into doggy's anus. Then you might say:
"Isn't Mistress kind, She's given doggy a proper tail to wag."
Whenever doggy does something that is amusing feel free to laugh, for the more doggy feels you are enjoying it, the more exciting he will find this humiliation.
Doggy has to lie quietly under the table when Mistress has her meals.
It is a good idea to keep doggy under a table for long periods while you read a newspaper for example.
This allows him to feel the sense of de-personalisation that the barrier of the table between you provides. It also allows him teasing glimpses of your stockinged legs, and perhaps above, when you cross your legs or adjust your position.
All the while he is able to place you on a pedestal as his Owner.
If Mistress ever sees doggy with an erection she would lash his rump with the lead as she remonstrates:
"Dirty doggy, Mistress doesn't like you making a nasty display of yourself."
This seems to happen quite frequently with many Mistresses whose doggies have been under the table.
After meals doggy gets his food from a bowl on the floor.
Mistress sometimes throws a chocolate for doggy to catch in his mouth if doggy eats up all his meaty chunks.
If doggy is ever reluctant to eat his food, Mistress pushes her foot on the back of his neck and thrusts doggies face right down into the repulsive stuff.
When doggy has been good Mistress lets him lay on his rug beside her bed, or in the living room.
If Mistress gets bored with doggy she sends him to his kennel.
"I shan't be needing you for a while, go to your kennel."
Then when you go to shut the door on him, toss some lingerie in after him.
"Something for doggy to sniff! Isn't Mistress kind to Fido? Doggies like to sniff, don't they?"
Make doggy lay on his rug in your bedroom when you change your clothes, he can watch a striptease but do nothing about it.
Toss your discarded knickers down onto his rug if you are leaving the room to take a shower:
"Stay Fido!"
After your shower he lays there and watches you dress again. Then as you leave the room you call:
"Heel Fido."
Most women with a real dog would shut the dog away somewhere if they were to decide to go to bed and masturbate, equally you can do that with your doggy. Especially if his kennel is in your bedroom and there is a crack he can peek through.
Doggies also find it very exciting to peek at Mistress as she changes her clothes, especially if Mistress gets changed into something really sexy because she has a date!
Concluding the doggy game can be difficult, but at some stage he has to return to being a man again, despite the fact that he wants to think that Mistress prefers to keep him as a doggy.
If the doggy game finishes with the Mistress getting sexual pleasure it can be brought to a very satisfactory end simply by telling him you are satisfied.
He will be happy if he believes he was just used and can now be dismissed.
You might say as you release him from his kennel:
"I don't need Fido any more today, get dressed and do some work now. But put your chastity belt on first, I don't want you tossing off and thinking of what you saw and heard. That was for my pleasure, not yours!"
If you don't have a chastity belt then threaten:
"I'll cane you if you misbehave, animals get milked when Mistress decides!"
If he believes it was for your pleasure, it ends on a high. He will probably masturbate and certainly fantasise over the experience.
You could end it by milking him, but this is a down. Most men feel deflated after their ejaculation.
He will know that the game was for his benefit which will disappoint him. Better he be told not to masturbate and then misbehave secretly.
So if Mistress doesn't want sex herself, she should be disappointed the doggy game has to end.
This could happen when visitors call for instance. Hearing the doorbell Mistress says:
"Oh damn, and I was just beginning to enjoy myself. Get dressed now, but just because I let you wear clothes, don't go getting any ideas about being a man. We both know where you belong!"
Ending it in the morning is easier if he has to go to work. You leave him in his kennel overnight and sigh as you let him out:
"I suppose you'd better get dressed, pretend you are a man, and go to work. But remember I can make you Fido again any time I want to!"
The same line can be used if you decide to go out:
"There are no real men around, so you can pretend to be one. I want to eat out this evening, you can accompany Me."
Would You Like To Read A Doggy Mini Story?
[[Yes, Show Me The Doggy Story]]
[[Even More Ideas]]
**Even More Fun Ideas**
[[Doggy Gets None]]
[[Straight Sex: Fantasy Lover]]
[[Faking Adultery Games]]
[[Equality Of Orgasm And Forfeits]]
[[Servicing You With his Cock]]
[[I'm Bored, Perform For Me]]
[[Sex Ideas In Mini Stories]]
[[What To Do After Sex]]
[[Other Ways To Use him For Sex]]
[[New Ideas]]**Doggy Gets None**
If you are in the mood for a slow build up, it's fun to make the frustrated or excited man play your pet dog as a way of earning a possible TREAT.
"You will please me, if you play my dog, and if you put me in a good mood I might have a special little treat for you later".
Forbid him speech, make him bark, once for Yes twice for No, make him run and fetch a ball, make him eat his food from a bowl on the floor.
Stand with one foot on his neck, pushing his face into the food until he has eaten it all.
If there is no time for food, push his face into a dish containing your urine and make him lap it all up.
A secluded garden is handy to take doggy out for a widdle and make him cock his leg.
When you have played the game long enough to leave him with the impression that you enjoy treating him that way, give him his treat.
Take him to your bedroom as your pet dog and put him on a rug beneath your bed. Tie his lead in place around the bed leg, and then lay on the bed and indulge yourself above him.
Peer over the edge of the bed occasionally and tease him with your questions:
"Does doggy want to come up on the bed?"
Obviously doggy will have to bark, or he has no chance!
And your remarks:
"Then doggy will have to be good and stop touching his thing, unless you can lick it like a proper doggy".
A short while later, when you are ready for him:
"Has doggy been good?"
Then pull him up by his lead.
"Come on Fido, up and sniff at your Mistress like a proper doggy."
Make him sniff and lick your anus while you kneel holding his lead with one hand to keep him in close.
Bring yourself to orgasm with the other hand.
Then when you've finished, give his lead a little slack and ask:
"There isn't your Mistress kind to her doggy, letting him sniff her?"
If at any stage he speaks then send him away. If he woofs twice then teasingly ask:
"Two woofs... Do you mean your Mistress isn't kind?"
Now he's totally confused. If he gives one woof then you might send him away for saying you are not kind, so he woofs twice to say No.
"Two woofs doggy, whatever do you mean, is there something you want?"
He is in a no win situation. You have had your pleasure, and now he wants his. If he speaks you will send him away, or punish him.
How can he communicate his need?
One woof.
"Well what is it, do you want to go in the garden?"
Two woofs.
"Oh, you want another of my special drinks, you do like your special drinks, don't you Fido?"
He is confused again, two woofs now might make you angry, one woof and he would have to drink it!
He opts to be clever and gives three excited woofs followed by four excited woofs, and you reply:
"Oh good did Mistress guess right?"
Then you get up and pat his head, you pull him by his lead towards the bathroom, where you keep his special bowl, beside the toilet.
You can play that game for hours after you have taken your own pleasure, and he never knows if you are going to be kind and eventually get around to asking the question he wants.
He has no choice. A wrongly spoken word and the best he could hope for is stolen self pleasure.
If however, he does everything according to your whim there is a chance he will get one of his greatest desires: you might actually bring him off with your hand.
He is not sure which way you will jump, or whether you will do something else he does not like.
Watching him squirm as you amuse yourself may cause many giggles.
You may have noticed in the doggy game, that the system of limiting the slave's ability to communicate puts him in a classic Catch 22 situation.
Always remember, that whatever game you play, a limited communication system for him, can mean hours of amusement for you!
Gagging him can also achieve the same objective. Both Mistress and slave can see and enjoy the manipulation taking place.
Unlike speech, his lack of full communication, leaves him powerless to resist your planned conclusion.
If he breaks the communication rules, your punishment is precisely that which you intended to lead him to anyway, even if he plays the game by the rules.
A common male fantasy is of a Mistress who makes him act like a dog. Clearly being or acting as a dog is hardly sexually arousing.
What is exciting is that a woman would get pleasure out of demeaning a man in this way.
A powerful way to start game playing is to dress in a sexy outfit and create the impression that you might be available.
Then when he makes an approach you tell him:
"No I'm not in the mood yet! I want to play Mistress and doggy today, will you be a good boy and play doggy for Me?"
Obviously if he refuses he gets nothing from you.
If you have never played the game before then you might have to explain the rules to him.
Fido has to answer to his name when Mistress calls him.
He must not speak, and must only bark whine and yelp. He can whine near the door if he needs to use the toilet. He can bark once for Yes and twice for No when Mistress asks him a question.
You clear out a suitable cupboard and tell doggy that it is his kennel.
You show doggy his rug by your armchair, another beside your bed, and one more under the dining table.
Then when the game begins you train him to respond like a proper doggy.
Mistress carries a dog's lead which she thwacks across doggy's rump whenever doggy fails to please her.
Mistress puts on her best Bad doggy mock tones of anger at such times.
Doggy has to yelp excitedly whenever Mistress offers to throw a ball for him to fetch.
Doggy has to wag his arse whenever Mistress enters a room.
Doggy can be fitted with a tail by tying an old football sock to a dildo or vibrator and inserting it into doggy's anus. Then you might say:
"Isn't Mistress kind, She's given doggy a proper tail to wag."
Whenever doggy does something that is amusing feel free to laugh, for the more doggy feels you are enjoying it, the more exciting he will find this humiliation.
Doggy has to lie quietly under the table when Mistress has her meals.
It is a good idea to keep doggy under a table for long periods while you read a newspaper for example.
This allows him to feel the sense of de-personalisation that the barrier of the table between you provides. It also allows him teasing glimpses of your stockinged legs, and perhaps above, when you cross your legs or adjust your position.
All the while he is able to place you on a pedestal as his Owner.
If Mistress ever sees doggy with an erection she would lash his rump with the lead as she remonstrates:
"Dirty doggy, Mistress doesn't like you making a nasty display of yourself."
This seems to happen quite frequently with many Mistresses whose doggies have been under the table.
After meals doggy gets his food from a bowl on the floor.
Mistress sometimes throws a chocolate for doggy to catch in his mouth if doggy eats up all his meaty chunks.
If doggy is ever reluctant to eat his food, Mistress pushes her foot on the back of his neck and thrusts doggies face right down into the repulsive stuff.
When doggy has been good Mistress lets him lay on his rug beside her bed, or in the living room.
If Mistress gets bored with doggy she sends him to his kennel.
"I shan't be needing you for a while, go to your kennel."
Then when you go to shut the door on him, toss some lingerie in after him.
"Something for doggy to sniff! Isn't Mistress kind to Fido? Doggies like to sniff, don't they?"
Make doggy lay on his rug in your bedroom when you change your clothes, he can watch a striptease but do nothing about it.
Toss your discarded knickers down onto his rug if you are leaving the room to take a shower:
"Stay Fido!"
After your shower he lays there and watches you dress again. Then as you leave the room you call:
"Heel Fido."
Most women with a real dog would shut the dog away somewhere if they were to decide to go to bed and masturbate, equally you can do that with your doggy. Especially if his kennel is in your bedroom and there is a crack he can peek through.
Doggies also find it very exciting to peek at Mistress as she changes her clothes, especially if Mistress gets changed into something really sexy because she has a date!
Concluding the doggy game can be difficult, but at some stage he has to return to being a man again, despite the fact that he wants to think that Mistress prefers to keep him as a doggy.
If the doggy game finishes with the Mistress getting sexual pleasure it can be brought to a very satisfactory end simply by telling him you are satisfied.
He will be happy if he believes he was just used and can now be dismissed.
You might say as you release him from his kennel:
"I don't need Fido any more today, get dressed and do some work now. But put your chastity belt on first, I don't want you tossing off and thinking of what you saw and heard. That was for my pleasure, not yours!"
If you don't have a chastity belt then threaten:
"I'll cane you if you misbehave, animals get milked when Mistress decides!"
If he believes it was for your pleasure, it ends on a high. He will probably masturbate and certainly fantasise over the experience.
You could end it by milking him, but this is a down. Most men feel deflated after their ejaculation.
He will know that the game was for his benefit which will disappoint him. Better he be told not to masturbate and then misbehave secretly.
So if Mistress doesn't want sex herself, she should be disappointed the doggy game has to end.
This could happen when visitors call for instance. Hearing the doorbell Mistress says:
"Oh damn, and I was just beginning to enjoy myself. Get dressed now, but just because I let you wear clothes, don't go getting any ideas about being a man. We both know where you belong!"
Ending it in the morning is easier if he has to go to work. You leave him in his kennel overnight and sigh as you let him out:
"I suppose you'd better get dressed, pretend you are a man, and go to work. But remember I can make you Fido again any time I want to!"
The same line can be used if you decide to go out:
"There are no real men around, so you can pretend to be one. I want to eat out this evening, you can accompany Me."
Would You Like To Read A Doggy Mini Story?
[[Yes, Show Me The Doggy Story]]
[[Even More Ideas]]
**Straight Sex: Fantasy Lover**
Some Mistresses enjoy an occasional straightforward session of sexual intercourse.
If you use your slave for this, a couple of problems may occur.
Premature ejaculation due to over excitement at being allowed such a privilege; or he may get ideas above his station.
One way of avoiding both these difficulties is to deliberately manipulate a premature ejaculation through heavy petting. Then criticise him, berate and belittle the slave for his failure.
Punish the failure, then start again. Possibly with a bag or hood over his head.
Name him by the name of someone who he knows you find attractive. Now make love with your fantasy lover and enjoy.
During intercourse with your fantasy lover you might discuss the slave in a derogatory fashion.
"Oh, that's good, you're so much better than that wanker I live with".
If a submissive male is successful in making a sexual approach, he will start to wonder on what terms you are in bed, unless you quickly re-assure him that you are being dominant with your words or deeds.
"Don't get any of your sticky stuff on my stockings." Is just one example of a phrase which lets him know who is the Boss.
Obviously the missionary position is not ideal, but can be used if it is your preference; especially if other words and deeds show you are dominant.
For example digging your fingernails into his buttocks, or indeed slapping them to make him perform better.
"Come on wanker, put some effort into it.
In conventional love making with a male it is important that very soon after penetration you re-assure him that the bitch is still in control. The simplest way to do so is to whisper something like:
"Now don't make me angry by coming too soon".
You can claim that it is always too soon unless you have specifically told him he can come.
If you want conventional intercourse and are prepared to risk him ejaculating, then by all means take him.
However if he does ejaculate (in or over you) then ideally you should appear to be a little cross, even if you secretly intended for it to happen.
There are various responses you can make if you wish...
"Useless male. Get down and lick that mess off/out of me."
Push him onto his back and climb astride his face:
"Now lick out your filthy mess."
Push him onto his back and strap a dildo gag around his face. Climb astride him and ride his face as vigorously as possible. Preferably pounding down on him.
"At least this doesn't let me down."
Holding his hair as a rein emphasises that he is being used.
Make him hold your vibrator in his mouth for your pleasure.
Have him use one of the latest chin dildos. These strap to his chin and penetrate you while he uses his tongue and mouth on your clitoris.
Send him to stand in a corner while you use your vibrator.
"Useless male, wait in the corner with your hands on your head."
There is a strong chance that he will soon be erect again, and you can, if you wish, use that erection for your pleasure.
"I don't want any more of that nastiness though."
Alternatively you could order him out of your bed, or your room.
"Get out you useless male."
Be prepared for pleading.
If you wish, you can relent and allow him to stay if he stands in the corner, kisses your feet, says sorry properly (ass kissing), takes a punishment, or any combination of the aforementioned.
Most of these responses will be likely to provoke a second erection, which will serve you much better than the first anyway.
After he has licked out his mess you could order:
"Go and fetch me my vibrator", (or the dildo gag), "at least they don't spurt that filth all over me."
You may find it difficult to use words like filth when discussing his quite natural ejaculate. But such talk will excite him and be much more likely to provoke another erection.
Then you can swap from the dildo to use the real thing. You may even find that this scenario provokes a rarity, a second orgasm for him.
If this is a rarity, then he may be genuinely shagged out and in no mood for more games. But you will be doing him a favour if the Mistress is still present, say something like:
"You bastard, that's twice you disobeyed me. I'll cane you tomorrow evening."
He knows he has just had the best sex ever, yet in minutes he will start to remember that it was all an act, unless you give him something else to think about.
So you reassure him that a punishment will come on the morrow. Then he knows that it was for real.
And use of words like bastard lends additional credibility to your role. He can rest happy in the knowledge that it was not just a temporary act.
[[Even More Ideas]] **Faking Adultery Games**
Adultery games can be faked up or genuine.
The basic idea is to reject him in favour of another man. The erotic tension is built in if he is made to watch.
The cruelty is inherent in your spoken statement of how much better at making love the other man is.
These experiences can be faked just by talking about past lovers, or by suggesting that you have been to bed with someone at the office.
"He was a real man," you say as you enthuse about how much you enjoyed it.
Referring to a man one is going to make love to is not always a good idea, as a promise unkept may result if you do not subsequently torment him with tales of how good it was.
If it is a genuine experience, he is made to watch as a man cuckolded, or even better as a doggy in a kennel(cupboard).
Even if faked, he should be made to lick out the other man's mess or clean up after him.
In a state of arousal it will be difficult for him to be certain whether there is anything for him to clean up or not.
Another way of playing this game is for the woman to moan the name of another man when she masturbates.
Possibly he is on his rug in a corner as doggy. It is doubly exciting for him if she moans the name of another man when she is riding the dildo gag.
In that state it is almost like getting a close up view of his wife making love to another man. The best of both worlds!
Any hood is great for making love to him and calling him by some other man's name. Which achieves the dual effect of cruelly suggesting you fancy that man, or that another man is better in bed.
Possibly even letting him believe you have had the other man, while also strongly suggesting that you are fantasising about the other man as you take your pleasure.
A dildo gag with a hood allows you to define his penis as useless, because it comes too soon.
The dildo can be defined as the imaginary other man and therefore much better. Then when you ride his face and the dildo you can moan the name of the other man.
This is perfect if you have also handcuffed his hands behind his back. Allowing you to climb off when finished and leave him frustrated, and virtually silenced.
One really cruel way to fake the adultery game is to put two teaspoonfuls of cornflour paste into a fresh condom. Then unroll it so that it looks used. You fold it into a tissue and put it in your handbag.
Then at an opportune moment, perhaps when he is tied to the bed, you unwrap it and tell him that he is now going to eat another man's come. A real man, who has that very afternoon, given you a good shafting.
After such an experience, you can climb onto his face and make him lick you.
"It is a pity we have to use condoms nowadays," you could say.
"It turns me on to make you lick out another man's mess."
When you come, he will believe that it is because you are fantasising about making him do that.
Even if he knows you really didn't have another man, he can still believe that the fantasy turns you on. It is almost as good as the real thing.
[[Even More Ideas]] **Equality Of Orgasm And Forfeits**
An interesting way for a Mistress to behave, is to pretend that her treatment of a man is actually fair.
Equality of orgasms is fair, and it helps him to be more interested in your pleasure.
You impose a rule that orgasms or climaxes should be equal. In this way you can legitimately claim to be fair when after a several days of his being milked, you have a session when you come several times and leave him frustrated.
Some women like to milk their submissives daily in some humiliating ritual. After several days of milking he would owe you several orgasms!
So, you have your orgasms and he is left wanting sex. The ideal state for a submissive man.
Leave them wanting more, is a good adage for a Dominant woman. In this way, you can give him extra pleasure through daily milking, but instead of leaving him satiated and disinterested, you leave him wanting more.
He asks you for relief, and you assure him it wouldn't be fair to let him get into debt again so soon after the score had been evened out.
If he is persistent, you can, in addition, introduce the idea that a forfeit must be paid for whenever his demands produce an inequality of orgasms.
"It is only fair, that some price be paid, otherwise you ask for far too much."
The starting point for measuring could be the day the rule is introduced.
The forfeit can be specific, perhaps six strokes for the first milking, twelve for the second supervised wanking, twenty four for the third Queening.
Doubling up like this can soon get him a hefty penalty. It soon establishes what his punishment limit is.
You might be surprised at how many strokes he is prepared to ask for.
48, 96, 192, etc. A pocket calculator might be handy, but it is much easier if you start with 5, then you can follow on with 10, 20, 40, 80, etc!
If on this first occasion he is still insistent that he wants to come, you can give him his first forfeit of five strokes, then after the forfeit has been paid you milk him.
On subsequent days, if you are not in the mood for sex, each milking costs him more strokes.
Or if your head for figures is not good, the forfeit can be can be contracted at the time.
"Ok, I'll toss you off, but it will cost you 50 as a spanking with my hand first."
The score is still only evened by your orgasms even though he has paid a forfeit.
So, after several days of milking and spanking, he gets to please you again, and the score is once again evened.
If you have multiple orgasms, the score may be evened, or he may find himself in credit. But if you only have one orgasm yourself he may have to continue doubling up his forfeits.
If he opts for too many strokes, wear a rubber glove to spank him or your hand will get sore, or use a cane!
This is a perfect no win situation because it achieves several things at the same time.
You can pretend to justify this rule on the basis that it guarantees his sexual interest in pleasing you. He is going to want to give you as many orgasms as possible, in order to get lots himself.
"It is to help you be a less selfish lover! Now you have a real interest in making sure I get pleasure."
He can, without specifically saying so, ask for punishment by asking for pleasure. Many men desperately want you to punish them, but it ruins the fantasy to ask for it. So now he can ask for pleasure, and punishment is imposed.
It also introduces a sound reason for denying him and leaving him frustrated on occasion.
"It's for your own good. Otherwise you would be up to 320 strokes, surely you see it is better for you to go without?"
Or after you have rolled through six climaxes, he is begging for his own release. Your conversation afterwards establishes that he owed you ten, so his balance is now four.
If you give him an orgasm now, it will put his debt up to five. So you can't, in all fairness, give him any sex without imposing the fifth time forfeit of 80 strokes.
In this way he can, without saying so, ask for a punishment, or ask to remain frustrated and at his exciting peak.
Many men like to stay frustrated and prickteased. They just need to be given a reason to accept this condition. They have no will power themselves, so they want you to impose it.
"So it's only fair that you pay a forfeit of 640 strokes. You have no will power, and somehow we have to bring you under control."
With the majority of men, they will buckle at much less, but it is interesting to see just how much punishment a man will take for asking for an unfair amount of sex.
No win rules are useful in passing a degree of control over to the submissive. He can ask for punishment, while pretending he just wants you to give him an orgasm.
One such rule is: The male must never ask for an orgasm. Doing so is punishable with 50 strokes of the cane. If he wants to come he must ask his mistress to spank him.
Also perfectly fair, as he comes far too often, and this rule helps keep him down to a reasonable level. Reasonable can be anything you define, once a week perhaps.
This is a classic no win rule. If he asks to be spanked, he is asking to be given sex. After you have spanked him, you might decide not to give him the requested orgasm, because it is too soon!
He is left with only four options:
Ask for another spanking, in order to signal that he is really desperate to come.
Ask to come and get 50 strokes of the cane for breaking the rules.
Sneak away and jerk off as he thinks about how cruel you are, and thereby risk much worse, he hopes!
Stay at his exciting peak and think about how cruel you are to leave him in this state. Quite delicious!
Would You Like to Read More About Milking?
[[Yes, I would->Milking]] [[No, I wouldn't->Even More Ideas]]
**Servicing You With his cock**
If you like using his cock, you can train him to offer it as a servant.
The idea is to depersonalise the experience so that he doesn't think he is taking and possessing you as a man.
He is servicing you as a slave.
You can, if you wish, enhance this game by pretending to be the Lady of the manor.
Possibly give him a name like Charles or James.
The concept of a Lady training her butler to serve her sexually, while denying him possession is highly erotic like all power games.
Make him wait in a corner until you are ready for him.
Have him wearing bondage mittens or with his hands cuffed behind his back to ensure good behaviour.
Really it enhances his sensation of not being in control. He is unable to grasp you and thrust into you.
You can let him know that you need him in a suitable condition to perform for your pleasure.
"You know you are useless if I let you join me on the bed, face the wall and you won't get over excited by watching me."
When you have stimulated yourself, possibly with the vibrator, and when you wish him to penetrate you; then you summon him for service.
A classical position for the male to service the female is with you kneeling on the foot of the bed, back arched, so that he can enter you from behind.
You summon him with a ritualised remark along the lines of:
"Present for service."
Or simply:
He is trained to respond to such a remark by standing at the foot of the bed and bringing his penis into contact with you.
Then he awaits further instructions.
When you are ready, you reach back and place his penis in position and instruct:
He is trained to move gently forward until he receives the instruction:
You can masturbate yourself for your own pleasure, moving back and forth to suit yourself. If he moans to indicate his rising excitement you can order:
He should be trained to return to his corner and await further use.
If you are near orgasm yourself you can instruct:
"50 strokes before you spurt."
If you would like a longer session you might order:
"100 strokes, no spurting."
Ideally he has been trained never to spurt without the specific order. In which case the command can be simply.
"One Hundred"
The more curt and clipped are your orders, the better the sensation of being a sex object is for him.
Adopting a similar position on the bed, the order could be:
Whereupon he is trained to kneel at the foot of the bed and present his lips to your anus or pussy.
"Tongue" Would have him lick you.
"Insert" Would have him penetrate you with his tongue.
"Lower" Would, in that position, have him move down from your anus and present his tongue to your sex.
When you have finished with him you might say:
"That will be all James."
Or simply:
At which point he is trained to return to his corner and face the wall.
Later, after you have recovered your composure and are again dressed as a Lady you would release him and dismiss him.
"Back to work James."
Or simply:
If you felt he deserved an orgasm, you might say:
"That was excellent James, your training is coming along nicely. You may toss off in the bathroom if you feel the need."
Or simply:
"Spurt in the bathroom."
[[Even More Ideas]] **I'm Bored, Perform For Me**
If you are not sure whether you can get in the mood for sex try taking a few sex magazines, or sexy books to bed and recline as you read them.
These are not necessarily for your excitement, they are stage dressing for the role you are about to play.
You summon him to your bedroom, where he finds you are reading sex magazines. He will presume that they have turned you on.
Your excitement, independent of him, is arousing for him.
"I'm bored," you say.
"I want you to perform and excite me."
Have him masturbate for you, or if you like the back view, have him rub himself up against a wall, or fuck the cupboard door.
Let him know that the back view of him in action excites you.
"Oh, yes!" you say.
"Let's see that bum thrusting."
Have him alternate. Firstly facing you and masturbating; during which time you intently concentrate on reading. You studiously ignore his performance, with disdain.
Then you look up and have him return to fucking the wall.
If you do get excited then all to the good. Use him, or masturbate if you prefer while he continues fucking the wall.
If you don't get turned on, you can have him keep this up for hours. Or perhaps until you come across an idea in the magazines that appeals.
If nothing appeals, you can have him put it away, or lock it away saying:
"No, I'm not in the mood after all."
[[Even More Ideas]] **Choose Your Mini Story**
[[Love Eggs First]]
[[Fuck Him First]]
[[The Dildo Gag]]
[[Even More Ideas]] **What To Do After Sex**
The problem with sex is that he comes.
When he comes he often loses the submissive mood. This is disappointing for him as he was enjoying the role so much.
What he wants is the best of both worlds, to come once in a while, and remain submissive.
After sexually satisfying him, if you do something else so as not to break the spell completely, you can give him the best of both worlds.
Here are some ideas that can help to keep the magic alive:
You make him show he is grateful in some way, like kissing your feet when you return to the living room.
"I want half an hour of foot worship, for every orgasm in future. It improves your attitude."
You put his head under your skirt and leave him there for at least half an hour. He would prefer to get excited again, even (especially) if you do not intend to satiate him a second time.
"Leave them wanting more" is a good adage. (Which is why so much FemDom involves not giving him release.)
"You always look so smug after you come. Get under my skirt, I don't want to have to look at you."
If he has been playing lesbian lover then you might tell him.
"Stay dressed like that, I want to spend the evening with my new girlfriend. I don't want any men around, it will spoil my mood."
You could tell him that if he wants you to do that again sometime he must now show he is grateful by worshipping your arse.
"After you come, you men need reminding of your status."
You could tell him there is a price to be paid for each time he is given such a treat. You make him pay it there and then for the first time, and then make him pay a similar price every time thereafter. Or you could inform him of what penalty is to be imposed on the morrow as the forfeit.
"Whenever I play your maid and let you have your way with me, the price will be 50 strokes of the cane. You'll get them first thing in the morning before you go to work."
You could tell him that you think he has had enough for one night when you get him aroused and on the verge a second time. Then you reassure him that in the morning you will give him another treat. The next treat might be to play with him for a while, before sending him to work frustrated.
"You can wank in the toilet at work, but don't come. I want you horny when you come home."
The best way is to tell him the price as he actually starts to ejaculate:
"I'm going to piss on you in the bath for that."
[[Even More Ideas]] **Other Ways To Use him For Sex**
You have probably come across many ideas for sex in this program already, especially in the Main Section and in [[Sexual Use. Ways To Take Your Pleasure And Maintain The Fantasy.]]
You will probably have some favourites of your own.
But unless you introduce new ideas, or return to old ones, your games may settle into a rut of their own.
The idea of this section is to let you browse through other ideas, or perhaps just refresh your memory with ideas previously discussed.
If none of the first eight appeal, press MORE
[[Making him Watch And Whipping For Pleasure]]
[[Tempting him To Peek]]
[[Using his Tongue And Face]]
[[Serving You With A Dildo]]
[[With him In Bondage And Devices]]
[[Taking A sissy To Bed]]
[[More On Fucking him]]
[[Dressing him To Please]]
[[More Fun Ideas]]
[[Even More Ideas]]
Double-click this passage to edit it.**Fido**
"Fido, go into the bathroom and there you may revert to being a mere male. Toss yourself off, shower and shave and report back to me."
Christine was laying on her chaise-longue at the end of the day.
David was relieved. He had just spent a whole week playing Fido, Christine's pet dog. It had been a strange experience altogether and one he was glad was now over.
Fido had been made to follow his Mistress everywhere. Out to the washing line when she was hanging clothes on the line, just as a dog might.
Into her bedroom where for the first time in weeks he had seen Christine naked.
Christine rarely let David the man, see her in the nude. Nudity was for inferiors, but as he was a dog it seemed not to matter to her.
Usually he would only see her naked when he was permitted the rare privilege of coming to her bed to make love to her.
But now there was nothing he could do about it, just lay there on his rug and watch his Mistress undress and retire to bed.
Her naked body, a vision of loveliness usually denied to David, now revealed to Fido.
In the morning she would get up, don her dressing gown and prepare her own breakfast just as though he were not there.
Or rather, just as though he were a real dog.
If Fido crawled to the door, it would be opened and out he would go.
When Fido sat on the step, eventually the door would re-open and he would be re-admitted to Christine's presence.
Just like a real dog!
In fact just like a real pet, the only time his Mistress shut him out of her presence was when she used the bathroom or when she went out in the car.
When she ate, he would lie under the table looking longingly at her legs and wishing she would let him be a man and take her to bed.
When she lay on her chaise longue watching television he would lie on the rug watching her sip brandy and smoke.
Then eventually she would retire to bed and he would patter after her and lay on his rug, again to be tormented by this vision of naked beauty, gradually and teasingly revealed to him.
Slowly she undressed in front of him, just as though he did not exist.
Then Fido would be a bad dog and Mistress would see his erection and point to the door.
"Out you bad-bad dog!" she would say.
And Fido would slink back to the kitchen to lay in abject frustration.
But now it was over. In the shower David moaned as he quickly came to a climax, and wondered whether he still had the ability to speak.
It was a week since he had uttered more than barks whines and whimpers.
"That's better," she said when he returned naked after drying his hair.
She rose and walked into the bedroom, David still followed sheepishly, the attitude of a pet now ingrained.
"You may undress me," she said graciously.
David's heart soared, how many weeks since he had been permitted to do any such thing?
His fingers trembled with excitement. She silently ignored his fumbling and let him disrobe her completely.
She bade him stand and then slipped naked into his welcoming arms.
"Now let's see if there is any real man left in you," she said cruelly as she led him to the bed by his erect penis.
Despite the cruelty of her words David's heart soared.
He was going to be permitted to make love to her, a rare treat indeed.
He was glad now that she had made him jerk off in the shower, for his erection felt like one that would last. And he wanted so desperately to make this last, to please her!
In the book Prickteasing, Chapter Four of Teasing Stories describes a scenario where a woman makes a man her doggy.
Would You Like to Read Chapter Four of Teasing Stories?
[[Yes, Show Me Chapter Four]]
[[Even More Ideas]] **My Doggy**
He awoke laying next to Christine.
They had been out to dinner the previous night.
She had put his hands into the bondage mittens when they returned. The spiky device controlled his penis for the rest of the evening.
Christine had sat opposite him with her legs slightly parted:
"You can peek up my skirt all you like tonight wanker," she had informed him.
It had been a painful evening trying not to look in her direction, trying to avoid the painful reminder of her control.
When she was ready for bed she had removed his clothes and sent him upstairs. She followed shortly after and stripped seductively before getting into bed in her lingerie.
He had moaned with the pain and she had giggled as she snuggled into his back. Her hand slid between his legs and encircled his balls.
"I have you by the balls wanker, don't you forget it."
It had been a fitful night for him and now she was beginning to rouse herself.
She kicked the sheets off herself as she was warm in her lingerie now. The night before she had been chilly, and leaving it on also served the second purpose of making David suffer.
Then she started to caress herself. David could feel the beginnings of an erection and begged her.
"Please Christine take this thing off."
She giggled and started to masturbate before answering:
"No wanker, I won't be needing you, and I don't want you lusting, peeking or wanking. The last you can't do, and if you peek or lust that thing will see you are properly punished."
His erection came and went continually throughout the next half an hour.
Christine lay next to him in complete ecstasy, the thought of what she was doing was as usual immensely erotic.
Actually punishing a man by the act of pleasuring herself. Perfection!
When she had finished her after sex cigarette, she left the bedroom to breakfast in the kitchen.
David followed her downstairs and asked her to remove the mittens so that he could have a cup of tea. She pointed to a bowl on the floor.
"You will not be needing your hands, your tea is there."
"Please Christine, be reasonable," he pleaded.
"I am," she assured him.
"You behave like a sex crazed beast, so I am going to treat you like one, and it seems to me that in those mittens you don't have much choice in the matter."
"But why, Christine?" He reasoned.
"I only want a little sex like any other man."
She laughed.
"Don't talk to me about men, I know all about men and their filthy habits, but you are one man who is going to be taught his place."
"But it's not fair," he whined.
"I know," she smiled at him.
"But I like it that way. So if you ever want out of those spikes you will get down on all fours and stay that way."
When he just stood staring at her not knowing what to do she insisted.
"Down on all fours and be my doggy and I'll let you out of those spikes soon. Disobey me now and I'll take my crop to you."
He didn't have much choice, so he knelt.
She ordered:
"On all fours and over to your bowl and lap it up."
Reluctantly he obeyed her and attempted to lap up all his tea. When he had supped virtually all of it she asked:
"Finished animal?"
"Yes" he answered simply.
Her crop fell on his backside.
"You know the rules, my doggies always woof once for Yes and twice for No."
And so, as usual, he woofed.
As usual he was hard and excited, while feeling the humiliation of submission, and the pain of the spikes.
[[Even More Ideas]] **Milking the male**
Milking doubles as a way of giving him sex while still appearing to be Dominant.
It humiliates him in the way he craves, by making male sexuality appear base and inferior.
Giving a man sexual relief could place you in the role of sexual servant, or make him feel you are doing him a favour. But humiliating him by only allowing milking in certain degrading ways allows him not to see the sex as a charitable act.
Accepting charity is not the most pleasant way to enjoy sex. Submitting to your cruelty is more fun!
Whatever role he is being forced to play, there are appropriate ways of introducing the concept of milking.
At the simplest level he is denied sex in the normal way with you. You inform him that if he accepts your control over other areas of his life, you will reward him with regular milking.
The frequency will depend on your own judgement and his sex drive.
Ideally he will be milked about half as often as he would really like. For if he gets too much sex he ceases to feel frustrated, and sexual frustration is the excuse he needs for obeying.
There are exceptions. Sometimes it might be appropriate to milk him much more than he desires, such as when he is playing girly, the excuse is to stop his erections spoiling the line of his clothes. His nastiness is milked off whenever any such bulge appears.
Equally if he is in bondage for long periods and is gagged, he cannot escape from submission or protest. A satiated male may succumb to the temptation to ask you to stop playing the game. He will regret this afterwards, and especially he will regret the fact that when he asked, you stopped.
If he is tied up and gagged, he cannot ask. Then you can milk him for any reason you care to dream up.
Perhaps you have decided that he is to spend a month in a chastity belt, so you are going to drain him dry first.
You could tell him:
"I've been told that coming when your balls are dry is painful and humiliating, so I'm just going to experiment to see how desperate you get for me to stop the milking. Maybe after I have milked you twenty or so times, you'll promise me anything I want to stop it."
You can call it aversion therapy.
"You men all want far too much sex, this is to put you off sex for a while. The next time you think about sex you will remember your dry comes today."
Adult babies get milked inside their nappies to help them sleep. You might tell him that the only sex he will get is if he dresses up as your baby.
"Mummy doesn't like nasty aggressive men who try put their thing in her, but Mummy doesn't mind milking baby in his nappy as she cuddles him."
You can send him to bed early with his wrists tied to keep him out of mischief. He will feel intensely excited as he wriggles around in his nappy for hours waiting for you to join him.
Watching a mature and sexual woman undress for bed slowly is deliciously humiliating if he has been trapped in a defenceless role and made to play baby or doggy.
You are all woman, available to a man. But totally out of reach to a baby or doggy like him. The ultimate strip tease.
When you come to bed you let him curl up and suck your nipples as your hand goes inside his nappies. When you judge he is near you can bring him over the edge as you say something like:
"Mummy doesn't like nasty wet stains in her bed, so you can stay in your nappies all night. But if Mummy finds your nappy wet in the morning, she will have to spank you."
When you want to force him to play the doggy game you can tell him that Mistress (or Mummy) will sometimes milk doggies if they amuse her. But she isn't interested in men at all.
"Your Mistress is not in the mood for men. But if you amuse me by playing doggy, I might be convinced to allow you relief to keep doggy healthy."
In most roles, the milking is not done to give the male pleasure it is ostensibly a necessary chore to achieve a purpose.
Doggies get milked to stop them making a nasty display of themselves. If Mistress is wearing long boots she might say:
"It looks as though you are being a dirty doggy. Fido better rub his thing against Mummy's boots and get rid of his nasty mess."
As he approaches orgasm Mistress would say:
"Fido will have to lick my boots clean afterwards."
If his role is that of a sex stud, his Mistress or owner might milk him daily to keep him in tip top condition. A Mistress likes her sex slave to be a long stayer so milking off his excitement ensures he can perform better in bed.
Studs, like some other animals, get milked by being tied in a stall.
If a stall is not available his Mistress usually puts him in bondage before releasing him from a chastity device:
"I can't have an unrestrained stud near me, who knows what you might try."
If he is tied against a door or a wall the Mistress might stand a few feet away from him, she might spread her legs a little and pull up her skirt. Then bending at the waist she would expose herself in the position that an animal might mount her.
"Have a good look animal," she might taunt.
"I bet you'd like to mount me now. Want to service me do you?"
Then she would stand up and move to one side of him, keeping his equipment at arms length, as if to distance herself from the chore. She could say:
"So stud, that was just to remind you why I keep you around. Now we'll just milk off any excess excitement. You never know I might need this to perform later."
He is treated as an animal. A male animal kept for his performance only.
If he is knelt on the bed for milking he should have his arms cuffed behind his back or attached to cuffs between his feet.
"We'll soon have this nasty little chore over with," she might say as she pulls on household rubber gloves.
"Then we can get you back under lock and key until it's needed".
The Mistress reaches between his legs and pulls the thing backwards as she manipulates it.
Pulling it backwards between his legs is advantageous. It is less like masturbation, and being an unnatural position will not feel so much as though you are doing it for his pleasure.
Girlies and maids get milked as soon as they are dressed up, to keep the nasty thing soft, but usually Mistress spanks or canes the naughty little slut first.
"You are a dirty little slut, getting excited all the time. Mistress wants you to be proper girlie for her. Look at the nasty stain you have made in your knickers, I suppose I'll just have to milk you or you'll only dirty the fresh pair."
Domesticated wimps get milked only when his wife thinks he deserves a reward for being particularly obedient. His wife tells him about real men as she does it. She might make him put on a pair of Ladies tights and stand against a wall:
"Those will help you to remember what a wimp you are as I milk off your nasty stuff. If you were a man I might touch it," she says as she pulls on her rubber gloves.
"I might even suck it. I like to kneel and suck cock for a real man, especially if he holds my hair and forces himself deeper."
Then she would sashay over to him seductively:
"But we both know you aren't a proper man, are you wimp?"
She is then face to face with him, her breasts touching his chest, daring him to touch her and prove her wrong. Her hand insinuates itself between their bodies and cups his equipment possessively:
"You belong to me wimp, and you don't get sex like a man does. You get milked by your Mistress as a reward, but only when you've been an obedient little man."
Then she rubs her hand back and forth over his nylon restrained penis:
"You are going to spurt your nasty sticky stuff in those tights. Then afterwards you can put your trousers on over them and that yucky wetness will remind you of what you are."
Men get milked when they are being rejected:
"Why would you think I want to make love to you. You'll only spurt that nasty stuff all over me, and I certainly don't want it inside me."
Then you tell him that you'll milk it for him, but only if he puts it within easy reach.
"You don't think I should have to put myself out to touch that thing, do you?"
You make him stand on his head against a wall. If he is up to it you can make him do a handstand to bring his equipment up to the right level. Then standing in front of him you can part your legs and inch or two, to get comfortable.
In that position he will be trying to peek under your skirts. You can play with his balls between his parted legs, pinch them, and slap his penis disdainfully before you start. Then pump it very slowly and deliberately as you say:
"This is not for your pleasure, it's just to stop you pestering me for sex all the time. So don't take your time about coming."
The slowness of manipulation and the awkwardness of the position will probably mean that he cannot ejaculate that quickly. So you might say:
"It seems to me you are taking your time over it. Go down on your shoulders and put your head between my feet. If you can see what you are missing we should get this over with quite quickly."
Then you can speed up the pace as you rub in the humiliation:
"Like looking up my skirt do you creep?"
As he starts to moan step back a pace and continue:
"I want this to land on your face, perhaps you'll think twice before spurting all over a Lady after this."
Try and point his penis towards his face on the floor as he ejaculates. Laugh if your aim is successful.
If you miss say something like:
"I'll have to practice my aim, we'll try again next time."
On a subsequent occasion you can offer:
"I'll milk you, but you have to get into my favourite position."
This introduces the idea that you get positive enjoyment out of milking him in this way.
A sex slave can be milked during your period:
"Just because I won't be needing it for a few days, doesn't mean that you can toss off for fun. It is mine," you tell him.
"I'll milk it once a day as I cane you to take the pleasure out of it. The rest of the time I'll be keeping it locked up."
All wanking for pleasure should be forbidden, the submissive is milked just to keep him healthy. Punishment is applied to ensure he doesn't enjoy it too much.
"It is only a sin if you take pleasure in it," you tease.
"This should ensure that you are not too sinful!"
Whatever role he is in, milking can be an excuse to make sure his chastity belt will fit.
"We'll just milk this dry so that you get nice and soft, then I can make your belt nice and tight. The tighter it is the more painful it will be when you get erect, and I like it to really hurt, then it stops you lusting after other women."
If you are not going to punish him when milking him, you can consider Queening as a way to humiliate him. Sitting on his face while you jerk him off is particularly appropriate if you are rejecting a sexual approach:
"I'm not in the mood creep, but I will milk you if you let me sit on your face. It's called Queening, and given your status around here I think it is appropriate, don't you?"
However you milk a man, make him realise that you want it to humiliate him.
"Don't you find it degrading to have to let me sit on your face to get any sex?"
[[Even More Ideas]]
**Love Eggs First**
Christine had recently purchased a set of love eggs, and, unusually for her, without telling David she had done so.
They arrived in the post while David was at work in the garden. The next afternoon she had pushed them inside herself during her shower, and even as she busied herself with dressing and her make up she became aware of their effect.
They were of the type with one set of small and heavy marbles inside the outer smooth white eggs.
Movement caused the inner marbles to rock against the inside of the outer, causing a gentle vibration. The effect was to keep her constantly aware of her pussy. Like a constant gentle penetration.
Today it was raining and David was at work in his office. When she walked back and forth to David's office, bringing him coffee, a slow gentle wanting was developing within her.
Strangely the secretive way the eggs silently aroused her was pleasing, as David was totally unaware of the sex game she was playing.
There must have been some signal, perhaps something in her manner that aroused his interest.
On three separate occasions she had to slap his hand away as he made overtures.
On the final occasion her rejection was specific:
"Maybe after dinner, I want you showered and changed now, we are going out early."
They arrived back at their apartment earlier than usual after a hurried dinner. Christine had said there was a film on television that she didn't want to miss.
In response to David's dejected look she had teased:
"But if you are lucky they will be late. You might get ten minutes of fun first."
As she entered their bathroom she called out.
"Strip off and lay on the rug, head nearest the TV."
In the bathroom she removed the love eggs. Now she really did hope the film was late, the movement of the car had got her really hot.
Of course she could record the film on video tape, but that wouldn't be half as amusing.
When she re-entered the living room David was laying there expectantly, half erect.
"Men are such pushovers," she thought.
She stood astride his head to turn on the set, quite unnecessarily as she could easily have used the remote control.
Remaining astride him deliberately and provocatively she reached for the remote control; She adjusted the channel, then she muted the sound, and looked behind her to find him now fully erect.
She wriggled out of her panties above him and stepping back she impaled herself on his weapon.
"Open your mouth," she ordered.
He did so as she rolled her silky knickers into a ball and stuffed them into his mouth, gagging him.
"I don't want a word out of you until I've finished. And don't come until I tell you to."
She rocked herself back and forth, one hand stimulating her clitoris. When he reached out to fondle her breasts she slapped his hand away.
"Be still dildo," she sneered.
He moaned as her words nearly sent him over the brink. She slapped his face first with the palm, and then back again with the back of her hand.
"Don't you dare," she insisted.
The shock was enough to delay him and Christine rolled through her first orgasm. She played with her clitoris frenetically as she approached her second climax, and as she came he moaned again and his body jerked with his release.
She shifted forwards, moving up his body as she removed the panties from his mouth.
"I told you not to."
Her voice sounded contemptuous.
"Now you will lick out your mess and swallow every drop. Then you will lick me gently, I want to come some more."
He gagged a little on the taste of his own seed. She thrust down upon his face obliging him to obey.
He heard the volume of the TV set turned up. Then as he obediently served her with his tongue he was aware of a voice he recognised. It was Sean Connery.
Christine wriggled her wetness over his face, she was becoming aroused again and it occurred to David that watching Sean Connery was probably helping to turn her on.
Before she came a third time he heard her say:
"Now that's a real man."
She had three more orgasms during the first part of the film.
When she had clearly had enough she moved forward so that her pussy was over his forehead and her anus settled over his mouth.
David was once again erect but she ignored it. Perhaps she was not even aware of it. There she stayed, even smoking a cigarette.
It wasn't until the second advert break that she eventually rose from his face and went into her bedroom. She re-emerged with a fresh pair of knickers which she donned in front of him.
"Take those," she indicated the discarded pair beside him.
"Wash them out in the bathroom and wash the love eggs you'll find there. When you have done that I want to sit on your face for the rest of the film, if you are good I might give you a treat later."
**Fuck him First**
It was no use asking her what the treat was, and it was no use arguing, so he did as she told him to yet again.
She locked his hands together behind his back and made him lay on the bed face down.
Then she strapped his feet together, she tied the two sets off cuffs together tightly so that he was arched in a most uncomfortable position with his head and shoulders pulled back.
"Now for your treat," she said as she climbed onto the bed.
She sat at the head of the bed and spread her legs either side of his head, which had been conveniently positioned to allow her to slide beneath him.
Her knees bent, and with her stiletto heels digging into the quilt on either side of his shoulders, she dropped her skirt over him as she thrust her mound against his nose.
"If you are still hard when I have finished my book, and if there are no nasty stains on the quilt, I will have a reward for you."
He was enclosed in a tent of female sexuality, a tent designed by her to torment and humiliate him.
He knew that she had yet again conjured up this situation to provide her with further opportunity to frustrate him.
He knew that enclosed in this position with his penis imprisoned between his body and the quilt there were sure to be some marks on the quilt, and he knew that she would use that against him.
And yet, despite all that, he was intensely excited.
There was something in his psyche that allowed women to abuse him.
He was unable to resist the machinations of the bitchiest of women, and when he had fallen for Christine he had fallen for one of the most provocative bitches he had ever met.
The book had been beside the bed unfinished for weeks now and Christine had been meaning to get around to finishing it.
It was really quite amusing, quite ironic, to be finishing the biography of the Marquis de Sade; quite a long and interminably boring book, with a man trapped beneath her dress.
She hadn't yet decided whether she would put David out of his misery before she retired for the night, and if so, how.
But in all likelihood something would occur to her, if not she could always leave him frustrated until the morning.
After reading one more chapter Christine became bored with the book yet again, but it had stimulated her mind, and she had decided what David's treat would be.
She rose from the bed and pushed David onto his side.
"I thought as much," she sneered contemptuously.
"Look at that filthy mess you slut. There is nothing else for it, I will just have to teach you your place."
She turned and left the room.
When she returned with the keys to the cuffs and her riding crop in one hand, and a jar of Vaseline and a gag in the other, David guessed what was in store for him.
The bulge pushing out the front of her skirt confirmed it.
She resumed her former position on the bed and raised her skirt to reveal the dildo which was strapped in place over her Mound of Venus.
"Get to work slut," she ordered.
"Get me wet and ready. I'm going to teach you what I think of men."
When David did not immediately begin, the crop slashed down on his bare thighs.
"Suck slut," she ordered.
David licked out tentatively and the crop slashed down again.
"I said suck it you filthy whore."
David engulfed the dildo in his mouth and commenced a reasonable interpretation of a blow job.
Christine dropped her skirt back over his head and relaxed. She liked to psychologically prepare a man for the ultimate expression of her contempt, and this would soon have David in a suitable frame of mind to take the shafting she intended for him.
Whenever she felt his movements slow up, the crop would slash down again, and she would order more enthusiasm or effort.
Always she used derogatory terms to fully prepare him psychologically for the onslaught.
Eventually she rose and released the chain connecting his wrists to his ankles and secured his feet to the bedposts.
She left his hands cuffed behind his back as she wanted him to feel helpless as she raped him.
As she walked around the bed examining her handiwork she raised her skirt and draped it over the base of the dildo; which had the dual effect of seductively framing her stockinged thighs and exposing the dildo to David's view, as it thrust menacingly before her.
She pulled on his handcuffs as she told him to kneel up. Then walking round him once again she noticed the further signs of his excitement on the quilt.
As she indicated the stain with the end of her crop she sneered:
"I see my little slut has been getting quite worked up while sucking cock!"
She slashed six strokes in quick succession down on his backside as she commented:
"This is for my pleasure slut, and to teach you your place. If I see any more signs of that mess there will be more where that came from."
David pleaded.
"But Christine, you promised me a treat, please stop this."
Christine picked up the gag, and simply strapped it in place as she commented:
"That was before you soiled my bedclothes slut. Now I have to teach you what I think of you. After I have raped you we will see whether your attitude deserves a reward."
Christine opened the bedside drawer and removed a rubber glove.
After donning the glove she dipped two fingers in the Vaseline and smeared some on the dildo. Then she dipped her fingers in yet again and penetrated his anus.
She finger fucked him until she was sure he was wet and ready and then mounted him.
She threw off the rubber glove and gripped his hair in one hand and his cuffed hands in the other; she pulled herself backwards and forwards using his hair in much the same way as a rider uses reins.
As she fucked him she kept up her verbal tirade.
"There slut, now you see just what I think of you, don't you?"
The question was of course rhetorical as there was little David could do to indicate his reply.
She fucked him so vigorously that he collapsed forward onto the bed. Eventually David started to moan through the gag as the dual sensations, both beneath him and inside him, started to raise his excitement level to a peak.
"If you make any more mess on the bed slut I will have to beat you," Christine threatened.
And yet she continued, knowing that her actions would provoke just that result eventually.
When of course he did ejaculate, as they both knew he eventually would, she too collapsed on top of him as she whispered in his ear:
"You are a very naughty slut and I'm going to beat you in a minute."
Tied, gagged and handcuffed; manipulated into a defenceless position, there was nothing David could do about it.
Christine delivered over 20 full blooded strokes before she was finally aroused once again.
With David still bound beside her, she lay on the bed and masturbated herself to yet another orgasm. This time her pleasure was fuller and more intense as always happened when she had thoroughly humiliated and chastised a man.**The Dildo Gag**
The thrill ran through her once again, yes he had already lost, only he did not yet know it.
Already her thoughts had started to excite her, and her knickers were starting to get damp with her excitement.
He crept closer to the bedroom, he could now see all of her.
His erection was thrusting through his trousers. He let his hand fall and gently rubbed the outside of his trousers as he tried to decide what to do next.
He could wait until she noticed him, or he could enter the bedroom and attempt to join her.
Christine knew he was there in full view. She could sense him, and she knew that if she opened her eyes she would be able to see him out of the corner of her eye.
But she didn't, she would let him stew a while longer, men were so much easier to manipulate when they were hot and panting for it.
Besides, that was what she liked most of all, a man lusting after her, wanting her so desperately that he was prepared to grovel.
Yes, that thought was doing it, a man kneeling and begging to be allowed into her bed; she let out a little moan as her excitement stepped up a gear.
She pulled the knickers to one side and rested the tip of the vibrator between the lips of her pussy.
Her mound appeared to thrust upwards a little in anticipation. Her wrist twitched just a little as she started to penetrate herself. She moaned slightly.
David could stand it no longer, he stepped into the bedroom and cleared his throat slightly to gain her attention.
"What do you want?" she asked impatiently, her voice almost a sneer.
David thought about what he wanted, and decided to answer tactfully.
"To make love to you," he said. Although he was thinking, I want to fuck the arse off you.
The vibrator continued to move in and out gently. There was a slight pause before Christine answered:
"Say please, nicely."
Then David realised that Christine was going to play games with him. He cringed inwardly as he realised how desperately he wanted her, and that he had no real choice.
"Please Christine, may I make love to you?"
Christine's left hand moved down to her clitoris and both hands were now centered on her sex. Again she left him waiting before she answered:
"That wasn't nicely enough. Grovel."
David realised her game and thought to himself: You Bitch.
Nevertheless after a few brief moments he knelt and begged.
"Please Christine, I beg you, please may I make love to you."
Now Christine's hand became a blur as she masturbated, totally ignoring him again.
David repeated his plea before Christine turned the screw yet again.
"You know I like you to beg properly."
She waved her hand vaguely towards the foot of the bed and continued with her act of self love.
David crawled to the foot of the bed, now desperately complying with her cruel wishes. He kissed her stockinged foot through the open sandals as he begged. His view between her legs further frustrating him and guaranteeing his continued humility.
"Carry on begging," she ordered.
"And I'll consider it."
Christine was now nearing her plateau and eased up a little. She was enjoying humiliating David and didn't want to go over the top too soon.
The vibrator continued it's regular penetration as she listened to David's grovelling and pleading from the end of the bed.
This was what she loved; to indulge herself in sex while listening to a pathetic male reduced to grovelling for her favours.
The peak receded and her fingers once again vibrated over her clitoris as she thought of ways to increase his humiliation and her pleasure.
"Strip off and stand in the corner and wait," she ordered.
She deliberately used the word wait as she knew that just the hint that he may yet be successful would be the carrot he needed to make him continue his obeisance.
David obeyed, his hopes now rising.
As he stood watching her masturbate he was literally overwhelmed with lust.
Then he noticed the dildo gag on the bedside table. So that had been the black thing she had brought with her.
He realised that even if she did let him make love to her there was a strong chance she would insist on using that thing.
Bitch, he thought once again, didn't she know how humiliating it was for a man to have that thing projecting out from his face, and to have a woman riding that in preference to his own equipment.
Yes she probably did realise it. Bitch!
His hands idly beside him were strongly tempted to masturbate at the erotic spectacle Christine presented.
Occasionally his right hand would start to stimulate himself as he waited patiently.
Christine's breathing was now stilted and she was obviously once again approaching an orgasm. Yet again she eased back a little and opened her eyes:
"You'll be no use to me if you've been wanking," she suggested as she observed his hand on his penis.
"Hands on your head," she ordered.
Once again he obeyed, silently cursing her, but not daring to voice an objection for fear of angering her.
"Please Christine, please let me join you now," he pleaded.
She picked up the black dildo gag and holding it by the leather straps used it in place of the vibrator.
She wouldn't be able to hold out much longer, it was just too exciting for her.
The idea of David standing in the corner, hands on his head like a naughty schoolboy. The thought of his erection poking out in front of him, rampant with lust as he waited for a word from her.
The dildo thrust in and out and her hips thrust upwards to meet it.
"Please Christine," David begged once more.
Christine decided to rub a little salt into the wounds:
"You should be able to see that I hardly need you, I have plenty here to please me."
Then she remembered her thought about the naughty schoolboy.
"So shut up and face the wall and wait quietly and patiently."
When he reluctantly obeyed she once again started to stimulate her clitoris. That last verbal slap had got her really excited.
She loved the idea of tormenting him further but now knew she was going to have to let him on the bed shortly. She was so near to orgasm, and the final humiliation had to be delivered.
She had been planning it for so long that she could not miss it now.
"Here, put this on," she ordered.
David turned to see what she was referring to but already knew what he would see.
She threw the dildo gag towards him and he caught it.
"Please, no Christine, please not that way, please," he whined.
Oh yes, she thought, I knew I would love it. It was almost better than an orgasm to humiliate a man so much.
"You know it only makes me angry when you come too soon," she taunted.
"And then I have to punish you. So I'm doing you a favour really."
"Please Christine," he begged.
She loved it, because he really hated her using him in that way, it was delicious.
"Put it on and come here, or face the wall while I pleasure myself," were the only alternatives she offered him.
Unwillingly he donned the horrible thing and climbed on to the bed.
She pushed him onto his back and turning her back on his pulsing equipment she climbed astride his chest.
Her hand went behind her back and she played with his cock briefly before he moaned with relief and the onset of orgasm.
"You see," she insisted.
"Useless to me."
Then she inched up his body and lowered herself down onto the dildo, which projected upwards from the gag over his mouth.
It started; she rose, and then she fell. The dildo parting her vaginal lips and penetrating her deeply. Her clitoris coming down and resting on the tip of his nose.
She thought to herself:
Yes this is much nicer, it is even equipped with a clitoral stimulator.
Then it occurred to her. Next time she might face the other way, his nose would stimulate her back there.
The vision presented to David could hardly have been more erotic, more crudely provocative, and yet it could hardly have been more humiliating.
If only he had known it, she was already planning a way to make it just a little more humiliating.
The situation was intensely stimulating to Christine, for as her sex felt the sensations of lovemaking, her mind experienced the joy of imposing cruel humiliation upon a man. To achieve both at the same time was as perfect as she had imagined it would be when she first had the dildo gag made for her.
Her mind soared with the joy of sadistic cruelty as her sexuality pounded his face.
After she had ridden his face to several orgasms she eased herself off the dildo and inched forward so that it nested in the cleft of her buttocks and her wetness obliterated the rest of his features.
Then she lit a cigarette, the cigarette after. That too was an ecstatic experience, beyond orgasm itself, to smother a man beneath her wet and satiated sex, to literally smother him with the centre of her sexuality while casually smoking her cigarette after.
She was now replete.
David lay beneath her, an object that had been thoroughly and completely used, still waiting patiently in the hope of satisfaction for himself.
Then she climbed off him and stood beside the bed. She looked back at him and wrinkled her nose in obvious distaste.
Then she simply walked out of the room and down the stairs.
He called after her:
"Please Christine."
He heard her giggle, then she called back:
"Maybe tomorrow, if you are good."
Bitch, he thought.
Now he had the choice of tossing off or remaining frustrated until tomorrow.
And she had said If you are good.
He wasn't long in coming as he jerked himself off. He knew he couldn't lie there for too long, as Christine was sure to guess what he was up to, and that could mean punishment.
David cleaned himself up and then decided to take a shower and change for the evening.
When he returned to the bedroom Christine was there, still dressed in just her lingerie she was holding his still damp handkerchief in one hand, and the sharp spiky pad in the other.
As she rubbed the semen soaked handkerchief over his face she grabbed his penis with the spiky pad.
"Since you are unable to control this, I have decided to control it for you."
She dropped the handkerchief and proceeded to lace his hardening penis into the spiked penis corset. His erection immediately started to subside and he moaned with pain.
When she had finished securing his penis into the cruel and frustrating device she ordered:
"Kneel wanker."
He obeyed and she thrust her panty covered crotch into his face.
"I have what you want wanker, and if you want any chance of getting any, your penis will be controlled by me!"
She turned and walked out, calling back,
"Get dressed we are going out to dinner."
**Making him Watch And Whipping For Pleasure**
Whenever you catch him looking at your legs you can introduce him to the idea of making him watch.
Perhaps you are necking, and you see him glance down at your stocking tops as his hand runs under your skirt.
Maybe he is caught glancing from an armchair opposite.
Comment on the fact:
"So you like to look do you?"
Follow up with something like:
"Get on your knees boy and shuffle closer for a better look."
Trap his head in position between your knees. Then once his head is gripped between your knees you could say:
"It looks good down there, doesn't it creep."
You make him put his hands on the floor and place your shoes on them. You start to stimulate yourself saying:
"This is what I want. To have you lusting after me and yet I am giving myself pleasure. I'm going to make you watch!"
You emphasise the making him watch, because to let him watch would be for his pleasure.
You are forcing him to watch to humiliate him with the fact that you are rejecting his equipment.
After you have taken your own pleasure, he pleads for some attention for himself. You reply:
"I wouldn't like to think when you will next experience a climax."
"But why?" he pleads.
"I find the sight of an unsatisfied man much more to my liking than a limp satisfied man."
Placing your feet on his hands is a symbolic way of emphasising that he is trapped.
Have him lay face up, his hands with palms up beside his head.
Stand with the soles of your shoes on his palms.
Masturbate for your own pleasure. Keeping your feet on his hands you can squat until your anus is in contact with his tongue, if this pleases you from time to time...
In the early days of your games, you may find that causing him pain turns you off. But later, when you realise how much pleasure it is giving him, you will find you can get past that.
The idea that a woman might actually get turned on while whipping a man, is intensely exciting for him.
Whether you do get turned on by whipping or not; providing it no longer turns you off, you can make your masturbation much more erotic for him.
You can not only make him watch you masturbate, you can make him watch you punish him as you do it.
Such a situation is intensely erotic for the submissive who is usually concerned that you do not enjoy punishing him.
The evidence that you have changed is before him.
It must be turning you on, because you are masturbating as you do it!
For example:
Having conned him into bondage by prickteasing, you then administer a whipping for your pleasure. He is tied face down on the bed, and you say:
"I won't be needing your cock tonight. I'm going to take my pleasure out on your backside."
Then as you walk around the bed so that he can turn and watch you in movement, you say:
"I'm going to make you watch! Keep your eyes on me as I take my pleasure, if you shut them I'll whip your thighs and back as well."
If you have a suitable mirror which you can place in a position to allow him to watch from all angles it is even better.
You might think mirror tiles tacky, but for this game they are a positive boon.
You should consider ordering him to cover a wall in your bedroom.
Ideally you should dress to arouse, or dress strictly. A good verbalisation is to suggest that you need to remove strict outer clothing because you will need freedom of movement.
Especially halfway through the punishment when you have exerted yourself and you look like you are beginning to enjoy it. The more flushed you look from laying into him, the more you will look like it is exciting you.
As you give him a mini striptease, removing blouse and skirt to expose your scantily clad body, you might say:
"I'm going to give every stroke everything I've got now wanker, so I'll want complete freedom for this."
Thereby pretending that the clothes were hindering you.
Order him to keep his head up, and his eyes open. Give extra strokes when he fails to do so.
In this way you can pretend that you are making him watch his punishment because it amuses you.
Really you are doing so because it excites him, (but this is never even hinted at).
If you use a soft sauna whip you can give every stroke all your effort without causing excessive pain or damage. Between strokes, caress your own body to make it plain that it is turning you on.
Rubbing the handle of the whip between your legs is especially erotic, suggesting the link between your pleasure and his pain.
If he cries out, then perhaps you will quickly slip your hand into your knickers and start to masturbate:
"Oh yes," you moan before returning to the whipping.
He will be left with the impression that his cry of pain excites you.
If you like to delay your own pleasure, try giving yourself permission to play with yourself a little, but only after each cry of pain from him.
If he speaks instead of moaning you might say:
"I'm going to gag you as I prefer to hear you moaning while I whip you."
If he begs, you might pretend that begging turns you on:
"I do so like to hear a man beg," you say as you lash him again and again.
Gradually of course, you will need to spend more time caressing yourself and less time beating him as you work towards your climax.
This is good, because by now he should have received enough punishment. He will be convinced that his sore bum is for your sexual pleasure.
At this stage you might only need to lash him once or twice if his gaze upon you is not intense:
"Eyes open wanker, I want you to watch this."
If you have no mirror tiles on the wall, you might stand beside the head of the bed and masturbate to ensure he can see you.
You might lean against a nearby wall. Or if there is a chair within his sight you might sit in it if you prefer, or sit on a bedside unit.
If you do have mirrors, you could sit astride the back of his neck and rub yourself on him for your pleasure as you order:
"Watch me in the mirror."
He will have the dual sensation of being squashed down into the bed by the force of your orgasm, while seeing your body as you please yourself.
Your whip can lash down on his body, if his head slumps down under your weight. Grip his neck with your thighs and order:
"Head up, eyes open."
When you've finished you might just walk out saying:
"If I find any sticky stains beneath you, you'll get the same tomorrow night."
Or you can slump down over his body and lay there until you have recovered your composure.
It is a good idea to fetch a drink or a cigarette, and pace around him after you have recovered, studying your handiwork with pride.
"Well, at least you have the satisfaction of knowing you've been whipped by an expert."
An unusual way to make him watch is by using a Dildo Gag.
This is used by you in the queening position: Sat on his face.
You strap a gag around his head, with a dildo projecting like a penis from his face.
"Now I'm going to make you watch me enjoy myself."
Then you indulge in intercourse by laying him on his back and inserting the dildo in your pussy.
The variations can include use of all forms of penis torture, suppression, abuse and chastity devices used on him while you take your pleasure; perhaps reins attached to his genitals.
You can face in either direction and take only as much of the dildo as you want inside you.
If you prefer clitoral sensation, you might masturbate while he is in you.
Or you might bounce up and down for your pleasure which will maximise the squashing and abuse sensations for him; at the same time this increases the impression of your total enjoyment.
There could be no more obvious rejection of him than the evidence that you want actual intercourse, but reject his penis in favour of his face with a dildo.
If you enjoy sitting on his face it is evidence of your cruelty, combined with the dildo it is positively sadistic.
**Tempting him To Peek**
The simplest way to signal the start of sex play is to start masturbating. There is no clearer signal that you are in the mood for sex than to be discovered in the act.
This is especially appropriate in bed, either last thing at night, or first thing in the morning.
The fact that you started on your own, without his involvement, is conclusive proof that you do not play these games just for his pleasure.
Wherever you masturbate, telling him not to look will allow him to be naughty and peek.
He doesn't want to be allowed to watch! He wants to peek naughtily or be forced to watch in frustration.
He may, for example, have been instructed to serve your tea in bed dressed to your specifications. In such a circumstance, an interesting idea is for you to be discovered by him with your hands moving beneath the covers and apparently unaware of the tea delivery.
Your eyes are shut and you are clearly enjoying yourself, you open them and see that he is lingering. Then you simply say:
"Get out."
He will almost certainly try and peek through a crack in the door. He will almost certainly masturbate.
It will excite him intensely to see you take your pleasure so apparently uncaring of his. (When in truth you are secretly sharing the experience).
You can make him sit in a spare room or the corridor for the evening, and make him act as your manservant or butler.
He is summoned by a hand-bell for every cigarette, every ashtray change, every drink.
A good idea is for you to place yourself in a line of sight from the keyhole of his room or the corridor and display yourself provocatively.
Then later, if you get in the mood, you masturbate for your own pleasure.
He will be able to watch the Lady of the House, a selfish uncaring bitch, take her pleasure.
If he doesn't come while he watches you, he must be in fear of punishment, or waiting to be caught in the act.
The latter is more likely.
Let us imagine that he comes in from the garden for one of his regular coffee breaks.
He looks around to offer you a coffee. He cannot find you, then he sees through the crack of the open bedroom door that you are reclining on the bed.
You are caressing and stimulating yourself, (something you had started as soon as you heard him enter the house).
He now has only five choices:
To watch. Which is, of course, most bad mannered.
As (1º) and presumably misbehave.
To go away. (Most unlikely).
To enter, or knock, and/or make some approach.
Some combination of the aforementioned.
If he entered you can angrily insist he get out:
"Knock before you enter a Lady's room."
If he did knock you can call out:
"Wait, I'm busy!" Thus guaranteeing he is naughty as in the first two choices.
Or you could call out:
"Go away, I don't want to be disturbed."
If he does leave he is almost certain to creep back. Which is again bad mannered.
Apart from the obviously limited choices he has, the beauty of this scenario is that when you decide to catch him being naughty; whatever course of action you then decide to take, is not only apparently justified punishment or retribution, but is also being done to him by a woman who is sexually aroused.
Of course, as well as the previous variations, you could allow him to enter. Then you might tell him to kneel and wait. Seeing you aroused will make him want to obey, in order to be given a chance to participate. You can say:
"I may have a use for you in a moment."
The variations here are endless.
You might catch him being naughty by rubbing himself surreptitiously. This would allow you to interrupt your activity and punish him angrily.
If you had no use for him, then you could just carry on to completion as though he was not there.
Then question him about naughtiness afterwards.
If you are going to carry on without him, you can tell him to face the corner. Then he can be naughty and sneak glimpses by turning around occasionally.
Another alternative would be to stop what you were doing when he entered and angrily demand:
"Well, what do you want!"
If he stupidly says that he was making coffee, then you can say:
"No, I don't want one, close the door on your way out."
Assuming you make him shut the door completely then he will be sure to listen. If you apparently do not notice he has left the door ajar, then he will be bound to peek.
It cannot be over-emphasised that the fact that he found you masturbating proves conclusively that you were turned on.
The activity was apparently not just for his benefit. A primary goal in all these activities is to create that impression.**Using his Tongue or Face**
There is nothing more exciting for a man than waking up to sex.
He often wakes with an erection anyway. Usually wondering what if anything he can hope to do with it.
Wake up ideas...
If you wake up feeling sexy and do not fancy dressing up to please him, you can climb astride his face, or even the back of his head, and start using it by rubbing yourself against it.
There is no male submissive that will not be turned on by waking to such an aggressive and powerful display of female desire.
To get his tongue out and into action, try holding his nose to open his mouth.
Then order:
Whenever you are sat astride a man's face or head, it is a good idea to release a little urine on him. It helps to emphasise your dominant attitude before taking your pleasure.
Hold his nose as you do it, and order:
"Drink it."
You could issue standing orders to the effect that if he wakes with an erection but finds you asleep, he must go beneath the covers himself and attempt to arouse you with his tongue.
Having a man spend time with his head under your skirt might arouse you.
Spend an evening watching the video with him down there and see.
Maybe rent a copy of Nine to Five, for instance.
There is something especially appropriate about watching women triumph over male chauvinism while your man is in a position that is highly arousing for him, and yet so obviously frustrating and humiliating.
Male power suppressed while his face is pressed to the centre of female sexuality.
One step better and intensely more exciting for him is to make sure he is in a chastity belt before he spends an evening in that position.
It is possible that the hot breath against your panties will eventually produce a desire for sex.
There is nothing quite like having a completely chaste man devote himself to your pleasures.
When you have finished with him and you pat him on the head to tell him how good he was, he will have the ultimate sensation of loyalty and submission.
If you enjoy the stimulation of the male tongue, on your breasts, under your arms, around your anus, vibrating your clitoris or even behind your knees then use it to the full.
He will love the feeling of devotion it gives him. A simple pat on the head is all the reward necessary when you have finished with him.
Have him remove your knickers. Sit in an armchair with your legs spread. Pull his head between your legs. Order him to stick out his tongue:
"Don't move it," you order. Then you push and pull his head, grasping him by his hair or his ears, for your own pleasure.
You are sitting on his knee watching television and his hands start to wander. You replace them somewhere more decent saying:
"I loathe being groped by some clammy little upstart."
The programme nears the end and you send him away:
"Go to my bedroom and wait for me like a good boy."
You enter the bedroom and kneel on all fours on the end of the bed saying simply:
"I like a man to worship me."
As he does so you say:
"You belong to me worm, don't ever forget it, I would hate to have to discard you after all my hard work and training."
He is working in the garden near the house. It is a fine day so you go outside in a bikini or preferably lingerie depending on who is likely to be around and how private your garden is.
You disturb him to have him put a sunshade over you where you have chosen to sit or recline to watch him work.
Reject any sexual approaches by telling him that it pleases you to just watch him work.
Have him fetch your drinks, an ashtray, your cigarettes etc.
As you sit, you caress yourself in a slow leisurely aimless manner, watching him work is beginning to turn you on.
If he pays this undue attention you can rebuke him:
"Pay attention to your work and don't be so bad mannered!"
Summon him and invite him to strip off. Again reject any approaches:
"Go away, I'll call you when I need you, I just wanted to see you working naked."
Erections are likely to be noticed and can be punished if you wish.
Outdoors is perfect for watersports variations, as is a pool with you sat on the side and his head between your legs as you let go.
Or him laying on the lawn and you standing astride his head to shower him with golden rain!
If he has been working, then his dirty condition can be used either to reject his participation or to limit him to using his tongue.
"Your hands are dirty, lay on your back and stick out your tongue... Get your tongue in there and bring me to the boil."
If you find you prefer oral service, have your slave make a suitable table. Go to a junk store and buy any old table, firm and four legged in wood.
When you tell him what to do with it, he may well think he is making a punishment bench. Have him cover it in upturned crown corks (beer bottle tops) nailed to the surface.
It does work well for strapping a male face down for a caning. However you will find a more interesting use for it.
The jagged edges work well if he is face down for a punishment, but they leave a lovely pattern on his back and buttocks if you lay him face up.
Tie him face up, head and shoulders protruding over the end of the table, his legs and arms tied down. The legs of table will have been shortened a little to present him at the correct height, if necessary. Now stand astride his neck.
Depending on which way you face, you can present your anus to his tongue while you masturbate. A position ideal for slapping his prick if he gets an unwanted erection.
At other times use his tongue on your clitoris or in your vagina. The position is ideal for multiple orgasm. And when your knees eventually give way, his neck or chest offer ideal support.**Serving You With a Dildo**
If you enjoy intercourse and penetration there are items of equipment that can solve some common problems.
Men are often either too small, too big or ejaculate too early!
If he is too big or he comes too soon then put him into a panty girdle several sizes too small for him. Push his prick and balls back between his legs as he struggles into the girdle.
Now that his defective equipment is out of the way you can strap a dildo of your preferred proportions on him.
"There," you can tell him.
"Aren't you lucky. Now you can perform like a real man without letting me down."
As an aside on the subject of panty girdles, it is a good idea to make him wear one all the time. They improve the figure and remind him to sit when he urinates.
If he is too small then the problem is much easier to solve.
Special hollow dildos are available. Simply strap one on him with his deficient equipment inside.
Of course he may ejaculate inside the dildo but this will not limit his ability to perform to your requirements.
It may limit his enthusiasm, in which case a severe punishment session is necessary to teach him whose pleasure is the objective.
A more unusual solution is the use of dildo face masks and hoods, and most recently chin dildos which let him use his tongue while his chin moves the dildo within you.
The dildo hoods are usually made in latex with breathing holes for the nostrils and a gag for the mouth, a dildo protrudes on the outside for your pleasure.
You can lay on your back with his face between your thighs, the dildo inside you while you masturbate.
Put a collar and lead around his neck and use it to encourage him to move sufficiently for your stimulation.
Or you can lie him on his back and ride his dildo and face for your pleasure.
He can be made to hold a vibrator in his mouth while it is inside you if a dildo gag is not available.
Like queening, the dildo gag is one of the most powerful expressions of Female Dominance and sexual use.
Especially when used in riding his face.
Blindfolds are not always a good idea as it is a visually powerful experience for him to see you pounding down upon him.
As he looks up between your thighs to see your breasts above him, he is reminded that you are all woman. He can see you enjoying yourself.
Like most occasions of powerful use and abuse it enhances the experience for him if you have him tied down.
If he fails to perform with the dildo of your choice. If he fails to give pleasure. Or if he bores you, then just stick him into the wardrobe and use one of the wide variety of vibrators and dildos available.
**With him In Bondage / Devices**
Many Mistresses ask why bother with bondage, chains and gags?
Surely a well trained submissive should perform well without them?
That is true, of course. However you could equally ask, why NOT bother?
The only reason why not is that to do so may impose extra burdens upon you!
Since that effort is generally returned with interest in the form of better attitude, greater levels of submission, increased efficiency and an improved relationship, the benefits are worth a little effort on your part.
Providing the bondage does not interfere with your preference for his activities then it is a useful way of increasing the submissiveness of his attitude.
If the bed is fitted with restraining straps it is relatively easy to arrange for a partner to wake up finding themselves already restrained.
With a new boy, the line:
"I would like to handcuff you first".
When he wants to make love to you is a great starting point.
Strapping on a dildo after he is secured, you proceed to show him what you meant by making love.
Penetration is, after all, the name of the game for many men, or so they like to think.
If you do not wish to penetrate his anus for any reason, then hold the prick/dildo suggestively and order:
"Suck it".
Watch him intently and get your pleasure through masturbating and stimulating your breasts with your free hand.
When you tire of the dildo, his nose makes an excellent clitoral stimulator as an aid to your own pleasure.
If you decide to let a slave orgasm, turn him over and ride the back of his head for your pleasure, while you order him to fuck the bed.
If you don't want a mess on the bedclothes then roll him face down onto the floor.
Little could be more humiliating for a man than to have a woman ride the back of his head while he fucks the floor. Except perhaps making him clean up the mess with his tongue.
Chastity belts, chastity aprons, girdles, or anything that suppresses his sexuality. These all make it plain that the activity is for your pleasure rather than his.
Chastity devices (including blunt spiked penis corsets). These are ideal wear for the male who is giving oral service for female sexual pleasure. (Or who is having his dildo gag ridden by you).
Ideally you suggest, when he makes a pass, that he is only interested in his own selfish lusts and pleasures.
Then having forced him to assure you that he only wants to please you.......
"I'm only interested in going to bed with you if you genuinely only want to please me!"
.........you have the perfect justification for fitting chastity devices.
"Well you won't be needing that if you only want to please Me!"
If you want him to sleep with you, then you can first encourage him to make a sexual pass by sitting on his lap for the goodnight kiss.
Then because his hands are wandering as usual you tell him that he can come to bed with you only if he wears bondage mittens (or other form of restraint).
You let your hand linger on his trousers as you say suggestively:
"I don't want any naughty hands while I cuddle you."
You squeeze his erection as if to suggest that there is more on offer than a cuddle.
He allows you to put the mittens on him and you cuddle up to him in bed. You can then masturbate while he lays there frustrated.
Or you could ride his face, possibly strap a dildo over his mouth and ride the dildo gag.
If you prefer you can ride his erection for your pleasure.
If he were to come too soon you could pretend anger and tell him that he will have to be caned for that in the morning.
"Selfish men who are only interested in their own pleasure have to be trained to think about pleasing their Wives."
Then you can shift up and order him to:
"Lick out your mess."
In the morning he can be caned easily, as until he takes his punishment you will not remove the mittens (or restraint) which is locked in place.
As you cane him, you lecture him, and tell him that in future he must not come before you do. He must not come until you tell him you are ready.
Handcuffs are the easiest way to restrain a sex object for personal use.
When restrained for sex, a male feels like a sex object, which enhances that sense that it is all for your pleasure.
One handcuff can go around his balls and the other can be attached to cuffs on his feet. This forces the male into a permanent crouch.
This also works well if another pair is used to suspend his arms above him, thus not allowing him either up or down.
It can keep him at perfect height for you to drop your skirt over his head if you want him to perform oral sex.
It is very powerful symbolically to use a man in this way, emphasising his lack of power to control, if not his actual unwillingness.
Any hood is great for making love to him and calling him by some other man's name.
Which achieves the dual effect of cruelly suggesting you fancy that man, or that another man is better in bed.
Possibly even letting him believe you have had the other man, while also strongly suggesting that you are fantasising about the other man as you take your pleasure.
Have your slave buy an old wooden stool from a junk store.
Make him cover it in upturned crown corks (beer bottle tops). Possibly in the form of your initials.
When he sits on it, arms and legs tied to his sides, his buttocks become inscribed with your personal insignia.
In the centre of the stool instruct him to make a hole, through which you can pass a lead with a genital strap on the end.
If you are going to need his erection, secure the strap around his balls and bind him to the stool by pulling the lead tight through the hole, fastening it to a hook on one of the legs of the stool.
If his erection will not be required, secure the strap behind the crown of his penis before pulling the lead and strapped penis tightly through the hole, and then fasten it to the hook.
Either method is suitable for seating him at the foot of your bed while you masturbate.
Either method keeps him out of mischief, otherwise he might only be peeking through keyholes and wanking.
Sometimes you might put a hood, blindfold and gag upon him.
Sometimes you might leave him exposed for a bit of passionate french kissing.
In the first position the head of his penis protrudes at just the right height for you to sit astride his legs, and use his face for your breasts while you masturbate, with his penis deliciously controlled.
It is only allowed to enter you partially.
When and if he gets too excited, put a blindfold on him and return to the bed with your vibrator.
**Taking A sissy To Bed**
If you dress your man in a maid's outfit, or other feminine lingerie and clothing, you can have a sissy male in bed with you.
If you make comments about not wanting an oafish male in your bed it can suggest to him that you have lesbian tastes that have been hidden from him.
Many men like to believe that Female Dominants are usually lesbian, this supposedly accounts for the fact that they hate men.
It is poppycock of course, but exciting to believe because anything that sounds a reasonable explanation for his game makes it more credible.
You can deliberately encourage this belief by saying things, as you kiss him and fondle him:
"Oh I love to run my hands over your stockings, as you kiss me. So sensuous, not like rough and hairy men."
You can make him participate in the game by asking breathlessly:
"Do you prefer women too?"
You can even pretend his real equipment is a strap on dildo and let your girlfriend make love to you.
"Who needs men when we've got dildos, you go first and afterwards I'll strap mine on and fuck you."
But much better is to buy one of those hollow strap on dildos. Then when he is dressed as a girl, and wearing the dildo, he looks just like the real thing.
If you don't have a hollow dildo, you could have him wear a condom, then as you grasp his rubber dick you could say:
"Mmmm, very realistic, it feels just like the real thing."
It is all a mind game. Your possible lesbianism is a convincing explanation for your cruelty to him when he is a man.
Lesbianism is also something which never fails to excite men.
It also prepares him for the likelihood of being fucked in the ass and ensures he will ready himself for it.
When I plan to fuck a male in the ass, I like him to know about it in advance, and have access to a bathroom. This allows himself time to wash internally using a bidet and a soapy finger.
If he is not very convincing as a girly, then you can if you prefer, humiliate and tease him by making comments like:
"Very manly... Would you like me to let you be a real man... Real men like to fuck, do you want to fuck? You'll have to earn it, grovel and beg."
Of course if he does beg for a fuck then you have the perfect excuse to give him one!
You can put him in a girdle with his prick back between his legs. Make love to him as though you were two girls, with lots of mutual petting.
You can have him be a girl and try to masturbate by running his fingers over his pussy.
"I want to watch my little maid bring herself off."
You can make him your conspirator:
"Don't you think that we girls look nicer when we do it than that horrible wanking that men do?"
Then as you get up and strap on a dildo you can prepare him by saying:
"I want to watch my little maid get herself hot and ready for me."
If you do fuck him in the ass then a useful technique is to put something painful under his genitals.
Have him nail beer bottle tops to a small board. Put the crown cork board under his prick and fuck him.
Or purchase the plastic spiky material that is used to secure carpets to the floor and cut a square pad of that.
Ostensibly you suggest this is because he must only take pleasure from the penetration.
"I don't want you rubbing your cock against the bed for pleasure, you're my girly now, and you like your Mistress to fuck you, don't you slut?"
This is an idea which he will find psychologically exciting while still getting genital sensation.**More On Fucking him**
At a suitable moment you might leave the room. In your bedroom you strap on a dildo under your evening attire.
You drape your skirt or dress over it, and this has the effect of leaving your thighs exposed. The material of your dress parted like curtains falling either side of the dildo.
You walk out brazenly to rejoin your man. If you say nothing at all, it nevertheless signals that any sexual approach is going to be met with an unconventional response.
Obviously it is better if it is a double dildo, then when you fuck him you get sensation yourself. You could disguise the fact you are wearing it by putting knickers on over it and wear a flowing dress. Then you could wait for a sexual approach and surprise him.
You could sit on his lap and play hard to get, eventually surprising him when you allow his hand under your skirt, and he encounters it. Then say:
"I'm hard and ready for a good fuck, go upstairs and get yourself wet and ready for Me!"
It being advantageous to allow him some warning of impending penetration so that he can wash himself internally, perhaps even prepare himself with lubricant creams or jelly.
It is often best to penetrate him first with a well lubricated butt plug:
"To get you wet and ready for me."
Ideally you have conned him into bondage so that a rape can be simulated. Most submissives love being butt fucked, but like most activities they like to believe they have been forced into it.
So a subterfuge is much better than asking him to kneel on the bed for it.
With his hands handcuffed behind him and his face pushed into a pillow, he feels truly used and abused.
Pillows can be piled underneath him to 'present' (but really support) him properly.
A good time to fuck him is after he has been tied down for a punishment. Then you can strap on the dildo and whip him some more.
"I'm going to whip you until you beg me to fuck you."
This system is an ideal way of passing a degree of control over the severity of the whipping to the male.
When he cannot take any more punishment he has only to beg for a fucking. You can make him beg properly and in this way take him over his own punishment limit.
"Please fuck me in the ass Mistress... Pretty Please".
A submissive likes to be whipped beyond his own limit, or more truthfully, believe he has been.
Using this method he has a degree of control in as much as you can judge by the imagination he uses in begging as to when he has really had enough.
Some people like to use code words to indicate they have had enough. Which of course ruins the sense of reality you have taken so much time to create.
You must use your own judgement, but with a good rapport you can create the impression that the Mistress is in control and let him believe you have deliberately exceeded his limit.
With a code word, he later remembers he was in control all the time, and hates himself for it.
When dildo fucking him; straps around his thighs can be attached to straps on his upper arms to present him properly in a kneeling position.
Dildo fucking is rendered perfect if you have a double ended dildo that brings you to orgasm while you are fucking him. In this way you can rape him for your selfish pleasure, and he is left untouched.
Or if he ejaculates against a pillow beneath him you can remark:
"See, the slut likes it up the ass."
If a double ended dildo is not available then by inserting a vibrator in yourself, you can give the impression that fucking him is for your pleasure.
**Dressing him To Please.**
If you fancy a schoolboy in bed with you, then put him into short trousers, long socks, lace up brogues, collar and tie.
We know one Lady who liked her man in full evening dress; Frilly shirts, velvet bow tie, tuxedo.
She would relax in just her underwear in her warm living room while he sweated, over dressed.
She would recline on their sofa and he would kiss and lick every inch of her body.
Some women like to be naked and pleasured by a fully dressed man. The fabric of his rough clothes stimulates her breasts.
His equipment, if used at all, is unzipped, used for her pleasure and put away afterwards.
Whatever your pleasure, you should dress him in the way that pleases you most.
If you dress your man in a maid's outfit, or other feminine lingerie and clothing, you can have a sissy male in bed with you.
If you make comments about not wanting an oafish male in your bed it can suggest to him that you have lesbian tastes, that have been hidden from him until now.
Many men like to believe that Female Dominants are usually lesbian, this accounts for the fact that they hate men.
It is poppycock of course, but exciting to believe because anything that sounds like a reasonable explanation for his game makes it more credible.
You can deliberately encourage this belief by saying things, as you kiss him and fondle him:
"Oh I love to run my hands over your stockings, as you kiss me. So sensuous, not like rough and uncouth men."
You can make him participate in the game by asking breathlessly:
"Do you prefer women too?"
You can even pretend his real equipment is a strap on dildo and let your girlfriend make love to you.
"Who needs men when we've got dildos, you go first and afterwards I'll strap mine on and fuck you."
Maybe you could have him wear a condom, then as you grasp his rubber dick you could say:
"Mmmm, very realistic, it feels just like the real thing."
It is all a mind game. Your possible lesbianism is a convincing explanation for your cruelty to him when he is a man.
Lesbianism is also something which never fails to excite men.
It also prepares him for the likelihood of being fucked in the ass and ensures he will ready himself for it.
You can if you prefer, humiliate and tease him by making comments like:
"Very manly... Would you like me to let you be a real man... Real men like to fuck, do you want to fuck? You'll have to earn it, grovel and beg."
Of course if he does beg for a fuck then you have the perfect excuse to give him one!
You can put him in a girdle with his prick back between his legs. Make love to him as though you were two girls, with lots of mutual petting.
You can have him be a girl and try to masturbate by running his fingers over his pussy.
"I want to watch my little maid bring herself off."
You can make him your conspirator:
"Don't you think that we girls look nicer when we do it, compared to that horrible wanking that men do?"
Then as you get up and strap on a dildo you can prepare him by saying:
"I want to watch my little maid get herself hot and ready for me."
If you do fuck him in the ass then a useful technique is to put something painful under his genitals. Have him nail beer bottle tops to a small board. Put the crown cork board under his prick and fuck him.
Or have buy a sheet of that spiky plastic stuff used to secure carpets to the floor.
Ostensibly you suggest this is because he must only take pleasure from the penetration.
"I don't want you rubbing your cock against the bed for pleasure, you're my girly now, and you like your Mistress to fuck you, don't you slut?"
"Sluts don't take pleasure from their clitties, it's the real thing that they like."
An idea which he will find psychologically exciting while still getting genital sensation.
**Breakfast And Starting The Day Right**
You have decided to rise first. He is still in bed.
The advantages of this situation are the possibilities for either manipulating or discovering misbehaviour.
If misbehaviour occurs, then you have the opportunity to indulge your man in one of his fantasies. Punishment!
Whether this be a good tongue lashing, or better still a spanking or caning.
There is a strong chance that a man with idle hands, laying in bed alone, will indulge in masturbation. If he doesn't then you can find a way to encourage him to surreptitiously!
This can be done by signalling that sex with you is a distinct possibility.
Many couples have little routines that suggest that sex might be on the cards. For instance plugging in a heater to get the bedroom nice and warm.
If you give out such a signal you will put the idea of sex in his mind. If the sex is not forthcoming, he may well be tempted to misbehave.
Are You Prepared to Get Dressed Up?
[[Yes->Prepared to Get Dressed Up]]
[[No->Not Getting Dressed Up]]Double-click this passage to edit it.**Breakfast And Starting The Day Right**
If your intent is to catch him masturbating then your style of dress should be feminine but not necessarily overly provocative.
If your normal style is jeans and a sloppy jumper, then putting on a dress should be enough to perk up his interest.
If you normally wear tights, then putting stockings on before you put on the dress should do it.
Change is exciting, so if you normally dress in front of him, try dressing in the bathroom. Or even telling him not to peek if you catch him glancing in your direction.
Equally, if he doesn't usually see you dressing, try putting on the stockings in the same room as him.
If you have dressed in front of him in provocative lingerie you do not have to wait to catch him masturbating. You could go for a first offence immediately.
Stroll over to the bed, either before or after donning dress or dressing gown, and pull back the covers. If he is showing signs of arousal, like an erection, put on a little mock anger.
"I thought as much," you declare.
"You deserve a smack bottom for peeking while a Lady gets dressed."
If no erection is present then you have the perfect opportunity to excite him in a different way.
The concept of a Lady being offended at normal male behaviour, like becoming aroused, is intensely exciting to the submissive man. So you simply say:
"Good. I'm glad to see you're behaving yourself this morning. Any sign of nastiness, and I'd have to take a stick to you!"
If the idea of you caning him excites him, then that phrase will soon have him erect. And pretty soon he will be laying there just waiting for you to pull back the covers again.
If trying to catch him masturbating is not for you, then no matter. The fact that you have dressed up, perhaps extremely provocatively, should be enough to have him making a pass, or inviting you to return to bed.
Prickteasing! Just the word is exciting to men, for it sums up everything that bad girls do. Good girls can be good, but any man will tell you that bad girls are even better!
So to excite him, all you have to do is act provocatively. Wait for him to suggest lovemaking, and turn him down teasingly.
Would You Like to Continue?
[[Yes->Continue morning routine]]
[[No->Home With hubby (Mistress Christine's Introduction. Part One)]] **Not Getting Dressed Up**
Imagine you discarded your lingerie and stockings beside the bed the night before.
Upon rising, you innocently pick them up and thoughtlessly drop them on your pillow, intending to remove them later. You get dressed and leave the room.
Many men will become aroused by the close proximity of such garments. Others will be unable to resists inhaling the scent of freshly worn stockings, or indeed knickers!
If he lets you catch him handling them, you can be sure he wants you to punish him for it. If he doesn't, you can still be sure that he wants to be caught with an erection and have you accuse him of playing with your underwear or masturbating.
Being caught masturbating, while embarrassing, is a common fantasy. The idea that a woman is contemptuous of male masturbation is exciting in itself and likely to arouse him.
He doesn't want to be caught and suffer your genuine disgust. What he wants is an act, mock anger and punishment.
He, like you, probably thinks the act is perfectly normal. But perhaps unlike you, he finds it more exciting, the naughtier it is!
It is much more fun for him to lay in bed masturbating, if he can imagine that his dominant wife would punish him if she caught him.
He wants to masturbate, he wants sex, but it is unsatisfying to him if he cannot have your participation.
So it is paradoxical. One of the most exciting ways for you to participate is to forbid it.
It can be declared misbehaviour in several ways. Even if he has made no approach, or shown no sign of arousal, checking on his behaviour will simply demonstrate your desire to control it.
This will excite him and probably provoke his misbehaviour. He will be fantasising about you while he does it. His imagination will be full of the image of his strict, no nonsense wife putting him over her knee!
Another way of declaring his wanking as bad or offensive is to be outraged at your husband masturbating when he could have shown interest in making love to you.
The very fact that he has not recently made a pass, or suggested lovemaking, can be used against him.
"I won't have it!" you can insist.
"I give you all the sex you need, you've no right to sneak around playing with yourself like a dirty schoolboy. I'll just have to punish you!"
When dressed up, a wife might act as a pricktease. But equally exciting is the dominant woman who punishes not because she led him on, but because she (apparently) believes his behaviour is offensive, disgusting, slack, lazy, or deserves punishment!
Carrying a cane or crop is an exciting statement even when dressed in un-exciting clothing. Threatening to use it, is even more so!
Imagine he has been lazing around in bed for a little longer than normal. You fetch a cane from the hall cupboard and enter the bedroom with it. You swish it through the air and say:
"The spare room is never going to be finished if you laze about all day, if you're not up and about in five minutes I'll be forced to give you a thrashing."
If he is still there two minutes later, it is because he rather likes the idea of getting a thrashing.
Of course he is going to get up in five minutes, for otherwise he is openly admitting he wants punishment, or worse challenging your authority. And he doesn't want to do either.
The only time he will challenge your authority is when he wants you to demonstrate you have the power to force him to obey.
Two minutes later you go back in and pull back the covers as if to chivvy him out of bed.
If, as is likely, you discover an erection, he'll love you for it! For now you can punish him for something else.
He can have the punishment anyway, without having to admit he wanted it.
Having an erection can also be misbehaviour. Initially you can take it as evidence that he has been wanking. If he denies it you simply inform him that it doesn't matter.
You order, in mock severity:
"If you had been left to your own devices much longer, you'd have been fiddling with yourself. So just let this thrashing be a warning to you my lad. Turn over!"
There is only one thing he will love more than being punished for wanking, that is being punished for having an erection.
Secretly he might indeed feel a little guilty about wanking so much, and he wants to be punished unjustly. But he knows he can't help getting the erection. Thus he can whine, protest and moan that he can't help it, and almost believe it.
Since it is only a game you are both playing, finding a way to believe it is the hardest part.
"Stuff and nonsense," you declare superciliously.
"You get erections because you fill your mind with dirty thoughts."
Your words are like music to his ears, and he feels like a naughty schoolboy.
"There is only way with boys like you," you declare with finality.
"And that's to thrash it out of them!"
Such phraseology will be immensely erotic to him.
If he ever challenges your right to thrash him, you must insist. If he really does not want it he will call a halt to the game you are playing, and you'll have to talk it out.
Mostly he wants you to threaten him with dire threats of no sex ever again, then he will be forced to accept it.
If your game playing is stopped when you are in full swing and playing the character well, it will be most upsetting for you.
When you talk you must explain that to him, and let him explain why he had to stop. Often it will be because the fantasy was just too good, too real, too mind blowing!
Sometimes he will not know quite why he wanted to stop, and desperately he will blame you.
He will say it was something you did wrong.
Try to remember this, and not be too upset. He can't help it!
A week or a month later, he will want to start over!
[[Continue->Continue morning routine]] Select the section that most intrests you
[[More On Dressing To Excite]]
[[More On Cock Teasing]]
[[Catching him Masturbating]]
[[Later In The Day At Home]]**Dressing To Excite**
The more prolonged the dressing up ritual is, the more erotic it can be.
Sort of a reverse striptease.
If one gets the boring nudity over with quickly by donning lingerie, one can prolong the tease by sitting at the dressing table and doing other things.
The mundane chores of applying nail varnish, doing one's make up and hair, putting on jewellery, heels, and accessories, all become part of the delay and tease.
While waiting for your nails to dry, you can drink your own cup of tea, or smoke a cigarette.
All the while you are sat there looking extremely provocative in lingerie and negligee as any Lady would prior to getting dressed.
If your plan is to dress in everyday style feminine clothing, you can now do so having put on a show to match the most erotic stripper. Even if you plan to cover up with sloppy jeans etc.
There are many outfits which can suggest severity, and these will prepare him mentally for your role as a domineering woman.
The outfit you choose will depend on your available wardrobe. But whether you possess any of the more exotic rubber, leather or pvc outfits or not, you can still give the impression of strictness.
Any dress your Mother might wear can look prim, and every schoolboy knows how strict the prim schoolteacher can be.
A black skirt and a white blouse can look severe. As can putting your hair up in a bun!
For a different style of fun and games one can purchase special outfits. With a man in bed, putting on a nurse's outfit can lead to play-acting the role in either fun spirit or strictly.
As a prim housewife or nurse, one can fuss over him in bed. Tidy the bedclothes around him, button up his pajamas, brush his hair. If you have the props you can take it further.
If he is in bed with a cold, he will still respond to the tease. In fact nothing can buck you up more than knowing someone cares for you enough to play sex games with you!
An enema might do him the world of good, at the very least you'll want to give him an aspirin and take his temperature.
Get yourself a nice big anal thermometer for the next time he is feeling under the weather.
"Turn over, I have to take your temperature," you order after feeling his brow.
**More on Cock Teasing**
You don't have to get dressed up to indulge in Cock Teasing, but it certainly helps if you do.
Being dressed to excite, or in a way that suggests that you are in the mood for sex is the simplest form of Cock Teasing.
Of course it is only a tease if you either deny him sex altogether, or don't let him come.
It is much more exciting for the male to be told not to do something, if he truly believes that she is trying to provoke him into disobedience. This is the essence of the game.
Having an erection is more exciting, if it involves the danger of being caught.
"What are you doing in that state? Have you been peeking while I got dressed? Have you been playing with yourself?"
It is much more exciting for most men to stay at the peak of arousal, than it is to ejaculate immediately. So the longer one goes on saying No, the better.
Equally, he doesn't want to find he is in a situation where he has permission to bring it to an end himself. He would rather feel powerless, and have to submit to your control. Hence one must forbid masturbation, or coming without your permission.
He does not want to feel that he is willingly submitting, he wants to believe that you have left him no choice. So the Prickteaser always promises:
"Maybe later, if you're good."
She always makes it clear, that he will get nothing at all if he is bad, except punishment for being disobedient!
"I will be angry if you play with yourself."
Indeed, many men like the foundation of their relationship to be based on teasing.
Her right to punish when bad, and reward when good, is based on the fact that if he ever wants sex with her, he has to play it her way.
Once these ground rules are established and accepted, you don't have to forbid masturbation to pricktease. You can order it, or permit it as a treat. But the tease remains in your refusal to let him come - Yet!
Maybe later, if he is good!
Put simply, Cock Teasing is about getting him excited and keeping him that way. You can do this by giving him a treat.
There are not many men who will refuse to let a woman play with his penis, or indeed suck it.
You do not have to let him know that you are being dominant, or that it is a tease, until he is well and truly worked up. Then he will enjoy your control and manipulation all the more.
Many men are so embarrassed by their own desire to submit that they do not, or cannot, admit it until sexually excited.
By being a pricktease, you give him permission to admit to, or at least act out his fantasy of submission.
The simplest form of tease is display.
Adjusting an errant stocking seam, or suspender, after you have brought him a cup of tea, will let him know the game is on.
There are few men who are not excited by the idea of being served, or indeed serviced, by a french maid.
This can lead to the ultimate in teasing. Turning the tables!
One starts out by promising sexual submission and compliance, few men can resist it!
Then you tell him that if he wants any more, it will have to be your way. Once again he gets the thrilling sensation of being led into submission by a sexually manipulative woman, a femme fatale.
Imagine for a moment that you have played along with the submissive role, obeyed his orders to suck him. Then at the key moment you say:
"That's all for now!"
Whether he orders you to give him more, or begs for it, the the answer is.......
"Only if I can sit on your face."
Sitting on a man's face while you play with him is one of the most exciting ways of teasing. For him that is! But like the rest of these games, he wants to be forced to accept it.
However you are dressed, astride his face you are in a truly commanding position. Pinning him to the bed, your knees on his upper arms.
This position is known as Queening, especially if it's used to bring him to ejaculation. But in Cock Teasing it's used to play with his penis without letting him come.
Whenever he nears the peak, you slap it, or pinch the base of his penis to stop him. Then continue playing.
If in any doubt of your ability to judge the moment to stop, you must warn him severely.
"If you come before I tell you to, I will smack your bottom!"
If dressed in Feminine style, sitting on his face will bring him in close proximity to your intimate garments and scents.
If dressed in jeans, the barrier is a form of denial which emphasises your power.
What is more dominant than a woman in trousers? Having her sit on your face, or indeed cane you!
**Catching Him Masturbating**
Imagine you discarded your lingerie and stockings beside the bed the night before.
Upon rising, you innocently pick them up and thoughtlessly drop them on your pillow, intending to remove them later. You get dressed and leave the room.
Many men will become aroused by the close proximity of such garments. Others will be unable to resists inhaling the scent of freshly worn stockings, or indeed knickers!
If he lets you catch him handling them, you can be sure he wants you to punish him for it. If he doesn't, you can still be sure that he wants to be caught with an erection and have you accuse him of playing with your underwear or masturbating.
Being caught masturbating, while embarrassing, is a common fantasy. The idea that a woman is contemptuous of male masturbation is exciting in itself and likely to arouse him.
He doesn't want to be caught and suffer your genuine disgust. What he wants is an act, mock anger and punishment.
He, like you, probably thinks the act is perfectly normal. But perhaps unlike you, he finds it more exciting, the naughtier it is!
It is much more fun for him to lay in bed masturbating, if he can imagine that his dominant wife would punish him if she caught him.
He wants to masturbate, he wants sex, but it is unsatisfying to him if he cannot have your participation.
So it is paradoxical. One of the most exciting ways for you to participate is to forbid it.
It can be declared misbehaviour in several ways. Even if he has made no approach, or shown no sign of arousal, checking on his behaviour will simply demonstrate your desire to control it.
This will excite him and probably provoke his misbehaviour. He will be fantasising about you while he does it. His imagination will be full of the image of his strict, no nonsense wife putting him over her knee!
Another way of declaring his wanking as bad or offensive is to be outraged at your husband masturbating when he could have shown interest in making love to you.
The very fact that he has not recently made a pass, or suggested lovemaking, can be used against him.
"I won't have it!" you can insist.
"I give you all the sex you need, you've no right to sneak around playing with yourself like a dirty schoolboy. I'll just have to punish you!"
When dressed up, a wife might act as a pricktease. But equally exciting is the dominant woman who punishes not because she led him on, but because she (apparently) believes his behaviour is offensive, disgusting, slack, lazy, or deserves punishment!
Carrying a cane or crop is an exciting statement even when dressed in un-exciting clothing. Threatening to use it, is even more so!
Imagine he has been lazing around in bed for a little longer than normal. You fetch a cane from the hall cupboard and enter the bedroom with it. You swish it through the air and say:
"The spare room is never going to be finished if you laze about all day, if you're not up and about in five minutes I'll be forced to give you a thrashing."
If he is still there two minutes later, it is because he rather likes the idea of getting a thrashing.
Of course he is going to get up in five minutes, for otherwise he is openly admitting he wants punishment, or worse challenging your authority. And he doesn't want to do either.
The only time he will challenge your authority is when he wants you to demonstrate you have the power to force him to obey.
Two minutes later you go back in and pull back the covers as if to chivvy him out of bed.
If, as is likely, you discover an erection, he'll love you for it! For now you can punish him for something else.
He can have the punishment anyway, without having to admit he wanted it.
Having an erection can also be misbehaviour. Initially you can take it as evidence that he has been wanking. If he denies it you simply inform him that it doesn't matter.
You order, in mock severity:
"If you had been left to your own devices much longer, you'd have been fiddling with yourself. So just let this thrashing be a warning to you my lad. Turn over!"
There is only one thing he will love more than being punished for wanking, that is being punished for having an erection.
Secretly he might indeed feel a little guilty about wanking so much, and he wants to be punished unjustly. But he knows he can't help getting the erection. Thus he can whine, protest and moan that he can't help it, and almost believe it.
Since it is only a game you are both playing, finding a way to believe it is the hardest part.
"Stuff and nonsense," you declare superciliously.
"You get erections because you fill your mind with dirty thoughts."
Your words are like music to his ears, and he feels like a naughty schoolboy.
"There is only way with boys like you," you declare with finality.
"And that's to thrash it out of them!"
Such phraseology will be immensely erotic to him.
If he ever challenges your right to thrash him, you must insist. If he really does not want it he will call a halt to the game you are playing, and you'll have to talk it out.
Mostly he wants you to threaten him with dire threats of no sex ever again, then he will be forced to accept it.
If your game playing is stopped when you are in full swing and playing the character well, it will be most upsetting for you.
When you talk you must explain that to him, and let him explain why he had to stop. Often it will be because the fantasy was just too good, too real, too mind blowing!
Sometimes he will not know quite why he wanted to stop, and desperately he will blame you.
He will say it was something you did wrong.
Try to remember this, and not be too upset. He can't help it!
A week or a month later, he will want to start over!**Later in The Day**
In this section we will assume that neither of you has anything urgent that must be done and that you have both breakfasted.
It is possible that the game has already started and that while he is being kept busy somewhere you have entered the program for ideas to keep up the excitement levels.
Alternatively nothing is happening right now and you want to look at possible ways to start the ball rolling.
Is the game under way?
[[Yes, Show me The Ideas List]]
[[Game, Is Not Under Way]][[slave Working While you Relax and Supervise->Work]]
[[Playing Games]]
[[Long Term Forfeits And Roles]]
[[Sexual Ways To Play With The slave. A plaything!]]
[[Sexually Using The slave For Your Own Pleasure]]
[[Humiliating him And/Or Punishing him]]
[[Playing With Your Video Camera Or Acting Out Roles]]
[[Exercises. Supervision And/Or Teasing]]
[[Period]] As the game generally involves using male sexual excitement to bring him to heel, the easiest ways to start playing can involve you dressing up.
Are You Interested In Ideas That Involve You Dressing Up?
[[Yes->Dressed Up Two]]
[[No->I Am Not Getting Dressed Up]]Most submissive men find taking the first step into knuckling under to a woman the most difficult one.
The more highly aroused they are, the easier it is to switch them into a submissive role.
You could either dress up and take a passive role to provoke his sexual interest before becoming dominant, or you could take a more actively dominant role from the start.
This might depend upon whether you feel he will respond immediately to dominance, or whether he needs to be warmed up sexually first.
Will You Take An Actively Dominant Role From The Start?
[[Yes->Active Dominant Role From Start]]
[[No->Not Active dominant role from start]]As you are not getting dressed up, you need to decide whether the game will involve you in sexual activity for your own pleasure, or whether you just want to find a way to please him.
Are You In The Mood For Sex Yourself?
[[Yes I Am in the Mood For Sex]]
[[No I Am NOT in the Mood For Sex]] You Are Prepared To Take The Dominant Role Immediately. But Are You In The Mood For Sex Yourself?
[[Yes, I Am in the Mood For Sex]]
[[No, I Am NOT in the Mood For Sex]]You Want To Arouse his Interest First, But Are You In The Mood For Sex yourself?
[[Yes->Arouse Intrest]]
[[No->Submissive Mistress]]**Mornings And Roles To Switch The Mood**
Regardless of how you are dressed, you may want him dressed in a particular way.
Perhaps you have been sat on his lap at the kitchen table and allowed him to pet with you until you become excited. But now you want to make it plain that when you get around to sex he will be under your command.
So you might say:
"If you want to make love to me this morning, it will have to be as my lesbian love slave. I've put some clothes out for you in the bedroom, come back when you're dressed."
Then stand up and make it plain he has no choice:
"If you don't want to get dressed for me, I'll just go to the bedroom on my own, I can manage without you!"
Would You Like To Review Sexual Suggestions?
[[Yes Please->Other Ways To Use him For Sex]] If your outfit suggests dominance like rubber or black pvc, then he may feel intimidated and not make a sexual approach himself.
In these circumstances it is best to make your wishes clear, interrupt whatever he is doing and order:
"Go to the bedroom, strip off and stand in the corner facing the wall. I want a naked sex slave today."
Orders like, Get your cock hard! are tricky, as this might provoke performance anxiety and the worry will stop him getting an erection. Better to order:
"Don't get an erection without permission, remember you are a sex slave not my lover!"
It doesn't matter that such an order will probably provoke the erection anyway, for if you notice one you simply say:
"That's six strokes you've earned so far, don't disobey me again."
The punishment can be administered on another day, when you are not in the mood for sex yourself.
Forbidding erections can also be used to deny him subsequent orgasm.
"No, you can't come because you got an erection without permission. When you learn to only get hard upon my orders you will be a perfect sex slave. In the meantime going without will teach you a lesson."
As you are in the mood for sex, you may not want to be fully dressed.
Certain accessories suggest dominance; long black gloves, steel studded wrist bands, a black choker all worn with black lingerie, high heels and black seamed stockings.
Such an outfit might provoke a sexual approach, depending on who is the mover in your relationship.
But submissive men prefer there to be no doubt in these matters, they prefer to be powerless. So a pair of handcuffs is an ideal way to put his mind at rest.
You arrive in his presence dressed for sex and without comment you simply click the handcuffs in place on one wrist, then pulling his hands behind his back you lock his arms together.
Then lead him to the bedroom by grabbing his belt and pulling him behind you or perhaps unzipping him and leading him by his penis.
The silence throughout your action serves to emphasise that no explanation is necessary, he is just a possession to be used.
If you plan to play doggy games you might put a dog's lead around his neck and lead him to your room that way.
If you are to make him provide sex as a doggy it is best to only use his tongue.
Let's face it no woman would let a doggy paw her, nor would she countenance using it's dick, but she might let doggy lick her feet until she was in the mood.
Then Mistress might say:
"I want Fido to lick my arsehole, doggies like arseholes, don't they?"
[[More Doggie Ideas->Doggy Gets None]]
[[Continue With Attire]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Regardless of how you are dressed, you may want him dressed in a particular way.
Perhaps you have been sat on his lap at the kitchen table and allowed him to pet with you until you become excited. But now you want to make it plain that when you get around to sex he will be under your command.
So you might say:
"If you want to make love to me this morning, it will have to be as my lesbian love slave. I've put some clothes out for you in the bedroom, come back when you're dressed."
Then stand up and make it plain he has no choice:
"If you don't want to get dressed for me, I'll just go to the bedroom on my own, I can manage without you!"
Would You Like To Review Sexual Suggestions?
[[Yes, Show Me Sexual Suggestions]]Double-click this passage to edit it.The most sensitive erogenous zone is between the ears.
You can stimulate his mind with words. If what you say gives the impression that being dominant excites you, then not getting dressed up further communicates that you are doing this for your pleasure alone.
You can emphasise this by saying:
"I want a sex slave in my bedroom in five minutes, but I don't want your sticky mess all over me, so put on your box first!"
If you do not have a 'box' or any other kind of chastity device, then a full legged panty girdle is an ideal way to suppress his equipment.
Wearing one of these, a man will be aware that he is there to please you, and that his equipment is not going to be required.
Your dominance has been established, and the roles clearly defined in several ways
your demand for pleasure
the statement that he is not getting any
the demand that he wear something restrictive
the fact that you are not dressed up to please him
the removal of permission to act as a man in lovemaking
You may be surprised at how exciting he finds such a simple situation, but it has all the classic ingredients of what men seek from Fem-Dom, not least of which is the permission not to act as a man. A freedom from responsibility. He just has to do as you demand.
There are various types of device that you can have your man wear while pleasing you. If you are not familiar with them you might like to look at that section of the program now.
Would You Like To Consider Various Types
Of Chastity Devices?
[[Yes, Show Me Chastity Devices]]
[[No->Rituals 2]]You could question him regarding his recent activities, like masturbation, and then punish or impose chastity devices.
If there are damp stains in the bed, or a damp handkerchief in his dressing gown pocket you could play tyrant and demand an explanation.
Once embarrassed by the evidence of his behaviour you could feign anger and impose a punishment.
Perhaps he is in the garden working and you have just been making the bed. You go out to him looking stern:
"I want words with you in the bedroom," you demand.
Then you walk off and wait for his arrival.
In the bedroom he finds you standing beside the bed holding a cane. You use it to indicate the damp spot on the sheets:
"Is this what I think it is?"
His answer is unlikely to let him off the hook. But you needn't wait for it:
"I know just what you've been up to and I won't have it. I'm putting a stop to this kind of thing right now. Drop your trousers and bend over the bed."
He is unlikely to refuse, but if he does you simply say:
"When you are ready to behave properly and take your punishment let me know. In the meantime wanking will be the only sex you do get!"
Then walk out and leave him.
If he accepts the punishment then lecture him as you beat him:
"I'm going to be keeping my eye on you in future my lad, any more of this nastiness and I'll come down on you like a ton of bricks! I know all about men and their nasty habits."
The presence of pornography in the bedroom can be used to open a questioning session, as can adult video tapes in the lounge.
"Have you been wanking while you read this stuff?"
"Is this what you were watching last night? Did you toss off?"
Criticising male masturbation is the most obvious way of establishing Female Dominance, if you do not want to dress to excite him first.
Shame is almost as powerful as excitement.
While questioning him use the most derogatory terms for it, never call it masturbation as this word makes it seem normal, which of course it is!
Always make it seem shameful by using words like, jerking off, wanking, tossing off etc.
Of course women never wank, they only ever masturbate, not that you would admit this to him at such a time! If he even tried to suggest it you would slap his face and say:
"How dare you say such a thing to me? You dirty little wanker!!"
Slapping a man's face, is one of the fastest ways to bring him down a peg. Follow it up quickly by a demand for an apology.
"Now apologise!"
You say as you snap your fingers and point to the floor between your feet.
If he is not instantly on the floor and kissing your feet, then slap his face twice more, forehand and backhand.
Would You Like To Review Techniques For Controlling Wanking?
[[Yes->Controlled Wanking]]
[[No->Other Punishments]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Regardless of how you are dressed, it is true Fem-Dom sex if you demand your pleasure and tell him he is not going to get any:
"Come to my bedroom, I have a use for your mouth!"
As you are undressing you could say:
"Don't take off your clothes, I won't be needing your dick!"
Many women find it exciting to be naked while a fully dressed man pleases her. Some find it more so if the clothes are dirty from physical work. Shades of Lady Chatterly's Lover.
Even if you do want his penis, he will find it much more exciting if he is made to beg for permission to enter you.
Rubbing the outside of his trousers you can say:
"Do you want me?"
He is bound to answer in the affirmative and you reply:
"No, I don't think you are desperate enough."
This kind of teasing should result in him begging and pleading. If not, then don't give him any. He is obviously not desperate enough.
Or perhaps let him enter you but forbid him from coming.
"Put it in me sex slave, but don't you dare spurt inside your Mistress!"
You could interest him in sex by starting without him. If you know he is going to come to the bedroom at some point, you only have to lay on the bed and start masturbating.
Or perhaps you would prefer to lay on the sofa in the living room. Either way his response will be to attempt to join you, or to watch.
If he attempts to join you, then define the terms upon which he can stay.
"If you want to stay you can lick my toes!"
If he lingers in the doorway watching you, you can pretend not to notice and carry on in the knowledge that you now have something to punish him for afterwards. Or alternatively you could order him in:
"Come and make yourself useful, start by licking my toes."
After a while you wriggle your toes and say:
"That's a good doggy Fido, Mistress likes her toes licked while she pleasures herself. If Fido is very good Mistress might let him lick her somewhere much nicer. Would you like that Fido?"
If Fido responds by barking then you can giggle:
"Good Fido, I know just where doggies like to sniff and lick, don't I Fido?"
If he speaks then you insist:
"Bad Fido! Doggies don't speak, answer your Mistress properly if you want to stay."
If a Mistress is going to be dressed in sloppy clothes, she can still make her husband play doggy. As you are not interested in dressing up to please him, it might be more in character if you wanted your husband as a doggy rather than a man.
It would lead him to believe that the games were really for your pleasure and not for his, because you didn't dress to please him and yet you dominate him anyway.
He is in heaven because he thinks you really have become a Mistress. You are no longer just acting the role for his benefit.
Want to continue to Doggie Games?
[[Yes->Doggy Gets None]]
[[No->Masturbation Punishment]]
If you decide to punish him for watching you masturbate, you could do so by pretending to be upset that he wasn't interested in pleasuring you.
"You stood there fiddling with yourself selfishly when you could have come in and given me pleasure. I won't have such selfish behaviour!"
Alternatively the punishment could be for invading your privacy.
"How dare you behave like that, you could have gone and got on with your work. Instead you made a disgusting display of yourself. Have you no respect for a woman's privacy?"
If you decide to invite him to join you for sex you simply define your terms.
"You can come to bed with me, but I'll want you to hold my vibrator in your mouth and please me with it."
He wants the terms to be demonstrative of your dominance, but he also wants them to be pleasing to you and your needs. So decide what you need or want and order it.
"If I let you join me, you are not to 'spurt' until I have had at least five orgasms."
He would prefer such a command reinforced with the threat of retribution if he disobeys. And such a threat could be mild......
"I will spank you if you come before I'm ready."
Such a mild threat might be issued because you don't actually mind a failure, and spanking him afterwards would be fun.
Or you could issue a dire threat......
"If you dare to disobey me, I will give you a thrashing you will not forget for a week!"
The intent of this threat would be to intimidate him sufficiently to delay his climax.
For his training to be successful, you will have to carry out such threats upon failure, and with any luck he will gradually learn to please you.
[[Show Me Some Ideas For Sex->Other Ways To Use him For Sex]]
Does your slave masturbate?
[[Yes->Slave Masturbates]]
[[No, This slave knows better]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Does He Masturbate Without Permission?
[[Yes->Masturbates w/o Permission]]
[[No->He Always Asks Permission]]You could use his behaviour to impose punishment in other areas. Drinking too much the night before for example.....
"I won't have you coming to bed in that state, you kept me awake half the night with your snoring."
Finding the toilet seat left up when you use the bathroom.
"Didn't your Mother train you properly, well I suppose I'll have to do it."
Here you use the stern Matronly approach to household discipline to start the ball rolling. You would use techniques that a Mother might use on an unruly boy.
Grab his ear between forefinger and thumb and simply march off in the direction you want to go. Perhaps into the bedroom where he has recently risen and left the bed un-made.
"Look at the state of that bed, I will not have such slovenly behaviour. After I have tanned your hide you can make it properly."
Then you drag him across your knees and start spanking. Get well into it before you decide to remove his trousers, in this way the flow of your actions will carry you into the scene.
If there is ever any resistance to your dominance, the key area in imposing your will is the firmness of your resolve over sexual matters. He gets none until he accepts your right to punish him for his faults.
Sex is the biggest weapon you have, unless you have complete control over the purse strings. The cold shoulder treatment will soon bring a man into line.
Whatever area of behaviour you find fault with, impose a punishment. Summon him to report to your bedroom,
"Report to my bedroom in five minutes for a spanking, and if I find the toilet seat left up again it will be the cane next time."
Or take the cane with you and impose the punishment where he is.
"Drop your trousers and bend over the back of the sofa. Perhaps this will teach you to be me more moderate in your drinking habits. I'm giving you six of the best my lad, and if you don't buck your ideas up, it will be a dozen next time."
Once he has been punished for some minor domestic fault, he will be ready for your orders:
"Let that be a lesson to you. Now, I want the lawn mowed. There has been too much slacking lately."
Whatever you plan for the day, be decisive now. Order him to do something, even if it is only to go to the supermarket and fetch a loaf of bread.
Would You Like To Read The Ideas List For Games Under Way?
[[Yes, Show me The Ideas List]]
If No would you like to look at ideas for starting the game?
[Yes, Show Me Ideas to Start the Game->Game, Is Not Under Way]] Do You Know Where And When he Masturbates?
[[Yes->I know where he masturbates]]
[[No->No Clue where he Masturbates]]**Tempt him To Be Naughty**
If he only ever masturbates when you have granted permission then you are perhaps giving him more sex than is necessary.
He might find it more exciting if you were to regulate and control him more strictly.
Perhaps you should read the section on chastity devices.
Of course it is possible that you already have your wimp very well trained and you are just reading this for fun.
Or perhaps you like the idea of punishing him for sexual misconduct, but he is just too good!
Some men can be tempted into misbehaviour quite easily. If he sleeps in a separate bedroom you can go in to say goodnight to him. Stand beside his bed and raise your skirts, then remove your knickers and drop them on the pillow beside him saying:
"I want you to sniff those and think of what you're missing. But behave yourself!"
The same trick works if he is watching television and tends to comes to bed later than you, you just hand them to him in the lounge with a similar comment.
"Don't disturb me for an hour, sniff those and think of what you are missing. No wanking!"
Alternatively it might be that you should introduce regulations that make life more difficult and create more offences to punish him for.
Most men like the idea of actually being caught misbehaving and being punished for it.
If he is too obedient; Then in order to catch him in some act of naughtiness, you simply have to define something else as naughty.
Most men like to be treated like little boys, so you just discipline him for his faults as though he were a boy and not a man.
Imagine yourself in the role of a very strict Mother who punishes for faults. He will find it much more exciting than being henpecked!
Instead of moaning and complaining you become brusque and straightforward. For example; you are about to leave the house and you notice his shoes are scuffed and dirty so you say:
"I'm not going out with you in that state, go and clean your shoes this instant, what can you be thinking of?"
If he obeys, then upon his return you say:
"That's better, if I catch you with dirty shoes again I'll be forced to spank you."
Then you turn and leave before he has a chance to protest.
If he refuses then simply say:
"You'll be sorry later that you didn't do as you were told."
Then you walk out as though nothing had happened. Remember the event and wait for your moment. For instance, the next time you think he might be in the mood for sex, dress up to excite him. Then when he makes the approach you say:
"No, I'm only interested in sex with good and obedient men. I told you the other day you would be sorry when you didn't clean your shoes.
Now I hope you'll remember this the next time I tell you to do something."
Hopefully he will persist and you can then insist:
"You'll get no more sex from me until you've been punished and said you're sorry. I want you to touch your toes for six of the best!"
He is almost certain to protest at this new attitude of yours so you might then say:
"You behaved like a disobedient little boy, so I am going to treat you like one. Either bend over right now, or you can forget sex with me from now on."
You must be firm in your resolve and continue to refuse him until he accepts your right to punish for faults.
If necessary you can increase the sexual pressure on him by indulging yourself in sex. Try masturbating and refusing his advances whenever you are in the mood yourself.
If you deliberately make him aware of your masturbation he will become most frustrated at your refusal to let him participate.
Laying beside him in bed at night you can keep him awake with your moans of pleasure and brush him off if he wants to make love, with the comment:
"Not until you come to me and tell me you will take the punishment you deserve."
Eventually he will cave in, and then you can continue this technique for all minor faults.
He doesn't fold his clothes properly so you point that out to him:
"If I find your clothes thrown down like this again I will spank you. Now fold them properly."
Always warn the first time, and punish the second.
If he repeats the offence he is actually asking for you to punish him.
Gradually you can increase the things for which he is punished until you can start to generalise. For instance, he fails to hold a door open for you and you comment:
"A gentleman would hold the door for a Lady, I will spank you tonight, perhaps you will remember things like that in future."
Then all acts of un-gentlemanly behaviour can be punished similarly.
Later on you can actually write a set of rules for him to read and remember. There is a section on writing rules, but you will have to adapt it to suit your man, as the rules are based on the idea that most men masturbate secretly.
Your rules might concentrate on tidiness, cleanliness, manners and behaviour.
Perhaps you would like to provide him with guidance on how he may make a sexual approach or introduce a system of signals.
For example:
"When I am in the mood for sex I will wear my engagement ring and you are permitted to make love to me.
But when I wear my ruby ring I'm feeling in a bossy mood and you must approach me by kneeling and telling me you want me.
If you've been good I might give you a treat, and if you've been bad I might decide to Queen you".
Would You Like To Read The Section Rules and Regulation?
[[Yes->Rules and Regulations]]
[[Read Story->Prickteasing Story]] **Caught For The First Time**
Assuming you have a good idea when and where your husband is wanking, you then plan his exposure and humiliation.
If this is the first time he has actually been caught by you doing it, you can make it the basis of a new game.
The foundation for your domination is not the prickteasing bitch, but his outrageous behaviour.
You then take the moral high ground.
You dress in feminine style but not overtly sexy. Something prim and matronly perhaps.
White lingerie rather than provocative colours like black and red. Dark tan stockings and court style high heels rather than sexy stiletto sandals and black seamed stockings.
A figure hugging dress that allows him to see your womanly curves beneath but with a respectable hemline and not showing decolletage, rather than the little black number.
The fabric may not be stunning pvc or leather, but the thrust of your breasts and the curve of your hips is emphasised, perhaps just a hint of the suspender clips beneath impressed on the material reminds him of your lingerie.
Whatever outfit you choose, it's best if it gives you a strong, feminine and perhaps rather strictly normal appearance; a kind of restrained sexuality, so that when you confront him, the abnormality of his behaviour is underscored.
You are nice and he is naughty!
Your role is like that of a governess, a teacher, or even a strict but sexy stepmother.
It is a common male fantasy to be caught in such a way by a stepmother or an older sister and then disciplined.
If you can approach on carpeted floors, you can sneak up upon him and then enter his presence as though stumbling on his behaviour by accident.
If however he is likely to hear your approach then you might tiptoe to the door and burst in suddenly as though you expected to catch him out.
You have the advantage in that you knew that this was going to happen, he did not know, although he may have wanted it for a very long time.
You can plan what you are going to say in advance, whereas he being at a disadvantage will be stuck for words.
This means that while he is still shocked at the discovery you can assume total command of the situation.
His initial silence or stumbling after you demand........
"What the hell are you doing?"
.......will allow you to pull him over your knee there and then or order him to report elsewhere for punishment.
Whether you go for the instant spanking with a hairbrush, or the more formal caning will depend to some extent on where he is caught, and your judgement as to what fits his fantasies.
If he is discovered in the bathroom you might stand with your hands on your hips and say:
"How dare you behave in such an outrageous manner? Report to me in my room, and I'll decide what's to be done with you."
When he arrives you are holding a cane in a threatening arch as you stand legs astride waiting for him.
"I won't have you sneaking around behaving like a dirty little schoolboy in my house. This is what nasty little wankers deserve!"
You swish the cane through the air and order:
"Now drop your trousers and bend over the bed."
If caught in the bedroom you might simply walk up to him and twist his ear lobe as you march him across to the bed.
There you sit and pull him over your knees.
Whether he still has his trousers on or not, you launch straight into spanking his bottom to establish the principal before he has time to protest.
While you are spanking him you give him a verbal tirade:
"How dare you do such a thing in my bedroom?
It really is quite disgusting!
I just won't have that kind of behaviour in my house.
I'll just have to put you under my control from now on.
You've been allowed to get away with far too much my lad!"
After a while you order him to stand up in front of you and demand:
"What have you got to say for yourself?"
However he answers you can insist:
"That's just not good enough, give me my hairbrush and drop your trousers and pants. I'm going to make sure you remember this day for a long time!"
If he is wanking in bed you simply enter the bedroom and pull back the covers to expose his hardness.
"I thought as much," you conclude.
"What have you to say for yourself boy?"
Ignoring his reply you walk over to your wardrobe and decide:
"Turn over, I'm going to take a stick to your backside. Perhaps you'll remember that next time you get the urge to fiddle with yourself!"
A slash of the cane across his thighs if he is reluctant to turn over will soon convince him!
Even if you have played FemDom games before; starting a new game with a new set of roles allows him to live out a different fantasy.
Variety is the spice of life, and getting stuck into the same old rituals can eventually wear a little thin for both of you.
Catching him in the act is a perfect way for you to take control and restart your relationship in a fresh and exciting way.
If the games fizzled out and he has been wanking a lot recently, he is only waiting for you to do it!
If you didn't plan it, and are not dressed up, but stumble across him wanking; don't miss the opportunity to start afresh.
It will just make the game more realistic if you are wearing tatty old jeans when you pull him across your knees.
After chastising a man for wanking, it is a perfect time to introduce a set of rules.
The principle of his misbehaviour and your right to punish it has been established. He still feels naughty and at a disadvantage.
You simply write out your rules and hand them to him, saying in your most kind and forgiving tone:
"These are for your own good. If you obey the rules of the house I won't have to punish you again."
You have become a strong but loving female figure. The discipline is for his own good.
You are a woman who believes that women have always shouldered this kind of responsibility, because men are just big boys who need a firm hand.
When you put him into a chastity belt it is to help him behave himself.
It is a kindness you insist:
"Otherwise I'd find myself having to punish you several times a day!"
Of course secretly he suspects that you really enjoy it and that you have tricked him into coming under your control; Especially when you leave the chastity belt on him because he was a bad boy, and after he has pleased you with his mouth you tell him:
"You have to learn to be good before I let you make love to me like a man."
Then you turn over to go to sleep and he is left wondering.
Women have always been a mystery to him.
The fantasy image of the prickteasing bitch is completely different.
She is unashamed in admitting that she controls him because it excites her. Her rules are there for her fun.
But to adapt the rules of a bitch, and make them fit the role of the strong disciplinarian woman you simply have to change the wording.
Make the wording express an apparently more reasonable philosophy that men are just little boys that benefit from Female Governance.
If you are not sure you can express that concept, then just remove any statements in the rules that give the impression of deliberate female cruelty.
After all it gives you no pleasure to be strict with him, you simply do it for his own good!
To want a woman sexually, but find yourself under her governance reminds men of when they were little boys and the schoolteacher they loved was strict with them...
Would you like to read rules & regulations?
[[Yes->Rules and Regulations]]
[[No->Prickteasing Story]]It can sometimes be difficult to actually catch a man in the act of wanking.
Perhaps because he just doesn't do it that often, or much more likely because he makes sure that he does it at times and places when he is unlikely to be discovered.
Whether you do manage to catch him or not, he wants to know that he is committing an offence, and that if you did catch him you would punish him.
In this way, even when you are not participating in his pleasure he can imagine that you are.
This means that he can masturbate alone and get a lot more pleasure from it, he can even imagine just what would happen if you walked in on him at that moment.
It can be seen therefore, that if you communicate the idea that you will punish him if you ever catch him, you have allowed him the privilege of including you in his masturbatory thoughts as an active Dominant.
Obviously he could just masturbate with memories of the last time you acted the role and played games with him. But it is much more exciting if he is wanking with the knowledge that you are currently dominant in as much as you would punish him if you caught him.
Many men fantasise about their wife giving them a set of written rules, for just this reason.
The presence of the rules acts as a constant reminder to him and brings him the constant pleasure of being aware of your strictness.
Usually these rules are lengthier than is necessary. A set of rules which simply read No wanking would provide little stimulation for his imagination.
It would not take him long to read them, and the longer it takes him to read them the more time he can spend doing so and thinking about the woman who imposes them.
Ideally the rules should be complex so that he can spend time trying to fathom the motivation of the woman that imposes them.
If the rules contain statements of your philosophy which justify and explain the rules it is even more exciting.
One of the rules can be a requirement to read the rules daily, so as to give him the excuse to do so and think of you.
He wants to read your rules again and again, not because he wants to, but because you regularly ask:
"Have you read my rules today?"
Since it can be difficult to catch him in the act of wanking, you need to create offences that can be more easily discovered.
For this reason most men fantasise about the rules containing a stricture against erections.
If he doesn't masturbate at all he would prefer to think that it is because you forbid it.
If he doesn't wank secretly then the rule against erections allows him to be naughty and wonder if you will catch him in the act of lusting.
Being caught and punished is exciting, so we need to help him by making normality, like erections and wanking, naughty and punishable.
The following set of rules are meant to satisfy the criteria of stimulating the very offences they caution against and make it possible for you to catch him in the act.
I suggest you write your own set and pin one copy of them to the inside of his wardrobe door.
When he discovers them there he will be ecstatic!
Read your second copy of the rules yourself daily, only do so secretly so that he is not aware that you have to remind yourself of what they are.
Just reading your own rules will suggest many ways in which you can catch him in the act.
[[Rules of Marriage]] **Rules and Regulation**
It can sometimes be difficult to actually catch a man in the act of wanking.
Perhaps because he just doesn't do it that often, or much more likely because he makes sure that he does it at times and places when he is unlikely to be discovered.
Whether you do manage to catch him or not, he wants to know that he is committing an offence, and that if you did catch him you would punish him.
In this way, even when you are not participating in his pleasure he can imagine that you are.
This means that he can masturbate alone and get a lot more pleasure from it, he can even imagine just what would happen if you walked in on him at that moment.
It can be seen therefore, that if you communicate the idea that you will punish him if you ever catch him, you have allowed him the privilege of including you in his masturbatory thoughts as an active Dominant.
Obviously he could just masturbate with memories of the last time you acted the role and played games with him. But it is much more exciting if he is wanking with the knowledge that you are currently dominant in as much as you would punish him if you caught him.
Many men fantasise about their wife giving them a set of written rules, for just this reason.
The presence of the rules acts as a constant reminder to him and brings him the constant pleasure of being aware of your strictness.
Usually these rules are lengthier than is necessary. A set of rules which simply read No wanking would provide little stimulation for his imagination.
It would not take him long to read them, and the longer it takes him to read them the more time he can spend doing so and thinking about the woman who imposes them.
Ideally the rules should be complex so that he can spend time trying to fathom the motivation of the woman that imposes them.
If the rules contain statements of your philosophy which justify and explain the rules it is even more exciting.
One of the rules can be a requirement to read the rules daily, so as to give him the excuse to do so and think of you.
He wants to read your rules again and again, not because he wants to, but because you regularly ask:
"Have you read my rules today?"
Since it can be difficult to catch him in the act of wanking, you need to create offences that can be more easily discovered.
For this reason most men fantasise about the rules containing a stricture against erections.
If he doesn't masturbate at all he would prefer to think that it is because you forbid it.
If he doesn't wank secretly then the rule against erections allows him to be naughty and wonder if you will catch him in the act of lusting.
Being caught and punished is exciting, so we need to help him by making normality, like erections and wanking, naughty and punishable.
The following set of rules are meant to satisfy the criteria of stimulating the very offences they caution against and make it possible for you to catch him in the act.
I suggest you write your own set and pin one copy of them to the inside of his wardrobe door.
When he discovers them there he will be ecstatic!
Read your second copy of the rules yourself daily, only do so secretly so that he is not aware that you have to remind yourself of what they are.
Just reading your own rules will suggest many ways in which you can catch him in the act.
[[Rules of Marriage]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Rules of Marriage
Rule nº 1: If my husband is to ever have any sexual pleasure permitted to him he must read these rules daily. Failure to do so will mean automatic removal of all privileges and treats and a minimum of six strokes of my thinnest cane.
Explanation: The idea that women use sex to manipulate men is exciting to the submissive man. While reading rule one he is actually suffering such manipulation. If he doesn't read the rules, he will get no sex from you.
Cutting of all likelihood of sex is not a probability, so he will read the rules daily.
The first rule virtually guarantees he will break the rules. Because by reading these rules, most submissive men will be aroused and if nothing else he will have an erection at an inappropriate time, which he will find is a breach of Rule Seven.
Once stimulated, he may well masturbate which is another breach.
If he doesn't read the rules he is already in breach of them.
Question him often.
Rule nº 2: A husband must accept that he has no conjugal rights. He must regard any sexual contact with his wife as a privilege that she can grant or deny as suits her. If you are ever heard to say anything that suggests otherwise, you will be given a lesson in humility.
Explanation: Rule two should provide lots of opportunity to pick up the average man in normal conversation.
You should be able to conclude that something he said had implied or suggested that he had conjugal rights.
For instance if he ever complains when you refuse him sex or orgasm.
Humbling lessons include spanking, sitting on his face, making him act as footstool, urinating on him et cetera. See the humiliation section of the program for other lessons.
Rule nº 3: I like to see men properly humbled, so you will comply with any request to demonstrate such humility without complaint. Usually I will only require you to demonstrate humility by worshipping me, kissing me in a suitable place et cetera. But if you do not demonstrate suitable reverence, I will give you a much more degrading lesson.
Explanation: The third rule is almost certain to stimulate an erection.
As by worshipping one can insist on the most intimate of acts.
Try kneeling on the end of the bed with your knickers lowered, invite him to show reverence by kissing your anus.
If you want to find him in breach of rule three, you simply have to declare that he wasn't doing it properly.
Or after he has done it, check for an erection and he is almost certainly going to be in breach of Rule Seven
Rule nº 4: Sex is a privilege which is meant to be granted by women. All male masturbation interferes with a woman's ability to grant or deny such privileges. Therefore all wanking without my permission will be punished with a spanking. The spanking will be followed by six strokes of the thin cane if you do not comply with Rule Five.
Explanation: Rule four provides a quite reasonable and logical explanation for why wanking should be stopped. This helps him to believe that you really believe your rules are needed.
Enforcing this rule is harder for some women. Because actually catching him doing it can be difficult.
But try bursting in on him in likely places, the bedroom, bathroom or his office for example.
If all else fails you can question him.
If he lies he will mostly likely colour up, and even if he truthfully answers that he obeyed this rule, you can always declare that you will give him a spanking anyway just as a reminder!
"I'm not going to spank you really hard as you've been good, just warm your bottom for you so you'll remember who is Boss!"
Rule nº 5: Men are weak creatures with little willpower. If at any time you find the temptation to play with yourself is irresistible, but nevertheless want to acknowledge my right to forbid or control it, you may masturbate without ejaculating in any of the following ways:
By using a stiff bristled hairbrush to manipulate your genitals.
By laying face down on the floor and rubbing yourself against it.
By standing against a wall and rubbing against it.
While wanking in this way you will be aware that your inability to use your hands to directly manipulate your genitals is because you are an inferior creature who is under Feminine control.
Explanation: This allows him to masturbate while thinking of you, your rules, and your dominance.
It even turns wanking into a kind of obedience while still carrying the penalty of a spanking.
When you question him regarding his masturbatory habits, you can further humiliate him with his own admissions.
"So you masturbated, that means you have a spanking coming to you. Where and how did you do it?"
If he admits to a breach of Rule Five then you conclude that he is to get a caning afterwards.
During his spanking you can tell him how much he deserves it, and how you are going to make his six strokes with the cane really hurt for disobeying your orders.
"I'm going to make your bottom sore first then I will cane you with all the strength I can muster, then perhaps next time you'll remember this lesson and obey all of my rules."
If he admits to compliance with Rule Five then you bend him over your knee for the spanking. While spanking him you can taunt him with comments:
"It must be humiliating playing with yourself with a hairbrush, knowing that you have to do it that way because a woman ordered it!"
Perhaps followed by:
"It must be even more degrading to know as you wank, that you are going to get a spanking as well."
Rule nº 6: If a husband restrains himself from ejaculating when wanking, he will have at least demonstrated a desire to attempt compliance with these rules, hence the leniency of the punishment for breaches of rules four and five. However, ejaculation while wanking without permission will be punished much more severely with the thick cane, because it demonstrates a complete rejection of my control over sexual matters.
Explanation: Rule six is there deliberately to tempt him into breaking Rule Four by explaining that what will happen if he does masturbate without permission is a less severe punishment than if he were also to break Rule Five and Rule Six
He wants to be caught or questioned and then punished.
Rule six gives him the excuse he needs to tell the truth under questioning and get a more lenient punishment.
It also gives him the reason he needs to delay ejaculation and so prolong his own pleasurable frustration.
Breach of rule six should be punished with maximum force as this rule is critical and for his own good.
If your punishment is severe it will convince him to obey, and oblige him to follow the route laid out in rules Four and Five.
which will bring him a lot more pleasure.
Rule nº 7: Men have a tendency to lust after women at inappropriate times. I will decide when it is appropriate for you to be erect. If I discover you with an erection at any other time, I will punish you for lustful and selfish thoughts.
Explanation: The seventh rule is there to give you the excuse to impose regular inspections. It is deliciously humiliating for a man to be interrupted at unpredictable times and ordered to:
"Drop your trousers and pants."
You can handle his equipment to check for any signs of turgidity, an action that is likely to provoke the offence it is checking for!
Assuming he escapes this time, you casually walk off saying:
"Just checking."
He will be aroused moments later when he reviews the incident in his mind. He may even be tempted to masturbate!
Rule nº 8: I enjoy it when men grovel for my favours. Since the only way I can be sure your grovelling and begging is sincere, is to deny you sex, you will be strictly rationed and rarely permitted to ejaculate. To ensure that this rule does not limit my own enjoyment of lovemaking, I will be free to take lovers.
Explanation: Rule eight is there primarily to excite him as he reads it.
For most men, not just submissives, are aroused by the thought of their wife with another man.
It also defines your own psychology as that of a prickteasing bitch, which is something that excites him.
The idea that women actually love to make men grovel is intensely arousing to many submissive men.
Rule nº 9: To ensure that you remain faithful and chaste I will require you to wear such chastity devices as I deem fitting, at appropriate times.
Explanation: Rule nine is there as a counterpoint to Rule Eight. For he will find the injustice of you having sexual freedom while he is obliged to remain chaste most exciting.
Many men also find female jealousy exciting, so you might say:
"I saw the way you looked at her, that is a breach of rule nine. You will put on your chastity belt when we get home."
It also allows you to make him wear equipment which the wearing of will cause excitement.
The excitement will often cause the device to provoke pain, and he is automatically aroused by the thoughts of the woman that would do this to him.
Rule nº 10: Men are messy creatures sexually, and especially in the bathroom. You will be required to sit whenever you use the toilet as a symbolic reminder of your inferiority.
Explanation: The tenth rule allows you an excuse to burst in on him in the bathroom, and to deem locking the door an offence.
There you may find breaches of Rule Ten, or an erection, or wanking.
"How dare you lock the door on me, are you sneaking around disobeying my rules? Have you been playing with yourself?"
It also guarantees that many times a day he will be reminded of your rules, whenever he needs to urinate.
As he sits he will be unable to avoid remembering that you see males as inferior.
Rule nº 11: To keep you constantly aware of being a possession and help you remember that you are to obey all of my rules, I will require you to wear other genital restraints when chastity devices may not be deemed necessary.
Explanation: This rule does just what it says. Being kept constantly aware is just what he secretly wants.
It also allows you to use other equipment on his genitals which will provide him with delicious stimulation while ostensibly being there to remind him that he is a possession.
This may well result in his deciding to comply with Rule Five and he might masturbate in one of the humiliating ways you permit him.
There are really only two ways to play Fem-Dom games:
One is with the woman in the bad girl role, she does it to him because she is wicked and enjoys it. This is the prickteasing bitch who likes it when men want her, because she likes to frustrate them.
The other has the woman in the good girl role. She doesn't discipline him because she likes it, she does it for his own good. He is the bad boy caught wanking so she has no choice but to take action when she catches him in the act.
Would You Like To Read Caught For The First Time?
[[Yes->Caught For THe First time]]
[[No->Prickteasing Story]] Teasing Stories.
David turned over to see Christine getting out of bed.
As usual she first put on her suspender belt, stockings and knickers before slipping into her stiletto sandals.
David started to erect as he watched her slip into her bra and don a negligee.
Christine was a pricktease, and she always dressed as sexily as circumstances permitted.
Christine rarely allowed any man the privilege of a sexual relationship with her in the conventional way. However the idea of a man being aroused by her, was what turned her on.
Yet, if she let a man have his way, his arousal soon disappeared. So her solution was simple, she rarely let a man have his way!
Christine had left the room and David was now as hard as rock. Most mornings started in this way, and if he was really lucky she would return to their bed for some mutual fun after breakfast.
Mostly though she was not that generous, and if she did return it was to further tease and torment.
David masturbated as he fantasised. Wouldn't it be perfect if She was just as sexy but instead of a prickteasing bitch she was a submissive sex slave?
the naughty fantasy.
"Get up slut" he ordered.
Christine groaned drowsily as she obeyed.
"Bring me some tea slut" he commanded.
Christine stumbled drowsily from the room. He had called her slut. She knew just what that meant; she was to dress like one before bringing his tea.
While the kettle was boiling she straightened the black suspender belt and stockings she had been required to sleep in.
She slipped into a black half slip and her red PVC skirt. Sitting at the dressing table she applied the heavy make that she knew he liked, and then put on her earrings.
Then after preparing the tea she put on her shoulder length black gloves.
Glancing at herself in the mirror she decided that he would like it.
Christine dutifully brought her Master his morning tea. He was half drowsing as she placed the tea beside him and reported:
"Your tea Master, is there anything else you want Sir?"
He turned over and put his hand up her skirt. He touched Her pubic hairs.
"You're not wearing panties slut, that will be ten with the cane. Bring it to me after your breakfast."
Christine looked suitably chastened as she apologised:
"I'm sorry Master, I forgot, please forgive me. Not the cane, please."
David liked it when she begged like that.
"I'll forgive you if you are a good girl after your caning. Now get out" he ordered.
David was now getting excited by his daydream as he masturbated. He heard Christine coming up the stairs and stopped. He knew she disapproved of his solitary pleasures.
When she came into the room he was disappointed to see the negligee had been replaced by a dress. His luck was not in today. She wouldn't be coming back to bed after breakfast.
She put a mug of tea beside his bed. Then raising the dress high enough to reveal a glimpse of the creamy white knickers, she adjusted her stockings and suspenders.
David realised that she had done that deliberately. The stockings hadn't needed any adjustment. She was just making a pointed statement.
"I have what you want, and you are not getting any.".
As she pointedly took her time in getting first the rear, and then the front suspenders adjusted to her satisfaction, their eyes met. The message passed unspoken between them. She straightened her dress decently back down.
"You can look but can't touch!"
She turned and left the room. As he heard her returning downstairs, he took hold of himself, hotter now, and more excited than ever.
Bitch he thought Oh yes, it would be great to give her a caning.".
He returned to his fantasy.
more naughtiness.....
After her breakfast Christine brought her Master a refill and the cane.
"Please Master, please don't cane me," she pleaded.
David's hand reached under her skirt and possessively fondled her pussy through her silky panties.
He appeared to ponder the question of the caning as he idly ran his hand over her most private area.
Christine knew that he liked to hear her beg, and that it excited him almost as much as her tears when he caned her.
There was a chance that if she begged convincingly he would let her off, a slim chance but worth the effort.
She pleaded with him.
"Please Sir, I'll do anything for you if you let me off the caning. Please Master".
"Anything?" he questioned.
She felt her hopes rise and agreed:
"Yes Sir, anything for you Master."
He appeared to decide and removed his hand from under her skirt.
"Masturbate for me, I want you hot wet and eager, if you put on a good show I might be kind."
She dashed to the end of the bed and knelt. Fumbling under the covers she found his feet and kissed them fervently as she thanked him.
"Thank you Master, thank you."
David basked in her grovelling worship.
"Oh, you are so kind and generous Master, thank you, thank you."
Eventually he tired of her pathetic gratitude and ordered:
"Stand in the corner facing the wall and get yourself worked up."
She moved obediently into position as David lit a cigarette and sipped his tea. David loved the power.
As her hands fondled her body he tried to decide what he would enjoy more. Caning her when she was really excited, spanking her, or her show of gratitude were he to let her off.
He decided he would prefer all three. He toyed with his erection as she began to moan.
When she appeared to be getting excited he ordered:
"Come here slut."
She turned and obediently came to the side of the bed. His hand went under her skirt where he found her panties were damp.
"You can play with your nipples, but this is mine" he told her.
He handled her a little roughly with his left hand as he toyed with himself with his right.
Christine's hands roamed over her body, she was determined to put on a good show for her master and was now beginning to get excited herself.
"What do you want slut?" he asked.
Enthusiastically she replied:
"I'd like to be allowed to suck your cock Master." She knew he liked her to plead for that privilege and so, she complied eagerly, "Please Sir, I beg you, let me suck you."
"After your caning" he answered as he swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood. "Get into position" he ordered.
Christine reluctantly knelt on the bed, her head down, her buttocks raised and her legs slightly parted.
Christine's back was curved to present her buttocks and fanny in the way David liked to see them. She put her arms behind her back as was customary.
David rummaged in the drawer beside the bed and found the handcuffs and then secured her hands. The image of a defenceless and bound female awaiting punishment was one he found particularly exciting.
David picked up the cane and started to punish her. He applied the strokes with moderate force over her knickers leaving a pause between each stroke for her to beg and plead.
It was the begging pleading and sobbing that turned him on the most, or more precisely the power to continue despite her pleas.
After five strokes David threw the cane on the bed and fondled possessively between her legs. He pulled the knickers to one side and penetrated her with his forefinger. She was still moist from her earlier excitement.
Her body soon started to become aroused again as he pumped his finger in and out of her pussy.
She hated the punishment, but since she had to suffer it anyway she may as well enjoy the experience as much as she was able. So she let herself submit to the pleasure he was producing.
"Well slut," he said as she started to moan loudly "it looks to me as though you need the other five to cool you off."
He picked up the cane again and continued with her punishment, his own pleasure at the experience was so great that he fondled himself between the strokes as he listened to her sobs.
Then it was finally over, ten strokes had been survived and Christine knew now that she had best put some effort into pleasing him so as to ensure his early orgasm and less punishment for herself.
She scrambled around on the bed to face him and licked and kissed avidly at his genitalia which were presented there.
He unlocked her hands and ordered her back into the corner as he resumed his position on the bed. He had to calm down or it would all be over too soon.
"You may beg for permission to suck me now" he ordered.
As she willingly complied, he told her to masturbate as she begged. He lit a cigarette and tried to calm himself as he watched her stimulate herself while she constantly pleaded for permission to suck him.
"You may now have that honour slut, but if you want to masturbate while you do it, you'll have to beg."
She climbed onto the bed between his parted legs and her hands went around him as her mouth engulfed him. Looking up at him she thanked him.
"Oh thank you Master, thank you for allowing me near you. Thank you Sir."
She returned her attentions to his erection, licking it, sucking it, fondling it with her hands, and then he ordered:
"Just your mouth slut."
She obeyed and while licking avidly at his shaft she occasionally begged.
"Please Master, may I use my hands now. Please sir, may I masturbate while I please you, please, please.?... It excites me so much Master, sucking you, please may I masturbate now."
Christine was now quite excited and wanted desperately to return to her own pleasure. When David judged the time was ripe he decided:
"You may masturbate, but only while I am spanking your bottom. The choice is yours."
Christine calculated quickly, if he were to spank her now he may not want to cane her again later, but if she refused he may decide to cane her again, and besides when she was masturbating the spanking would be easier to take.
"Please Master, not a spanking, please."
She knew he preferred a little begging beforehand. She licked him again and engulfed him in her mouth briefly. Then looking up pleadingly.
"Please Master, I beg you, please don't spank me."
"You do want to orgasm, don't you?" He asked.
"Yes please Master," she agreed.
"Then come and get over my knee," he ordered.
Christine placed herself across his lap on the bed. She was kneeling with her head on her left arm. He ordered:
"Play with yourself slut."
Her right hand slid down between their bodies. Her arm making contact with his erection as her fingers toyed with her clitoris. His right hand roamed possessively over her rear and found it's way between her legs.
"You're wet slut" he commented derisively as his forefinger entered her pussy.
"What are you?" he demanded.
"I'm a bad girl Sir." she responded.
He was pleased.
"Yes and you need your bottom tanned, don't you?"
She moaned affirmatively as his forefinger penetrated her deeply.
Then it started, gently at first.
Two or three slaps and then his finger re-entered her as she worked her clitoris vigorously.
Then several harder slaps before he brought her to her first orgasm with two fingers deep within her.
He allowed her a few moments before his fingers returned to pleasuring her.
Her own fingers responded by continuing her own ministrations. Then as she started to get excited he returned to spanking her.
Regular now and firmly as she rolled through her next orgasm.
"What have you got to say for yourself slut?" he demanded after she had calmed.
"Thank you Master, I was a bad girl and I deserved that. Thank you. Thank you."
Back in the real world, David was now on the verge of orgasm himself as he masturbated vigorously.
Then he heard Christine coming back upstairs again. This time she was not carrying more tea for him, but held a cane in her right hand and as she entered the room she swiftly drew back the covers with her left hand.
David's still throbbing erection was exposed to view and it took little imagination to guess what he had been doing.
Power is what turned Christine on.
Long experience had taught her that there were two prime factors in manipulating men. Used separately or together she could gain the upper hand.
Today she had used them both. Firstly sexual attraction, and secondly the embarrassment a male feels when caught in the act.
Christine loved this moment most of all, the moment when she could turn the screw and verbally humiliate David, she would make him feel tiny and insignificant, she would make him feel dirty and disgusting, and then she would thrash him.
"You've been wanking haven't you, you filthy bastard?"
Christine's words were chosen for maximum impact. David, still recoiling from the shock, lay silent, floundering in the bed.
"What have I told you about that?" she challenged.
"I don't know." David mumbled.
"If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times, I won't have you doing that in my home! Now turn over and take your punishment you wanking little shit."
David knew she had deliberately been prickteasing him this morning, and now he realised that this had been her intention all along.
It was not the first time she had led him on, only to bring him down with a bump. There was little he could do about it.
If he refused to take the beating she wanted to give him, she would be moody for days, probably move his things into the spare bedroom, and gone would be any chance of sex with her.
What little he did get was often humiliating, but better that than nothing.
"Please Christine, don't be mean. I can't help it when you tease me the way you do," he whined.
"The choice is yours," Christine insisted.
"Take your punishment wanker, or wanking will be all you'll ever get.
I don't let wankers into my bed, and I certainly don't give them any sex. So unless you take your punishment now you can forget any chance of sex with Me."
As he reluctantly turned over he mumbled:
"But you don't give me any anyway."
"I let you toss off in the bath last week." Christine giggled.
She was referring of course to when she had urinated over him after the last time she caught him wanking.
"If you behave like a toilet you can expect to be treated like one."
Then the caning started, after she had delivered the first six strokes she suggested:
"That was your punishment for wanking. Now you can toss yourself off while I cane you, or you can take a cold shower. The choice is yours."
A difficult choice, but Christine knew that in his state he would accept the extra punishment rather than remain frustrated. She didn't stop to wait for his reply, she continued delivering a stroke every few seconds as she taunted.
"Go on wanker, toss yourself off."
And he did, it took him all of ten more strokes to get there, and each cut of the cane was delivered with a taunting remark.
When he had finished she applied three more before turning on her heel and saying:
"Now let's not have any more of that nastiness!"If you do not want to start out as a dominant, and you want to warm his mood up with sex, then the most obvious way to suggest you are in the mood for sex is to dress in an over the top manner.
For example, few men will fail to respond if you dress like an available slut or prostitute; lots of heavy make up, nail varnish, tacky jewellery.
The point is to signal sexual availability so that he does not suspect you are going to dominate him, quite the reverse!
Then when his mood has changed, when he is really excited, you can switch on your dominant persona.
For lingerie you might wear a black suspender belt and bra, and to deliberately cheapen the outfit you might wear red knickers.
If you have a very short red skirt, it will look the part with black fishnet tights or very dark tan sheer stockings.
Black seamed stockings are a touch too classy for the available slut image, they also suggest the dominant woman. So the outfit you choose might depend on how responsive you feel he will be.
A black gypsy blouse might complete the slut image.
If he jumps straight into the role play and treats you like a prostitute that he has bought and paid for, then so much the better.
You can comply with his instructions until they bring him to the point of ejaculation, then stop and take control.
"That's all you get buster. Now we'll do it my way!"
If he orders anything you are just not prepared to do, you can use the role you are playing to escape from any submissive obligations. You might stop at that point and tell him what services you will provide:
"I don't allow spanking, I'm not into pain, you'll have to get someone else for that. Oral sex or a hand job is more my style."
Or if he is already hot enough, and has started to play dominant:
"If it's kinky you want buster, I have to be the one in charge. That's the only way I play!"
If he fails to get the message that you are indulging in role play games, he will certainly make a conventional sexual approach. You could go along with it and let him take you to the bedroom.
When you judge the time is right to start the switch, you ask for something unconventional.
"I want to sit on your face and play with your cock a while first."
Or if you like the role you are playing, then make it plain that you are playing the prostitute.
"I don't allow kissing on the mouth and before we start you must pay in advance!"
If you are enjoying this role, it's a good idea at this stage of the negotiations to make your price all the cash he has.
"I doubt if you can afford me buster, how much have you got?"
If he insists on knowing what he will get for his money tell him:
"Don't be cheeky, or you can get someone else!"
Maybe you'll offer to do a striptease, perhaps you'll just sit upon his lap and let him touch you up.
You could refuse him intercourse if he doesn't have a condom, you could then restrict him to a hand job.
When his moans indicate that he is highly aroused you simply stop and tell him:
"That's all you get for your money today, your time is up. From now on I give the orders, or you go without. Take it or leave it!"
At this point whatever type of sex you fancy you have the power to get it:
"Now worm, on your knees and get me hot with your tongue."
But if you want to stay in the role of prostitute you could tell him:
"I only do Mistress and slave sessions for free, that's the only type sex I enjoy. It gives me a chance to get my own back!"
The concept suggested is that you are a woman who probably hates men for all the things they make her do for money, and now you are going to take it out on him.
Even if he doesn't normally believe you enjoy dominating him, he might find this role credible and submerse himself in the fantasy.
Men who find it difficult to switch into submission are often suffering from the inability to believe in you as a Dominant, or accept themselves as submissive, so by creating fictitious characters with a credible motivation, it easier for him to accept.
There are other fictitious roles that achieve the effect, but the role of slut is so over the top that it is usually most effective.
One thing is certain, if he lets you sit on his face and bring him close to his peak, then he will be putty in your hands.
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[Yes->Yes, Show me The Ideas List]] There are few submissive men that do not also find the idea of a submissive and compliant woman appealing.
It is the reverse side of the coin, and it is usually exciting to them too, although they prefer the woman to be dominant in the end.
Submissive men are often uncomfortable with accepting their emasculation by a woman. They might prefer to start out being a normal male and be tricked into submitting while aroused.
They don't particularly enjoy equality in sexual relationships, they prefer black and white roles that clearly identify who has the power.
The most obvious submissive female role that cannot fail to arouse the interest of the average man is the provocative little maid or au-pair girl. Or perhaps the more mature version, the housekeeper.
The male is the employer and he abuses his position to insist on sex from the employee.
If you dress in an outfit that suggests submission or availability his approach may be a dominant or normal one that you could initially appear to comply with, until his excitement level has risen.
Then you switch your mood and at some point you can reject his advances and start to dominate him.
Or simply slap his face because his suggestion lacked respect.
If he switches, (likes to play Dom occasionally) he is also turned on by female submission. Then this a great way to re-start game playing after a long break.
He gets all his turn-ons in one game.
Starting with the easiest, he gets to boss a sexy girl around.
Then it turns out she was being a prickteaser and has tricked him.
Then she turns into a dominant who punishes him for being naughty.
He knows that it really would be very bad if he were to treat women that way, so the naughtiness is something he doesn't mind being punished for. In fact he would positively love to be punished for this kind of behaviour by you, because you are the woman he has chosen to give his submissive side to.
Even if you do not have a frilly french maid outfit you can still suggest a certain level of submissiveness to pique his interest.
The uniform of dominance is basic black, so to suggest the opposite you wear a pretty coloured dress.
Underneath you wear white or pastel coloured lingerie and lighter coloured stockings.
Then you cover this outfit with the frilliest housewives apron you can find; And you take him a cup of coffee wherever he is.
Perhaps he is in the lounge watching television, or perhaps you call him in from the garden where he is doing odd jobs.
Even without an apron, all change is exciting, and he is certainly going to notice your outfit is different to your usual clothing. He may make some comment, but even if he doesn't, you lead him on.
"I put this on to please you, is it alright or would you like me to wear something else?"
If he hasn't already made any sexual suggestions you can lead him further down the garden path.
"Is your coffee OK? Is there anything else you'd like?"
He would have to be made of stone if he didn't make some suggestion!
If he makes a suggestion that is lewd, like perhaps having his cock sucked, or going to bed, you can respond with:
"Oooh Sir, you shouldn't say things like that."
He might be quick on the uptake and immediately realise the game you appear to be playing.
Even if he makes no pass immediately, keeping up the sweet submissive role will ensure that at sometime he will get ideas.
If his pass is physical, like slipping his hand under your dress, you could slap it away but continue to wind him up by getting into the role of an employee:
"Please Sir, don't do that, it's not right."
How far you take him down this road before you administer the coup de grace is up to you. If he gets into the spirit of the role play he might find it very exciting to go all the way with it.
You might let him force you to the bedroom. You might let him kiss and maul you, all the time pushing his hand away and pleading with him when he touches your breasts or runs his hand under your skirts.
"Please sir, don't touch me there, I don't like it."
He may get so excited that he actually ejaculates before you can get around to dominating him, if he does you climb off the bed and fetch a cane. Then you tell him:
"You have been very naughty, so I'm going to give you six strokes, next time I hope you'll be better behaved."
If he refuses to let you cane him simply say:
"Well, if you don't take your punishment now, there won't be a next time!"
Most inexperienced male submissives hate to be caned after their orgasm. Generally this has been discussed at some point between you.
If you insist on caning him after he has ejaculated you are making the point that this is the real thing now, not one of his games! You cane when you want. The concept will excite him if you can make him believe it!
"I know you don't want to be caned, especially now. That is why it is important to me. This is the real thing, I want to cane you for what you did. Take your punishment, or no more games!"
If the excitement has not yet overcome him, and you continue to refuse to let him make love to you, he will eventually suggest something else.
Most men fantasise about ordering a woman to suck their cock, many men fantasise about making her do a striptease. All you have to do is wait until he tries to get you to do something like that, then change tack.
"How dare you treat women like that?" you demand.
"You are a very bad boy and it's time someone showed you your place. Lay on your back, I'm going to sit on your face and show you what women think of men like you."
He will be bound to comply, but if he does not you simply get up and leave the room saying:
"When you're ready to play by my rules I'll be in the kitchen, you can come and apologise there. Then I'll give you the spanking you deserve!"
When he does comply you sit on his face and get his penis out. Then you slap it about until it is red raw. Then when you eventually climb off him you take the apron off and say:
"There, you see how naughty you'd be if you didn't have me to keep you under control! Now put your dick away, stop lazing about, and get some work done or I'll take a stick to you."
Stand there adamantly with your hands on your hips, now acting the bossy housewife, until he obeys. You can offer a carrot at this stage:
"If you are a good boy and behave yourself, I might have a treat for you later."
It is unlikely he will give you any argument over your assumption of the dominant role. If he does it will be halfhearted and a token gesture.
He wants to be forced into accepting your dominance. He just wants an excuse to take the less powerful role in the power exchange game.
If he complains that he was tricked you simply agree:
"Of course, I just wanted to prove a point. Given half a chance you'd try to rule the roost, and we've both seen how you'd behave. Well I'm not having that so I'm going to be laying down the law from now on, and you'll toe the line, or no sex!"
At this stage you might think of some chore or task that needs doing around the house.
"You can start by tidying up the garage, I'll be coming out to check on how you're doing."
Once he knuckles under and starts working it is simply a matter of using the stick and carrot to maintain the game.
You might change your clothing to something that looks a little stricter, or you could lounge around watching television in your lingerie and a negligee.
Carrying a cane when you go to check on his work is appropriate, as is giving him a time limit. Possible punishment is implied by the presence of the implement.
"I want to see this finished by two o'clock."
The carrot later can also be implied. For instance on your next inspection you could say:
"You are not working quickly enough. I've decided you can work in a chastity belt, it will keep your mind off sex until the job is done."
While he is working you could write a set of rules regarding sex and masturbation to be presented to him when he has finished his chores.
Would You Like To Consider Rules?
[[Yes->Rules and Regulations]]
[[No->Yes, Show me The Ideas List]]
**Ms. Christine Says: "Whatever Turns You On."**
So much of FemDom is about fulfilling his sexual fantasies, that sometimes one might forget that a dominant is supposed to get what she wants.
It is essential that you make FemDom work for you, by allowing it to provide you with the kind of sex you like.
Your happiness is at least as important as his. I would say more so, for how can you be the effective dominant that he needs unless you are happy?
If you know what kind of sex turns you on, then it is simplicity itself to sit down with the slave and explain it to him over dinner.
Then you can say:
"Whenever we make love, that is how I want it. If you fail to make it just the way I like it, the following day I will thrash the hide off you."
This should be sufficient motivation for any slave. Especially once the basic training period is over.
If this does not produce what you desire then he is being selfish and does not deserve the attention of his Mistress. Tell him so!
In other words you are threatening the withdrawal of everything he has come to enjoy. His Mistress will cease to be involved with him if he does not buck his ideas up.
It is of course against the spirit of the game to threaten to withdraw dominance if a submissive fails to obey.
But equally it is against the spirit of the game for a submissive to deliberately fail in order to get punished.
So, as a Mistress, you have a right to
whatever turns you on.
Make sure he gives it to you!
If you don't know what turns you on, then experiment with some of the things in this Program. As usual, in my introductory sections I attempt an overview of some ideas . Within the program I hope you will find ways to make these ideas particularly suitable to pleasing you.
With a new boy, the line........
"I would like to handcuff you first"
..........when he wants to make love to you is a great starting point.
Strapping on a dildo after he is secured, you then proceed to show him what you meant by making love.
Penetration is, after all, the name of the game for most men, or so they like to think.
If you do not wish to penetrate his anus for any reason, then hold the prick/dildo suggestively and order him to suck it.
Watch him intently and get your pleasure through masturbating and stimulating your breasts with your free hand.
When you tire of the dildo the male nose makes an excellent clitoral stimulator as an aid to your own pleasure.
I sometimes like to let my slave orgasm, but always under my control.
I turn him over and ride the back of his head for my pleasure, while I order him to fuck the bed.
If you don't want a mess on the bedclothes then roll him face down onto the floor.
Little could be more humiliating for a man than to have a woman ride his head while he fucks the floor.
Except perhaps making him clean up the mess with his tongue.
I list here some of the variations you may like to try:
TV Maid.
Pet Dog.
For obvious reasons the first three lend themselves to Polaroid photography, be sure to find a secret way to store your photos where he cannot find them.
If he ever shows signs of rebellion it is handy to have another weapon in your armoury. The knowledge that you have a store of such photos and that he has only a few titillating shots of you, will be enough to worry him a little.
It may help you keep him in line, just enough to make him accept the Stick as well as the Carrot.
Of course I am not advocating real blackmail here.
In truth many men like the idea that they are being forced.
Some men like to play at being rebellious so that you can force them to knuckle under.
It is a favourite fantasy of many men that their wives threaten to send copies of these photos to their friends, their workmates et cetera. Then he has the excuse he needs to obey.
If you give him the sensation of being forced, then he can truly believe you are doing it for your own pleasure. But this sword has two edges.
Once you have him knuckling under, you can indeed make him do the things you enjoy.
In the meantime have fun playing with your new toy, it's more amusing than Television or Monopoly, although there is no reason why you cannot enjoy either of those while you play.
To dress your man as a female maid and have him serve you in style is a fun diversion.
There are two ways to play it, either make him look ridiculous, as a man in Ladies clothing and apron.
Or make his as convincing as possible using wigs, make up, shaving, hair remover creams, the whole works.
You can have him struggle into your cast offs & laddered stockings and name him slut or you can have him tastefully dressed and give him a female name.
Perhaps, Tina, or something more to your own amusement.
Whatever you do, make sure he realises that you are doing it to turn yourself on, it will make him more willing as he always hopes to benefit from your sexual arousal, or simply from the fact that the games have put you in a good mood.
As your female companion or maid he can be made to sit to have a pee, he can have his genitals restrained out of sight, he can be told off for displaying male erections.
He can be given deportment lessons, trained to walk in high heels, taught how to sit properly.
In fact the variations are as extensive as your imagination and promise hours of fun.
As with the TV Maid, the Baby can either be made realistic, to the extent of not allowing speech, feeding with a bottle, changing nappies, keeping him in a bed or cot, and applying cream to all the important little places.
Or you can have him as a man dressed as a baby and have him serve you, work, or even take him to your bedroom like that.
You can give him a baby name, like jonsy wonsy, or just call him baby.
This game is a good one for the introduction of light spanking, for wetting his nappy after you have kept him in it all night.
Bondage is handy if you wish to go out for a night on the town with the Ladies, or have another man or woman over as company.
Tied hand and foot in whatever position you devise, strapped down to a bed he can be left to wonder what, if anything, you have been up to while he has been left, preferably frustrated.
Bondage is one of my favourites.
A favourite fantasy is to have several men all tied up in different rooms and tour around from one to the other stimulating and leaving them frustrated.
Padlocks, chain, handcuffs, and leather straps and cuffs are all used to make sure the bondage is inescapable.
With one man you have less scope, but if you have a favourite night for watching TV then it is quite diverting during the adverts, or between the programmes that you like, to visit your bound and gagged male.
Pinch his nipples and watch him squirm, rub in some deep heat cream to some tender spots, use his face for your own pleasure and then leave him until your next visit.
Return again and insert a vibrator in his anus and leave it to buzz away while you enjoy your chosen programme.
Come back and remove the vibrator, tease him a little and cover his prick in rubber bands. (Frustrating that one, so much hand contact and so little pleasure).
Having a bound and gagged man attempt to clean a floor with a duster held in his teeth is another amusing diversion.
In fact the list of variations is almost endless so I'll move on to your pet dog.
It's fun to introduce the frustrated or excited man to playing your pet dog as a way of earning a possible treat later.
"You will please Me, if you play my dog, and if you put me in a good mood I might have a special little treat for you later".
Forbid him speech, make him bark, once for Yes twice for No.
Make him run and fetch a ball, make him eat his food from a bowl on the floor.
I like to stand with one foot on his neck pushing his face into the food until he has eaten it all.
My favourite however is to push his face into a dish containing my urine and make him lap it all up.
A secluded garden is handy to take doggy out for a widdle and make him cock his leg.
If he has been very good I actually give him his treat.
I take him to my bedroom as my pet dog and put him on a rug beneath my bed, locking his lead in place around the bed-leg.
Then I pleasure myself on the bed above him.
Peering over the edge of the bed occasionally I tease him with:
"Does doggy want to come up on the bed?... Then doggy will have to be good and stop touching his prick, unless you can lick it like a proper doggy."
A short while later.
"Has doggy been good?"
Pulling him up by his lead.
"Come on Fido, up and sniff at your Mistress like a proper doggy"
I make him sniff and lick my anus while I'm kneeling holding his lead with one hand to keep him in close.
I bring Myself through multiple orgasms with the other hand. Then when I've finished I give his lead a little slack and ask:
"There isn't your Mistress kind to her doggy letting him sniff Her?
If at any stage he speaks then I send him away. If he woofs twice then I teasingly ask:
"Two woofs... Do you mean your Mistress isn't kind?"
Now he's totally confused. If he gave one woof then I'd send him away and he knows it, so he woofs twice.
"Two woofs doggy, whatever do you mean, is there something you want?
One woof.
"Well what is it, do you want to go in the garden?"
Two woofs.
"Oh, you want another of my special drinks."
He is confused again, two woofs now might make me angry, one woof and he would have to drink it!
So he tries three excited woofs followed by four excited woofs.
"Oh good... Did Mistress guess right?"
Then I get up and pat his head as I pull him by his lead towards the bathroom, where I keep his special bowl.
I can play that game for hours and he never knows if I am going to be kind and eventually get around to asking the question he wants.
He has no choice. A wrongly spoken word and the best he could hope for is stolen self pleasure.
If however, he does everything according to my whim there is a chance he will get one of his greatest desires, I might actually bring him off with my hand.
He is not sure which way I'll jump, or whether I will do something else he does not like.
Watching him squirm as I amuse myself causes many suppressed giggles.
You may have noticed in the doggy game, that the system of limiting the slave's ability to communicate puts him in a classic Catch 22 situation.
Always remember, that whatever game you play, a limited communication system for him, can mean hours of amusement for you!
Gagging can also achieve the same objective.
Both Mistress and slave can see and enjoy the manipulation taking place. Unlike speech, his lack of full communication, leaves him powerless to resist your planned conclusion.
If he breaks the communication rules, your punishment is precisely that which you intend to lead him to anyway, if he does play the game by the rules.
The last variation I shall give time to in this overview is Schoolroom Scenes. It is not, of course, the last variation in this Program.
Dress him in short trousers, long socks, blazer, tie and cap and sit him at a child's desk.
Pretend you are his infant school teacher.
Dress yourself suitably in strict black and white, or a Schoolmistress' gown.
Make him do lessons, come out to the front of the class, write lines for spelling mistakes.
Use the ruler on his hand for bad handwriting, and make him put up his hand to be excused and myriad other rules you can think of.
A school cane can be introduced into this game and is a good introduction to the use of the stick.
If you can arrange for your desk to be on a raised dais with an open front then you can arrange for many teasing displays as you read your book, and restlessly cross your sheer nylon sheathed legs.
Some little boys have been known to secretly fiddle with themselves, definitely a caning offence.
Some Schoolmistresses have a special caning chair which they secure hands and feet to before pulling down the pupil's trousers for a severe rulering or caning.
When I play the Schoolmistress I like to give six on each hand and a dozen on the backside all with a thick cane.
Please check the other variations in this section and see if there are ideas here that appeal to you. I expect you've guessed which is my favourite!
I'm sure you will find one you like here somewhere.
If not it does not matter which ideas you pick, or if you invent your own, if you use the Program well it will teach you how to manipulate and control your man, and make him do just whatever turns YOU on.
Sex Home
Evenings And Keeping Him Waiting
The way to realism is in sticking to one simple idea.
Men want their women to give them sex, and women can say Yes, Yes, Yes, before cutting the man down to size with a simple
Firstly, you cannot say Yes, unless he asks for it. So first you make him believe that sex is on the cards. How you do it, is up to you, but here are a few ideas......
Preferably you start out like any courting couple. The fantasy is erotic because he has no idea that anything strange or kinky is afoot.
He is a man who believes his luck is in.
You are a prickteaser who lets him think that this is the case. Maybe you have even said things over a meal out; deliberately leading him p> "Don't drink too much tonight, you will want to be compos-mentis when you see what I'm wearing underneath this dress."
You can cheat by abusing a signalling system. See Section Five:
"he never makes any moves, it always has to be me"
There you can read how to set up a signalling system.
For instance you might have agreed that whenever you wear an ankle chain it means you are feeling sexy and want him to make a pass.
You might dress in an outfit that normally suggests he is allowed to play the role of dominant. Maybe he has ordered you to dress that way and you have obeyed.
You might make a pass yourself, or simply ask him to come and sit next to you on the sofa.
Now, you do not actually say No, until you have given him the very definite sensation that he is going to get an orgasm from you.
He will enjoy the frustration of delay much more if he is brought to the very edge.
He will enjoy your cruelty much more if you deliberately let him see you aroused first.
However you get there, you find yourselves kissing and cuddling, sat on the sofa; in the bed, or even in the car, like a couple of young lovers.
Whether you are excited or not, you are panting breathlessly as he fondles you.
Your hand is in his trousers, or maybe you have even gone so far as to remove them for him.
His hand might be permitted in your knickers where he finds you wet. Or you might have restrained him from going that far, because you do not want him to know that you are not aroused.
Or maybe you are just playing hard to get.
Maybe he makes a move to try and enter you, but you restrain him. You continue to fondle his penis and genitals until he can take no more without spilling his seed...
And then you stop!
He might well ask you why.
The reason you give is now up to you. It will depend on whether you really are in the mood for sex or not.
Whatever the reason you give, the fact is, he is now yours to do as you wish with. Or more precisely, you can now do to him that which he wishes you to!
Picture the situation:-
He is a man sat in a car, or on the sofa with his trousers and pants around his knees. You are a fully dressed woman whose clothes are only slightly in disarray.
He is completely open to your touch. But he needs permission to touch you.
You have stopped when he is right on the brink. He is now completely powerless and at your mercy.
He will love the sensation, for what could be more demonstrative of the fact that you are a prickteaser.
If you are in the mood for sex yourself, here are some of the reasons you might give for stopping when you did....
"I don't want you coming now. I want you to please me with your tongue."
"Because I want you to watch me masturbate, don't come yet."
"Because Mistress wants her doggy to lick her! Down boy!"
"Because I want you to put these on before we go any further."
Then you help him into handcuffs and lock them behind his back. Possibly send him to fetch them, if the idea has only just occurred to you. Or use his own tie to restrain his hands.
"You'll come to soon in that state, go and get me my vibrator, you can watch me for a while."
It doesn't matter whether you started out in a submissive role, his arousal now gives you the power to suggest.
Where you lead, he wants to follow.
Better than waiting for him to ask why you stopped, is to tell him what you want and let him assume the rest...
"Go down on me, make me wet and excited with your tongue."
Such a demand will have him assuming this is just foreplay.
Then you trap him between your thighs. When you have enough of his tongue you might squeeze his ears between your stocking tops and keep him there while you masturbate, or use a vibrator.
Or, the hand that has been playing with him suddenly stops and pushes down on his head in urgent need.
"Doggy! Down on your knees, lick me. I like it doggy fashion!"
Maybe you get up and hold out your hand to him saying:
"Come to the bedroom."
He takes your hand and follows. At the foot of the bed is a chair with two sets of handcuffs attached.
Thus proving to him that you planned all along to tease him.
You push him down into the chair and kneel before him. You lick his penis for a while and then you reach for the handcuffs.
"Give me your hand," you say.
"You'll like it more like this."
You might then go to bed and masturbate. Or just walk out and leave him:
"Silly boy, you thought I was going to suck you!"
Once he is locked in place you can leave him there for the evening. You can return to tease him regularly.
Each time you sit on his lap and play with his cock you might say things like...
"All you men are suckers, we women know how to lead you on. Imagine falling for that old trick!"
Such a remark might allow him to fantasise that you have teased men before.
You could go further and say something to let him believe this is the case:
"I haven't led a man on since I was a teenager, I'd forgotten how much fun it is!"
"It's a pity I didn't have a pair of handcuffs when I first met you. By now you'd be a fully trained and sex starved wimp."
"Girls should be taught how to use handcuffs, it would take all the hard work out of keeping the boys waiting. Much better than the all in wrestling we have to go through before we can get you to beg for it!"
Whether you took pleasure and orgasmed yourself, or not, the next stage is much the same.
A way to stop him getting his pleasure yet, while allowing him to believe that this amuses you. So these are the kinds of things you might say...
"I want your head between my thighs, I've got plans for you."
Then you squeeze your thighs shut and hold him there.
"There, now your hands are locked behind your back, you can't come unless I say so."
"You get no more unless you amuse me first!"
Then you can make him play doggy, be your footrest, or anything you like.
"There is a film I want to watch on television, you can wait a while."
Then you might let him sit there next to you with his hands cuffed behind him.
You can lean on him as you watch telly and idly fiddle with his genitals, keeping him on the boil.
You can recline on the sofa and put your feet in his lap. You might even lay with your head in his lap as you listen to music, providing you don't mind a bit of his lubrication in your hair!
If you have pulled in somewhere while out in the car, you can now make him slide over to the passenger seat with his hands cuffed behind him.
You can zip him back up if you prefer, or you can leave his penis out for a bit of fondling on the way home. Then you can drive him home on a promise:
"Now you'll have to wait until I get you home."
At home, you can lead your handcuffed prisoner indoors and do what you like with him.
So, whatever means brought you to this point, he now has the sensation of a sexy and manipulative woman who planned this all along.
Of course the idea may only have occurred to you half way through the necking session, but it doesn't matter. Everything you do to him for the rest of the evening proves you really are a sexy prickteasing bitch.
Since such ideas can occur to you on the spur of the moment, it is a good idea to keep a pair of handcuffs in your handbag. Be prepared is not just a motto for the boy scouts.
If he ever had experiences with girls that led him on and said No when he was young, you might find that he often tries to make sex last as long as possible.
He is trying to recreate such experiences, and is probably fantasising about you being a prickteaser.
Whatever type of sex you are having, spring this game on him the next time he gets close to the edge.
The more experienced prickteasers soon tire of letting their man have an orgasm after an evening of teasing. To get their pleasure they like to play with him all evening, and then leave him frustrated.
They extract promises before releasing, him such as...
"I'll unlock you now, only if you promise to be good."
"Only if you promise to wait until tomorrow for your orgasm, I want to go to sleep tonight imagining you frustrated all night. I like to know a man wants me!"
"You can have your hands released, but first you'll have to let me lock you in a chastity belt. I want to save this game until tomorrow. I like my men to be really desperate for it."
"You can come to bed with me now, but first I want to be sure you are interested in pleasing me. Will you promise to do just what I ask, or are you going to be a selfish boy?"
Another variation on the game is when you do intend to bring him to orgasm at the end of the evening. In the meantime however, you keep bringing him to the edge.
Each time you stop you use his desperation to extract another promise, or impose another forfeit.
Before you will play with him some more he has to agree to whatever it is you ask. Each request of yours becomes more serious than the last.
Maybe you have written down a set of rules and starting with rule one you stop and say:
"No more fun unless you agree to abide by this rule from now on."
The first rule might be something that sounds quite reasonable:
"I will never come until a Lady is ready," you make him say.
The second might be:
"I will make love in the way the Lady prefers".
Each rule might be open to interpretation, for instance:
"I will ask if it is o.k. with her before I spurt".
He might take this to mean during lovemaking, but once he has agreed to it, you can hold it over him if he ever admits to jerking off.
Or you might be more open and make him say:
"I promise i will never jerk off in a Lady's house".
Or perhaps:
"I will stop leaving nasty stains in the bed".
Gradually over the course of the evening, you work down the list, reading out each rule from a sheet of paper.
Each time he agrees he gets the reward of being played with some more.
You can even hint that each one is the last by saying things like:
"If you want to come, you'll have to agree to this first."
When he complains that you still haven't let him come you can answer:
"I didn't say that was the only thing you had to agree to! You have to agree to what happens if you break the rules as well, otherwise the rules would be worthless."
Then you might make him say:
"I agree to take a spanking if I break the rules."
Finally, when you reach the end of the list you make him promise to sign your contract before giving him his orgasm.
A good way to finish off is to make him lay down while you sit on his face and Queen him.
If you don't like complicated rules, another alternative is to make him accept a clothes peg on his balls before you will continue to play with him.
If he asks why, you might say:
"Because I like to have a little fun with a man. I like to know I have you in my power."
Each time you stop, you take off the clothes peg and say:
"Now, this time it will have to be two clothes pegs."
And so on throughout the evening until you are ready for bed, it is amazing how many clothes pegs you can build up to.
Although some men come as soon as you remove the first couple because the game excites them so much.
If he comes before you intend, you can pout like the spoilt girl he wants to imagine you are:
"You've ruined my game, now I'm going to have to spank you."
It is a favourite fantasy of many men to imagine that teenage girls see boys as just toys that they can play games with. A common fantasy is of the girl that makes him promise not to play with himself in return for which he is allowed to see her again.
But as he is your husband and the next date is hardly in question, you spank for his failures, thus creating a similar impression of a spoilt manipulative girl.
Then after you have spanked him you make him kneel with his head under your skirt.
"You're in disgrace," you tell him.
In truth of course you intend to keep him there until he is aroused again; And leave him wanting more!
When you make him come, remove the total quantity of clothes pegs while he is actually orgasming. The combination of pain and ejaculation makes for an intense physical orgasm.
If you can laugh as you do it, you will also be stimulating his mind. Three pleasures in one, and he will love it.
Whatever game you play with him, if you make it clear that you like playing it, he will enjoy it all the more.
You can say things like...
"I love playing with men, they are so easy to manipulate!"
"Beg me to play with it some more, I love to hear men begging for sex. It reminds me of my teenage years when I made the boys beg to be allowed to go a little further. Of course, I rarely let them, it was so much more fun to watch their faces as I closed the door on them after necking on the doorstep. Most of them believed me when I told them I had my period!"
"We girls get all the fun, I bet you've never seen a woman get herself into such a state. When will you ever learn, at your age you should know all about us girls by now."
The sexiest prickteasers are the ones that make him beg for each little treat. They start right at the beginning when you are still just kissing.
You make him plead with you before he can touch your breasts.
After he begs to be allowed to go further under your skirts, you say:
"Alright but only as far as my stocking tops."
If and when you do let him touch you on the outside of your knickers you don't reciprocate. Then he pleads with you to touch him too, and you let your hand rest on the outside of his trousers.
Before you will deign to move your hands at all, you make him suffer some humiliation. you say things like...
"Tell me what a dirty little boy you are, and I'll rub it for you."
Then you openly laugh at him as he obeys you.
"I'll put my hand inside your trousers, if you kiss my feet first."
Then, when you do put your hand in, you don't move it. Instead you say:
"If you want any more you'll have to wriggle, why should I do all the work?"
You could ask him......
"First you have to admit that you are a wanker who plays with himself. You do play with it secretly, don't you?"
Then offer...........
"I'll play with it inside your underpants tomorrow night if you promise to be good tonight, and not be a dirty wanker."
Then, when he has met all of your conditions, you spring a surprise on him.
Before you put your hand inside his trousers, you put on a washing up glove. You act as though this is the most natural thing in the world as you say:
"But you'll only make me sticky otherwise."
Then as your hand slips inside, you giggle, and he knows you are deliberately playing games with him.
But he is powerless, he craves your touch so much. This is just the sensation of helplessness he has always wanted to return to.
Girls have the power and Girls just wanna have fun.
Eventually, after playing your games for days, you deign to let him come.
But you do it inside his underpants and giggle as you bring him off.
"Now you'll be all sticky for the rest of the evening. Dirty underpants on a dirty boy!"
Girls can be so bitchy, it is such a pity we have to grow up!
I've Got My Period.
Once you change your attitude regarding your period, you can begin to see yourself as even more dominant; then everything else in this program can apply whether you have your period or not.
There is no reason why he cannot be milked off daily during your period.
"I've got my period, so I don't want to be pestered by you wanting sex, report to my room for milking."
Milking doubles as a way of giving him sex while still appearing to be Dominant.
It humiliates him in the way he craves, by making male sexuality appear base and inferior.
Giving a man sexual relief could place you in the role of sexual servant, or make him feel you are doing him a favour. But humiliating him by only allowing milking in certain degrading ways allows him not to see the sex as a charitable act.
Accepting charity is not the most pleasant way to enjoy sex. Submitting to your cruelty is more fun!
Whatever role he is being forced to play, there are appropriate ways of introducing the concept of milking.
At the simplest level he is denied sex in the normal way with you. You inform him that if he accepts your control over other areas of his life, you will reward him with regular milking.
The frequency will depend on your own judgement and his sex drive.
Ideally he will be milked about half as often as he would really like. For if he gets too much sex he ceases to feel frustrated, and sexual frustration is the excuse he needs for obeying.
There are exceptions. Sometimes it might be appropriate to milk him much more than he desires, such as when he is playing girly, the excuse is to stop his erections spoiling the line of his clothes. His nastiness is milked off whenever any such bulge appears.
Equally if he is in bondage for long periods and is gagged, he cannot escape from submission or protest. A satiated male may succumb to the temptation to ask you to stop playing the game. He will regret this afterwards, and especially he will regret the fact that when he asked, you stopped.
If he is tied up and gagged, he cannot ask. Then you can milk him for any reason you care to dream up.
Perhaps you have decided that he is to spend a month in a chastity belt, so you are going to drain him dry first.
You could tell him:
"I've been told that coming when your balls are dry is painful and humiliating, so I'm just going to experiment to see how desperate you get for me to stop the milking. Maybe after I have milked you twenty or so times, you'll promise me anything I want to stop it."
You can call it aversion therapy.
"You men all want far too much sex, this is to put you off sex for a while. The next time you think about sex you will remember your dry comes today."
Adult babies get milked inside their nappies to help them sleep. You might tell him that the only sex he will get is if he dresses up as your baby.
"Mummy doesn't like nasty aggressive men who try put their thing in her, but Mummy doesn't mind milking baby in his nappy as she cuddles him."
You can send him to bed early with his wrists tied to keep him out of mischief. He will feel intensely excited as he wriggles around in his nappy for hours waiting for you to join him.
Watching a mature and sexual woman undress for bed slowly is deliciously humiliating if he has been trapped in a defenceless role and made to play baby or doggy.
You are all woman, available to a man. But totally out of reach to a baby or doggy like him. The ultimate strip tease.
When you come to bed you let him curl up and suck your nipples as your hand goes inside his nappies. When you judge he is near you can bring him over the edge as you say something like:
"Mummy doesn't like nasty wet stains in her bed, so you can stay in your nappies all night. But if Mummy finds your nappy wet in the morning, she will have to spank you."
When you want to force him to play the doggy game you can tell him that Mistress (or Mummy) will sometimes milk doggies if they amuse her. But she isn't interested in men at all.
"Your Mistress is not in the mood for men. But if you amuse me by playing doggy, I might be convinced to allow you relief to keep doggy healthy."
In most roles, the milking is not done to give the male pleasure it is ostensibly a necessary chore to achieve a purpose.
Doggies get milked to stop them making a nasty display of themselves. If Mistress is wearing long boots she might say:
"It looks as though you are being a dirty doggy. Fido better rub his thing against Mummy's boots and get rid of his nasty mess."
As he approaches orgasm Mistress would say:
"Fido will have to lick my boots clean afterwards."
If his role is that of a sex stud, his Mistress or owner might milk him daily to keep him in tip top condition. A Mistress likes her sex slave to be a long stayer so milking off his excitement ensures he can perform better in bed.
Studs, like some other animals, get milked by being tied in a stall.
If a stall is not available his Mistress usually puts him in bondage before releasing him from a chastity device:
"I can't have an unrestrained stud near me, who knows what you might try."
If he is tied against a door or a wall the Mistress might stand a few feet away from him, she might spread her legs a little and pull up her skirt. Then bending at the waist she would expose herself in the position that an animal might mount her.
"Have a good look animal," she might taunt.
"I bet you'd like to mount me now. Want to service me do you?"
Then she would stand up and move to one side of him, keeping his equipment at arms length, as if to distance herself from the chore. She could say:
"So stud, that was just to remind you why I keep you around. Now we'll just milk off any excess excitement. You never know I might need this to perform later."
He is treated as an animal. A male animal kept for his performance only.
If he is knelt on the bed for milking he should have his arms cuffed behind his back or attached to cuffs between his feet.
"We'll soon have this nasty little chore over with," she might say as she pulls on household rubber gloves.
"Then we can get you back under lock and key until it's needed".
The Mistress reaches between his legs and pulls the thing backwards as she manipulates it.
Pulling it backwards between his legs is advantageous. It is less like masturbation, and being an unnatural position will not feel so much as though you are doing it for his pleasure.
Girlies and maids get milked as soon as they are dressed up, to keep the nasty thing soft, but usually Mistress spanks or canes the naughty little slut first.
"You are a dirty little slut, getting excited all the time. Mistress wants you to be proper girlie for her. Look at the nasty stain you have made in your knickers, I suppose I'll just have to milk you or you'll only dirty the fresh pair."
Domesticated wimps get milked only when his wife thinks he deserves a reward for being particularly obedient. His wife tells him about real men as she does it. She might make him put on a pair of Ladies tights and stand against a wall:
"Those will help you to remember what a wimp you are as I milk off your nasty stuff. If you were a man I might touch it," she says as she pulls on her rubber gloves.
"I might even suck it. I like to kneel and suck cock for a real man, especially if he holds my hair and forces himself deeper."
Then she would sashay over to him seductively:
"But we both know you aren't a proper man, are you wimp?"
She is then face to face with him, her breasts touching his chest, daring him to touch her and prove her wrong. Her hand insinuates itself between their bodies and cups his equipment possessively:
"You belong to me wimp, and you don't get sex like a man does. You get milked by your Mistress as a reward, but only when you've been an obedient little man."
Then she rubs her hand back and forth over his nylon restrained penis:
"You are going to spurt your nasty sticky stuff in those tights. Then afterwards you can put your trousers on over them and that yucky wetness will remind you of what you are."
Men get milked when they are being rejected:
"Why would you think I want to make love to you. You'll only spurt that nasty stuff all over me, and I certainly don't want it inside me."
Then you tell him that you'll milk it for him, but only if he puts it within easy reach.
"You don't think I should have to put myself out to touch that thing, do you?"
You make him stand on his head against a wall. If he is up to it you can make him do a handstand to bring his equipment up to the right level. Then standing in front of him you can part your legs and inch or two, to get comfortable.
In that position he will be trying to peek under your skirts. You can play with his balls between his parted legs, pinch them, and slap his penis disdainfully before you start. Then pump it very slowly and deliberately as you say:
"This is not for your pleasure, it's just to stop you pestering me for sex all the time. So don't take your time about coming."
The slowness of manipulation and the awkwardness of the position will probably mean that he cannot ejaculate that quickly. So you might say:
"It seems to me you are taking your time over it. Go down on your shoulders and put your head between my feet. If you can see what you are missing we should get this over with quite quickly."
Then you can speed up the pace as you rub in the humiliation:
"Like looking up my skirt do you creep?"
As he starts to moan step back a pace and continue:
"I want this to land on your face, perhaps you'll think twice before spurting all over a Lady after this."
Try and point his penis towards his face on the floor as he ejaculates. Laugh if your aim is successful.
If you miss say something like:
"I'll have to practice my aim, we'll try again next time."
On a subsequent occasion you can offer:
"I'll milk you, but you have to get into my favourite position."
This introduces the idea that you get positive enjoyment out of milking him in this way.
A sex slave can be milked during your period:
"Just because I won't be needing it for a few days, doesn't mean that you can toss off for fun. It is mine," you tell him.
"I'll milk it once a day as I cane you to take the pleasure out of it. The rest of the time I'll be keeping it locked up."
All wanking for pleasure should be forbidden, the submissive is milked just to keep him healthy. Punishment is applied to ensure he doesn't enjoy it too much.
"It is only a sin if you take pleasure in it," you tease.
"This should ensure that you are not too sinful!"
Whatever role he is in, milking can be an excuse to make sure his chastity belt will fit.
"We'll just milk this dry so that you get nice and soft, then I can make your belt nice and tight. The tighter it is the more painful it will be when you get erect, and I like it to really hurt, then it stops you lusting after other women."
If you are not going to punish him when milking him, you can consider Queening as a way to humiliate him. Sitting on his face while you jerk him off is particularly appropriate if you are rejecting a sexual approach:
"I'm not in the mood creep, but I will milk you if you let me sit on your face. It's called Queening, and given your status around here I think it is appropriate, don't you?"
However you milk a man, make him realise that you want it to humiliate him.
"Don't you find it degrading to have to let me sit on your face to get any sex?"
Fantasy and Reality.
Chastity belts can initially be disappointing for many women.
Because in such devices many women see an easy and effective way to control a man.
Some women find the idea of keeping him under lock and key quite appealing. Perhaps it is the idea of a sexually rampant male chafing at the bit, awaiting your pleasure.
Perhaps it is romantic, the idea of releasing a passionate man desperate to enter your bed, just when you want him.
At all other times he is chaste and good. All that power in one little key. But finding a belt that works is difficult.
If chastity belts worked, making his fantasy come true would be pretty easy. Whether you acted the role well or badly, locked up he would eventually have to beg you for sex.
Sexually he would be under your control, and most of the other tricks and techniques would seem irrelevant.
Whatever the merits for the woman; he would soon find a chastity belt boring without some prickteasing.
For it is not simply chastity he seeks, but sexual frustration. Restrained arousal!
All games would be more exciting, if he was locked up!
However it is an exciting and powerful fantasy for many men. The fantasy is much closer to reality, because many men find it easy to imagine that their wife has possessive feelings towards them.
They actually find it credible that their wife might want to lock them up and ensure they remained faithful.
Many men find it easy to believe that women have always used sex to manipulate men. Take the example of men out on strike, forced back to work by their wives under threat of no nookie, and one can see that there might be some truth in it.
Thus the idea that she might want to lock him up, and then use that sexual power to force her will on other areas of their lives is credible to him.
He could actually enjoy painting the spare bedroom, if he was brought to do it by a woman who threatened to leave the chastity belt in place until the job was done.
So in chastity belts you find an ally in helping your man to believe in the roles you are playing.
Even if they don't work that well, he can find it credible that you would want one that did.
One can even turn the search for a belt that works into an exciting game in itself.
Before discussing how to actually make the search fun, we have to decide what we are searching for.
The ideal criteria for a chastity belt...
Can be worn for long periods without chafing and cutting the flesh and causing irritation and skin complaints.
Most belts fail straight away. But this could be resolved by having lots of different styles, so that at least the site of chafing can be changed if he complains. Some people react badly to rubber and pvc.
Allows the use of the toilet without removal.
Some do permit the use of the toilet, but with many men the only way to stop them masturbating is to be effective in controlling his ability to touch his penis at all. Such as enclosing it in a box type device.
It's hygienic in that it does not get dirty and allows for washing and bathing.
Obviously any garment that is worn for long periods will get dirty. It would be impossible to allow him to wash his penis while preventing masturbation.
How can he take a shower or bath without getting the device wet? Is the device washable? Can he dry himself sufficiently even if it is?
Leather responds badly to getting wet. Some types of leather even get tighter!
Stops masturbation, and preferably restricts erections.
Many men find it possible to masturbate through the toughest box, or at least get pleasurable sensation from manipulation. Some even manage to ejaculate.
But, on the positive side; a simple device such as a padlock around his balls, will obviously make it impossible for him to be unfaithful with another woman without a lot of explaining and embarrassment. So psychologically the device is exciting for him, and possibly for you!
Most belts will cause considerable discomfort, or even pain, if he attempts masturbation. Some even suppress erections with severe levels of pain.
So here too one can indulge in fantasy:
She smiles with malicious glee as she locks the pointed spikes around his shaft.
"Get any horny thoughts with this on my lad, and you'll soon regret it!"
Even if he is an escapologist and manages to defeat your best efforts at control; as he masturbates, the thought that you want the control will excite him and provoke an intense climax.
Which at least means the game has been successful in one respect. So the more persistent you are in trying new devices the better.
Equally, genuine anger and punishment for each attempted escape will help him to resist temptation too often.
You know that most belts do not satisfy the criteria, but you deliberately pretend a degree of naivete. In your desire to control him you buy all types of devices from sex and bondage catalogues.
The most exciting part of this game is that it is you that is doing the buying, and thence demonstrating your active and positive desire to enforce chastity upon a man.
You try every new device upon him, and when each fails you pretend a degree of annoyance and move on to the next. Your enthusiasm for male chastity knows no bounds:
"I'm going to have this thing under my control if it's the last thing I do," you declare as you fit Mark XVI.
You are now the virago of his dreams! He always thought you didn't like playing FemDom games, but now it seems you have taken quite a liking to it.
Imagine the excitement of the man whose wife makes him drop his trousers before he leaves for work. She takes various measurements with a tape measure. Then manipulating his organ she instructs:
"It's alright you can let it come right up, I won't be angry, I need measurements both hard and soft."
The manipulation, the reminder in her statement that erections are normally forbidden. The knowledge that this woman actually believes she has the right to provoke an erection for her own purposes, while denying him permission to be aroused most of the time.
The memory of past punishments for his most natural condition, all combined with the thought of what she is going to do with the measurements gives him one of the strongest erections he has ever experienced.
Then when she is satisfied she dismisses him:
"You can go now!"
Driving in to work, sat in the traffic jam, his mind turns the events over and over. He cannot wait to get to the privacy of a toilet somewhere to relieve his frustration, he is intensely excited by the thought of such a determined woman.
When he returns home in the evening, the first thing she does is order him to drop his trousers again. She holds his equipment in a tight, painful and possessive grip.
"Been playing with this have we?" she demands.
He looks down, unable to reply or even look her in the eyes.
"I thought as much," she concludes.
"Stay there."
She leaves him standing with his trousers and pants around his ankles in the hallway. He starts to stiffen a little at the thoughts going through his mind.
Moments later he finds his wife has been busy with needle and thread, a length of chain, a padlock, and a nylon straining bag to create the device of her dreams.
She pinches his ball sack and the head of his penis causing him intense pain.
"Can't have it too hard," she explains.
"There's not enough room in the bag for a full erection."
As she fits it to him she declares:
"You can urinate through the thin nylon if you sit down like a girl, but if you try and get erect it will squeeze your balls painfully, which I hope will teach you to behave yourself."
It is another day, they are in a hardware store to buy something for the garden. His wife stops at the padlock rack and starts examining the goods on display.
"We'll have this one," she says.
"It has rounded edges and won't chafe your legs, and the shaft is long enough to fit above your balls!"
Then she moves along to the rolls of chain, she pulls out a length and looks around impatiently for an assistant to cut it. She turns to her husband and calmly explains:
"This is just enough to reach the straps I'm going to lock below your knees. I'm told that constant pulling on the balls stops all but the most stubborn erections quite effectively!"
The problem with getting dressed up to excite a man, can be that he then assumes you are in the mood for sex.
Putting him into a chastity belt when you get dressed up communicates that he is not required to make any sexual approaches.
This means that the fact that you are not in the mood for sex yourself can now be a source of excitement, rather than disappointment.
It means you are free to dress in your most attractive and provocative clothes simply because you enjoy dressing up.
Nothing else is required of you, you simply bask in his admiring looks.
Many men find the idea of putting an attractive woman on a pedestal, simply to admire her from afar, psychologically fulfilling.
It brings back the sensations he had of his first puppy love. Unrequited love and worship of the love object can be emotionally satisfying.
The trouble is that he is now a man, and real men suggest or want sex from a provocative woman.
Putting him in a chastity belt frees him from the burden of being a real man. He is permitted to just want you, he doesn't have to do anything.
He is like a eunuch in a harem, but he has the advantage of knowing that one day you will free him. Delicious frustration!
The first time you introduce this concept you might need to provide the reason for him to accept this powerless state.
You dress in your most provocative attire and allow him to kiss you as a sign of how much he appreciates your attractiveness. Then he starts pawing you, but you are not in the mood for sex.
You pout:
"Can't I get dressed up without you assuming I'm available?"
He might make the reasonable suggestion that you usually are in the mood when you are dressed like that.
"Yes, that's true," you answer.
"But don't you find it a pity that I can't get dressed like this more often."
Eventually he should succumb to the suggestion that you might get dressed up a lot more if only there was a way for you to be sure he would behave himself.
"Well, I've thought about this problem a lot, and I've found the perfect answer. I want you to wear a chastity belt for me, then all I have to do is release you when I get in the mood."
The suggestion that you might only get in the mood at all, if he does wear it should soon have him accepting the suggestion.
"Good" you conclude.
"I'm pleased you'll do that for me, I think we'll be much happier this way. I've put the belt I bought on the bed for you, I want you to put it on for me and come back and show me."
When he does present himself before you, you check and tighten any appropriate straps and then snap on the little padlocks you have been hiding.
"There that's much nicer, no nasty erections to upset me."
Some women find that having man locked up is actually arousing, they actually take the man to bed and let him lay there in frustration, watching her masturbate.
The poor husband just has to wait until next time and hope her mood will be different!
But on other nights she tells him they are to have an early night and sends him to bed. He lays there hopefully as he watches her undressing.
She is not in the mood at all. Yet in both cases the overwhelming emotion he feels as he watches her drift off to sleep is quite unlike any experience he has had before. Almost poetic, such intense love.
Many men find the idea of pleasing a woman with their mouth while locked in a chastity device to be the most perfect expression of Female Dominance.
The certainty that one is going to be used and kept restrained assures him that this game is for her pleasure, not his.
[[Devices and Uses]]
There are reports of a truly effective chastity belt manufactured in England by a company called Tollyboy.
Please the chastity belts section for details of this and other devices.
The Tollyboy belt is apparently constructed of chain mail covered in neoprene and is said to be escape proof, short of cutting one's way out with bolt cutters.
They need to be tailor made to the individual, and if sized correctly an erection would be impossible.
There is a considerable waiting list, so it would appear that many men are yet to find themselves imprisoned. The company also gives guidelines on how to wash the genitals under the device using cotton buds et cetera.
While you await delivery of yours you might like to consider the other fun ways to impose chastity on your husband or lover.
Never use spring steel such as in key rings, these prove difficult to remove and many men have presented to their hospital with such a ring embedded in the base of their penis.
It is best to use materials which can if necessary be cut easily at home. If you use chain and padlocks then be certain the keys are available in an emergency.
Commercially available from Pamela Young's organisation in Gloucestershire, also in England, and much cheaper is a popular device using both blunt and sharp spiked pads.
The pads are about the size of the average male penis and would wrap completely around it when flaccid.
The tube thus created is then laced up like a corset. Over this is placed another locking corset, which secures the whole arrangement in place.
The blunt spikes dig in most uncomfortably and can cause considerable discomfort to the stubborn erection.
The sharp spikes are usually drawing pins pointed inwards through tiny holes in the inner layer of the pad.
It should prove relatively easy to make such a device at home with some leather, super glue and a box of drawing pins.
The sharper spikes will actually make tiny piercings of the skin if one does not quickly succumb to the warning pains.
If you are going to make your husband watch you masturbate, it might be wiser to make him use the blunter spikes.
This device is perfect for leisurely evenings at home and for locking him up at night.
Neither device is really suitable for sending him to work in. If his work is physical the pain and discomfort would be intolerable.
The bulges beneath his clothes would be most suspicious. This device could be worn by a kilt wearing office worker. I wonder if many are sold to the Highlands of Scotland?
Masturbation is just about possible in either the sharp or blunt versions.
But you would have to be a serious masochist to try it.
If he is determined, he would be wiser to try and escape by picking the locks.
If left highly frustrated he might manage to ejaculate while wearing the blunt version. He would probably enjoy that, especially if you sent him to bed with a pair of your knickers over his head.
Try telling how much you like the idea of him suffering intolerable pain while he sniffs your knickers, and you can virtually guarantee he will try!
Be sure to question him regularly on the effectiveness of the device. Express your pleasure if he complains about how painful it makes his erections.
"Good, I'm pleased to hear it is working properly. You have no idea of how much pleasure it gives me to know that your penis is controlled by Me!"
[[The Penis Chastity]]
The Penis Chastity
Now for the first time a real locking penis chastity device for locking up the male penis and genitals!
Now you can lock up your husband or boyfriend and know for a fact that he cannot screw around. Yes it really works!
Made of stainless steel. The inside of the device is lubricated with petroleum jelly and the penis is pulled through the stainless steel shaft. The locking cuff is then placed around the balls and squeezed closed. Comes with instructions.
This is the text of an advert in the catalogues of Centurion, an American bondage supply company.
The picture shows what looks like half a pair of handcuffs, to which is attached a shiny metal tube.
It apparently retails for around US$300, but I understand that at wholesale prices it can be bought for half that. Which should come out at less than £100 in the UK.
However with an old pair of handcuffs and a piece of piping one should be able to make him weld together something similar but perhaps less comfortable than the elegantly shaped device in their advertisement.
This same company advertises a whole catalogue devoted to chastity devices for men. Most of which look like fun to try.
But there is no doubt that the simplest and cheapest chastity device is adhesive tape.
Simply wrap his balls and penis in sticky tape until you have made a bundle of them with just the tiniest tip poking out through a gap.
Use an indelible marker and sign your name on the outside. Then he will be unable to remove it and replace it without risking detection.
This should be possible to wear beneath clothes, especially if you go once or twice around his hips with the tape to ensure the bundle is flattened down and unobtrusive.
He will have to sit to use the toilet, but that is good training for men anyway!
Removal of this device is tricky and painful if he has a lot of pubic hair.
That in itself is usually enough to dishearten a man who is considering unauthorised wanking.
If you use this system regularly, you might consider suggesting that he keeps himself permanently shaved. This is a fun variation anyway, he will feel much more little boyish with his genital region free of manly hair.
This he will find exciting if he feels that you insist on this to humiliate him. See the Humiliation Section.
With all devices he has to feel he can remove it in an emergency.
The best way to achieve this is to tell him that if he ever has to remove it without your permission he will get a spanking. Not because he was necessarily wrong in doing so, but because he spoiled your fun!
"If you ruin my fun in one way, I'll just take it out on your backside".
It has to be made clear to him that the punishment will be dire indeed if he masturbates or ejaculates after having removed a device.
"If you manage to play with yourself or come with that thing on I'll give you twenty strokes of my thin cane. But if you should ever dare to remove it and wank, it'll be twenty every night for a week!"
The adhesive tape system will probably permit some manipulation. The difference in sensation, plus the feeling of being under your orders and control will be highly exciting.
If he does manage to stimulate himself to orgasm, it will be intense. This is not a complete failure of your system. Indeed it can be turned into a major success by humiliating him with the fact.
"It must have been humiliating to jerk of while wearing that, knowing you are under the control of a woman!"
It is said that if a sufficient pulling sensation is exerted on a man's balls, he will be inhibited from getting an erection.
Whether true or not, he will be excited by the idea that this is your intention.
"This should stop you making a nasty display of yourself."
The construction of devices to test this theory should be easy. A padlock around the scrotum sack and a length of chain attached tightly to a strap below his knees should do it.
Locking straps in various lengths are supplied by most bondage supply companies. One locked below the knee will not pass above it. One locked above the balls will not pass below.
If you permanently fixed strong elastic, such as is used on luggage racks between the two straps, the pulling sensation should at least keep him constantly aware of your control over him.
A simple form of chastity device is a small locking strap around his penis just below the head. To be effective it has to be very tight and applied when he is flaccid. If he is slightly turgid the strap will loosen when he gets soft and drop off the end.
The problem here is that whenever you try to apply this device the excitement he feels generally leads to him hardening before you get it tight enough.
Check and double check at regular intervals and tighten, until it is eventually tight enough to stay in place before you let him out of your sight.
If you adapt an old suspender belt, the two rear elastics can pass down over his buttocks. One can be attached to his ball strap and the other to the strap on the end of his penis. The front view is much more girlish with his equipment pulled back out of the way. Make sure you comment on this to humiliate him.
"Now you look like a girlie. Is that humiliating?"
A tight locking strap around the base of his penis and balls will have a tendency to encourage erections. If you add a tight elastic ring just around his penis, then use two locking straps, one on either side, to pull the ring back toward the base strap, you now have a lockable arab strap.
Any erection he gets will be long lasting, and if the elastic ring is tight enough he may not be able to lose the erection until you remove the device.
This is hardly a chastity device, but if you have made lust a punishable offence in your rules, detection is inevitable.
To avoid the punishment he might suggest that the device caused the erection. Dismiss this knowledgeably:
"All the ring does is not allow you to lose an erection when you get one. If you got one, you must have been having naughty thoughts, and I warned you I would smack your bottom whenever you get those!"
Alternatively the arab strap can be quite useful if you want to use him as your love slave.
"This is just to keep your erection nice and hard for me, I will want to use it later. But first lay on your back, I want to sit on your face to make sure you don't forget your place."
As it has to be removed whenever he urinates, the box type chastity is best suited for use when he is under supervision.
A fairly rigid box can be constructed using a two inch roll of adhesive tape. Cover a partially used roll in leather. Attach three straps, two which lock around his waist at the back, the third goes between his buttocks and locks to the other two.
As he hardens he fills the box which exerts gentle pressure on his balls. If he is well endowed the pressure can be pretty uncomfortable, but deliciously frustrating.
If his endowment is minuscule then use a much smaller roll to construct the box, perhaps one inch wide tape. Ideally the box created should just about accommodate his equipment when flaccid.
When using the box type device, it is best to refuse him anything to drink for an hour or two beforehand and make him urinate just before you lock it on.
Then he can be kept in it for longer, perhaps overnight.
Bladder control can be made part of your training.
If he is locked in one of these when you need him for your pleasures, it is clear to him that he has become a sex slave, which is just the sensation he enjoys the most. Even if you do not want to actually use his mouth for your own pleasure, he can be put into a position which arouses him.
"Now I've got you locked up," you announce.
"I want you to know what you're missing."
Then you can make him kneel before you and put his head in your lap or beneath your dress. There he can be ignored while you watch television.
The pressure of his own erection will make him aware of his emasculated condition which will arouse him psychologically almost as much as the cruelty of your actions.
A leather draw string purse of a size to encompass his balls and penis makes an effective chastity. Simply tie off the strings tightly if he is under supervision, or lock a strap around over the strings if he is not.
A long legged panty girdle, two sizes too small for him, will suppress his equipment tidily and can be worn under normal clothing.
"There that's better," you smile when he has finished struggling into it.
"Now any nasty erections are hidden, and I won't have to punish you. Wasn't it kind of me to think of it?"
If his equipment is squashed up against his belly the sensation is a little like gentle masturbation as he moves about. Better still is to tape his equipment back between his legs before making him put it on.
"Then if I take you to bed it will be like making love to a girl, much nicer than that nasty maleness."
If you do kiss and pet with him, your hand between his legs will make him feel very girlish as he gets excited.
Equally if he is unsupervised overnight, masturbation through the girdle will provoke delicious thoughts of girlish submission.
"No playing with your clitty," you warn as you send him to bed.
"Or I'll find you out!"
If you attach three locking straps to a pantie-girdle, one around the waist and two more around the legs at the bottom, you can ensure that he cannot roll it up or down.
He is forced to remain chaste, or gain pleasurable sensation through the elasticated material.
It is a simple matter to check for stains in the morning and punish for any suspected misbehaviour. Even if he protests that he behaved himself you can answer:
"I warned you that if you made any nasty marks I would smack your bottom, you have only yourself to blame!"
You can have plenty of fun and games with a ball of string, a packet of ordinary elastic bands, or clothes pegs. Overcome any protests with the girlish comment:
"But it is my toy, I like to play with it and see how it reacts. You wouldn't want to ruin my pleasure, would you?"
He stands before you as you cover his balls and penis with elastic bands. You can giggle:
"That makes it look all tight and hard, I've never seen it looking so excited before. What does it feel like?"
Twanging the bands can be a punishment for any remark that you disapprove of. Removing them afterwards is deliciously frustrating for him, especially if you do it while sat on his face.
Hours of fun can be had putting on and taking off bands and clothes pegs as you sit on his face. He gets the sensation of you constantly fidgeting with his equipment. He gets pain, pleasure and humiliation, he will love it.
It is amazing just how many clothes pegs you can attach to the loose flesh of the scrotum before you run out of space. Each time you play the game you can make it seem as though it is being enjoyed by you as nothing more than a kind of challenge.
"I managed to get thirty three on it last time, before one fell off. I want to try and see if I can get up to forty today."
His genitals have become nothing more than a source of entertainment for a girlish game.
Taking the pegs off is painful and he might wriggle about a bit.
"I have to tie you down when I play this game," you insist.
"Or you just wriggle too much and make them fall off."
If you do run out of space you can then see how many you can get on his shaft and foreskin.
His genitals are yours to lock up and play with. They are your possession. The more you experiment with them, the more he feels that this is your attitude, and it is your attitude which excites him.
Be sure to remind him they are yours and not his.
He wants to be reminded of the cruelty of it; his manhood is controlled by you and he is denied the simple pleasure of touching it to gain pleasure for himself.
Treat him like a tailor's dummy for your experiments. Stand him in the middle of the room, handcuff him and blindfold him for the afternoon, you can then try various straps and devices on him to see what effect they have.
When you have satisfied yourself that you have created one or more devices, he can be released wearing the one that pleases you the most.
His complete depersonalisation, combined with your obvious determination to find successful ways to keep him chaste will convince him that for you, male chastity is not just a game.
If you pass a length of string over his trouser belt and down through a hole in his pocket, you can then open his zip and lower the front of his underpants while you tie both ends around his equipment.
One end around his balls, the other around his penis. If you do this before you go out together you can tug on the string while you are out shopping for example:
"Just to remind you who is boss?"
Sleeping side by side you can loop the string around your wrist, and as you toss and turn during the night he is constantly reminded. Any attempt to play with himself, he will feel, might be detected by you.
Of course if you decided to masturbate there in the dark, your movements as you caressed your own breasts might tug uncomfortably on his equipment!
A length of string tied between his ankles can allow him to shuffle about the house. Tie another length up to his balls and you can impose a permanent stoop:
"There you see, that looks much more respectful. That's wiped the arrogant look off your face hasn't it?"
Shorten the string and he will have to kneel and crawl. Or lengthen it so that he can only stand up straight by suffering a painful tug on his balls and order:
"Stand up straight when I'm talking to you boy!"
Tie a heavy weight on a short piece of string attached to his balls when he is walking about the house. If the weight is heavy enough it should suppress erections, if nothing else it will give you a giggle as you watch him moving around.
If he has to be dressed because the weather is cold then issue him with a kilt and long woolly socks.
A pair of ratchet type handcuffs can be locked around his balls. If he is right handed then locking his right hand to the other cuff behind his back will at least make masturbation difficult.
Or locking the other cuff to a door handle can keep him quite literally on his toes.
You can have no end of fun deciding just where to lock the other cuff. His ankle, your wrist, your ankle are just a few that spring to mind.
An ordinary pair of men's briefs can be made into a chastity device. Lock a strap or ratchet type handcuff around the base of his equipment through the briefs and a tight constrictive pouch is created.
The effectiveness or sensation can be altered depending of the material the briefs are made of.
Leather, rubber or just plain cotton are all suitable. Fabric briefs should show any stains caused by misbehaviour.
If the briefs are made of fishnet type material he could even be made to urinate through them.
An additional pair of rubber briefs could be worn over them to prevent any stains showing through his trousers. Adult size plastic pants could be purchased for the same purpose, either to be worn over the device, or to construct the device itself.
A simple device can be created by making him wear a pair of fishnet tights.
Pull all is equipment into a pouch formed by the material. Then lock a strap or handcuff around the base of his genitals. It won't stop him fiddling, but he will enjoy it more, and it looks quite sexy.
It also doubles as a way of degrading him by forcing him to wear Ladies undies.
"It must be humiliating while you are at work, to remember that your wife makes you wear those. What would the office girls think?"
Ratchet type handcuffs are easy to separate into two with a hacksaw.
If you just want him to wear a constant reminder simply lock one around the base of his equipment.
They are smooth surfaced and generally have no sharp bits to dig in. He can wear this permanently. You could fill the keyhole with sealing wax if you wanted to ensure he didn't pick the lock.
He will have something in place which you can attach other items to when it suits you, heavy weights for instance.
Adultery is only possible if he can find a way to explain the presence of the steel to his lover.
With most submissives adultery is not a problem. They want to be devoted to you. But it is appealing for them to think that you might wish to prevent it by locking them up!
It isn't a matter of trust, simply a way of expressing your possessiveness and love.
He will feel more loved if his Mistress locks him up.
Would You Like To Read Fantasy And Reality?
[[Yes->Fantasy & Reality]]
[[No->Controlling his Masturbation, Chastity, Humiliation, Punishment.]]
**Why I Got A Chastity Belt And Why I Wear It**
I was born on a hot August night... Er, maybe we don't have to go that far back. But there is a need to go far enough back to try to establish my beginnings in bondage, for it was bondage that ultimately led to the chastity belt.
So it began in grammar school, seventh or eighth grade. Why it started I know not, though I've thought often and very hard exactly why the bondage started and when.
I do know very early on, pressure on my groin was important to my bondage. I also discovered an athletic supporter was special: it encased the genitalia, this excited, frustrated and, most importantly, insulated the groin from contact.
Years passed. Bondage varied in its importance in life. Dating and eventually marriage was affected to one degree or another by my liking for bondage.
Unfortunately, a poor communicating ability and a vague sense of guilt averted a frank exposition of my bondage desires with my bride; worse, I was unable to enlist her in this important though not overpowering facet of my life.
She did her best to do some things but since she had no understanding of why it was important to me, and I didn't help her, at best her participation was unenthusiastic.
Somewhere along the line, I began to lessen the pressure on my bride. Amazingly, to me, at that time (I finally did learn something!), her willingness increased!!! Bondage was fun but it was no longer to be feared.
In the early years of marriage, from time to time, I would purchase bondage devices, restraints for me, and fetish items and some bondage items for my bride but with no prior discussion with her.
In more recent times, these devices were finally coming to be seen as frosting on the cake rather that as a replacement for the cake, and subsequent purchases were jointly made.
Now, with the background, we can move more rapidly. In 1990, with the full acquiescence of my wife, I secured a locking leather jock from Fetters in England. This was a quantum step. It combined bondage with the encasement of the genitals.
Picture a jock strap, made of leather. The genitals are secured inside a leather cocoon, and covering the genitals inside that cocoon is a stiff leather cup-like piece.
Small padlocks, short on security but long on symbolism, are used to secure the belt in front and back.
I wore this often: work, play, leisure, even dinner dances with my bride. A key at this time was that my bride viewed it as non-threatening to her and a source of joy to me. A wonderful effect was bumping into things, the jarring reverberated but the stiff cup protected. Nothing could touch the encased genitals.
After several years of frustrating experience in trying to find good bondage videos, I finally secured a couple of sources. Watching bondage videos while locked in the jock was highly exciting and deliciously frustrating.
As wearing time increased, a distinct limitation in the leather jock became painfully obvious: an inability to pee and defecate unless the jock was unlocked, which meant I had to carry the keys, at least while at work or other times away from home.
About this time, the thought of a more secure device that would accommodate bodily functions began to insinuate itself into my mind... Yes, a chastity belt.
Initially, I thought a chastity belt would be utterly impractical, at least for a male. What I had heard of them suggested the price was off-putting. Written descriptions weren't especially helpful in depicting anything other than an expensive curiosity.
And then a fateful day came in the Fall of 1993 when I went to Marie Constance's shop, Dressing for Pleasure, in Upper Montclair, NJ, to dream and hope, and to shop for Christmas.
While there, I actually saw what I have learned to be a La Ceinture version of a chastity belt, and I knew I had to have one. I bought a brochure and took it home.
I admit I was apprehensive: I would not buy a chastity belt unless my bride approved. To my intense joy, not only was she not opposed, she actually encouraged me to order it!
In case you're unaware, the manufacturer states two people are needed to measure for his chastity belt. So my wife did her part. One measurement requires insertion of a pencil into the rectum. We had a lot of fun with the measuring.
And then, in an unanticipated level of interest, my bride accompanied me back to Constance's shop to place the order.
Sensing my bride's nervousness (She had never wanted to go to one of those stores before) Marie was very attentive to my bride. She engaged my wife in a very supportive conversation, for which I was very thankful.
(Side item: we had recently re-introduced c.p. Into our games. Marie had a supply of canes. I suggested to my wife we get one. Marie detected my bride's uncertainty so she inquired if my bride had ever used one. My bemused bride admitted she hadn't, so Marie gave her a lesson in the proper administration of a cane right there in her shop, with clerks and other customers present, using my ass! We purchased the cane.)
During the time between ordering and delivery, we re-located from Long Island to Wisconsin.
The package arrived near Spring, 1994. As soon as possible, I put it on, but I didn't lock it! It was obviously a secure device so it took me a while to build up enough courage to apply the lock.
I can still hear that first click. I knew without the key I was in deep doo-do. That feeling was overpowering. I had to immediately get the belt off!!
The key wouldn't go in the lock! Panic! But, then, relief. The key went in, and, with relief, I unlocked the belt... and I promptly re-locked it.
Our temporary living circumstances prevented my bride and me from a joint exploration. I was on my own. Very quickly, i concluded the belt could not be a proper fit. It was simply impossible to defecate without making a mess.
Correspondence with Marie Constance led to my returning the belt for adjustment. More money and more waiting.
Finally, it came back. It fit nicely, maybe not exactly as it should, but it suits me. The belt part is snug.
Since I'm not well endowed, I sort of have to coax my penis to enter the tube. After a few minutes, all is snug and comfortable.
(Note: for anyone considering a La Ceinture version, please insert the pencil well into your rectum, and then pull the tape measure snugly but not tightly against penis and balls.)
I wear the belt often. I wear it to work, for leisure, whenever it seems like a good idea. Most often I hold the key or rather it is in plain sight and available.
But there have been times when my bride has held it. I suppose this is not perceived by me to be as dangerous as it might be, because I am confident my bride would let me out if I requested it. Still, it is an act of faith to see her walk away with the key.
Since we are not lifestylers, and the belt is for fun, I have not been locked in for an extended period. The longest time I've worn the belt has been 30 hours, but I have been locked in for several hours over several days in a row.
That lock clicking shut is a very important moment, no matter how often I've been locked in. Once locked, it is either a key, or a locksmith... or a blowtorch.
Yet it is also comforting. Very often, when I get a chance for a nap, I'll lock the belt on and then my rest is very deep and satisfying.
Since getting the chastity belt we've added a strait jacket and a full head, leather hood. Being secure in the entire ensemble is terrific.
Watching the bondage videos so secured is just great.
Recently, I've discovered a rather disturbing situation has arisen. I have become attracted to the chastity belt, a true fetish, and it has replaced everything, and I mean everything!
For that reason, I've put all my toys away for three months. I'm in day 20, and I'm very much aware of not wearing my chastity belt So that's my story. I'm 61 and I've been married 35 years.
**Letter From A Chastity Belt User**
I have been wearing a male chastity belt for over a year now. My wife allows it off only for showers in the morning and when she decides when she wants sex. She wears the key to it around her neck even when she sleeps and it is the only key we have.
I wear it to work, and at all other times. The only real time I can remove it is when I travel by plane since I don't want to go through all the hassles of the metal detector.
I have three different types; the Mr. S tube type, the William Jones type and the Walter design (I have not received the Walter yet). I talked to Walter, and he told me he owns the Tollyboy type which is the same as the William Jones type, and he says his design is suited for long periods of use and ease of sitting and movement, since the belt goes below the waist. He says I should be able to go to work and do all activities with no problem.
My wife is into FemDom but the main reason I must wear a belt is my extreme sex drive. She now gets a good nights sleep without me bothering her and it takes away all the frustration of not knowing when for me.
I know that when the belt comes off, she is in the mood. No more fights and quarrels. We have become closer together and she now knows she is in full control which takes the stress away from me. It has also broken any bad habits I might have had, and all temptation.
I wear the Mr. S type most of the time, and wear it for weeks at a time with almost no discomfort. So far I think this is the best. The Tollyboy type I can wear for only 1-2 days at a time and my wife only makes me wear that one when I am real bad.
She thinks the Walter type I will be able to wear for months at a time (I don't think she really will make me wear it for that long, but who knows).
That's the fun. Not knowing how long it will be on.**Report On Water Hole Belt**
I received the Water Hole belt last week and wore it for about 22 hours straight from Saturday afternoon through Sunday. It was interesting. I was very tired from a rough work week and first winter storm commuting etc, so perhaps didn't derive all the benefits. However, two things I can comment on from that brief experience:
It quickly begins to smell. Sweat and urine combination is pretty malodorous if you get close. And that's in one day. You also can pull in your stomach and manipulate your dick to get it out the top or the sides if necessary. I quickly learned that it was much better to tug and pry my dick out to take a pee rather than have it all build up in the cup and spray or leak out of it over the next half-minute.
If one was to get serious about it, the real chastity aspect of this product is in the mind of the players. Mind you, you're not about to have intercourse with your dick sticking out sideways. And the smell is likely going to put off any prospect. But if i hadn't been so exhausted and was sufficiently horny, I guess I could have managed to jerk off. But then, it's being under orders not to that is so massively exciting!
You could suppose that this belt from Waterhole is useful as a toy but not as a complete chastity guarantee. And, because of the smell, I can't really see how the guy who makes them can have worn it continuously over six days as he says. He must have washed constantly.
That's it for now.
Chastity Belt Frequently Asked Questions
originally composed by Dirk M
edited by David.
Most of what follows pertains to the stainless steel chastity belts manufactured by Tollyboy of England and La Ceinture de Chastete of America.
This updated FAQ includes more information on the female version of the belt than the previous one. Special thanks to B&B for their insights, especially on the female belts. Some of what follows are my opinions. Your mileage may vary.
01.What is a chastity belt?
Broadly defined, it is any locking appliance that prevents the wearer engaging in sexual intercourse.
I've seen some buckling leather straps and shorts that purport to be chastity belts, but without a lock you may as well define button fly jeans as a chastity belt.
02.How much do they cost?
That depends on what kind you want. you can spend anywhere from $50 for a very simple leather one to $400 and up for a top of the line high security model.
03. Which company would you say produce the most durable, solid and most effective belts?
Definitely the La Ceinture de Chastete or Tollyboy belts for being durable and solid.
I'm hard pressed to think of anything more durable than steel. As for effective, anything that keeps the wearer in and/or someone else out could be considered effective.
04. How long will it take from the order to receive the belt?
Mine took six months. I've heard that's about the standard time. Each one of these is custom made to precise measurements for just one person.
05. Is it visible at all under normal clothing?
It depends on how tight your normal clothes are. There is a definite bulge at the crotch, but in loose fit Wranglers (tm) I've had no trouble.
06. I can't imagine exactly how they look.
First you have the waist band; this rests in the narrow point below the bottom of your ribcage and above your hips. It is a solid band that flexes enough to be able to get in and out of it.
There are three pins at the front of the belt and the waist belt closes over these pins. The groin plate attaches at these pins and is held there by a lock which fits over two of the three pins. These extra pins prevent the groin shield from being able to swivel.
The groin shield terminates in two flat chains which split in a V, leaving the anus clear for defecation. The chains go up over the cheeks and are permanently fastened at the back of the waist band.
Inside the groin shield is a sheath; a steel tube that the penis rests inside. The sheath locks to the groin shield with the same kind of lock that secures the waist band.
07. As those belts are designed individually, is it very difficult to get the right measures? Do they exactly describe how to measure?
Both Selective and Constance have a measuring form with very precise notes describing in each case exactly what you are measuring and how to do it.
You cannot take your own measurements; someone else must do them for you. Make sure the measurements are accurate. Double check everything.
If you screw up the measurements they'll charge you extra to fix it and you'll end up waiting even longer for your belt.
08. Are they really safe? Wouldn't it be possible to cut them off with normal tools?
It is impossible to engage in regular intercourse while wearing one of these. As for getting relief in these, accounts vary.
Some men report that they are able to achieve what amounts to an orgasm without ejaculation. I've personally never had any luck getting satisfaction while wearing mine.
The lock rests behind a steel flange. There is no way to get to the lock to cut it off. The waist band is 1.25 inch 16 SWG steel. Even if you could get a tin snips in there, I can't believe they could cut it.
The only hope I see would be to attack the attaching rivets, but taking the heads off those with standard tools could be hazardous to your health.
Remember, this thing rests tight against your skin. The best you're likely to accomplish is to make a sharp edge where you'll cut yourself, or to slip and stab yourself.
No, unless you've got a machine shop and someone who knows what they're doing, I wouldn't try it.
The short answer, if you don't have a key you can't get out, unless you can pick the lock.
09. Is it okay to shower in, or will the lock get rusty?
In their literature, the manufacturer claims you can shower in it. I asked the same question of the people at Selective and was told there had been no problems reported.
The locks are brass. I've been known to use a lock de-icer spray, since it lubricates and drives moisture out. I'm told a hairdryer works well for drying things out as well.
10. Is it bearable for long term?
It is designed with long term wear in mind. The longest I've personally worn mine is three days. The people at Selective told me the known record is nine months.
Unfortunately, no chastity device is 100% perfect or absolutely comfortable, but this one is very good. It takes some practice to wear for longer periods, but once you get used to wearing it, sitting, moving around, etc., it is quite tolerable.
B has told me that he wears his almost constantly. The main drawback seems to be trying to find a swimsuit that hides it effectively.
11. Is hygiene a problem?
Urination requires a handful of toilet paper to sop up the drops from the inside and outside bottom end of the groin shield. I once made the mistake of leaning forward while defecating and the ring at the tip of the shield (which the cheek chains attach to) caught the stool as it was coming out and scraped a groove in it.
The mess wasn't too bad, but what a smell! Tollyboy recommends the use of a bidet for one of their models.
It's also a good idea to dry thoroughly after showering. It's easy enough for water to be trapped between belt and skin. Again, a hairdryer may come in handy here.
12. Will you have any trouble with metal detectors at airports?
Absolutely. You'll set them off. I saw a post from one fellow who simply told the security people he was wearing a chastity belt. He got through without much trouble.
One fellow I spoke with actually started to show them his belt and was waved through very quickly. Others haven't been quite so lucky.
B and B report that both of them have had a trip to a private room for a visual inspection and explanations.
13. How can I get one?
When friends ask me what kind of computer they should buy, I tell them to first figure out what they're going to want to do with it. To carry the analogy to chastity belts, how are you going to want to use this belt?
Is this something you're going to wear only as part of a scene? How important is security? Is the keyholder going to be present? Do you need to be able to use the bathroom without unlocking it? The shower?
Low Security = Inexpensive
If you're determined and have a sharp knife, these won't keep you in, but they will make tampering obvious. Bathroom functions are generally impossible or difficult in these.
If you're looking for something to lock on over a pair of jeans, try Chastity, USA.
They make several styles of chastity belts for women and men. Basically, they're just a leather shield with straps in the back. Some fasten with locking tabs, like on a suitcase, and some use mini padlocks, also suitcase issue.
They're fairly minimal in security, but they are nice looking and pretty reasonable. Prices vary from $50 to $70.
Chastity, USA
2350 West Third Street, Suite 100
Los Angeles, CA 90057
1-213-385-5524 (inquiries)
1-800-305-5525 (orders)
Also in the low security, but inexpensive line is Water Hole.
Last I checked, the price range was about the same as Chastity, USA and you can supposedly urinate in the male version of their chastity device, assuming you've got good enough aim to hit a small hole and don't go too quickly.
Personally, I'd be hesitant to try urinating in it; you could easily end up getting good and damp.
The Water Hole Custom Leather Inc.
982 Main St
East Hartford, CT 06108
203-528-6195 (inquiries)
800-528-6195 (orders only)
Here are some other places people have e-mailed about.
Noir Leather
317 S. Center St
Royal Oak, MI 48967
(810) 541-3979
Paul C Leather (catalogue $15 refundable with order)
2421 W. Pratt Suite #959
Chicago, Il 60645
tel 800-338-4740
tel 312-508-0848
fax 312-508-0811
Mid Range
If you're looking for something with a little more security and that black leather SM sort of look and feel to it, try Fetters/Mr.S of San Francisco.
They market mainly toward the gay male, but I know they used to advertise chastity belts for women as well.
I expect that if asked they would gladly accept a custom order. I bought one from them a few years back.
Expect to pay anywhere from $100 up (and prices have doubtless risen since then).
Although these are sharp looking, more secure and meant to be worn against the skin, they do share a problem with their cheaper cousin; you can't perform bathroom functions in them. (They used to sell a drainage sheath, basically a condom with a hose on the end, that was supposed to let you urinate while wearing a belt, but it never worked for me. All it ever got me was a belt full of urine.)
This means the key needs to be handy. I've seen their new product, the cock cuff (a bent piece of pipe welded to a handcuff) and I can't help but think that it'll probably slip off when you go flaccid.
Also, I can't see how it could be worn under clothing. Consider most of these as in-home or in-dungeon toys only.
310 Seventh St.
San Francisco, CA 94103
High Security = Expensive
The most secure (and most expensive) alternative is a stainless steel chastity belt from La Ceinture de Chastete or Tollyboy of England.
These are the finest examples of chastity belts I've encountered so far. Meant to be worn against the skin, they're lined in neoprene to prevent chafing.
They employ specialised high security locks that cannot be cut off. The manufacturer claims that it would take engineering facilities and assistance to cut one off.
They're about as secure as you can get today. Since each one is custom made, delivery time is six months. Cost for a basic male chastity belt is $400.
Selective is where I got mine. The service was excellent. See note from Jeb
Selective Publishing, Inc.
PO Box 4597
Oak Brook, IL 60522
(708) 986-8550
(708) 323-3190 (Fax)
(708) 986-0294 (BBS)
Constance sells a catalogue showing the Tollyboy belts and with ordering information for both Tollyboy and La Ceinture De Chastete. The chastity belt catalogue sells for $20. Their general catalogue is $3.
If you'd like to deal directly with the manufacturer, here he is. Be advised that he isn't always speedy with correspondence and you probably won't be able to use a major credit card, unlike the dealers. Catalogue is $5.
William Jones
La Ceinture de Chastete
10 Tarpon Drive
Vero Beach, FL 32960
(407) 778-3259
In England, try:
Hal Higgenbottom
Tollyboy Products
PO Box 27
Sheffield S18 6DN
tel/fax (+441 1142 890575)
Other tips emailed in:
Post Box Cottage
Windlesham Rd
GU24 8SN
tel/fax (+44 -0-1276 855575)
(See neat photo in ad pg 15 Skin Two issue 18; also photos of 2 different versions and short article including prices ranging from 150 to 200 pounds / $320 US on page 30 Skin Two issue 17)
In the UK these items are stocked by Skin Two, Paradiso, Expectations, Clone Zone and Sh! in London and Religion in Bristol.
Rob Hyams makes chastity belts based on original designs. Enquiries to 01453 73196 (we've seen ads. don't know any more)
Niftrik Scylla
PO Box 2093
7900 BB Hoogeveen, Holland
(5221 3212)
Second Skin metal Co
1335 Kentucky St
New Orleans, LA 70117
(504) 277-5091
<font color=#FF0000>Instructions For Making A Homemade<br>
Kali's Teeth Bracelet (KTB)</font>
<h3>Reproduced courtesy of
<a href="http://www.jagworld.com">Jaguar</a> with the permission of<br>
<a href="http://www.jagworld.com/msc.htm">Mistress Infinity</a> and slave Mike.</h3>
<li>Staple gun.
<li>3/8ths inch staples.
<li> Rubber inner tube from any car tire.
<li>Master Mend Epoxy.
<li>Brass or copper supply pipe hangers (the ones with the holes).
<li>Sheet rock knife ("Stanley" knife).
<li>Regular screwdriver.
<li>Inch and a half to two-inch "shaping bar" (hard wood or heavy metal is best).
<li>Tiny padlock and keys.
<li>Small file (optional).
<li>Workshop vice (best, if available).
First off, do not be disappointed if the first attempt at making
a KTB does not come out just right. my first try was an awful
mess! I picked up a few time and mess saving tricks along the
way which I will pass along. What used to take from a half hour
to 40 minutes to make, now takes only about 15 to 20 minutes when
the materials are cut and prepared for shaping.
<font color=#FF0000><H3>Step One:</H3></font>
<img src="http://mistresstraining.com/femdom/ktb1.jpg" hspace="5" align=left>
Tighten metal hanger in vice and, using the hacksaw,
cut off the loop portion of the hanger. Do NOT throw away. The
tiny screw will be used in making the other version of the KTB.
This second version has the option of being permanent. In other
words, it can NEVER be removed (except, perhaps, surgically).
The next two cuts have to be made so that the resulting strip of
metal will be exactly 5 and 1/4 inches and the holes will be
close enough to the ends so that a padlock can be inserted
through them. Once the cuts are made, the edges can be filed
smooth so that there is no danger of cutting the skin as the
bracelet is taken on and off.
<font color=#FF0000><H3>Step Two:</H3></font>
<img src="http://mistresstraining.com/femdom/ktb2.jpg" hspace="5" align=left>
Cut out a rubber strip the same length and width as
the metal one, then carefully trim the edges so that when the
strip is laid against the metal one, the holes are BARELY
exposed. This is important, so that, later, when the "Epoxy" is
hard, there will be enough rubber to trim. Now place the rubber
strip against an old rug or cushion or anything that will allow
the staples to penetrate and shoot in 13 or 14 staples (approx.
2/8ths of an inch apart). Make sure that the staples are in <FONT color="#008000">all the way</font>.
Press the strip against a hard surface to make them fit
flush. If a staple happens to miss or not fit right, simply pull
it out and do another in its place. Trial and error is always
the case here. But, in general, the more teeth the better. But
not <FONT color="#008000">too</font> many, because in that case, the rubber strip will be
difficult to fashion inside the bracelet once it is moulded into a
roughly round shape.
<font color=#FF0000><h3>Step Three:</h3></font>
<img src="http://mistresstraining.com/femdom/ktb3.jpg" hspace="5" align=left>
This is the hardest part, the hammering of the metal
strip into a shape as close to a circle as possible. If the
bending is done without a mould, the metal strip can kink and
break. The ease with which it bends, however, makes it a perfect
kind of metal for use as an anti-ejaculatory device.
First, if a
vice is at hand, tighten the wood or metal mould in the vice so
that a portion of it sticks out. Make sure that it is <FONT color="#008000">very</font>
tight. Now place one end of the metal strip on the mould and
begin to hammer and shape it. A tiny amount of bending by hand
is possible at first but not too much. It produces kinks which
need to be hammered smooth later on.
As the metal begins to
become round, pliers could be used to bend the edges toward each
other. Do not rush this step. This is the key to making an
effective KTB.
<font color=#FF0000><h3>Step Four:</h3></font>
Break off about an inch of the <i>Master Mend Epoxy</i>,
knead until the colours are well mixed in, then roll into a cigar
shape the same length as the rubber strip with the staples. Now
place the putty on the smooth side of the strip and gently press
it down so that it covers fairly evenly. Do not press too hard
yet. More pressing will be done when the strip is inside the
Next, start lining the inside of the bracelet with the
strip of staples. If necessary, open the bracelet wider, but not
too wide or else it will lose it's shape. If the holes become
blocked at first, don't worry. Also, depending on how thick the
cigar was, the putty will ooze out from under the rubber as it is
pressed against the inside of the bracelet. Use the sheet rock
knife to cut away the excess.
The same can be done if some of
the putty blocks the holes at the edges. Be sure, however, that
all the other holes are tightly filled with green putty. This is
what holds the staple-lined strip firmly in place. Again, the
first attempt might be quite messy and cumbersome, but don't
worry. The next one will be much better. And the one after
that, better still.
If the thickness of the putty appears uneven
in places around the bracelet, take the tiny chunks that were cut
off and carefully stuff them into the gaps, pressing smooth with
the fingers. The fingers <FONT color="#008000">will</font> become stained with the putty, but
simple soap and water will remove any of the residue. If
possible, try to make the thickness of the putty one-eighth of an
inch all around. Again, if the holes are still somewhat blocked,
don't worry.
As mentioned in Step Two, the portion that covers
the holes can be carefully cut away after the putty hardens
(which takes about 6 to 12 hours). After 24 hours, the putty is
as hard as a rock, but it still can be trimmed if necessary.
<hr width=50%>
<h3><center>How to Make a Screw-attached KTB</center></h3>
In this case, the metal strip must be cut so that the holes are
at least one-eighth of an inch near the edge and the length of
the strip is exactly six inches. Also, because the holes must
overlap, the top hole ought to be a bit larger than the bottom
hole. This can easily be accomplished by using a drill bit that
is a bit larger than the hole.
Which end overlaps the other
depends upon the shape of the bracelet once it is closed.
Generally speaking, the edge that serves as the top hole will
need more trimming so that the bottom hole meets the top. The
number of staples can remain the same, but during the trimming
stage, one or two sets of teeth might have to go.
As mentioned
earlier in Step One, the screw that came with the hanger can be
used to hold the KTB together. First, however, it must be made
shorter so that when it is screwed in, it will not touch the
cock. In other words, the screw should be about as long as the
thickness of the metal strip when the two edges overlap. All
other instructions on how to make the bracelet remain the same.
Now as to how to permanently attach the KTB to a cock, the method
is quite simple. The quickest way would be to take the whole
screw, uncut, and screw it in until it meets with the bottom hole
or, better, until the bottom of the screw can be seen alongside
the staples. Next, firmly hold the bracelet with a pair of vice
grips then, either with a hacksaw or nut-cutting pliers, cut the
screw as close to the bracelet as possible. Any burr that is
left can then be filed.
Another method, which takes a bit longer
but is probably safer for both the wearer and the owner or handler, is to cut the
head off the screw ahead of time, then, with a small pair of
pliers, twist it into the holes as far as possible and, then, use
a file to smooth off any burr that is sticking up.
When this is done, using either the quick way or the slower way,
the screw will remain inside the bracelet permanently. There is
absolutely no way that it can be taken out again once the head is
gone and the burr filed down so that the bracelet is smooth.
Although harsh, this method of attachment might be useful on
someone whose only purpose would be to perform household and/or
outdoor grounds keeping duties.
[[Owner's Guide to the KTB]]
</b> **Owner's Guide to the KTB**
<img src="http://www.mistresstraining.com/femdom/ktb10427.jpg" hspace="5" align=left>
The purpose of the Kali's Teeth security device is to remind
the male that erections and orgasms are not permitted without
consent of the Owner. It is a physical preventive device.
Therefore, in the interest of orgasm control training, the
KTB should be worn for the amount of time abstinence
is desired. It will be noted that unauthorised intercourse
will be impossible without serious injury to the penis.
Proper use will not cause permanent injury.
<hr width=50%>
Since the KTB does not have a hinge, care must be taken in
opening and closing the metal bracelet. Actually, the
fewer times it is opened and closed, the better. Gently
pull on the ends of the bracelet until the gap is from 5/8ths of
an inch to 3/4ths. Carefully squeeze the limp penis
through the gap, placing the bracelet about halfway down the
shaft of the penis. Go easy on this device to prevent
damage to the device and/or the penis.
Make sure the padlock is small enough for the holes in the
KTB. The gap should be on the exact underside of the penis
so that when the padlock is put on, it will not be easily
seen. Unless the Owner wishes to display the lock, in that
case the gap should be on the exact upper surface of the
penis. The easiest way to put the padlock on (and take it
off) is to hold it sideways and ease it through the holes,
then lock it and turn the lock forward.
Tested males have relayed a few of the effects of wearing the
KTB. Erections are possible. However, if the male persists
in letting himself get erections, for whatever reason, the
teeth will, indeed, leave tiny-little marks. Once the
bracelet is removed, these marks will form tiny little scabs
which will shower off after 3 or 4 days, leaving no sign.
If the male can keep his mind on proper thoughts, the scabs
will not even appear.
As already mentioned, erections do happen. The intense
pain of using the device, however, ensures that they will
not last long, even in the most extreme of masochistic
males. Intense mental training provided by the Owner over
a period of time is desirable. This, and the Fear of pain,
of course, can actually help a male stop his penis from
becoming erect once it has started to. Stopping it in
mid-stream, so to speak.
It's all in the mind really. This is where the true value
of the KTB as a training device shows forth. Coupled with
audio lessons in orgasm control, techniques provided by
the Owner and repeater tapes; real, lasting change can be
achieved. The KTB is much more than a preventive, security
device - it is a complete program in orgasm control when
used properly.
The male can be tested on effectiveness of his control over his
own erections in a number of ways as he wears the bracelet.
These include rigorous tease techniques, visualisation of sexual
enjoyment woven through the spoken word, intimate services to
the owner, providing certain Tantric services to the Owner that
do not include the penis. However, the device should be worn
during everyday activities, employment, etc. It should only be
removed by the Owner for permitted orgasmic activity.
It is preferable that the Owner maintain custody of any keys
to the KTB device when it is in use. However, the male
should have an emergency key when out of the Owner's
supervision. This key should only be used in an actual
emergency. A quick examination of the penis upon the male's
arrival will determine if the device has been removed
without permission. Additionally, it will be very difficult
for the male to remove and put the device back on exactly as
the Owner applied it. A variety of techniques can assure
the exact placement of the KTB.
The Owner may desire to remove the KTB in order to allow the
male to become aroused without discomfort. Periodic teasing
to erection enhances the use of the KTB. Care should be
taken not to allow the male to orgasm during these teasing
exercises unless the KTB will be removed for at least 24
hours. These permitted orgasms should be few and far
between to ensure the success of the KTB program.
After adequate teasing without orgasm, the male should be
allowed a lengthy <i>cooling off period</i> before the bracelet
is locked back on. This allows the erection to subside.
If the KTB is put back on immediately after teasing, the
male might be so aroused that he might be able to ejaculate
before the penis becomes erect once more. Testing has shown
that perhaps a half hour of inactivity or a cold shower
would suffice. The male should be monitored closely during
this <i>cooling off</i> to make sure he does not ejaculate.
The male can do rigorous physical work while wearing the
bracelet. In fact, after awhile, he will almost forget he
has it on. That is, until he starts leering at an attractive
Woman or engaging in some other such unauthorised male pursuit.
Then the Goddess will bite... and hard!
Good luck with the care and use of the Kali's Teeth Bracelet!!
[[Commercial KTB]]
**Commercial KTB**
This device is sold without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, and specifically no warranty of merchantability, or suitability for any particular purpose. Use of this device is at your risk. You have been warned!!!
General Information:
The bracelet is approximately 1" long and 1.5" in diameter. It is made from the lightest possible materials consistent with the security needed or desired.
Inside the bracelet are many sharp points which serve both to prevent the bracelet from being slid off and as biofeedback to prevent erections or even erotic thoughts.
The bracelet is secured by a small brass padlock (provided). The lock is attached to the bracelet with a uniquely designed set of lock posts, which protect the lock's hasp and help to hold both bracelet and the lock securely. All the materials are selected for their light weight, strength, and resistance to corrosion.
When locked on a penis, the KTB prevents any sexual activity. Even partial erections are extremely painful. There are 3 versions available: mild (with 1/4" teeth), regular (with 5/16" teeth), and severe (with 3/8" teeth). The cost is $100 each (plus sales tax for Maryland residents) plus $10 shipping and handling fees to US destinations.
Installing a KTB:
Begin by opening the bracelet wide and placing it about 1/2 way along the shaft of the penis. Then squeeze the ends together and hold the KTB tightly closed as the padlock is installed. Open the lock and turn the hasp fully away from the body of the lock.
Now slide the hasp under the ridges of the KTB's locking posts at a 90 degree angle. You may have to depress the posts slightly to slide the lock into place. Next rotate the lock and swing the body into place. Secure the lock by pushing on both the hasp and the lock's body. you will find the lock fits very snugly, so installing it may take some practice.
After you know how, its easier to do than describe. Be very careful to keep track of the keys!!!!!
Use of a KTB:
You should start out with short periods like an hour. Expect some discomfort for 10-15 minutes after putting the bracelet on, especially the first time. Once the wearer gets used to it, the bracelet can be worn for longer periods.
The most difficult area of use is learning to wear it while sleeping. The KTB can be worn while showering. Expect the penis to be tender after
bracelet use.
[[A Cock For Kali]] <center>
<font color=#FF0000>A Cock for Kali I</font>
Chastity Harsh glared at the graffiti scrawled in lipstick across the white tiles in the bathroom of Yokum Hall:
<CENTER><FONT color="#FF0000"><i>Kevin Dicks raped Me! Stay away from him!</i></FONT></CENTER>
Professor Harsh flipped open her notepad and added his name to the list of six others whose names she'd gotten from female rest rooms around campus. One of the men, Charlie Post, now had three checks beside his, plus the initials <i>KTB</i>.
Back in her office Chastity typed Dick's name and address into her <i>Teeth</i> file. He was one of four who lived off-campus. After logging it in, Chastity stared at the monitor. She could almost hear those bastards bragging to their buddies about <i>getting away with it</i>. Her jaw tight with anger, she punched up the information she had on the student, Charlie Post.
AGE: 21
DEGREE PROGRAM: Business Administration
<FONT color="#008000"> "Perfect address for a prick like that," </FONT>she muttered.
Then Professor Harsh cleared the screen and started to type:
<i><FONT color="#008000">Note to the Foundress:
Have found six class B males for tagging with KTB. Will start with a stud named Charlie Post. After tagging is completed, I will contact you about possible delivery of KTB-banded male to Goddess Garden Retreat.</font></i>
Chastity's long smooth lips curled in a smile, enhancing her high, aristocratic cheek bones. She knew that a prick like Charlie Post would go crazy, because at the Goddess Garden Retreat only the women are allowed to <I>cum inside the mouths</I> of the men. The men don't get to cum at all!
Ms. Harsh spent the next few days trying to find out which of her female students knew this charming rapist, Charlie Post, or at least knew of him, because the first step toward getting the Kali's Teeth Bracelet on his cock was to find out which bar he hung out at the most.
Professor Harsh wasn't one for taking in the downtown bar scene, but it needed to be done in order to further the goal of the Daughters of the Goddess' Teeth. The plan was to <i>tag</i> all males who didn't know how to control their cocks. That was the first step, of course. In time, all adult males would wear the Kali's Teeth Bracelet, as a kind of <i>wedding band</i>. In other words, no single men would be left. All men would belong to one woman or another. There would be no <i>loose cannons</i> for women to worry about.
By Friday Chastity Harsh had found out the name of the bar: <i>Peabody's</i>. It wasn't the usual college hangout. In fact, Chastity and another woman in her department had lunched there once. Most of the other customers were business men and women. She guessed that the Friday night crowd, however, would be a lot different.
Around ten Professor Harsh entered the bar with Carla, one of her students Who knew Charlie. Chastity had told Carla to introduce them and then to leave. All Chastity had said to the young woman was that after tonight, Charlie would not be able to bother anybody.
The moment Charlie's eyes met hers, Chastity knew she had him. It was as if Carla didn't even exist.
<FONT color="#0000FF"> "This is my teacher, Professor Harsh. She says she wants to meet you."</FONT>
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "Oh, yeah?"</FONT> Charlie replied, leeringly, as he glanced down at Chastity's 38 D-cups swelling beneath her blouse. She had unbuttoned it just enough to let him be able to get a teasing glimpse of the cleft between her breasts.
<FONT color="#008000">"Thank-you Carla," </FONT>said Chastity.
After Carla left, Charlie said, his tone somewhat suspicious:
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "So what's this all about?"</FONT>
Chastity raised her eyebrows but said nothing.
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "I mean, why ya-wanna meet me?"</FONT>
<FONT color="#008000"> "If you can pull yourself away from your buddies for a while, I'll tell you."</FONT>
The other guys let out a long <i>Wuuuuuuuu!</i>
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "Yeah, let's get away from these jerks and go someplace else,"</FONT>said Charlie.
When they got outside, Charlie began to suggest another bar, but Chastity cut him off with:
<FONT color="#008000"> "I'd rather go to my place if you don't mind."</FONT>
She smiled as his mouth dropped open just like a nutcracker doll's.
<FONT color="#008000"> "Do you have a car?"</FONT> She asked.
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "N-no..."</FONT> he muttered.
<FONT color="#008000"> "Good. Then we'll take mine."</FONT>
As they walked to the city parking lot, Professor Harsh could sense a slight shift in the balance of power between them. The young man, she could tell, wasn't used to dealing with assertive women. And the fact that she was a Professor and more than ten years older than him, gave Chastity even more of an advantage.
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "Did... did Carla say something about me?"</FONT> he finally asked, as Chastity was unlocking the door to her red Camaro.
<FONT color="#008000"> "Yes,"</FONT> she said, sending him a piercing look. Then she just stared at him a few moments, relishing his obvious discomfort at not
knowing what Carla had said. With a slight smile now, Chastity added:
<FONT color="#008000"> "She said you're<I> a man who knows what he wants</I>. And that's the kind of man I like." </FONT>
Charlie's expression changed. his lips curved into an easy, self satisfied grin.
<FONT color="#008000"> "You've been playing around with little girls who don't know what they want," </FONT>Chastity continued. She paused and smiled.<FONT color="#008000"> "I do know what I want."</FONT>
Driving to her apartment, Chastity icily stared straight ahead.
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "So you're a Prof, huh?"</FONT>
<FONT color="#008000"> "Yes."</FONT>
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "Coulda fooled me."</FONT>
Chastity smiled. The extra attention she had given to that sexy,vampish act had paid off.
Inside her apartment now, Chastity asked him what he wanted to drink.
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "Got any beer?"</FONT>
<FONT color="#008000"> "No. How about some brandy?"</FONT>
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "Great,"</FONT> Charlie replied with a kind of growl.
Professor Harsh returned with the drinks.
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "Cool glasses," </FONT>he said as he took one.
<FONT color="#008000"> "They're called brandy goblets,"</FONT> she replied.<FONT color="#008000"> "They trap the bouquet."</FONT> They sat together on a thick-cushioned sofa, the upholstery of which was a jungle of gaudy plants and flowers.
<FONT color="#008000"> "You're a very popular fellow,"</FONT> she said before taking a sip.
<FONT color="#008000">"Your name's on all the bathroom walls."</FONT> She paused.<FONT color="#008000"> "Girl's rooms, I mean."</FONT>
Charlie stared at her, not moving.
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "I didn't do nothing to Carla," </FONT>he finally said, his tone resentful.
<FONT color="#008000"> "No one said you did."</FONT>
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "I didn't do nothing to anybody, if that's what you wanna know. They they just...You know..."</FONT>
<FONT color="#008000"> "Are confused little girls?"</FONT> Chastity cut in before he could find the right words to finish.
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "Yeah, yeah, you're right. They don't know what they want."</FONT>
<FONT color="#008000"> "And you do."</FONT>
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "Well....yeah,"</FONT> he said, somewhat smugly, and took another sip.
Chastity laughed softly in her throat and thought:
<i>"Well so do I."</i>
<FONT color="#008000"> "Anyway," </FONT>she began.<FONT color="#008000"> "Let me set up some ground rules. If you ever want to see me again, you don't talk about this. To anybody. Is that clear?"</FONT>
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "Yeah, but what if...?"</FONT>
<FONT color="#008000"> "I said to no one!! And that includes your buddies. If I ever find out that you told someone, I'll just deny it. Then I'll make you
wish you never had. Are we clear on that, Charlie?"</FONT>
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "Clear as a bell,"</FONT> he replied with a grin.
<FONT color="#008000"> "Good, now... tell me,"</FONT> she continued.<FONT color="#008000"> "Have you ever done anything... kinky?"</FONT>
The young stud grinned and let out a giggle.
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "Like... like what?"</FONT>
<FONT color="#008000"> "Like tying-up-to-the-bed games,"</FONT> said Chastity.
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "You in to that stuff?"</FONT>
<FONT color="#008000"> "My... My..."</FONT> said Chastity.<FONT color="#008000"> "I didn't know I had brought home such a goody-two-shoes."</FONT>
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "Hey, I didn't say I wouldn't play!"</FONT> he said, indignantly.
<FONT color="#008000"> "Well, that's good. For a moment, there, I thought I'd picked the wrong man,"</FONT> Chastity said with a sly smile.
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "So ya-want me to tie-ya up, is that it?" </FONT>he said with a gleam in his eye.
She laughed softly.
<FONT color="#008000"> "You have it backwards,"</FONT> she said.<FONT color="#008000"> "I tie you up first."</FONT>
Chastity sipped her brandy.
<FONT color="#008000"> "Unless, of course, you don't want to play."</FONT>
Charlie rolled his tongue around inside his mouth, then he belted down the rest of his brandy.
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "So... so what happens when I'm all tied up?"</FONT> he asked.
<FONT color="#008000"> "I tease you until you're all hot and bothered,"</FONT> she said.<FONT color="#008000"> "Then I might let you tie me up."</FONT>
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "Y-You'd let me do that?"</FONT>
<FONT color="#008000"> "You're letting me do it to you,"</FONT> she replied.<FONT color="#008000"> "Aren't you?"</FONT>
Charlie smiled at her for a few seconds. Then, taking a deep breath, he said:
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "Okay, I'm game. But you promise you'll let me tie you up, right?"</FONT>
<FONT color="#008000"> "Do I look like the kind of Lady who doesn't keep her promises?"</FONT> Chastity smiled wickedly.
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "By the way,"</FONT> said Charlie.<FONT color="#8000FF"> "I didn't get your first name."</FONT>
<FONT color="#008000"> "My name is Ms. Harsh."</FONT>
<FONT color="#8000FF">"Okaaaay... MIZZZZ Harsh,"</FONT> he replied with drenching sarcasm.
<i>"Boy are you going to get yours"</i> She thought, smiling at him.
Professor Harsh had a perfect bed for spread-eagling someone, a solid four-poster oak. After telling Charlie to strip naked and lay with his arms and legs pointed toward the posts, Professor Harsh took four large black scarves out of her top dresser drawer. As she did, she glanced at the jewelry box on top. Inside was her little <i>surprise</i>. She wanted to use scarves because they would hold him down quite well, but not harm the wood finish. First Chastity tied his wrists, then his ankles. The only article of clothing she had taken off, however, were her shoes.
When the final knot had been made, Professor Harsh stepped to the head of the bed, put her hands on her hips, and said:
<FONT color="#008000">"Now try to get loose."</FONT>
Charlie tugged lamely on the scarves.
<FONT color="#008000"> "Come on, Charlie, you can do better than that,"</FONT> she teasingly scolded.
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "You just wanna watch me struggle, right?" </FONT>he said jokingly.
<FONT color="#008000"> "Of course," </FONT>she said.<FONT color="#008000"> "But I also want to make sure you can't
get loose before I'm done with you."</FONT>
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "See?"</FONT> he said, smiling and tugging.<FONT color="#8000FF"> "I can't."</FONT>
<FONT color="#008000"> "Good. Now we can begin."</FONT>
For the next forty minutes Chastity Harsh stroked and tickled every part of Charlie except his intensely erect penis. Using first her fingers, and then, a large feather. At one point she even blindfolded him, which really drove Charlie crazy because he didn't know when or where she was going to tickle or touch him.
While tickling the insides of his thighs with the feather, Chastity said:
<FONT color="#008000"> "Do you like me to tease you like this, Charlie?"</FONT>
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "Oh! Yes!"</FONT> he gasped, the blindfold still on.<FONT color="#8000FF"> "But-but what
about my cock? Please!... Please touch it!"</FONT>
<FONT color="#008000"> "Oh, I will," </FONT>she replied. <FONT color="#008000">"Don't worry."</FONT>
Chastity had stimulated the young stud so much that beads of sweat dotted his naked, almost constantly squirming, body. Then she stopped.
<FONT color="#008000"> "Well..."</FONT> she said.<FONT color="#008000"> "I think I'll let you cool off a bit."</FONT>
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "Wha?" </FONT>he said, breathing hard.
<FONT color="#008000"> "You need to calm down. I don't want you breaking any blood vessels."</FONT>
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "But...but I'm..."</FONT>
<FONT color="#008000"> "Too hot,"</FONT> Chastity cut in.<FONT color="#008000"> "I don't want your cock to cum too soon. I want you to <I>save it for me</I>." </FONT>
And she watched - Charlie's lips curve into a wide grin. Then Chastity just stood there for a moment or two, watching his sweaty chest rise and fall and smiling over what she was about to do to him once his penis had become flaccid again...If it became flaccid, that is. Charlie moaned every now and then and
moved his pelvis, as if he were trying to screw thin air.
<i>"This won't do"</i> She thought.
<FONT color="#008000"> "I'm leaving the room, Charlie,"</FONT> she said.<FONT color="#008000"> "When I come back, I want your cock to be soft or I won't untie you."</FONT>
Charlie let out a kind of laugh mixed with a gasp.
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "That's part of your game, too?"</FONT>
<FONT color="#008000"> "Yes,"</FONT> she replied.<FONT color="#008000"> "It is."</FONT>
In the bathroom, Chastity stood before the full length mirror, admiring her choice of sexy lingerie with which to tease the, now horny, young buck.
The <i>Frederick's of Hollywood</i> catalog called it <i>Lace Allure: Alluring swirls charm the footed stretch lace cat-suit, with low scooped front and back, plus convenience crotch</i>. Which was another way of saying that Chastity would be able to make him <i>eat her pussy</i> while she wore it.
Chastity smiled as she speculated on what might be going through Charlie's mind right now, lying there all tied up, and wondering when she might return. Chastity knew that the longer she stayed away, the more anxious he would become. But that was the whole point. To make him feel just like the young women did before he had forced himself on them!
Chastity slipped on her black four-inch high spiked heels and returned to the bedroom. The first place her eyes fell was on Charlie's penis. It was limp and lying against his thigh like a harmless turkey neck.
<i>He's ready for dick-banding"</i> She thought.
Professor Harsh tip-toed to her dresser and opened the small jewelry box. There lay Kali's Teeth!
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "Mizz...Mizz Harsh?"</FONT> he said suddenly.
<FONT color="#008000"> "Be patient, Charlie,"</FONT> she replied.<FONT color="#008000"> "I'll be there in a minute."</FONT>
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "Okay."</FONT>
She detected a tiny note of concern in his voice, and it pleased her.
Holding the opened bracelet, with its inner row of sharp teeth, Chastity walked to the side of the bed, leaned over, carefully took the head of Charlie's cock with one hand, stretched it, and with her other hand, clicked the metal bracelet on just under the rim of his glans.
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "Hey, whattaya doin'?" </FONT>Charlie cried, startled and confused.
<FONT color="#008000"> "Something that should have been done and long time ago."
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "What's... what's goin' on? Wudja put on my cock?"</FONT>
Chastity pulled off his blindfold.
<FONT color="#008000"> "See for yourself,"</FONT> she said.
The young man blinked his eyes hard several times, trying to clear his vision. Charlie lifted his head and looked at the metal band around his still-flaccid penis, his face screwed up in confusion.
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "Wudja put that on for?"</FONT> he asked.
<FONT color="#008000"> "You mean my cat-suit?"</FONT>
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "No, no I..." </FONT>
But Charlie's words stopped dead in their tracks the second he raised his eyes and saw what Chastity had on. His mouth dropped open again.
It sparked an amusing image in Chastity's mind, that is, of seeing his mouth stuffed with a bright blue rubber ball-gag.
<FONT color="#008000"> "What's wrong, Charlie? Cat got your tongue?"
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "Wha? Oh... oh my god,"</FONT> he muttered, his voice dripping with desire.
<FONT color="#008000"> "I think it's about time, now, for you to pleasure me..."</FONT> she said, her tone haughty.<FONT color="#008000">"With your mouth."</FONT>
[[Continue Story->Cock For Kali 2]]
<font color=#FF0000>A Cock for Kali II</font>
When Chastity climbed off Charlie's face after she had cum, she
noticed that his eyes were red and teary. Whether over pain or
humiliation, Chastity wasn't sure. She was sure, however, that he had
gotten an erection, several, in fact, because of the muffled cries
he had made while his face was smothered between her thighs.
It pleased
her that he wasn't able to control them yet. But it pleased her even
more that, in order to avoid the pain of the Kali's Teeth Bracelet,
Charlie would have to learn to control them.
<FONT color="#008000"> "Well, Charlie,"</FONT> said Professor Harsh, standing with her hands on
her hips beside the bed.<FONT color="#008000"> "You now know how the bracelet works."</FONT>
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "Please take it off,"</FONT> the young man sputtered, his former
cockiness totally gone.<FONT color="#8000FF"> "Please!"</FONT>
<FONT color="#008000"> "Reduced to begging are we?"</FONT> She said, with triumphal sarcasm.
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "Wh..Why...?"</FONT>
<FONT color="#008000"> "Why?"</FONT> Chastity cut in. <FONT color="#008000"> "Because you don't know how to use it
properly. So we're not going to let you use it at all," </FONT>she said.
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "Wh-what?"</FONT>
<FONT color="#008000"> "You can't ejaculate with the bracelet on."</FONT>
Charlie Post could not find words to reply to such an outrageous statement. He
just lay there, staring at her in disbelief.
<FONT color="#008000"> "Erections won't be much fun either," </FONT>Professor Harsh continued.
<FONT color="#008000">"You'll have to learn to control them."</FONT>
Her last words seemed to do the trick. His jaw tightened and he
gave a violent jerk at the scarves.
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "Untie me!"</FONT> he yelled.
<FONT color="#008000"> "Is that an order?"</FONT>
He paused.
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "Please."</FONT>
She smiled.
<FONT color="#008000">"That's better. But before I do, I want to warn
you. If you so much as even try to touch me, I'll go for your crotch.
And I don't think you want me to do that, now do you?"</FONT>
Charlie just shook his head.
Chastity talked while she undid the knots.
<FONT color="#008000"> "I want you to come to my office on Monday," </FONT>she said. <FONT color="#008000">"It's in
the Humanities Building, Second Floor, Room Two-O Three. My office
hours are Ten A.M. till Noon. Be there at ten."</FONT>
When she finished freeing Charlie's arms, Chastity had him undo
the other knots himself while she, on the other hand, returned to the
bathroom to put her street-clothes back on.
Still naked and sitting on the edge of the bed, Charlie examined
the metal bracelet that had caused him so much agony. It was stainless
steel and was about a half-inch wide. Charlie grasped the, now soft,
head of his penis and stretched. To his utter horror, the entire
inside of the bracelet was lined with metal teeth. They have to be
sharp, he guessed, in order to have caused so much pain. But there
was no blood! None! Then he saw the tiny keyhole, similar to that
found on handcuffs. Feeling a wave of panic, he grabbed the edges of
the hellish bracelet and tried to pull the damn thing apart. Nothing
happened! He tried again, with the same result.
<FONT color="#008000"> "It's locked, Charlie, so you might as well quit trying,"</FONT>
Chastity said.
He jerked his face up to her. She was standing in the doorway,
wearing what she had worn in the bar.
<FONT color="#008000">"So, do you want me to take you home or do you want to go back to
<i>Peabody's</i>..."</FONT> She paused.<FONT color="#008000"> "And brag to your buddies?"</FONT>
With a demanding whimper that undercut the demand, Charlie said:
<FONT color="#8000FF">"Where's the key?"</FONT>
Professor Harsh let out a soft chuckle.
<FONT color="#008000">"That's none of your
business. Now put your clothes back on."</FONT>
He just glared at her.
<FONT color="#008000"> "You'd better hurry, Charlie,"</FONT> Chastity said with a slight smile.
<FONT color="#008000">"Or I'll make you service me again."</FONT>
Putting on his pants, Charlie said:
<FONT color="#8000FF">"I can go to the police."</FONT>
<FONT color="#008000"> "And what are you going to tell them? That a tenured woman
college professor snapped a bracelet around your cock?"</FONT> Her smile
broadened. <FONT color="#008000"> "I would love to see you drop your pants for them. No,
Charlie,"</FONT> Professor Harsh continued. <FONT color="#008000">"You won't go to the police.
You'd be too embarrassed. Besides, I would deny even knowing about
it. And if I don't know anything about it, Charlie, then how am I
going to take it off?"</FONT>
The young man said nothing in return but just finished getting
dressed in silence while Chastity looked on.
No one was home when Charlie entered the house after Chastity
dropped him off, reminding him once more about his Monday appointment.
It was just a little after midnight. The other guys wouldn't be
dragging in till two or three. That gave him at least two hours to
try and jimmy or pick the lock. All he could find that might work was a paper
He went upstairs to his bedroom and locked the door. Then he
took off his pants and his underwear and, sitting at his desk, he
began to wiggle the wire around inside the keyhole. Each time Charlie
wiggled the wire and then tried to open the bracelet, his feeling of
panic grew. After well over a dozen attempts, he was sweating and
shaking all over. Now, feeling desperate, he elongated his penis as
much as he could and tried to slide the thing off. That didn't work
either. The teeth were pressing too tightly against the soft folds of
his limp dick; but not enough to cause pain, nor even discomfort. It
seemed as if there were no teeth at all!
After nearly an hour's worth of struggling to pick the lock,
Charlie let out a wail of frustrated anger. He wanted to slap the
fuck out of that professor bitch. But because of the bracelet,
Charlie knew he couldn't. The safety of his cock was more important
than giving in to his rage. The bitch could do a serious number on
his prick if he tried to force her to hand over the key. That much he
knew. He also knew why the Prof had singled him out. It was those
bitches who had plastered his name over the bathroom walls.
Sometime during the night, Charlie heard the boys laughing
downstairs. For a split second he thought that they were laughing at
him, until he realized that that's what they always did after coming
back from downtown. Ordinarily, Charlie would be right down there
with them, that is, unless he'd picked up a foxy chick. Charlie
wondered, as he lay there in the dark, how big a lie he would tell the
guys tomorrow morning. I mean, now he was balling professors. The
guys would love to hear all the details.
<FONT color="#8000FF">"Oh shit," </FONT>he whispered. <FONT color="#8000FF"> "If I tell'em something like that, and she finds
out... She'll....she'll never take it off."</FONT>
He realized, now, that his lie would have to be much less
titillating. <I> They left the bar, had a few drinks somewhere else, he
popped the question and she got cold feet.</I>
<FONT color="#8000FF">"So I came back," </FONT>Charlie whispered it again, just to hear how it
It didn't sound like him. The guys would wonder why he didn't
just come back to <i>Peabody's</i>. And because they wouldn't believe him,
they'd keep bringing it up, over and over, knowing there was something
he was hiding, something that they wanted to know. Telling them that
the woman's rejection had sent him home like a dog with its tail
between its legs was just too far out of character for a guy like
Charlie. So the first thing was to make his buddies promise not to
tell. Then he would give them the story they wanted to hear.
Charlie was dreaming about tying the naked Professor Bitch to her
bed and attaching four or five clothes pins to each breast and more to
the insides of her thighs, and then, while she's squirming over the
cruel pinching, climbing up onto the bed and moving to her face with a
rock-hard cock that needed a blow-job..... When at that moment, he
snapped awake to a hard-on throbbing with an indescribable pain. To
keep from making any noise, in fact, Charlie had to stuff the edge of
his pillow in his mouth. The worst of the pain lasted just a few
moments, that is, until his cock began to bid a hasty retreat from the
prick of the teeth. Charlie removed the pillow from his mouth. He
was breathing hard and quaking with anger.
<FONT color="#8000FF">"That fuckin' bitch," </FONT>he muttered under his breath, his rage
barely under control.<FONT color="#8000FF"> "That goddamn fuckin' bitch."</FONT>
Charlie looked at the clock. It was six-thirty. The other guys
wouldn't be rolling out of the sack for at least another four hours.
Lying there in the semi-dark, the young man realized what he had to
do. And it could not wait until Monday.
After another two hours of fitful sleep, Charlie couldn't stand
just lying there in bed anymore, unable to play with his cock if he
wanted to. He knew that he had to go back to Professor Harsh's
apartment this morning and try to work out the problem. Charlie also
realized, however, that he would need to change his attitude, admit to
the charges that appeared on the bathroom walls. He would turn over a
new leaf. In other words, he would try to give an academy award
While in the shower (he had the whole bathroom to himself),
Charlie soaped his crotch as carefully as he could. As the warm water
cascaded over his body, he felt that familiar tingle in his balls, he
wanted to play with himself. He wanted to get an erection. Charlie
figured that the soap and everything might make the teeth slippery
enough to pull his dick out of their mean grip. He lathered up his
hands real good and squeezed the head of his pecker, then he stretched
it. But the moment he tried to move the bracelet up his shaft, he
felt the sharp scrape of the teeth and immediately let go. With an
angry desperation Charlie, then, tried to beat off in the shower.
He imagined sneaking into the woman's place while she was still asleep,
holding the same scarves that she had used to tie him to the bedposts.
Charlie, of course, pictured her naked. After slapping the Prof a few
times just to let her know that she'd better not resist, he secured
Chastity's hands and feet to the posts, then asked where she kept her
candles. She refused to tell him. he bit one of her nipples.
Charlie asked once more. Through tears, she told him.
Now we're going to play hot wax, he imagined saying, but even
as the sadistic words passed through his brain, the pain of the teeth
hit like a sledge hammer, doubling him over. Charlie had never
imagined that such a pain could come to his prized possession, a
teeth-grinding pain, a pain unlike any other.
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "I'm gonna kill'er,"</FONT> he said quietly, his jaw tight.<FONT color="#8000FF"> "I'm gonna
<hr width=50%>
Chastity was sitting in the love-seat in front of the bay windows
wearing her striped robe and drinking coffee, reading the Saturday
Times, when the doorbell rang. She wasn't expecting anyone,
especially this early in the morning.
When she recognized who it was through the glass-panelled front
door, she smiled. But a moment before Chastity opened it, she clicked
into a haughty mood, wanting Charlie to know right off the bat that
she was annoyed at the disturbance.
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "I-I'm sorry, I..."</FONT> he began.
<FONT color="#008000"> "You ought to be," </FONT>Chastity snapped back before he could finish.
<FONT color="#008000">"I told you when I wanted to see you."</FONT>
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "Yeah... yeah, I know, but-but I jes wanted to come over and...
You know... Tell you how sorry I am for the way I acted last night."
Her expression softened a bit.
<FONT color="#008000">"Really?"</FONT> She said, with some sarcasm. <FONT color="#008000"> "I thought you acted just
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "Well... I mean I-I yelled at you and..."</FONT>
<FONT color="#008000"> "It's chilly standing here," </FONT>Professor Harsh cut in once more.
<FONT color="#008000">"Why don't you come inside?"</FONT>
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "Thanks, Professor Harsh,"</FONT> said Charlie, a paragon of politeness.
Chastity smiled. Charlie's new-found manners delighted and
amused her. If having to spend just one night in Kali's Teeth could
do this to a guy like Charlie, she whimsically wondered what having to
spend a week in it, or two, might do.
<FONT color="#008000"> "Want some coffee?"</FONT> She asked.
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "If... If you don't mind."</FONT>
She sent him a wry grin.
<FONT color="#008000">"This is hard for you, isn't it?"</FONT>
Naturally, he played dumb.
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "Wh... Whattaya mean?"</FONT>
<FONT color="#008000"> "All this sweetness and politeness. you're just trying to butter
me up to see if I'll take off the bracelet."</FONT>
Charlie gave her a pained look.
<FONT color="#008000"> "Right?"</FONT>
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "But-but it hurts."</FONT>
<FONT color="#008000"> "It's supposed to," </FONT>she replied, her tone and expression, severe.
<FONT color="#008000">"That's why you're wearing it. Now why don't you go sit down, and
I'll bring you some coffee."</FONT>
After she handed Charlie his cup, Chastity returned to the
love-seat and crossed her legs.
<FONT color="#008000"> "All right, Charlie, now tell me why you're really here?"</FONT>
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "I.. I jes wanted to find out if there was somethin' I could say
or.. Or do or... What I mean is, I'm sorry about what I did to Carla.
It... it was wrong."</FONT>
<FONT color="#008000"> "Well, I'm glad you finally realize that,"</FONT> said Chastity. Then
she sipped her coffee.
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "So... So what I was thinking I could do was.... Well... Well, you
know, go over to Carla's place a-and, like, apologize."</FONT>
<FONT color="#008000"> "I think you should, too" </FONT>she said.
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "And then maybe if I do that you'll...?"</FONT>
<FONT color="#008000"> "I know what you're going to say, Charlie," </FONT>Chastity cut in.<FONT color="#008000"> "And
the answer is no. I mean, it's nice of you to want to apologize, but
the fact is, you're going to have to do a lot more than that before we
allow you to cum again."</FONT>
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "W-we?"</FONT>
<FONT color="#008000"> "Myself and the <i>Goddess' Teeth Underground,</i>"</FONT> Professor Harsh
replied. <FONT color="#008000"> "It's a militant wing of the Femina Society. Our goal is to
<i>tag</i> and then to re-educate men who we regard as Class B males.
You're probably more familiar with the popular term."</FONT> She paused.
<FONT color="#008000">"Sexist pigs."</FONT>
Charlie could not believe his ears. He just sat there and stared
at her.
<FONT color="#008000"> "In your case, it was very easy to find you. Your name is in
every bathroom."</FONT>
Chastity calmly sipped her coffee.
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "Now... Now wait a second,"</FONT> he began, his voice trembling a bit.
<FONT color="#8000FF">"A-are you saying you're not gonna take this-this thing off?"</FONT>
<FONT color="#008000"> "Not until you've performed certain...tasks of atonement, as we
call them."</FONT>
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "Like... Like what?"</FONT> he answered, sullen.
<FONT color="#008000"> "Like offering your mouth to any woman who wants to use it,"</FONT> she
Charlie said nothing.
<FONT color="#008000"> "Or lending yourself out as an escort service for women who might
want to do a night on the town. You'll make sure that they get home
safely if they've had too much to drink. Which, of course, means that
you would have to abstain from drinking. And I would know if you
didn't because they would tell me,"</FONT> said Chastity.<FONT color="#008000"> "And, needless to
say, all of them will know exactly what you have around your cock,"</FONT>
she added. <FONT color="#008000"> "Oh, yes, and ah... they might want you to clean their
Charlie's expression was hard and set.
<FONT color="#8000FF">"What if I don't wanna do it?"</FONT>
<FONT color="#008000"> "Then I'll notify our Foundress and she might want you to pay a
visit to our Goddess Garden Retreat. Or she might just tell me to
forget about you," </FONT>said Professor Harsh.<FONT color="#008000"> "Which means the bracelet
stays on for good."
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "What??"</FONT>
<FONT color="#008000"> "You'll have to wear it till you find a way to get it off without
the key,"</FONT> said Professor Harsh matter-of-factly. <FONT color="#008000">"Which I'm sure
you've tried already, unsuccessfully, or else you wouldn't be here. And of course,
a rumour would spread to your mates, about how a woman had locked a chastity device on your pecker."</FONT>
Charlie just glared at her. The hatred was returning. But at
the same time he felt a growing sense of panic, especially over the
fact that his mates and other women would know about the horrible steel trap he wore
around his poor pecker. But hatred mixed with helpless panic soon
gave way to fear. His mood changed.
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "Look, look please. I'll never hurt anybody again. I promise.
Jes-jes please take this off, Professor Harsh. Please!"</FONT>
<FONT color="#008000"> "You must play with your penis quite a lot, Charlie, to be
reduced to begging like this. But you might as well save your breath,
because it's going to be quite a while before you're allowed to
experience sexual relief,"</FONT> said Chastity.
Charlie looked down at the braided rug. He grabbed for anything
he could that might make her feel sorry for him.
Then looking up, he said:
<FONT color="#8000FF">"What if the teeth... you know... start
to irritate my skin?" </FONT> His voice was kind of whiny now.
<FONT color="#008000"> "They won't if you stay soft."</FONT>
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "But... But I can't!"</FONT> he said, his voice now whiny with
<FONT color="#008000"> "Is it hard now?"</FONT>
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "W-well no, but..."</FONT>
<FONT color="#008000"> "So you're wrong, Charlie," </FONT>Chastity cut in. <FONT color="#008000"> "You can keep it
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "But I'm not aroused."</FONT>
<FONT color="#008000"> "Good,"</FONT> she said. <FONT color="#008000">"We want you to learn to control your erections
when you're around women."
<FONT color="#8000FF"> "What about when I'm by myself. I mean... I mean, can't I
<FONT color="#008000"> "No, you can't!" </FONT>Chastity snapped back. <FONT color="#008000">"Your masturbating days
are over, Charlie. your penis belongs to the Femina Society . We'll
decide when we want to use it, not you. Is that clear enough?"
Charlie's features became all twisted up.
<FONT color="#8000FF">"Y-y-you can't do
that!"</FONT> he whined again.
<FONT color="#008000"> "We just did."</FONT> She looked at his cup.<FONT color="#008000"> "More coffee?"</FONT>
He sent her a vacant look, then looked down and shook his head.
<FONT color="#008000"> "So what will it be, Charlie? Ejaculation with the bracelet
off, when we allow it, of course... Or trying to do it while it's
locked on... For keeps?"</FONT>
Thus began the re-training of Charlie........
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