There are four positions your slave should have memorized.
Attention / Inspection / Wait / At Your Service
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When they hear this word they will assume a neutral standing pose. 
Here are the steps involved
- Their feet should be close together and angled slightly inward.
- They should stand up straight.
- They should arch their back.
- Their shoulders should be back.
- Their hands will be flat against their upper thighs not on the front and not on the side. At a forty-five degree angle.
- Their knees should be ever so slightly bent, ensure they do not lock them, as this could lead to fainting
- Their chin should be up…
Their eyes should stay focused on you as you are speaking… but ONLY if it does not require them to turn their head. So while you are directly in front of them their eyes should be on you. As you move to the side, they will follow you with their eyes but will NOT move their head. If you are out of view their eyes should be straight ahead.
Have them study this position as you explain to them the expectations. They will be required to stand at attention for 5 minutes at the top of every hour, or whenever you call Attention! Every time they do it incorrect they will receive a punishment.
Hard smack to either the ass, face or hands
Your slave should have the attention pose mastered now, so it is time to move on to inspection.
When your slave hears those words they should assume a ready and willing pose so that any superior may inspect them to ensure they are properly kept.
There are only a few differences from attention to inspection, primarily the arms and feet.
- Feet should be shoulder length apart to provide easy access for a hand between their legs.
- Hands should be placed on their head, they will not interlock fingers. The proper position is for the middle fingers barely touching at the center point on the back of the head.
- Shoulders shall be back with back arched
- Chin should be slightly upward and their mouth shall be slightly open for easy inspection. Their teeth should be far enough apart that a finger or other implement can easy be slid into their mouth.
- The same rules apply for eye contact as it is with attention.
It is best to call them to attention then to inspection… ATTENTION wait till they are properly positioned INSPECTION they will at once change the position.
At the end of their five minutes of holding attention, they will SMOOTHLY transition straight into inspection.
10 minutes standing against wall holding the inspection pose perfectly, anytime they shift or move the time should start over.
While this position may seem like a minor variation of the other two, there are some key differences. Let’s take a look
First and foremost, the arm position of this pose is key. Each hand should grip the opposing forearm behind their back. This can take some practice to hold and maintain if they lack the
flexibility. Encourage them to not injure themselves holding this, but rather build up to longer and longer periods of time being able to hold this position.
Key points to remember (and this should be easy as they are the same as the other poses).
- Feet should be shoulder width apart with toes turned slightly inward.
- Do NOT lock your knees
- Back arched and shoulders back.
- Chin slightly up
- Mouth relaxed and partially open .
- Arms clasped behind your back.
This position requires a slight variation to their eyes. The Attention and Inspection pose require them to maintain eye contact with the person speaking provided they do not move out of their line of sight. The Wait position requires them to stare straight ahead and assume the vacant expression regardless of what is in front of them. This will take some practice.
The best secret for them is to let their mind instantly wander and unfocus their eyes. They can do this by finding a fixed point to stare at straight ahead of them and slowly let their eyes relax as they stare at that point.
The Wait position is very often used to talk ABOUT a Slave, at least after the Salve is fully trained. A well trained Slave will be oblivious to most anything being said around them when standing in the Wait position.
How does your slave know when to stop Waiting if their mind has wandered away?
It is easy. The Wait pose is ALWAYS followed by the Attention pose. So even as their mind wanders away, the word Attention will bring them back and they shift to being an eager servant again.
Now do you see why it is so important that they practice the Attention pose?
(Do the following)
your slave should have instantly went in to attention without hesitation.
After 1 minute
Have some fun as you inspect your slave, see if they have any cum leaking or if their pussy is soaking wet. Remind them that their only pleasure is serving you.
Once done with your inspection
Let them stand there for a while, as long as you want but at least five minutes, giving them enough time for their mind to drift.
When ready
They should feel refreshed as they slide back in to service mode. Wait is also known as meditation time.
They will assume the Attention pose. Hold this for one minute and then transition as smoothly as they can into the Inspection position. They will hold this for one minute, then smoothly transition to the Wait position. Hold this for three minutes and then return to the Attention pose. Hold that for an additional minute and then relax.
The times are estimates, and when in doubt they should go longer than they think they need to. Be careful of the Wait position. With time and practice they may find yourself zoning off for longer and longer periods.
- ATTENTION – 1 Minute
- INSPECTION – 1 Minute
- WAIT – 3 Minutes
- ATTENTION – 1 Minute
Have them pay special attention to all the details. Have them pay attention to their breath going in and out of their body and make their brain focus on things that only a slave could find important:
- such as serving their Mistress
Writing out the rules multiple times
Make them do exercises naked, push ups, sit-ups, burpees, jumping jacks use your imagination.
This is the default position that slaves are expected to take when not directly needed or engaged by their superiors in the room. You will often see slaves in this pose even when not in a room with their superiors, just out of pleasure and habit.
They will all like this position, because it is designed to help them maintain your arousal.
The “At Your Service” pose is virtually identical to the Attention pose, except for two key differences.
One: While keeping their toes turned slightly inward, they want to also bring their knees slightly together to enhance their stance.
Two: Their right hand should slide between their legs and gently rub and tease themselves to arousal, while their other hand covers it to provide some small means of discretion. A good Slave should constantly be practicing and improving their self-arousal technique. After much practice, most Slaves can make themselves dripping wet within seconds of assuming this position. There are often little whimpers that accompany this pose, but slaves must be careful not to disturb or in any way inconvenience any superior that might be around, so keep their moaning soft. They should also never reach climax that is a very punishable offense.
This pose is seldom (if ever) commanded, but is in fact the default standing position all slaves should assume while not directly being ordered by superior. This allows for perpetual teasing and arousal (and preparation for inspections).
While a vacant stare and absent mind are not required for this pose, most slaves prefer it, as it allows them to go into their slave fantasies to further edge and arouse themselves into a heightened state.
As with the other positions there are things that they should always try to maintain, even if others may not be watching them.
- Do NOT lock their knees
- Back arched and shoulders back
- Chin slightly up
- Mouth relaxed and partially open
They will soon find that these aspects of your posture become more and more of a habit the more they practice them. They are, in truth, default standing features that all good slaves maintain.
Remind them this is their default so they should become good at it.
They should assume the At Your Service pose. Practice with their hand between their legs at arousing and stimulating yourself. Think of this as closer to being fingered than to any kind of pull or tug. Have them play with different styles of touch, light vs. heavy, one finger vs. palm, tease vs. grind. There is no right way for every slave, so it is up to them to find the way that arouses them the most.
Have them pay special attention to all the details. Have them pay attention to their breath going in and out of their body and make their brain focus on things that only a slave could find important:
- such as serving their Mistress
- making themselves as horny and wet as possible
Your goal is to edge yourself themselves near orgasm. Presumably they are in chastity, but if the Real World does not currently permit that, you will stop yourself before completion.
If you can not get yourself to the edge in this position, you will obviously need to continue to practice.
Hands tied together with rope secured around their ball sack, so if they lift their hands they pull up on their scrotum.
If they orgasm, they will receive 10 whacks with a paddle while tied as mentioned above.
You have completed Lesson One, you are on your way to becoming a great Mistress, go relax while your slave massages your feet.
Lesson One Punishment list:
Your slave should have all of these wrote down in their journal.
- Hard smack to either the ass, face or hands
- 10 minutes standing against wall holding the inspection pose perfectly, anytime they shift or move the time should start over.
- Writing out the rules multiple times
- Make them do exercises naked, push ups, sit-ups, burpees, jumping jacks use your imagination.
- Hands tied together with rope secured around their ball sack, so if they lift their hands they pull up on their scrotum.
- If they orgasm, they will receive 10 whacks with a paddle while tied as mentioned above.