Pour half a cup of flour down the front of your diaper and a full cup down the back. Pay attention to where lumps form and how it feels to wet into the powder. Anonymous asked: I do not see how any of these Task s are supposed to make a little feel more submissive or little. Not one of them seem to have any pain or punishment to wearing or putting these things in your diaper. You're not a submissive, are you? If so, you're a rather unusual one. There's nothing wrong with that! But for most subs (and littles), 90% of the turn-on happens in the sub's head. If you don't apply imagination (generally a trait that littles value), then of course it's just an object in your diaper. If you do -- if you think through the possibility of discovery, if you move in ways that make the object obvious, if you think about the fact that you've surrendered control of yourself and the autonomy of your clothing and body to the point of a random object being stuffed down your pants -- then yeah, there's a turn-on there, depending on how you mentally contextualize it. Now, the other odd thing about your message is that you seem to equate "feel[ing] more submissive or little" with "pain or punishment." Again, applying a little mental work to this problem would reveal that those don't go together for everyone. Sometimes being a little involves being subject to punishment at the whim of a tyrannical figure (that's how it works for me); some of us prefer something more akin to a DD/lg dynamic, where punishment is rarer and affection is more central to the fantasy. I'm sure you can see how the introduction of a foreign object to a diaper could reinforce either dynamic ... if you use some imagination. For those of us who do like pain as part of a little dynamic (hello!), there are posts that take a lot less thinking -- just reading, which you also don't seem to have thought to do. I'm referring to Task s #6, #13 (which is likely to result in actual bleeding), #20, and #27. This is as opposed to Task s #2, #9, #16, #23, #25, and #30, which are explicitly about humiliation and submission as correctives to bad behavior -- I'm not sure how much more little/sub those Task s could get. Of course, you're an anon bitching about a stranger's fetish tumblr not being written to your exact specifications!!!1!! That action also generally indicates that, as a rule, there's not much else of interest going on in your head, so I may be wasting my time trying to explain these concepts to you. What can I say; I had a few minutes free.
Going X days without a bra
my ~place~ is on my knees before my Master, for it is a privilege and honor to be His slave.
If you already have your ears pierced at least one in each ear, then you can skip this one and you will be allowed to play with yourself until you cum, if you don?t have your ears pierced time for a trip to the mall and have them done, won?t you look so pretty with earrings in each ear lobe.
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30 Day D/s Exploration
The 30 Days of D/s exploration email program is meant to be a conversation starter for kinksters, whether you’re in a D/s relationship or not. This contains one short email per day for thirty days. Each email contains conversation topics and additional resources.