Random Task

Name at least five things your mentally enjoy about submitting. And then go into detail on why your enjoy those things.
You need to do something with your eyebrows, you don?t have to go crazy on this one but you should get them cleaned up and made neat. You might want to add a slight arch to them to make them more pretty but nothing to overboard or your se- cret might be out.
Well if you are good sissy you are wearing pantyhose, stockings, or trouser socks all the time, and what makes a leg look prettier then an ankle bracelet, of course regular ankle bracelets are probably going to be to small so you will need to get a string and wrap it around your ankle, this way you will know what length it has to be. Go to the store and see if you can find some cheap bracelets that are pretty and will fit around your ankle and you can add them to your collection of girlie things you can wear to feel more feminine.