Your Task You Sissy

Next time you are out somewhere you need to find a real sissy stuffed animal and purchase it. You will need to check with Mistress to make sure the stuffed animal is sissy enough, and that will become your new best friend, and when you lay down for a nap you will take your new best friend with you to bed. Mistress might even make you carry it around with you just to humiliate you a little more and make you more hers to control. Recap: So you have been introduced to a little pain on these last assignments did you nip- ples burn and hurt? good. In addition something else was taken away from you forever that being your body hair, too bad now your body will look more like a sissy when you go out in shorts with your shaven legs and if you go to the pool you know people will wonder why you have no chest hair, you will be embarrassed when you see people whispering knowing they are talking about you and how ?. well how sissy you look. Are you worried about having to do that research on the chastity devices? Do you think we will take away your little boy clit, it is probably the only thing you play with all the time, not yet but it is on the table you know. I bet you look good with those new ear rings in your ears, especially if you are hold- ing your new stuffed animal, such a pretty sissy.