Scenes for a Beginner Femdom: Domination With Just Sensual Touch (Scene 1)

Scene 1: Domination With Just Sensual Touch

Not too sure about controlling the entire sex session? That’s OK. Try this one.

Tell him that you’re just going to take control of him for a bit. Tell him that, if he’s good, you’ll let him have his way with you after you’re done, but if he doesn’t obey, well, you’ll both will have to try again another night, won’t you? Once he’s shown that he’s willing to obey, you’re going to have him lie down on his front or back. It’s up to you. Once he’s there, add a blindfold, and tell him he’s not allowed to move without permission. (If you want to make it easier, only pick a single body part that he’s not allowed to move – such as his arms. If you want to make it harder, pick two items to place near body parts you think he’ll move. If they get moved or knocked over, he loses.)

Now that he’s going to stay still, you’re going to tease and sensually pleasure him. You can do this however you’d like. You can choose to run a feather over his body. You can choose to trail your fingers and fingernails down sensitive areas. You can choose to get out the massage oil and massage his body. You can choose to gently tickle his most sensitive areas until you reach his genitals and still force him to stay still while you touch him or give him oral sex. If you’re a bit more devious, you can even tickle those tickle spots and see if you can “make” him lose. It’s up to you.

If you’d like to up the ante, feel free to have a small paddle or riding crop, and give him a small swat on the thighs or butt every time he moves. You can also use your hand and give him a light slap to whatever body part he improperly moved. Keep in mind that impact play of any kind should first be discussed with your partner and he should be OK with it.

To easily transition this into the rest of your playtime, anytime you’d like to, feel free to lean down and whisper how much you’ve enjoyed playing with him, how much it has turned you on, and how much you’d like to do more. If you’d rather, just tell him he did a great job, give him a kiss and some affirming touches, and you both can move onto the next part of your sexual session.